Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Today's Blind Item


Last night at the Ralphs Supermarket on Sunset. This award winning B list television actor, formerly a B list movie actor with one big starring A list role had a huge cart filled with groceries. The store was packed. A woman with two items comes up to him and asks if she can go in front of him. The actor replied, "Why the f*** would I let you go in front of me? Are you dying? Is there someone waiting for you who is going to die? The purpose of a line is to put everyone and everything in order. I was here first and you were here second."

She replied that he seemed so nice on television.

"Well this is Ralphs, not television and you need to learn to tell the difference," he said.

At that point she left the line and went to another on the opposite end of the store.


  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I first thought of Gary Sinise for some reason- but I don't think he's won anything!

  2. Anonymous12:28 PM


  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Ok so I IMDB'ed Gary Sinise and he's won some awards- no oscar- but an emmy, SAG and a golden globe

  4. Gary Sinise jumped out at me, too.

  5. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Bill Paxton?? He was in a lot of movies and fairly well known before doing his new show "Big Love." He hasn't won anything major, but he does have a few awards. Plus, I could see someone thinking he seemed really nice on the screen.

  6. Noah Wyle immediately came to mind.

  7. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Damn, and I almost stopped at Rock 'n Roll Ralphs last night. Could have cleared this whole mess up!

  8. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I'm going to say no to Noah... Ent made it seem as though he had a A list movie role, which NW did not

  9. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I usually shop at ghetto Ralph's on La Brea, about 2 blocks away from the one on Sunset. I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the crabby actor, I am tired of people not waiting their turn in LA. I had a woman ask if she could go in front of me at Trader Joe's because she had 1 item and I responded "you're kidding right?" because I was next and I had 3 items.


    P.S. I have no quesses right now.

  10. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I guess I'm a jackass too because I wouldn't have let her cut line either. Go to the express lane or self check-out or wait your freaking turn.

  11. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Jeremy Piven possibly, though I'm not sure what the A-list movie role would be...

  12. Anonymous1:00 PM

    What about David Schwimmer or Matthew Perry? Their characters seem nice on tv, but in real life, they seem like they both could be complete pri**s. Both have had B-list movie roles.

  13. Jeremy Piven was the title character in Smokin' Aces, that "might" be considered A or close to it. However, i don't think the general public perceives him as a nice guy, so I'd rule him out.

  14. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I agree with Lisa and anonymous...line cutters are total jackasses. Good for the actor who told her so.

  15. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Ted Danson came to my mind ... not sure why (probably because he's generally played the good guy in his roles). He starred in Three Men and a Baby, which at the time was considered A list, I would think; smaller role in Saving Private Ryan... Award winning in terms of Emmys... Though the BI hints that the actor was b-list in movies before becoming mainly a TV actor ...

  16. Anonymous1:15 PM

    James Spader? James Woods?

  17. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Patrick Dempsey, he's stressed from the twins

  18. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Keifer Sutherland? He did movies before television, though I'm not sure what A list role he played in a movie. He's won many awards for 24.


  19. Anonymous1:22 PM

    He's right. A line is a line and they're there for a reason. If he didn't line jump why should she? She might be genuine but if you let everybody in you'd be the asswipe stuck at the back.

    No, he's right. He could have been nicer, I admit, but he's right. Sorry. You have to stick to your guns in lines.

    I really wanted it to be George Clooney and none of the clues fit but it'd be so funny!

  20. Anonymous1:24 PM

    The first that came to mind was
    Charlie Sheen, A list movie (Platoon), B list movie (Three Musketeers, Hot Shots, Men ast Work), Tv (2 1/2 Men, Spin City).

  21. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Fuck the bitch who even asked! If he HAD let her dumb ass cut in line, I bet you ANYTHING she would have had some problem to hold up the line.....whether it be the item not scanning, arguing over a coupon, or taking forever to write out a check or something.

  22. Anonymous1:31 PM



  23. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Woods is a good guess -- he's got a mouth on him. That said, I agree that people who ask to take cuts for no apparent reason are asses.

  24. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Jason Bateman?

  25. Anonymous1:43 PM

    i;m guessing mathew perry

  26. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Have a little common courtesy. If the person in back of you has 2 items and you have a entire cart full...please. What's wrong with people? Let the woman go ahead of you.

  27. Wow, I have never encountered someone asking to budge the line, seems a bit rude to me. Do they not have an express check out in Ralph's?? I kinda agree with the crabby actor. A line is a line for a reason.

  28. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Sorry, I don't blame crabby actor on this one. If I have a number of items while I'm in line I'll usually ask the person if they want to go in front of me. If I don't ask them, then that means they need to go find the express check out. It's the supermarket's problem, not mine if they don't have a line open for the person with one item.

  29. Anonymous2:14 PM

    james gandolfini?

  30. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Regardless of who this actor is, his response was a little harsh. It's a freakin grocery store, not a line to get on the last plane leaving earth. I wish the lady had put him in his place.

  31. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I wouldn't have let her cut in line either. If he wanted to let her go ahead of him, he can do that, but for her to ask for it? Please.

  32. Alec Baldwin?

    I'm also on the actor's side on this one. Don't ask people to cut line unless you can show them a blood-gushing wound. I say who does she think SHE is?!?

  33. Anonymous2:47 PM

    How about James Caan? The Godfather for A list movie, many B list movies and now is in Las Vegas, a B list tv show


  34. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The guy was a little harsh in his response, but I totally see his point. The woman was rude to ask. Something like that I'd leave it up to the person with all the groceries to offer a cut in line.

    Otherwise, I like the Keifer Sutherland guess.

  35. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The Rock n' Roll Ralphs is dirty! When I'm there, I fear for my life and wish I were packin' heat to fend off the cracked out patrons. The store puts me in the mood to buy cleaning supplies, though. Anyway, I'm only writing because I disagree with the Matthew Perry and Patrick Dempsey guesses. I actually saw Dempsey in Bristoll Farms and he was not being rude to anyone, quite the opposite actually. And Perry lives all the way over in Sierra Towers. Why drive in Sunset traffic at night when the Robertson Ralphs or Bristoll Farms are closer? People do not know how to behave in grocery stores in this town! Asking to budge...being snippy...running old ladies over with shopping carts...

  36. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I'm with some of the folks above...if i have a bunch of stuff, and the person behind me has only one or two items (2 is the cutoff), i always let them go ahead of me (as long as I don't get the vibe that says they're gonna take forever regardless of their 1 or 2 items), especially at Costco. Likewise, i would HOPE that those in front of me would show the same courtesy (though more orten than not they don't...BASTARDS! :) ). BUT, i would never ASK someone if i could go ahead of them, and I'd probably be inclined not to let the person asking me to go ahead either. Courtesy goes both ways and that just strikes me as rude. Get the hell in the express line already!

  37. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Okay, sorry but I agree with the actor. His words were a little harsh, but that was probabaly because this was not the first time this has happened.

    If you live anywhere on the west side or Studio City, Sherman Oaks, etc. you know exactly what I mean. Random people asking to get in front of me is almost to the point of it being a weekly routine in my life. It happens everywhere; the grocery store, the post office, the mall, everywhere. I thought is was just me. Then one day, I see it happen to a random guy behind me in line at Ralph's. His reaction was very similiar to the actor's. You know what? She waited her turn like the rest of us and no one died.

    This town is over run with people who want something for absoutely nothing. Even the homeless will walk up to your car window and demand money and get angry when you say no.

    Lastly, celebs run into many people in this town who try to get something, anything out of them. Seems like it's the LA Law. Whether it be some conversation, a pass in line, entrance to a VIP area, the list goes on. After a while, it just get's old.

  38. Anonymous2:56 PM

    My guess would be Keifer Sutherland.

  39. Anonymous2:57 PM

    If Jimmay Caan lives in LA i'd say that's an EXCELLENT guess...

  40. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I have never asked to cut in front of someone, what makes me more important? I have however offered old people or someone who has only a couple of things behind me to cut. I would never presume to ask, so rude. And personally I love his response!

  41. Anonymous3:26 PM

    not gary sinese he was in forest gump and apollo 13 that's two a-list roles. how about the william peterson form csi las vegas, david something or other, red haired guy from csi miami, or the 40 something doctor from scrubs, they all were b-list movie actors who are now all on hit tv shows

  42. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I have to say, I'm a bit surprised. I don't think it's rude at all if someone only has one or two items and asks someone with a cart full of items to go ahead of them. I don't know, it just doesn't seem like a big deal to me. But I have no guess.

  43. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Brian Cranston (the Dad from Malcolm in the Middle).

  44. Anonymous4:00 PM

    What a cheek - have to agree with the actor on this occasion. Why couldn't she wait her turn? That's what a queue is for isn't it?

    I cannot abide queue-jumpers - too much of it goes on.

    No idea as to the actor though....

  45. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Thank god for the south! Courtesy is still around here in Nashville. Yesterday, I asked the manager at our grocery if they had any more Stevia (herbal sugar)in stock and not only did he find it at another store, he went and got it and hand delivered it to my feaking house..free of charge!!

    And in no doubt would I let someone infront of me with 2 items. If you give, you receive..its a way of life. Stop being so selfish people!!

  46. Anonymous4:08 PM

    james caan DOES reside in LA. I am going with him on this one...

  47. Anonymous4:13 PM

    alec baldwin?

  48. Anonymous4:28 PM

    What about Steve Carrell?

  49. Anonymous4:43 PM

    hmm they said mimi jackass...maybe the mini is a clue!!!

  50. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Mini-me/Vern Troyer??

    huge cart

    B-list (Surreal life A-list/B-list teams)

  51. Anonymous5:58 PM

    i vote alec baldwin, he just won the golen globe for his 30 rock performance didnt he?

  52. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Come on! I don't think I would have let her cut in line, either. Grade school mentality, but it works - "I was here first". Maybe he didn't have to be so rude, but I don't disagree with his decision.

  53. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Come on! I don't think I would have let her cut in line, either. Grade school mentality, but it works - "I was here first". Maybe he didn't have to be so rude, but I don't disagree with his decision.

  54. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I'm going with Martin Sheen. Everything fits, plus he's a very short dude. dvz

  55. Anonymous6:17 PM

    since nobody blames the actor, I think this should be considered a "no waiting reveal"


  56. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I love the "this is Ralph's, not television" comment! Its a total one-liner gem! Whomever he is he's hilarious!

    PS- People please, no one here cares what happens to you on YOUR grocery store trips! Spare us.

  57. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I love the "this is Ralph's, not television" comment! Its a total one-liner gem! Whomever he is he's hilarious!

    PS- People please, no one here cares what happens to you on YOUR grocery store trips! Spare us.

  58. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Quit saying it's Kiefer!

  59. Anonymous7:47 PM

    what about the guy who plays House? I was just reading some article about he's been very moody because he misses his family who are in London while he's in LA... could have been him in another bad mood?

  60. Anonymous7:54 PM

    6:57- I couldn't agree with you more.

    I have no guess.....eh. Maybe Steve Carrell.

  61. Anonymous8:24 PM

    it has to be someone bitter to the last drop...
    alec baldwin
    gary sinise
    james woods
    Gil Grissom
    Charlie Sheen etc

    and there is no doubt in my mind that if she was the type who had the nerve to ask for a favor rather than be nice and wait for the person to offer she go before them, she would end up holding up the line by challenging the price on her items, have a bad coupon, rain check, a check with an out of state expired driver's license and no phone number printed on it, a return in her purse, or at the very least an item with a barcode that didn't work...
    and LA ain't no kansas dorothy... there aint no auntie em's here to let ya cut in line! they would rather pick pocket ya or take a pic of your credit card with their cell...

  62. Anonymous8:29 PM

    My guess goes to Gary Sinise; except, the "you seem so nice" part doesn't seem to fit.

    IMO, "the store was packed," which means he could have been waiting in line for awhile. It gets frustrating--especially if morons aren't going to the proper lanes. 10 items or less, get in the express lane or check yourself out. Have a cart? Park yourself in a regular lane and wait your turn.

    And, although, if I have a full cart and the person behind me has an item or two, I usually ask them if they want to go before me. BUT, I hate entitled jerks who think they deserve to get in front of me when I was there first. If I offer you, fine. If you seem nice and politely ask, almost certainly. If I don't, it's usually because you thought you could bypass all those poor suckers in the express lane and get in front of me.

  63. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I let people go ahead of me all
    the time. It's a Midwestern thing
    I guess. We're either really polite
    or...have NOTHING better to do. :)

    I don't really object to the guy
    not letting someone cut ahead in
    line. It's the vitriol with which
    he responded. My God,get a grip
    man. She just asked a question,you
    didn't have to go off on her!

    I can't see Gary Sinese. He's does
    not give off a cheerful everyman
    vibe in movies or TV.

  64. Anonymous11:44 PM

    What about Shane West, he was in some crappy teen movies then got a role on ER? He kind of seems like he would be an ass in real life, although I don't have a problem with the actor in this instance either...who asks? If people offer to let you go first it is a courtesy not a right you have.

  65. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I hate these type of blind items. They are too hard to figure out. It could be *anyone*.

  66. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Yes, Anon 2:56!! The 'Mercedes Mentality'! I shop at the Sh Oaks store, and pretend they don't exist.

  67. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Fyvush Finkel?

  68. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Wow no wonder people are lonely, bitter and depressed out there.Maybe we should all take some time and try to be a little nicer to oneanother. What are we running towards anyway?

  69. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Nashville Anonymous - I live in the South and was raised in the South. Though the actor was a tad extreme in vocalizing his thoughts. I would have said "No, I'm sorry, you'll need to find an express lane or self check-out, but I certainly would have shared his THOUGHTS. She was rude. You GIVE kindness and courtesy, you do not DEMAND it because someone PLAYS a NICE CHARACTER on TV! And I agree a lot of times when you allow people to cut it is a huge mistake as what can go wrong usually does and I wait three times longer for being nice. Patrick Dempsey has a lake house in East Texas and there is no way it was McDreamy. He is down to earth and nice. And PUHLEAZE...the South if full of the "I'm ENTITLED" mentality. They're the ones using their EBT cards to pay and living off the FEDERAL/STATE government's KINDNESS (Welfare) - usually for GENERATIONS.

    this may post twice...first time wouldn't take it and my comments were gone. So, if you see a similar post...sorry.

  70. Well, we've got 3 important criteria that EL gave us, and I don't see some of these guesses fitting all of them.

    He has to be an award-winning TV actor, he had to have started in the movies, and he had to have one really big starring role in a movie that bumped him to A list at that time.

    BUT -- EL only considers him B-list now.

    I think that leaves Alec Baldwin out -- I'd say he's A-list all the way.

    James Woods -- I don't think he's ever dropped to B-list. Star on the Walk of Fame, 2 Oscar noms ...

    I kind of liked Matthew Perry for this except I don't think he's ever had an A-list movie role.

    Kiefer's gotta be A-list on TV.

    That "Mini-Jackass" thing got me thinking too ... could it be Danny DeVito? "War of the Roses" could have been an A-list role.

    ... and I agree with the previous poster that EL can reveal this one, since most of us are on the actor's side and don't consider this scandalous!

  71. Anonymous5:52 AM

    First off, I HATE when people try to cut in on the line. If its busy and I have been waiting, can't you wait your turn too?

    I'm not saying that there are some situations that don't warrant asking, someone with a screaming child, or a need to rush, but I have lived all over this country, and I have shopped at that Ralphs and I can only guess the attitude with which that shopper asked to cut in line.

    Second off, I think everyone's guesses are way off. Keep the facts in mind:

    1) Used to act in movies (Mostly B list)
    2) Now a television actor (A list role in TV)
    3) He must play a nice guy on TV (not House).

    Keifer seems close, but I wouldn't quite call his character a "nice guy".

  72. Anonymous7:07 AM

    What about Rob Lowe? His big role was in St Elmo's Fire and then he got busted with a prostitute or something and lost all credibility. I cannot remember what, but it seems like he has been slowly coming back up the ladder and now co-stars on Brothers & Sisters. He was my first thought and even after reading all of the other comments, I maintain Rob Lowe as my best guess. Anon in KC

  73. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I have to say, the douche was not incorrect with any of the points he made.

  74. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Has Rob Lowe won any awards for his television acting? It says "award winning B list television actor".


  75. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I think the Gary Sinise suggestions are off the mark. The guy has spent a lot of time gathering up school supplies to send to Iraq kids. This doesn't sound like someone who would be rude for the hell of it.

  76. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Rob Lowe won a Golden Globe for The West Wing.

    Anon in KC

  77. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I've looked on imbd and wikipedia and can't find anything he's won. He was nominated but did not win.

  78. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Wrong side of the 101 for Kiefer. And would anyone in their right mind call Jack Bauer "nice on TV" ?

  79. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I think Matthew Perry is a pretty good guess. Wasn't the Whole 9 Yards a pretty big hit at the box office? I don't think it would qualify him as an A-list movie actor though...

  80. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I would call Jack nice to the people he knows, just not nice to the people he's after.

  81. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Big and huge are used, is that a clue? Also, I know if someone asked me if they could go in front of me my reaction would not be to explain that the purpose of a line is so that everyone and everything are in order. Is that some sort of sign of OCD having everything and everyone in order?


  82. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I pictured Rob Morrow when I read this BI.

  83. Anonymous1:57 AM

    My first guess was Anthony Edwards, although he isn't on tv right now that I know of...A List hit...Top Gun.

    DAnny Divito???there is no way in heck anyone would think he was nice from tv.
