Friday, April 06, 2007

Four For Friday

Well today it's back to the accountant's office.

1. This married B list actor on one of those initial shows has a side business. Nothing unusual in that by itself. However this business only has one employee. A woman who is not his wife. In addition, the "office space" is actually a condo. Well if you are going to have an affair, I guess you might as well try and deduct it from your income.

2. This former A list television actor from the 90's has had lots of problems in the past and has been the guess on this blog lots and lots of times. Turns out he's pretty generous. He gave $350,000 to his church last year, and another $100,000 to other charities.

3. This divorced B list actress but A list celeb has her house mortgaged to the hilt. She doesn't have much money coming in from the ex, and not getting much high paying work. There is no more equity in the house and no more money to borrow anywhere. Look for her to be everywhere in the next few months and to do anything to get some money. It's either that or bankruptcy.

4. This A list movie actor who brings in over $10M a film gave exactly $500 to charity in 2006. Happy Easter Mr. Generous.


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Mel Gibson for #4

  2. Denise Richards for #3

  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Matthew Perry for #2

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    #1 has to be from a CSI or Law and Order show, because he calls it an "initial" show...SVU, CI...? What other shows use initials?

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Denise Richards is not an "A List Celeb", let alone a "B List actress".

  6. Anonymous1:17 PM

    is ron livingston married he was in office space and is on or was on csi miami

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous1:19 PM

    dude i disagree, denise richards is tabloid a-list celebrity, not talent a-list but certainly tabloid celebrity a-list

  9. Anonymous1:20 PM

    for number two i think matt leblanc more than mathew perry

  10. Anonymous1:23 PM

    mel gobdon hasn't brought in ten million a film as an actor in years passion of the christ made insane money but he didn't act in it. how about will ferrel for mister generous, or owen wilson, vince vaugh

  11. Anonymous1:28 PM

    ron livingston is a good guess (i wondered about the "office space" clue too) but according to imdb, he isn't married (engaged to lisa sheridan) and wasn't on CSI

  12. Jennifer Aniston for #3. She's certainly a A list celeb but only a B list actress with few big parts coming since the end of "Friends" and other blind items here (and there) allude to her having little money left.

  13. Anonymous1:46 PM

    1. Mark Harmon NCIS
    2. Kelsey Grammer
    3. ???
    4. Adam Sandler "Happy Gilmore"

  14. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Yay! I was going to say Kelsey Grammer too but has he been the guess of other BI's here before?

  15. Anonymous1:55 PM

    #1- could be Gary Sinise (CSI:NY)
    or Richard Belzer (SVU)
    or possibly David Caruso (just got divorced in Jan. - but it's just now tax time)
    hopefully not Christopher Meloni (SVU)

  16. Anonymous1:55 PM

    i wouldn't call Adam Sandler A-list

  17. Anonymous2:16 PM

    #3 isn't Jennifer Anniston - she was just ranked #10 in Forbes magazine as one of richest women in Entertainment with an estimated worth of $110 Million

  18. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Yeah but is that $110 million in liquid assets? Sell that house!

  19. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Anon 1:55

    Personally, I would never consider Adam Sandler A-list, but he opens all his movies in at least the 20 mil range, so that makes him A.


  20. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Angela I thought Aniston too...and even if she's ranked in Forbes, she could still be having troubles.

    How about Matt Damon for #4? Mr. Ripley=Mr. Generous...altho it kills me to think he'd be such an ass

    Happy Friday everyone!

  21. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Pamela Anderson for #3.

  22. Anonymous3:23 PM

    #3. Doubt very much Aniston has anything coming in from Brad - she wouldn't have requested/gotten alimony. She makes more in Friends residuals than any of us make in a year.
    How about Ellen Barkin?

  23. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Didn't Ellen Barkin make a fortune selling off all the jewelry the hub had given her? Of course going broke could be why she sold it all. I thought Denise Richards, too, for #3--read in the tabs she was selling her house due to neighbor problems and money problems. And, yeah, she's an A list TABLOID celeb, because we all wonder about her past and her other woman shenanigans with Richie Sambora. And, yes, I used the word 'shenanigans'!!Ron Livingston's ('Office Space')show is called,'Standoff'and Gary Cole is in 'Office Space' too, but he's not on an initial show...hmmm...obviously I need a little help here. Agree with Mel being the cheap bastard, too. Oh! And IMDb should be linked right on this site since we all use it so much! Happy Easter, Enty and all!

  24. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Who talks in terms of A list Tabloid celebs? Just because someone is in the rags all the time doesn't mean they're A list anything.

  25. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Ron Livingston was in House MD, but idk if he's married.

  26. Anonymous4:22 PM

    My guess was David Caruso for #1, I didn't know he's divorced.

  27. Anonymous4:42 PM

    4. The Mr. hint could be hinting towards Adam Sandler. He was in Mr. Deeds.
    Brad Pitt for Mr. & Mrs. Smith. But I guess AJ would not let him get away with only donating $500.

  28. You're nuts if you think 3 is Aniston. She never has to worry about money. And, about Matt Damon, he's supposed to be VERY nice. But who knows if that translates into donations.

  29. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Tim Allen for #2. He had all sorts of problems but has cleaned up his act.

    #3 Pam Anderson? I know she's having money trouble. Her hair and makeup people alone charge up to $10K per appearance. And got knows she's A-list tabloid fodder.

    Nicolas Cage for #4.

    Sandler's as nice a guy as it gets, I would never peg him for #4. Has to be more of a weirdo or asshole. Cage is both.

  30. Anonymous6:55 PM

    OK Jessica then what are your suggestions? I know Damon is "supposed" to be VERY nice, just thought the clue would fit.

  31. Anonymous7:16 PM

    It does say,"B List actress, A List celeb" so it is someone who gets gossiped about A LOT.

  32. Anonymous7:16 PM

    David Caruso is rumored to be having an affair w/his costar Eva LaRue.


  33. Anonymous8:55 PM

    #2 - David Hasselhoff. It fits, and he actually, shockingly, has a lot of money.

  34. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Matt Damon is involved in a charity that helps provide water to African villages.

  35. Anonymous1:17 AM

    #4 Tom Cruise

  36. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Tom Cruise for #4?
    What? Scientologist don't have "charities" so that their members have nice write offs? What poor excuse for organized religion are they?

  37. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I think 3 could be Pammy too, she looks tired and stressed lately. Or could it be Jessica Simpson but there again didn't she just finish a movie?

    I think 2 is either Matthew Perry or Tim Allen.

    4 could be Jude Law.

  38. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I think #2 is Rick Schroder - He was in NYPD Blue in the late 90s - (now on 24) - and was a child star in the I think that could make him "A" list -

    He converted to Mormon in 2004, which could explain the 350K contribution - they are known for their regular tithing.


  39. Anonymous8:43 AM


    For #1
    - married actor
    - B-list means probably one of the stars
    - initial shows (CSI, CSI-New York, CSI-Miami, L&O-SVU, ER, NCIS, what else?)

    For #2
    - FORMER A-list actor
    - mentioned here OFTEN
    - lots of problems
    - BELONGS to and GOES to church
    - maybe seen as being selfish, but isn't

    For #3
    - divorced B-list actress (can't be Pam Anderson)who is doing ANYTHING that pays
    - A-list celebrity (lots of photos and appearances)
    - has an ex who doesn't provide her with much support

    For #4
    - A-list movie actor
    - >$10M/film (isn't there a list?)
    - could the "Happy Easter" remark be a clue that he is a Christian?
    - is the "Mr." a clue to a movie title? (e.g., "Happy Gilmore", "Mr. Deeds")

    Good grief, why do I care about this cr*p?


  40. Anonymous9:45 AM

    What makes someone an A lister/ b lister? Just curious and hoping someone who has been reading this blog longer than me can clear that up.

  41. Anonymous9:53 AM

    has anyone thought about Carmen Electra for # 3 ?
    she is divorced from Navarro,who, in my opinion,is broke and she seems to be everywere these days...

  42. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Carmen Electra is NOT a B-list actress.

  43. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I don't think #4 is Sandler--he's not a Christian and EL wouldn't wish a known Jewish person "Happy Easter." Cruise probably gives tons to the "church" which would be considered charity. P.S. The Universe probably wouldn't consider giving a soul kudos who steps over homeless starving people to give to an institution whose primary person is for education and recruitment. Humm, just a thought...

  44. Anonymous11:06 AM

    #1. David Caruso
    #2.Matt LeBlanc
    #3. Heather Locklear
    #4. Ben Affleck

  45. Anonymous12:08 PM

    no one remembered the "OC"?

    maybe Peter Gallagher?

  46. Anonymous1:10 PM

    for #2, i guess Tim Allen. he has had lots of problems in the past and he was an A-list tv performer.Home Improvement was a top-ten show for years.

  47. Anonymous1:33 PM

    For number one, I immediately thought of Ice-T. He's in Law and Order SVU (an 'initial show'), married to that CoCo chick ...

    And number three I keep wanting to say Britney Spears... I know she's not really an actress but she did that crappy "crossroads" movie or whatever it was. Everything else fits but the "b-list actress" description.

  48. Anonymous2:02 PM

    The #2 is clearly hasselhoff - someone already said it - he's mentioned on blogs a lot..... his profile mentions that he's a member of the roman catholic church

  49. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Tossing in my vote for Tim Allen for #2. Hasselhoff is a good guess, but Knight Rider was an 80s show.

  50. Anonymous5:29 PM

    thanks for agreeing ANON 3:48. the only other actor i could think of was maybe jerry seinfield. is he known for giving to charities?

  51. Anonymous3:12 AM

    why is my first thought on number one george eads from CSI? is he married?

    2. Joey from Friends?

    3. ???

    4. Bruce Willis?

  52. Anonymous7:59 AM

    George Eads is rumored to be gay.

  53. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I think that EL is actually the original writer of Mollygood, or someone close to her. She clued me in on this site months back. EL is supposed to be a guy but never sounds like a guy. He sounds like a girl trying to sound like a guy. And, in this post, references are made to pictures at Popsugar, where Molly is now a contributor. Just a guess.

  54. Anonymous12:03 PM

    i love the peter gallagher guess.

  55. I agree with you, 8:53am. EL sounds too catty about celebrities to be a straight male.

  56. Anonymous8:18 PM

    #3 Sharon Stone???

  57. Anonymous7:09 AM

    #3 Shar Jackson?

  58. Anonymous7:23 AM

    No way is the writer of this site Molly from Mollygod. I remember her clueing us in to this site as well(that's how I started reading this blog), but she wrote completely different. Way more snarky and much funnier (no offense, EL). Plus, she would straight out say how she doubted this site and any blind items from here came from "dubious origins" because of all the mystery surrounding EL. And yes, now she's working at Popsugar, which I doubt would leave her any time for making this site (which I just love) =)

  59. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Anon 3:48: Knight Rider was an 80s show, but Baywatch was a 90s show - highest rated syndicated show in history suggest a-list tv to me.

  60. Anonymous8:30 AM

    ^ Heh, just goes to show you what I did and did not watch. :) I am on the fence again. (Darn.)

  61. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Kirsten Dunst for #3??? EL just implied she was going broke.. she is B List, but pretty A list in the celeb world.

  62. Anonymous8:59 AM

    woah there--- never mind, the divorced part slipped my mind.

    carry on : )

  63. Anonymous9:46 AM

    How about Steve Carrell for #1


  64. Anonymous10:34 AM

    #2 is Tim Allen

  65. Anonymous10:59 AM

    1.) No clue and I don't really watch any of the initial shows. David Caruso is a good guess.
    2.) Tim Allen-I think he's Catholic and has made comments about Easter supposed to be about Resurrection and not bunnies and eggs. Definitely a troubled past.
    3.) Shar Jackson is a good fit because I understand she has money problems as of late, but not too sure she's B or A list at anything.
    4.) Definitely Adam Sandler. Happy Gilmore+Mr. Deeds. I think the Happy Easter is meant to be tongue in cheek, as Adam is Jewish.

  66. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Shar Jackson was never married to K-fed.

  67. Anonymous10:16 PM

    meg ryan?

  68. Anonymous6:27 PM

    #3 Carmen Electra?
    Look at what she's doing now, "...she is hostess of Naked Revolution's "Naked Women's Wrestling League." NWWL features wrestlers engaging in the same high-impact, body-slamming action you see on the WWE, except here they're female and, oh yeah, completely naked!"

  69. Number 3 - automatically thought of Pamela Anderson, but Denise could be it too

  70. Anonymous8:40 AM

    lainey revealed it today:

    carmen electra for #3...
