Monday, April 16, 2007

ZX Parties Like, Well, Like A Movie Star Without The Drinking

i can't stand electronics especially computers. yes, they're magic. yes, they combine all the great minds in the world and make information accessible. but goddamn it i can't stand that if you do exactly the same thing twice in a row, the first time it doesn't work and the second time it does. or the sixth time. anyway, done with my rant.

so i had a lunch meeting Friday and it was to meet someone I've been texting since Sundance last year, my friend Frankie. He ran into me recently and I swear not only did I not recognize him AT ALL, he looked like Charles Manson. So anyway he's written me a film and invited me to Ryan Gosling's birthday. I invited my best friend to come and when I mentioned the Ryan Gosling thing, suddenly I had two other girls in my car. Is he even cute?

We dropped by this other event and I wish we'd gone earlier because it was right up my alley. GAMES! Carnival games like ski ball and mini basketball and air hockey and car racing and hot dogs and lemonade and a whole candy stand and shirts you could design yourself. I was in heaven. We had finagled to park in valet without valeting because my best friend started flirting with one of the police officers and he said,"Damn, you're hot," and I knew we were in.

When we left, it was to meet up with my friend Frankie, but I got a new phone Thursday and the text messages including directions were on the old one. So we canvassed Beachwood Canyon. Finally another friend called me up and said that everyone was at Parc. So we went up to the door and my best friend who's had a few and had to pee, looks at the bouncer while holding her crotch and says, "We're here for Ryan Gosling." I was so humiliated but somehow we made it over to the cool side of the velvet rope and two minutes later we were getting groovy with these two boys. They sure could dance. It really impressed me not only how wide a berth people gave us but how you can dance anything but bump and grind to hiphop.

So I missed Frankie's call and once again we were blindly cruising Beachwood Canyon and every now and then one of the girls would open the window and yell "Gosling," or let out a screech which I think was meant to be the Gosling call. Frankie finally contacted us and we ended up at his party which was filled with very cool people but when I started to talk to this director in the kitchen, i guess my best friend slipped into the bedroom with god knows who and refused to be moved. so i tried to cajole her until five in the morning when my friends promised that the guy she was with was a regular Prince Charming who never, ever had sex and that they'd drive her home in the morning.whew.

but wait there's more. my best friend went out again on Saturday night without me and left her phone at the playboy mansion and then spilled half a Diet Coke on her seat on the way over. I would have paid her so much to go up to security clutching her crotch and saying, "I'M HERE FOR HUGH!"


Anonymous said...

Aha there's the Wild Child we all suspected was there behind the keyboard.

Anonymous said...

is the frankie she talking about nuniz(sp)

Anonymous said...

Ryan Gosling's birthday is listed as Nov. 12, 1980. When was this post written? Maybe she mixed up the name of the birthday boy? Maybe this is fiction?

Amber said...

Hmm, yeah I just checked IMDB and it says Nov. 12th. Well, it was still a fun read but now I have to wonder if all of it is completely made up!

Anonymous said...

A long time ago, JeeezeLouise asked Enty if this site was an ARG (Alternate Reality Game.) I'm wondering if ZX might be...

Anonymous said...

Who cares? I just want to dream about cruising all over California looking for parties and hot guys. Instead of sitting here at this %&#*4&#$*& desk.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Bynes is good friends with Franki Muniz, very smart and award winning. it says she lives with the p's though on IMDB.

Anonymous said...

Could Ryan Gosling's "birthday party" have been a ruse to instead have a secret engagement party?

Anonymous said...

Where has Jeeeze gone, anyway?

Anonymous said...

mary mac, I like the way you think!

Anonymous said...

What are your thoughts Hez?

Anonymous said...

yeah SB, i've been wondering the same thing...

Jeeze Louise where are you???????


Anonymous said...

Were there any parties posted this weekend involving Ryan Gosling?

Anonymous said...

This is hte only party RG would have been at recently !

Trying to Hide ZH's identity ts tsk tsk :oP

Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling stars of the drama thriller film "Fracture" converse along PARTY following the film's premiere in Los Angeles, California April 11, 2007.

Anonymous said...

I've guessed Amanda Bynes before! I think it could be!

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the April 11th event with photos

Anonymous said...

More than one person guessed this is an ARG & I don't know if this is finely crafted enough for that. I think it's just a non U.S./non L.A. blogger who's trying to make a mark in the gossip blog roll with something different from the rest. Saying you're an insider, now with an "actress" character reporting, has a few believers no matter how preposterous it gets.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Bynes was in Toronto this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ok so this ZX stuff is driving me crazy! Her first few entries were very cleverly written and she was very "Lorelai Gilmore" in her writing style. Judging by the other reader comments, everyone seemed very excited for her daily entries. Now, the tone and style has completely changed. If this IS all fake, and if one of us can actually prove it, I'll be pretty disappointed. It would have been fascenating to read actual insight from a professional performer. Fingers crossed ZX is real, but I'm not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

It is Suzanne Pleshette.

Anonymous said...

well i know about with 99.99999% certainty who this is and she's real (and not so great) and no one has guessed it.

Anonymous said...

The party with games was the T Mobile Fall out boy sidekick party - hollyscoop have video of it

Amber said...

Well then spill it anonymous 1:03!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:03 - SPILL IT

Anonymous said...

just keep guessing. so far all wrong!

Anonymous said...

anon w/the knowledge - why so coy?

Anonymous said...

It seems like a different person everyday

Anonymous said...

Hey anon 1:03 and 1:11 - are YOU ZX???

Anonymous said...

OK... Anon.... First of all, if you know it, then why don't you at least say who YOU are! Secondly if you know who it is and we are all way off, then why don't you provide us with some clever hints....I we even know who this is?

Anonymous said...

Anyone can scan the gossip/celeb sites for pics, stories and view videos. That's why the real details about living in L.A. are usually wrong. The details "EL" & the rest of the characters here are from the NET, not real life.

Anonymous said...

Non drinker these day Tara Reid (TMZ) at T mobile party

Anonymous said...

The party at the playboy mansion was legit too. I know a few people who went as well.


Anonymous said...

I think you're missing the point. The events are legit, they are always covered on the web and details from other sites and people are incorporated into the stories for EL & crew. That is what is supposed to make this believable. It goes wrong with details that you would have to live in LA & US to know (neighborhoods, language, nightclubs, etc).

Anonymous said...

Taryn Manning?

She was out at the T-mobile party as well as Parc this weekend....

Not sure the clues fit, because isn't she currently working on Drive?

Anonymous said...

RE: "I think you're missing the point. The events are legit, they are always covered on the web and details from other sites and people are incorporated into the stories for EL & crew. That is what is supposed to make this believable. It goes wrong with details that you would have to live in LA & US to know (neighborhoods, language, nightclubs, etc)."

What details are wrong? Because I'm US & I live in Hollywood, work in W.LA and I didn't notice any erroneous details.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who says they're 99.999% sure they know who it is, but won't reveal the identity, is full of cow dung.

Anonymous said...

Well, 1:03, then I am not so sure you are right. If Ent clues are correct, which they should be or he shouldn't be giving them out as clues, then I don't see any possible way she hasn't been guessed yet. All the actresses and I mean ALL the actresses who had multiple movies already come out this year and are having at least two more come out before the year is over have been guessed. Trust me, I spent the other night going through the cast of every movie that has come out this year (Yeah, I have no life :-)) so far. Then I took the actresses who have appeared in more than one so far this year and looked them up to see if they had more coming out this year. If they did, then I made sure they were single, and were not working on a project right now. I came back her and went through the comments and every actress I had written down has been guessed. Long story short, she has to have already been guessed.

Anonymous said...

quien es?????

Anonymous said...

To the anon "with 99.9999% certainty" you know who it do you know? Please provide at least some credibility (you are a PA, you were at Parc this weekend, etc).

And since you know without a doubt who it it Abbie Cornish? Or Rachel Evan Wood?

Anonymous said...

mira q uds. comen mier**.

Anonymous said... may be on to something. What about Nikki Reed from the movie Thirteen with Rachel Evan Wood? She isn't old enough to drink, so that would explain the no drinking thing. She was also at the T-Mobile party this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Reed does not have any awards...

However Kristina Anapau does and she's from Hawaii...I would guess she knows how to surf...

Anonymous said...

Pinky & 2:20 I think that asking for details & references to prove or disprove someone's theory is rude - just saying. I also don't see what the purpose is since invariably on this site, that will be argued over as well. We tolerate the "I live in W L.A. & therefore I know EVERYTHING about the entertainment industry & therefore EL lives!" because it's simpler to ignore it.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in LA (NYC) & can tell you that this is made up. While agreeing most of these posts wouldn't pass a basic fact check in a major paper, I can say that I have been there often enough in the clubs of the moment to know you are either on the list or not.

Anonymous said...

I was really leaning on Piper Perabo for this but, there have been more than a couple of things I haven't been able to confirm. 1. Where she is living now 2. If she ever smoked and quit. I do know she is not working on anything now. She has had at least 3 movies come out this year already and has a couple more scheduled to come out. One of those movies she was in with LG so it could be feasible LG could have her email address. Also I checked out her myspace page that and she has a plot summary of her latest movie. The writing style matches ZX a tad (using lowercase i's when talking about herself instead of I's) Anyway, cannot place her at the Sidekick party so let me know if you guys run across her being there in ur research.

Anonymous said...

Our chick has to be more known then I was thinking to get into Parc. That alone would wipe out a few people from possibly being her.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ 3:25pm - it's rude to ask someone to explain their theory, but it's not rude to post on someone's blog that they're a liar and making everything up. That's rich.

And 3:39pm - if I visit NY a lot can I claim to know more about it than you do?

And lastly - bite me.

Anonymous said...

On a funny aside - I just saw a picture of Frankie Muniz (don't know if that's spelled right) on A Socialite's Life and he kinda looks like Charlie Manson. Maybe that's the Frankie ZX is talking about - whether she's real or not. :)

Anonymous said...

D'oh - it wasn't A Socialite's Life - it was JustJared - my bad.

Anonymous said...

Wow - Muniz does look rough!

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:04--Thank you! I appreciate all your hard work--she HAS to have been guessed already!We've been guessing our asses off!(And sorry but I want to know!) Off to look at the horror that is Frankie Muniz....

Anonymous said...

I did actually see Jeeeze online this morning -- she's just a busy lady, y'know? But I do know she's still out there (she posted something the other day).

I also don't think we have guessed ZX yet. Remember, Ent said that it's up to her if she wants to have her identity revealed, and if we do get it, my feeling is she'll probably be quite impressed.

That said, I really am a crap guesser at this stuff but I am pretty sure nobody's guessed her. Ent usually gives us props when we get close or when someone has guessed it, and my feeling is we still aren't there yet.

I think her choice of words is an interesting blend of UK and US slang, so she could be a dual citizen or someone who divided their time between the two countries.

Sorry I can't be more help. Mondays are cheap highballs at my local, so I haven't much to offer that isn't doused in Vodka & tonic.

Anonymous said...

PS It is DEFINITELY not Tara Reid. I can almost guarantee it.

And again, ROFL @ Pinky!!!

Anonymous said...

Something's not right, this voice is so different from the first few posts. She sounds like a gushing teenager.

I think ZX is fake or several actresses.

Anonymous said...

Hez - can I be an honorary Canadian? I'm a Democrat, if that helps.

And if you guys want to send Jeeeze some love, she has a blog and it has an email address on it...

Anonymous said...

AllyUK - TOTAL RESPECT for actually giving your dissenting voice a name. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, once again some people can't post from work, so it has to be anon. Doesn't make what they say any less valid than the personalities. I'm w/ the dissenters, this is fake & no guarantees from Hez or anyone else changes that. BTW, why would Hez know? Is she the writer for this that she can speak with such authority for EL & the others? BS!!! Heather W in Vancouver is a sad wannabe and that is still true when she's Hez.

Anonymous said...

Wow 5:09 as with the case in most bullies, you're a bit shy in the brains department. You can post your hate mail with a name from work simply by clicking "other" and putting a nom de plume in there (like sh*tforbrains.) OR you could sign at the bottom, like Kim did, like Dano used to, like GGA does, like - why go on, you'll never get it.

And how about drinking a great big glass of "shut the fuck up" on the Hez bashing. She's wicked funny and is smarter than you'll ever be on your best day.

Apologies to Mary Mac, B:), Cyn, BrendaLove, Lola and all the fun people who have an opinion and aren't afraid to say as a non-anon. This bully really ticks me off.

We now return to your regularly scheduled program.

Anonymous said...

believe me or not but unless the admin is deleting guesses, no one has said it.

Anonymous said...

I know who EL is: it's James Frey (wiki if you don't get it). Just messing with those unbelievers. Leave the site if you think it's fake.

Anonymous said...

Could it be someone more well known than we expected like Lindsay Lohan? I know she hasn't auditioned for a TV role recently, but someone of her "level" would definitely be able to get into Parq. She also supposedly not drinking.

Anonymous said...

yeah, but then the post would be located in japan

Anonymous said...

rachel mcadams:)

Anonymous said...

rachel specter

Anonymous said...

Katherine Heigl

Anonymous said...

alexis bledel

Anonymous said...

Leelee Sobieski!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mena Suvari

Anonymous said...

i'm liking taryn ... as i've mentioned earlier she was at LA fashion week which zx was also at

Anonymous said...

I like Taryn Manning for ZX too, but I'm not finding any award wins for her... She was at Parc and the Sidekick party Friday.

Anonymous said... maybe not Taryn Manning, but who does Taryn Manning hang out with?

Anonymous said...

ZX is the bomb.


Anonymous said...

Much luv to the Pinkster...

and seriously, I think ZX is Phyllis Diller.

Come on - damn good guess, don't cha think??

Cyn - making a heaping new batch of STFU as we speak

Anonymous said...

anon 8:24pm - are you the executive that was in the room when ZX audition for ABC?

And Cyn - HAH!! (that's my Phyllis Diller impression, much better in person ;) Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Potentially, ZX = Ginnifer Goodwin?

Dismiss away my farfetched attempt at a guess......

Anonymous said...

So weird, Ginnifer's IMDB page says she played "Amanda Bynes" on *Robot Chicken* - why didn't Amanda Bynes play Amanda Bynes?

So 10:26 - you're thinking the possible award winning movie is Day Zero? And someone else posted that they thought ZX's speech seemed smattered with Brit lingo, and Ginnifer went to school in Jolly Old. You may be onto something...(unless she's still on Big Love.)

Anonymous said...

Seems that Ginnifer's won a couple of awards, studied in England (sometimes the lingo sticks as we know & she clearly has a British vibe to her writing style). She was in attendance at LA Fashion Week/Golden Globes & seems to fit the general demographic of what's been outlined in a perfunctory manner for us to date.
I don't personally recall the actress from anything I've seen & know nothing of the show that she's currently accredited for.
Someone more in the know could perhaps clarify....

Anonymous said...

Bea Arthur? Hee hee hee, sorry guys, it was a feeling a little tense and just wanted to lighten this up a little...I'll even sign my name.... ;)

- Robin

Anonymous said...

Can't be Taryn Manning she's in the tv series Drive on Fox.

Anonymous said...

Christina Ricci?

Anonymous said...

That would be awesome! Totally love me some Ricci.

Anonymous said...

What about Agnes Bruckner? She's in indie films, won a couple of awarks, was dating some other actor (now broken up), has been in the industry for awhile but isn't that well known so she would still have to audition. In her bio it says she smokes, but she could have quit. Also, she was in the movie "Haven" which was directed by Frank E. Flowers... I know him personally and right now he DOES look like Charles Manson. His hair has gone crazy because I don't think he's cut it in about a year... Kids, this is why we don't do drugs.

Anonymous said...

OK...I'm now totally on the Agnes Bruckner bandwagon...Kelly, excellent guess and I think you've got it!

She was in Murder by Numbers with....drumroll please.....
Ryan Gosling! Tada!

Anonymous said...

Wow Kelly...the inside scoop...thanks for solving this...I really think you got it! Everything really fits. I found some pics of Frank E. online and he does look like Charles Manson.

I really think you've got it. Perfect starlet for us...not crazy popular where she would be afraid to speak with us, but right on the cusp, showing us the inside scoop on how someone goes from being a working actor to a superstar.

ZX...if you are Agnes, welcome aboard!

P.S. And by the way...if you are Agnes, Ent sure got it right by saying you were gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Agnes would be a good guess if it werent for 1 thing....

She isnt going to be or hasnt been in ANYTHING that has award buzz to it. Ent specifically said that she may get an award for something she did this year so it should take us through awards season next year.

Dont think its her. You may have it right with Frank E. though. She never said she worked with him, ONLY that they were friends.

Anonymous said...

Someone close to Ryan Gosling would presumably know the whereabouts of the party she was invited to.
The invite wouldn't come from another party asking her to tag along.
Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

True 4:00 that's why this just doesn't ring true. Plus waltzing into Parc, not knowing an Oscar nominated hottie and all the other oops! from other posts. Roaming Beachwood canyon screaming, please all this is BS.

Anonymous said...

You guys, we need to remember the clues and not get off track.
Ginner Goodwin is dating Chris Kline (still) they haven't broken up.
Agnes has not been in a "few movies that have already come out this year" and "some that will be coming out later this year.
The actress
is single
lives in LA
has won awards
is not currently working on a project
has been in at least 3 movies that have come out this year
Will be in at least two more in 2007
Theres many more but we need to keep these in mind before guessing maybe.

Anonymous said...

much better guesses... closer but still has not been said unless like i said before the admin is deleting posts.

Anonymous said...

OK...someone please remind me...why did we give up on Zooey?

I still like the Zooey guess and my Tina Majorino guess.

I'd also like to know who Taryn Manning hangs out with, because she was at both parties and maybe ZX and Taryn are buddies.

Oh this is driving me crazy! I need to get a life!

Anonymous said...

We gave up on Zooey because she's in the middle of filming stuff now, I think

Hez said...


Given that my blog link is right in the sidebar of this site, do you think printing my name and my location is something that SCARES me?

Wanna know my middle name?

How about the number of guys I've fucked (besides, obviously, YOUR boyfriend)?

Some bitter anonymous blog poster is going to make me quiver in my boots because they think they can damage my "reputation"?

Not in this lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Taryn Manning - at the parties, regular actress and recently got a TV gig - sound familiar -

ONTD site -
Listen up, fellas. Here’s a tip: Though you probably recognize Taryn Manning as the hooker with a heart of bling from 2005’s pimperific Hustle & Flow, don’t confuse her with her character. “I’ve had guys come up to me,” she says, “and be like, ‘Oh, my God! You were that whore!’” Luckily for Taryn—and for you—the world will be seeing her in a whole new light as one of the stars of your new favorite TV show, Fox’s Drive. Playing a fiery babe with her mind set on winning a purse of $32 million, she’s getting behind the wheel and zipping from coast to coast. We’re right there, riding shotgun.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not mainstream-looking. I'm not very skinny. I'm not The point of mainstream movies is to cast someone that everyones' going to love. Because of my persona, I'm controversial. I don't do anything in my real life to deserve that. I don't drink, I don't do drugs. But studio people don't want to put me in their movies. They think I might offend. "

This quote came off IMBD from Ricci. She doesn't drink , but she is a smoker. But could've quit. Has won many awards and is loved by independent moviemakers. I dunno what projects she's doing...but she's a Cali money's on Ricci.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:01

I know you really really REALLY want it to be Taryn. But its not. She doesnt fit the clues. Not in an award buzz film this year, currently working on Drive (ZX isnt working right now), Taryn hasnt won ANY awards, and she DOESNT have a sexy voice. Ent specifically stated ZX did.

People stop guessing Taryn, Kate Winslet, Mandy Moore, Tina, Agnes, Cameron, Fergie, etc. they are far fetched guesses that dont follow the clues, and they just dont work!


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