Thursday, March 15, 2007

Today's Blind Items

This actress that I love to hate, and who has quite the following, surprised people last night with her weight gain. The rumor has it that she is pregnant. Just what this world needs.

Two separate stories but the same result--

This used to be A list television actress has been rumored to be having marital problems. Last night she was spotted leaving a restaurant alone. Whoops, not quite alone. Two seconds after she emerged, our mystery guy walked quickly in the opposite direction also alone. No he wasn't the valet or a waiter and he had a big smile on his face. Wonder if the husband knows. Wonder why our actress decided to sign autographs last night after dinner when she never usually does.

This Irish sounding singer showed up last night to an event almost in tears. When asked what was wrong she admitted that her long term relationship was finally over.

What blogger really ticked off MTV Australia by releasing the names of hosts and performers scheduled for the Australian VMA's before they were supposed to be made public?


Anonymous said...

Wow, the last one is about as "blind" as Perez's "not so blind items".


Anonymous said...

1. Eva Longoria (attended party at Mondrian hotel last night celebrating her as new face of Bebe clothing)

2. Courteney Cox-(soon to not be) Arquette (had dinner at Il Sole last night alone. Again.)

3. Hmmmmmm...

4. Duh. Perez Hilton. Been blabbing for weeks about his involovement with the show.

Anonymous said...

Irish sounding singer? Charlotte Church maybe? But she's expecting a bambino...

Or is it the singer's name that is Irish sounding?

Anonymous said...

Ashley Judd for #1

Anonymous said...

Cameron Diaz for weight gain

Anonymous said...

I hope the preggers actress could be Parasite. Irish-sounding singer might be Sarah McLaughlin (spelling?). I hope not, as she seems so nice.

Anonymous said...

Sinead O'Connor is a singer whos name is irish sounding- who is/was she in a relationship with?

Anonymous said...

Could the pregnant actress be Jennifer Aniston - she was in a film called the rumour has it??

Anonymous said...

According to WIKIPEDIA:

O'Connor gave birth to her fourth child, Yeshua Francis Neil, on December 19, 2006 . The baby's father is her former partner Frank Bonadio. O'Connor formally announced in the Irish Independent that the two had broken up as of the weekend of February 17, 2007 citing difficulties between Bonadio and his former wife.

Could Sinead O'Connor be the irish sounding singer?

Anonymous said...

anony. says Jennifer A..umm did'nt she just quit smokeing? you know when these ho's stop drinking and smoking that means they are pregnant

Anonymous said...

I wonder how jennifer feels about courtney cheating? If that is her for #2.

Anonymous said...

Demi Moore is reportly pregnant too isn't she 50?

Anonymous said...

charlotte church is welsh.

Anonymous said...

Demi Moore isn't someone who has "quite a following".

Wondering if Katherine McPhee would be the irish-sounding singer?

Perez is such a fame hog that I hope they drop him.

Faerie said...

LOLing: I only can guess pez dispenser .. who everyone fucking hates!!! GAHHHH

Anonymous said...

#3 is Mcphee??

Anonymous said...

amy winehouse

Anonymous said...

1. Ashley judd
3.Amy Winehouse
4 perez

Anonymous said...

Sinead O'Connor IS actually Irish, not just Irish sounding.

Anonymous said...

Wondering if Katherine McPhee would be the irish-sounding singer?

good guess. shes been in a relationship with that old guy for a while now, hasn't she? I checked WireImage and there were pics of her from the BeBe/Cosmo thing. she's got the three things: 1.) irish sounding name, 2) long term relationship 3.) was at an event.

Anonymous said...

Ashley Judd sounds good for #1, because it seems like I saw a recent picture of her where she looked like she had put on some weight. But the "rumor has it" comment makes me think it might be Demi Moore - as she was photographed with Kevin Costner yesterday in Vegas and there's speculation of her being pregnant

Anonymous said...

1. I was at first thinking Demi but now I'm leaning towards Ashley because of her penchant to help worldly charities - goes to Africa alot - "just what the world needs"??? BUT, it could be Aniston because of the "The rumor has it" wording and she does have a huge following after the Angelina/Brad thing... but I didn't think she wanted a baby yet...?

2. Courteney Cox

3. McPhee

4. Perez

Anonymous said...

Agree with Demi Moore, Catherine McPhee and Perez. Actually kind of shocked about Courtney - I didn't realize they were having problems and she seems too nice to be out with another guy in a public place.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Demi Moore, Catherine McPhee and Perez. Actually kind of shocked about Courtney - I didn't realize they were having problems and she seems too nice to be out with another guy in a public place.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the first IS Demi and "following" refers to her kids?? I hope not because I'm still getting used to her being MARRIED to Ashton.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the first IS Demi and "following" refers to her kids?? I hope not because I'm still getting used to her being MARRIED to Ashton.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember seeing Perez saying anything about the austrailian vmas...

and there are plenty of other bloggers out there!!!

Anonymous said...

The Irish sounding singer is Katharine McPhee...she supposedly barely had it together at the cosmo event. Can you believe she got dumped?...well that's what happens when your career blows up...

Anonymous said...

#1 - rumor has it that a lot of people are pregnant. But the "rumor has it" comment happens to be a movie that Jennifer Aniston did a couple years ago.

#2 - Courtney Cox. TMZ says she was alone eating and signed for some fans.

#3 - I'm guessing McPhee too... seems like she'd be sad if she broke up with the guy-old-enough-to-be-her-father. And I think of Irish when she did that song "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree" on AI. I actually liked it.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the " to hate," comment. What I don't figure is this: "Just what this world needs." I would go with Demi on this one.

FrancesDanger said...

I'm still liking Eva for the pregnant one. ENTL def loves to hate her. Plus she does look a bit bigger in the photo below this post.

Something I noticed about ENTL-He likes to give clues in other posts on the same day, either with photos or his post titles.

Like yesterday's, he kept using Office Space quotes in his post titles. Could one of the BI's have been Ron Livingston?

Anonymous said...

I think #1 was Denise Richards at the "Clothes off our Backs" charity.

Anonymous said...

I agree with #1 being Eva Longoria. ENT openly despises her, and you KNOW she's trying to have Tony parker knock her up.

Anonymous said...

#4--I' assuming Perez but I don't keep up with his blog

Anonymous said...

Demi-"rumor" has it
Katherine McPhee-she can do better!

Anonymous said...

Demi-"rumor" has it
Katherine McPhee-she can do better!

Anonymous said...

Isa it McPhee!


If shes single katharine here i come! I wanna date KAt!!

Oh McPhee come to st louis!

Anonymous said...

Rumer is her kid's name...

Anonymous said...

to the deranged idiot who thinks he's going to be dating katharine mcphee because she may have broken up with her boyfriend, stalking is illegal. you post on every blog that mentions her that i've ever read.

Anonymous said...

1. Salma Hayek
2. Courtney Cox
3. McPhee??

Anonymous said...

HOpefully, that fagotti MARIO will get eaten by a great white.

Anonymous said...

3: Katharine McPhee
I never liked the guy, but as a fan if it is true and she was in tears last night about it then I am sad for her. They seemed happy.

Anonymous said...

#1. Eva Longoria
#2. Courtney Cox- Arquette
#3. Sinead O'Connor
#4. Perez Hilton

Anonymous said...

If these pics from the event last night are any indication, it's not McPhee. I don't think she looks like she's been crying. Her eyes aren't puffy or red. She looks pretty radiant.

Anonymous said...

soxy, EL says the singer was "almost in tears." he doesn't say that she'd been crying.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the preggo is Eva L. because isn't she supposed to be getting married in July? She is way too vain to be wearing a maternity bridal outfit!


Kathy K said...

I think the Irish-sounding singer is Kylie Minogue. She's thought of as Australian, but her parents are from Ireland.

She just got dissed by her ex-boyfriends new girlfriend:

Def Courtney Cox for #2.

What "actress" does EL love to hate? I thought it was Eva Longoria.

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight with regards British surnames (with apologies for being a pedant, but the trick with these BIs is to pay attention to detail): when a surname is preceded by 'Mc' or 'Mac', it is Scottish, not Irish. The Irish equivalent is 'O'', as in O'Connor. Mc, Mac, O', and English surnames ending in '-son' signify 'son of'. So unless 'EL' also has issues with the correct assignation of surnames, Katherine McPhee is a Scottish, not and Irish, name.

Anonymous said...

It's not Ashley Judd, she's in India this week.

Is there a clue as to who the mystery guy is?? Seems like a lot of information for an unimportant detail.

Anonymous said...

Sinead *is* Irish, so for Irish 'sounding' I would look more for last names. O',Mc' or something like that.
Though that's just a guess.

Pretty sure #1 is Sarah Michelle Gellar. Ent has said before that while beautiful in person she is not a very nice person and probably the reason there won't be a Buffy reunion or movie anytime soon. Plus there have been noises made about her being pregnant.

*shrug* for what it's worth.

Anonymous said...

^ whoops, sorry anon 7:01 PM , missed that.
Being Scottish myself I can tell you that even though the geography is side by side, the Scots and Irsih are different, at least we like to think so ;)
In other words, I agree with you.

Still going with Buffy being the pregnant actress he loves to hate

Anonymous said...

what about jennifer aniston-he doesn't like her, she certainly has a following with those team aniston people, and she was in rumor has it....

Anonymous said...

He talked about jessica simpson's loyal fan base once.
I don't remember when.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Aniston got herself knocked up in the toilets of a pity party?

Anonymous said...

#2 is definetely Courtney Cox... TMZ has a picture of her leaving a restaurant. It seems she goes there alot and they even mention that "for once she stopped to sign autograph".

Anonymous said...

I don't get the feeling he hates Sarah he just does not think very much of her and her attitude. Still a huge fan of hers can't stop being a fan of someones after 10 years just because I hear their a bit of a diva.

I think he hates Jessica Simpson and Eva for the same reason, he thinks they cheat on their men and are sluty at least thats the impression I got. He might be talking about Aniston but if he is that would be all over US weekly and every other rag with a jab at Brad. Does Ent hate Demi? Have not read any posts about her on his blog.

Anonymous said...

The singer should be McPhee.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Courtney Cox for the second BI, guys.

TMZ says she was at Il Sole last night without her husband, and specifically points out that she stopped to sign autographs for fans "this time", which implies she normally doesn't.


Anonymous said...

Anon 7:01 family is going to be surprised that we're not Irish but Scottish!

Mary McMahon


Anonymous said...

#1-Angelina? (stab in the dark...Eva and Demi sound good too!)
#2-Courtney for sure
#3-McPhee for sure
#4-Perez for sure

Anonymous said...

1. Angelina Holie? I know EL hates her.

2. So Courteney Cox

3. Kat McPhee

4. that fat slug Perez, like duh

Anonymous said...

Perez posted it yesterday to the commenter whos never seen Perez talk about the VMAS..

Anon- I'm Irish not Scottish and my last name is a Mc. The latest study is that all of the Uk is derrived from one race and not the 4 we were all meant to beleive.

Anonymous said...

Could #1 be Denise Richards? EL really dislikes her.

Anonymous said...

McPhee was seen with the old bf or old ex bf last night when she was performing at a club.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:01,

I, too, would like to thank you for letting me know that I'm Scottish. I'd always been under the impression that I was 100% Irish. I guess all my ancestors were skirt-wearing liars. Blarney!

Maggie McMahon

Anonymous said...

Not sure where anon is getting his/her info, but Mac is Scottish, Mc is Irish. They may be interchangeable nowadays but that's because of movement and inter-marrying.

Anonymous said...

give me a scotsman any day!
are y'all serious about courtney? i hadn't heard they were in trouble, and since david has a new show, maybe she just ate alone? lots of people do.

i don't follow him at all, but perez seems like the type that would do that.

i suck at this.

Anonymous said...

Irish-sounding singer--Jessica Simpson. Singer turned actress reportedly gaining weight and looking pregnant--Actress that EL loves to hate(judging by past comments)--Jessica Simpson. Maybe these two events were brought to light while attending Eva Longoria's b-day bash?

I think my answer is Jessica Simpson. Who's the Daddy? File saved at to be Mr. What's Left of Me, Nick Lachey.

BTW, I love Jessica!!

How'd I do, EL?

Anonymous said...

I think it would be news if any of this site was real. To clear things up, Perez is RED CARPET HOST of the 2007 Aussie MYTV VMAs.

Anonymous said...

since when is simpson "irish-sounding"? i like good guesses but some of this stuff is BS. Jessica Simpson is with John Mayer now BTW.


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