Monday, June 25, 2007

Today's Blind Items

So there was this Bachelorette party this past weekend. No, not EL's. Although. No, never mind about her. This party guest is a singer/actress with the squeakiest of squeaky reputations. A list for name recognition, but closer to B or even B- for everything else. So at the party there were male and female strippers. Our actress/singer got drunk and decided to experiment. First she decided to take the male dancer's bottoms off and had him sit on her lap while she how shall I say this? Helped him along. He didn't finish, but from what I gather it was close. She did however help one of the female dancers to finish and was finished by her in return. Everyone was shocked because (a) the first time ever anyone had seen her drunk. (b) the first time anyone even guessed she knew what was down a man's shorts, let alone how to help him along, and (c) never has anything nice to say about lesbians and gave no indication she ever was going to give that s shot.


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM


    I'd guess Kelly Clarkson except for the whole Drunk at the CMAs dealie. People have SEEN her drunk from coast to coast.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Damn! It could be Mandy Moore,but I'm not completely sold.


  3. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Wow! I'd love to see the reveal on this one!

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I want to say Duff...

    Jennifer Love Hewitt came to mind too....I know she's not really a or even b list.

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Damn, this is a hard one! I considered Mandy Moore too, but she dated Zach Braff for a long time, plus didn't Wilmer brag about taking her virginity?

  6. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Jojo!! Say it's not so!

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Yah I agree with tripoli. And Hilary Duff dated Joel for years so the comment about not knowing what to do with it doesnt really seem to fit even if she is technically a virgin.

  8. Anonymous12:42 PM

    We need to think A list. I don't think Jojo counts as A list, but I could be wrong.

  9. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Jessica Simpson? A name...b singer/b actress?

  10. Anonymous12:44 PM

    damn. How EXACTLY did she "help" the female stripper? Enquiring minds want ALL the juicy details!

  11. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I just don't consider Jessica Simpson squeaky clean anymore.

  12. Anonymous12:46 PM

    TOTALLY Jojo ... check her wiki bio ... she's done several tv acting roles & a movie. She's 16. YIKES. No high profile romances that would have had us "thinking about her looking down a guys shorts". She's known WORLDWIDE, youngest #1 single at 13 ... "A" list for name recognition, nothing else. TOTALLY HER.

  13. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Ok, who the frack is Jojo?

  14. Anonymous12:49 PM

    JoJo is NOT A list in name recognition.

  15. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Doesn't that Hayden P girl have a cd coming out? I think it could be her

  16. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Wait a minute aren't Jessica Simpson and Eva Longoria friends? Did Eva have her bachelorette party this past weekend? Maybe that's why he says "not EL's?"


  17. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Just can't picture Jojo....wouldn't someone put a stop to a 16yr old getting a little(alot) out of control?...Expecially with her reputation?

  18. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Duff has been seen out partying alot since her breakup with Joel. So shes out.

  19. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Maybe Emmy Rossum, she's an actress/singer as well....but then I think most people thing of her as a bitch so I don't know if her reputation could be considered squeaky clean

  20. Anonymous12:52 PM

    But, why would a 16 year old be at a Bachelorette Party? Most people who have married friends are closer to their 20s. Duff or Miss Moore seem much betters guesses. I like Duff better because the name is A list and the projects are b- list.

  21. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Uh, Jessica Simpson would hardly be thought of as a virgin. Um, duh!

  22. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Duff Dating Madden 17...they didn't let it out until she was legal....Everyone knew why they kept that a secret.

  23. Anonymous12:56 PM

    How 'bout J.Lo? Outside of being a diva, doesn't she have a pretty clean image? She seems a lot more A-list to me than the muffster.

  24. Anonymous12:56 PM

    "Squeakiest of squeaky reps"- this screams Mouseketeer, who's been one and who hasn't? I mean why not say "squeaky clean"?
    Also that last sentence- anyone say anything not so nice about lesbians?

  25. Anonymous12:57 PM

    still no proof that DS is really ZX.

  26. Anonymous12:59 PM

    hillary duff

  27. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Okay folks -- this is someone who people WOULD THINK HAS NEVER HAD SEX OR EVEN MESSED AROUND ("1st time anyone even guessed she knew what was down a mans shorts")

    C'mon: you really think MARRIED folks like JLO or Jessica Simpson fit into that description??

    If Hayden doesn't have a single yet, I don't think she'd be called "a singer" professionally.

    And re: 16 year olds at Bachelorette parties -- ever seen that new MTV show "Engaged & Underage" ...folks getting married at 17-19??

  28. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I guess Hillary Duff too-

  29. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Just throwing it out there...but what about Alicia Keys? The actress reference is used loosely, but she was in "Smokin' Aces" and just finished a part in the "Nanny Diaries." She is definitely considered A List, and I have heard that she bats for the same team.


  30. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Emma Roberts....look at ALL the Nancy Drew reviews...ALL describe it as "Squeaky Clean"....she sings on Zoey 101/has an album.

  31. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Hannah Montana


  32. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Meant UnFabulous...not Zoey 101...sorry. (mixing up my kids shows)

  33. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Oh my. I first thought of Mandy Moore too - she played a homophobic 'christian' in the indie flick Saved...

    does that count?


  34. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I LOVE the Emma Roberts guess! In addition to the Nancy Drew review references, I just googled "Emma Roberts squeaky clean" and came up with this great one:

    Cute and squeaky clean, but Emma Roberts shouldn't quit her day job.

    From a review of her CD "Unfabulous and More" on (I didn't know she had a CD!)

    Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus is only 14...I just can't see her for this.


  35. It's gotta be someone under 18 because of (b), doesn't it? I think JoJo is right. I don't think anyone even thinks Hayden is that innocent anymore.

  36. Anonymous1:16 PM

    probably not, just throwing out names that fit the squeaky clean image.


  37. Anonymous1:18 PM

    When I think A List name recognition, I think the only names that fit that have been mentioned are Duff and Moore ( even a strech there). I dont think the common folk knows anything about that cirus girl, jojo or emma roberts.


  38. Anonymous1:18 PM

    A list name recognition for emma roberts would be her aunt, julia roberts.

  39. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "A list for name recognition" -- could imply Emma's association with her A-list aunt Julia, though she's barely B list herself.

  40. Anonymous1:20 PM

    true, but i dont think many people would think to connect the two.


  41. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I say it's Emma Roberts, too. Her name definitely has A-list recognition, being a Roberts and all...

  42. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Emma Roberts headlines the Nancy Drew movie...and Aunt Julia, definatly gives her A name recognition...(Daddy Eric is always mentioned too)...MUCH more so than Jojo.

  43. Anonymous1:24 PM

    But shes 16! why would she be around strippers?! dont they have rules for that???


    Im def. going with Duff

  44. Anonymous1:28 PM

    How is Duff A-list?

  45. Anonymous1:31 PM

    A List name recognition. EVERYONE knows her name. Talent is mediocre, but her name is definetly out there


  46. Anonymous1:31 PM

    it was a party - not a strip club. Trust me, anything goes at a bachelorette party.

  47. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Dakota Fanning. *snicker*

  48. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I jusat dont see anyone thats getting married inviting a 16 year old and letting her drink and watch strippers. Im not even square, but still thats a tad much


  49. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Oh my god, Brenda, can you imagine?? *shudder*


  50. Anonymous1:33 PM

    katharine mcphee???

  51. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Duff's relationship with Joel when she was underage and him being in his 20's kind of takes out her as being 'squeaky clean'. Come on peeps...ya know he didn't stay with her for a couple of years with nothing going on in the sheets cuz she had such a great personality.

  52. Anonymous1:34 PM

    brendalove, i see your points and everyones, but ive been to a lot ( im the youngest of 5 wild sister) and if they even sense you are underrage, they kick you out, because they could get in big trouble and if this person is A list name-wise, thats more risk of getting caught.


  53. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I am with you K...I have a hard time thinking it too....but again...Duff was with Madden at 17...he was what , 25? she lost the Squeaky clean image with me when that all came out.

  54. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Hmmm .. I took my sister to see strippers at a local club get together when she was 15. They were serving booze too -- other teens were there. But I'm irresponsible so ...

  55. Anonymous1:37 PM

    she said she was a virgin ( then denied it, but other than that shes squeaky clean as far as the drinking and partying. Shes always very together


  56. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Okay, what about Jaime Lynn Spears - Britney's little sister. Her last name would be pretty recognizeable right? I don't know how old she is though. It could be her.


  57. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Any up and coming young Scientologists?

  58. Anonymous1:43 PM

    she is 14...believe keeps close tabs on her...(personal knowledge)...would NOT be her.

  59. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I'm going with Jaymie Lynn, ya'll can't see BritBrit taking her to a friend's house to have some good country fun?
    And yeah Dakota Fanning...shudder...

  60. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The guests would have to be "of age" for the hostess to have strippers and not get in trouble.

  61. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Hilary duff w/o a doubt!

  62. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Okay,'s Shiloh. I know a lot of the points don't fit, but who else could it be??? ;)

  63. Anonymous1:46 PM

    mandy moore

    most people know her as the gf of zac braff or andy roddick (a-list name recognition).
    her career is mediocre albums and smaller parts in ensemble casts or crappy movies (b-list).

    mandy has been open about her religious upbringing and said she went to church most sundays. hmm....

  64. Anonymous1:49 PM

    This could be anyone that's underage. These starlet kids are getting into Hollywood clubs and drinking. I've never been to a bachellorette party where the strippers carded the people attending the party. I certainly don't think age would be an issue for strippers at a bachellorette party. You people have waaayyy to many morals for the hollywood life.

  65. Anonymous1:51 PM

    yeah, in Hollywood anything goes, but I would never invite a 16year old to my party. And Emma and JamieLynn all have friends THEIR age, you never see them with older people. When Hayden P was 14, she was out with paris, but she never played little kiddie roles and stuck with the younger crowd like the Nickelodeon kids.


  66. Anonymous1:53 PM

    and never has anything nice to say about lesbians? When have we seen a 16yr old trash lesbians?


  67. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I like the Emma Roberts guess the best. Although - ick! Think way back to when you were 16, what were you doing? I know what I was doing and kids these days seems like they're growing up sooo much faster. Anyway, this is Hollywood - everyone KNOWS it's not like every other city in America

  68. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Uh, Mandy, some blog writer is saying that you got drunk at a party, pulled the pants off of a male stripper and gave him a hand job, then had sex with a female stripper and let the woman do you in return, suggesting it was probably in front of people (at a bachelorette party with female strippers, go figure).

    This is irresponsible bullshit made up by a blogger with people thinking it is real people. Everyone is so self-righteous about Perez - what about the Karma for Ent for all this made up bullshit about celebrities?

    And don't give me the crap that it's all in fun or for enjoyment - everyone tries to figure it out like it's the biggest scoop of all time and analyzes every possibility as if this stuff was true. Do you all do it deluding yourselves or do you really believe it? It is one or the other, because who wastes their time guessing "blinds" they know are false?

  69. Anonymous1:59 PM

    There was someone on American Idol that "trashed" gays. Jennifer Hudson?

  70. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Hey anon 1:56. Who wastes their time snarking about how other people surf? Seems to me you must have read quite a bit of gossip blogs in general to even know about Perez.

  71. Anonymous2:10 PM

    In addition 1:56, why else would you be reading through the comments of a BI blog site unless you were reading them yourself. Not only do you have time on your hands, but you're one of us...

  72. its suri for sure

  73. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Anon 2:07 - Yeah, I read gossip sites (Ted C., Perez, dlisted, Lainey) but those people post photos and spread the latest gossip, much of which is true. On this site, this blogger actually makes up stuff and implies that they are true about celebrities - an average of 8 blinds a week!

    The other sites don't make up stuff about celebrities - I think Ted C.'s even has some source behind it on his once monthly blinds. They say snarky/funny things or comments, and Lainey actually observes or meets a lot of the people.

    How would you feel if you were Emma Robert's mom and a blog was inferring that she drank underage and did all that stuff? How do you think the celebrities who are pegged as the answer by consensus would like it? It's no different from the National Enquirer. I am just sick of this blogger claiming to be a lawyer with contacts who spreads all these nasty, damaging stories. And "he" criticizes Perez? Last time I checked, Perez wasn't making up blatant lies and asking people to guess who he's referring to (instead he outs closeted gays, which isn't cool, either! I'm not saying he's above reproach).

    I wasted my time "snarking" about this because it turned my stomach to see adults guessing 14 and 16 year old real girls trying to have
    a career and analyzing this faker's every word like it is the gospel truth. But you are correct - this is a waste of my time.

  74. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Bindi Irwin

  75. Anonymous2:24 PM

    It's got to be Mandy Moore - she has a great rep, except for her gross fling with Wilmer. Ew. She is the only girl out there to fit the profile - singer/actress, A name recog, B everything else. Who is getting married that would have the Bachelorette party?

  76. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Beverly Mitchell from 7th Heaven? It might be a longshot. Hell probably not. She's not A-list by name, but she's a actress/singer who has done TV and movies.

    It would have been her party though, in which case she's a cheating slut.

  77. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I think Jojo dated Freddy Adu for a bit?

  78. Anonymous2:28 PM

    jamie lynn isn't a singer, not to mention britney doesn't have contact with her sister or her mother. so there goes that theory.

  79. Anonymous2:30 PM

    its hilary duff, but we all know she likes the "happy".

  80. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Anon @ 2:28 Yeah it's totally not Jamie, you're right, how could I have been so stupid, instead I'm going with Anon @ 1:56 and Suri... both seem to be from other planets and have a lot of time on their have an unhealthy fascination with Mandy all fits!

  81. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Anon 2:22:
    "How would you feel if you were Emma Robert's mom and a blog was inferring that she drank underage and did all that stuff? How do you think the celebrities who are pegged as the answer by consensus would like it? It's no different from the National Enquirer."

    1. If you don't like ENT or this site, it's best you probably don't come back. It's all about BIs and clearly you do not like the accusations being made.

    2. Emma Roberts, Hilary Duff, Hayden P. Yes, they are all young, but they are stars in the public domain. They are stars for a reason...they like to be in the public's eye. It's harder for a star or politician to sue over defamation or libel because of the fact that they put themselves out there for everyone to praise or criticize. Hence, these young girls know what comes along with the price tag of being a star. No more privacy, more things being said about you, etc.

    It is a bit sickening that there are 14 and 16 year olds being guessed, but after watching all the Sweet Sixteen episodes on MTV, as mentioned earlier, nothing is shocking anymore.

  82. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Jesus H. Christ, Anon@1:56 and 2:22 PM...
    Take the stick out of your ass, STFU, and go away.
    Thank you.

  83. Anonymous2:46 PM

    If I were Emma Robert's mother I'd get off the computer and yank my daughter off the strippers!

  84. Anonymous2:51 PM

    jhud or mandy...cant think of any others that have been anti lesbian

  85. Anonymous2:53 PM

    JHud sounds plausible to me. I think that if this person was underaged, the BI would hint at it.

  86. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Paris Hilton? Oh wait, she's in jail. n/m.

  87. Anonymous3:03 PM

    1;56 & 2:22 Yes it is ALL fake here & made up. The bottom of every page here every day states:

    "characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously."

    The ZX is NOT Dominique Swain fiasco was just one of many blunders the writer/s have made. The modified the format now includes music & fashion but the basic premise of fake lawyer with "secret insider" fake BIs/reveals still stands. This has found a niche with the teenage or immature "adult" crowd & as Lainey puts it, they use the "teenage defense" logic every time someone dares to ask a logical question. For all you doubters, I'm here for my Sociology thesis research data. It's the motherlode here for people suspending rational thought and fantasy beliefs.

  88. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Jennifer Hudson retracted her comments about gays, said she'd been misunderstood.

    A list for name recognition could mean a famous parent - a Willis or a Stewart maybe? The girl could have been at the party because she's going to be a bridesmaid. Who's getting married soon, apart from EL?

  89. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Fine, you believe this stuff is true, be adequite!, and Anons. 2:44. We can agree to disagree and there is no need to attack so viciously. I don't agree it is true and I thought I would speak up in defense of the principle of damaging celeb's reputations for your own enjoyment/celebrity/profit. It is true that celebs are in the public eye, but I don't understand justifying making up trashy lies about them because of it.

    I was led to this site from the Blind Vice message board, and I got hooked, reading it, but I reached my fill, I guess. I've still read the blinds and comments, even though I don't comment/guess, because I am intriqued and even get caught in the "who could that be?" web. But I don't believe almost any of it.

    You believe it, that's all that matters. What you are saying by vicious or sarcastic attacks on my opinion is saying that you believe it and are threatened by someone who doesn't. YOU BELIEVE IT.
    Go for it.

    I also don't like a site where the author leads people on with the DS/ZX saga and then never responds to reader's ongoing inquiries about it, letting others belittle them in the comments section for mentioning it. (And no, I am not the persistent 'still no evidence ZX is DS' commenter.). Apparently the rule on that one now is, if you believe it, you are a fool. The author doesn't respect the reader of the blog, another reason it's not going to last.

  90. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I could give a rat's behind about DS/ZX. Get over it.

    And if you look to the internet and websites for 100% unbendable truth all the time (yet you're just now becoming disenchanted with this fluffy, fun, trite snark) then you're a fool to begin with anyways. Read a book or a legit newspaper if you want facts.

    I don't necessarily believe everything I read here but for me, personally, but that's beside the point. Just another escapist venture in my otherwise kinda lame workday, sometimes.

    PS Mandy Moore is still a lame hack, albeit a pretty one, no matter what you post on here.

  91. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I don't believe a word of what I read on this or any other blog. It's all entertainement and laffs to me. It's a fun distraction from my very stressful job.
    I am "vicious" because your preachiness is extremely irritating. The fact that you won't go away means that you are deliberately being provocative and you're having way too much fun with this, or you are one of those people who always has to be right, no matter what and you won't go away until we all bow down to your greater moral superiority. Plus, you don't get attention in real life.
    OK, you win. We are all going to burn in hell, and you, you will be singing with the angels.
    Now will you go away?

  92. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Thanks, Mom! (couldn't you have picked another handle?!). Anon. 1:56, 2:22 and I forget what other time here. I am a little embarrassed that I have let myself get so caught up in this instead of just forgetting it. It does no good to argue, but when I get "called" names and treated rudely, I respond again, like someone not walking away from a stupid fight!

    I am caught up in seeing how false it all is (the blinds and lawyer persona - the pictures are fun to look at) and reading when someone questions it, but I do waste a lot of precious time on this! I wish I could say it was for a study, but sadly, no! Thanks anyway for backing my commments, because I was starting to feel like I was losing my mind.

  93. Anonymous3:27 PM

    anon 2:22

    rather than

    "I wasted my time "snarking" about this because it turned my stomach to see adults guessing 14 and 16 year old real girls trying to have a career"

    why dont you google Haydens pic from 2 years ago swinging on a stripper pole, cigarette dangling from mouth, yukking it up with Paris...
    trying to have a career

    or Nicole's dabbling in heroin as a teen...
    trying to have a career

    or Nicole and Paris excursions in vegas walking the streets on new years eve at 12, lying to police and proud of it...
    trying to have a career

    or ask Hilary if if her CHOICE to have an underage relationship with Joel interfered with her...
    trying to have a career

    i'd get off the net pronto and find out where your daughters are... probably also doing whatever it takes... trying to have a career

  94. Anonymous3:29 PM


    Instead of coming here everyday spouting off how you are never coming back..then fuckin GO!
    SEE YA!


  95. Anonymous3:29 PM

    How exactly is my joking about Jamie Lynn Spears being morally superior and preachy? What should we be discussing in this section? The lofty, high morals of today's starlets? Why do you suddenly care when people start mentioning Mandy Moore as a possible BI option?
    And yeah, I DO enjoy being provocative and having way too much fun.

  96. Anonymous3:37 PM

    be adequite @ 3:29, I was not referring to you when said preachy, I was referring to the Anon person who started this brewhaha.
    I think you are cool.

  97. Anonymous3:40 PM

    be adequite! - the comment at 3:23 was aimed at me (Anon.1:56/2:22) and not at you, and it was not me talking to you. The person is telling me I think I am morally superior and trying to be provocative.

  98. Anonymous3:41 PM

    3:24 My initials are m.o.m.!!! I've had to follow this since January and it's been fascinating in a sick, sick way. The posters here who try to inject any kind of reality or logic get a "jax" if you know what I mean. I also document several other sites but this one is by far the most infantile and pre-adolescent by far, including Perez. An interesting note though: he actually does have sources and legitimate "scoops" but attracts the same vitriolic posters. The message board here and it's "personalities" have become the basis for much of my work and I just couldn't make up this herd craziness if I tried.

  99. Anonymous3:42 PM

    OMG sorry sorry!!! Anon you gotta get yourself a name. My apologies, I'm sorry :-)

    Kind of quiet in here today, wonder where everyone is??!!

  100. Anonymous3:43 PM

    3:10 Thanks for your post. I would like to rebutt by pointing a couple of things out.

    Have you considered that regular guessing of BI's and participation in the message board / comments section makes a person no more of a believer of the BI's than you? Its a bit of fun! Something to distract people from their desk jobs or kill a little time.
    Notice how none of the friction actually starts until people, such as yourself, start making comments about how Ent is a liar and a fake and his readers are wackjobs or idiots for buying into it? The reason is because we dont live and die by this site. We are simply regular readers just like you (by your own admission).

    You said:
    "I thought I would speak up in defense of the principle of damaging celeb's reputations for your own enjoyment/celebrity/profit. "

    and then quickly went on to say:
    "I've still read the blinds and comments, even though I don't comment/guess, because I am intriqued and even get caught in the "who could that be?" web. But I don't believe almost any of it."

    So...... If you are a regular reader, who appears to have enjoyed this blog at one point or another, what is your gripe exactly? Is it with ENT for creating the BI's that "trash" celebrities, or the readers for enjoying it? or is it because you wrongly assume that everyone takes everything ENT says as gospel?
    Hell, I enjoy guessing at the blinds as much as the next person but to be honest i cant even remember them as soon as I click onto another site. Its really not something I give a whole lot of thought to.

    You seem to think that this site lacks any credibility but you have yet to display any of your own. But please, feel free to continue making moutains out of molehills. All this drama only attracts more readers to the site anyway.

    Have a great day!

  101. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Be Adequite! said...
    "I could give a rat's behind about DS/ZX. Get over it."

    I don't know if you are included in this (I'm new to the site), but it seems to me that during the whole ZX saga, whenever someone questioned whether it was true or not, the regulars not only berated the poster, but begged ZX not to stop posting because they LOVED her. Now that ZX has disappeared, every regular has taken the position that you stated above. I have heard more anons calling for her to keep posting (if only for proof) than those who begged her to stay before. Fickle...

  102. Anonymous3:46 PM

    MOM- have you read commenters on IDLYITW? Talk about scary. Rape fantasies with Keira Knightley and such...shudder. I stopped "lurking" there a couple months ago...just too disturbing, not funny anymore at all.

  103. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I rarely commented on DS/ZX so please don't loop me into an entire group, thanks! I read everything though! But yeah some comment sections got pretty nasty.

  104. Anonymous3:51 PM


    Everyone keeps going on about ZX not being revealed. Reread the June 4th reveal. It seems pretty clear to me (unless I'm missing something that ZX is DS).


    PS - I read this every day - guessing is half the fun!

  105. Anonymous3:53 PM

    The blind does not say the person is underage, but has a good image.

    How about Anne Hathaway?

  106. Anonymous3:53 PM

    3:23...You are RIGHT ON!...I only started looking at this blog the past week, and I am amazed by the superiority that is displayed by MOM and the other. I minored in Physcology and Sociology,& earned an MBA, and do not think that the majority of these blinds are credible, however, when you are stuck on a computer 8 hours a day, it is a nice diversion to break up an otherwise bland and mundane day.

  107. Anonymous3:56 PM

    You're right Fish but I think the controversy was leading up to the reveal (?)...who knew who DS was, who didn't, people would say they knew but wouldn't give examples or say who they thought it was, etc etc...And yeah like one DS post since the I can see both sides.

    Frankly DS/ZX/whoever kinda lost me after her first couple of posts so whatevs. I like the pics and the true/not true BIs...

  108. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Be Adequite!-
    As I said I am relatively new to the site, so I didn't mean to accuse you of anthing. I recognize your "name" as a regular and merely used your ZX/DS comment to illustrate a point. When I found out about this site, I read it every day, but recently I have limited my lurking to a couple of visits a week. The comments sections have turned into these petty name calling forums.

    My previous post, though, was in reference to how the regulars fawned over DS and literally begged her to continue posting, but once she stopped, they instantly turned on anyone who posted asking for an update. They went from please don't go, to get over it and go away. Interesting.

  109. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I hate to say this, but ever since Perez' site stopped taking comments, it seemed like all the teenyboppers are coming here, with guesses such as "Jojo" (who the F?).

  110. Anonymous4:04 PM

    There was no reveal for ZX: the ENT writer posted a commenter's theory and guess work but no Dominique Swain video, PR release or statement. NEVER WROTE IT WAS DOMINIQUE SWAIN!!!! Gotta go w/ mom & be adequire!, it's not very good fiction but kudos to those who can suspend reality and believe it. BTW, I'd definitely love the numbers for your dealers 3:51 & kath.

  111. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Holy man - at least at this site you can express your opinions without getting jumped on (usually) - a lot of the other sites can be downright nasty - homophobic/racist/misogynistic (sorry about the sp) - you name it. I've been reading here for probably a year now - got hooked from a link to a story a long time ago about a Tom Cruise gay issue - I've never once wondered if ent is real - don't care - I don't speculate on any of the people running the sites. I enjoy ent's comments, I enjoy his take on things and I enjoy the fact this is off the beaten path a bit and not over run as of yet. This is my escape - for every news story I read about another pedophile, another murder, another natural disaster etc. I come to places like this to escape the real world.

    The people that are spoken about here and other sites are in the business of entertainment for a reason - they like the attention. All of them. They collect emense paychecks for memorizing & delivering words (lyrics or lines) - all the while constantly putting themselves & their lives knowingly in the public eye. They are in the business of entertainment and to me this is entertainment - not overpaying for ninety minutes of poor acting or awful singing.

    But back to the BI - I'm leaning towards a Duff sister....just because someone has a clean image doesn't mean they're underage.

  112. Anonymous4:07 PM

    1:56 PM i completely agree with you. my take on it is just don't bash perez. agreed. i also am not judging people on drooling over BIs. knowing the people around here it probably is true.

    either way, we all know the gems are in the comments. some of us are actually in la and see this stuff happening, whether it is at a coffee shop or a club.

    anyways, its def not jamie lynn. i overheard a conversation with i think one of the spears family assistants (jumped into a sportscar with louisiana plates)
    she was saying that jamie was freaking out even having to kiss a guy on zoey 101. that she didn't want to do it. its not her. from that convo i kind of remove her from a lot of the sleazy underage BIs.

  113. Anonymous4:07 PM

    4:04...what are you talking about? I don't even know what ds/zx is. Did you read what I wrote?

  114. Anonymous4:11 PM

    So true about Jamie Lynn...I was there the day they shut down production for several hours on Zoey 101...she wouldn't come out of her trailer because she didn't want her first kiss to be like that...and the dude was in his 20's, playing a teenager....what were the casting director's thinking?

  115. Anonymous4:12 PM

    yeah kath! she was saying how "daddy bear wants her to do it for the shock factor" and that she was freaking out. i can't blame the poor kid.

  116. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Rapture that disappoints me! I thought Jaymie'd blindly follow in the footsteps of BritBrit. Oh well.

    What about the Peldon sisters? How awesome would that be? (Does anyone here read GoFug?)

  117. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Once and for all, I have no problem reading and enjoying gossip that is going around the net, looking at celebrity photos and reading "probably" true blinds like Ted C.'s or from someone really connected to the Hollywood scene. I agree it is fun to guess and to waste a little time.

    I have read Ent's blinds and comments, but I am at a point where I believe for sure that they aren't true, and I feel that it is irresponsible to knowingly make up damaging lies and let some people think they are true. There is a distinction between Gossip that's all over the web and made up stories by one blogger. That's all. I have never called anyone an idiot or whack job or purposely tried to intimidate anyone. It's my opinion that obviously struck a cord.

    P.S. why isn't anyone being mean to M.o.m.?! Not that I want them to, M.o.m., I just feel a little picked on here!

  118. Anonymous4:22 PM

    i'm just waiting for these reveals. i think just wanting some damn reveals has made me start posting. haha

    and i hope it isn't some wild goose chase for the answers.

    ds is not zx.

  119. Anonymous4:22 PM

    If you've got the smarts, mean, motivation and the energy to do good in the world, go do it. Don't preach on a celebrity news blog.

    It would be like someone going to a Bingo game at a church and bitching about the fact that all the old ladies were wearing panty hose with open toed shoes. Yes, it's wrong, but no one is getting hurt.

    The funny thing is, initially, the comments here seemed less vile than on some of the other celebrity news blogs I was reading. And that made me happy.
    Guess I was wrong.
    (They are basically all the same, with a few exceptions.)

    There's a lot of unhappy frustrated people out there, just aching for a little attention, and anonymous comment boards are the perfect venue for them to act out their loneliness and misery.
    Makes me kinda sad. :(

  120. Anonymous4:24 PM

    kath Obviously the poster was talking about your "I minored in Physcology and Sociology,& earned an MBA, and do not think that the majority of these blinds are credible, however, when you are stuck on a computer 8 hours a day, it is a nice diversion to break up an otherwise bland and mundane day." If drugs are not fueling THAT logical rationalization, get a new dealer or psychiatrist, pronto!!! BTW most PSYCH students spell it correctly and use proper spelling and grammar. Just saying.

  121. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Thank you anon 1:56/2:22, hez, be adequite!, tracee and all the regular others for the wonderful
    "Physcology and Sociology" comments/posts. I'm not supposed to affect the content here so I'll "superiorly" sign off now and wish you all the best.

  122. Anonymous4:32 PM

    MOM--I'd love to read your thesis. In fact, I have been looking around for anything written about the "reader board culture." You're right, it IS fascinating.
    However, as someone who has read many of these boards I can tell you that this one is certainly no worse than many many others.
    There were several I stopped reading because of the nasty - homophobic/racist/misogynistic/anti-Semitic comments.

    Oh, and BTW, it's "its personalities," no apostrophe.

  123. Anonymous4:35 PM

    who is mom?

  124. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The bottom line is that no one here has the right to criticize or judge anyone else who is here. No one has the right to tell someone what they believe or to accuse them of rationalizing anything.

    No one who is reading this blog and commenting is better than anyone else who is reading this blog and commenting.

    Even you MOM.

  125. Anonymous4:38 PM

    4:15, what? You opened the can of worms and yet you feel picked on?

    Do you or MOM know the definition of gosssssip, sugars?

    idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others: the endless gossip about Hollywood stars. Thanks!

    I'm not looking for deep conversation, babycakes. I'm looking for something that's gonna dull the pain of 9 hour workday. You dig?

    If ur looking for "respectable" talk got to CNN or Fox News.

    Now back to the teenage slut/whore.


  126. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Tracee, you rock!
    Hee Hee!

  127. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I have never called anyone an idiot or whack job or purposely tried to intimidate anyone. It's my opinion that obviously struck a cord.

    I think you mean "chord."

  128. Anonymous4:51 PM

    THAT's ENOUGH - this is ridiculous. Don't be sad for me, 4:24 - I am not sad, lonely, or miserable, or pining for attention (I have a great husband, two young kids, a big, loving extended family and many friends, thank you). The attention-seekers are the regulars who comment without fail, over and over, and need to give their opinion on every celebrity photo posted.

    It's funny - I actually have thought the same thing (they must be lonely/miserable) about people who spend all day commenting on and saying mean things about how celebrities look and run their lives. I read the damn sites (a BAD habit that wastes time, for sure) and look at the photos (and on THIS ONE only, read the comments), but I don't comment on ANY of them with my criticism or judgement of how so and so looks or whether I want to F*ck so and so and act "morally superior" to all of the celebrities. It's not because I think I am superior, I just don't feel energized or the need to comment on them. Yet people on here tell me I act morally superior when I say this blogger goes too far with "his" blinds. Fine.

    I do not attack you directly, and the people who keep posting that I must have no life and I am miserable and lonely, etc. AGAIN - the hypocrisy - you mean those of you who avoid work throughout the day writing mean and critical comments about celebrities you don't know are somehow better? In between running my life, I check back in here and keep seeing very insulting things attacking me personally because I said I don't think it's great to spread knowing lies WHEN PEOPLE BELIEVE THEM. This site is so hypocritical and contradictory, it drives me nuts!

  129. Anonymous4:55 PM

    ok anyways,

    it never says in the BI that the chick is underage.

    but take a look at c. what the f is "s shot"? does it mean shit a shot? is it garbage

    c) never has anything nice to say about lesbians and gave no indication she ever was going to give that s shot.

  130. Anonymous4:58 PM

    s is next to a on the keyboard - typo. "ever was going to give that _a_ shot"

  131. Anonymous4:59 PM

    P.S. You are right, whoever corrected me on "cord" - I know better, I was just writing quickly. But I suppose I could have struck a cord, too, somehow - whatever, I have a headache.

  132. Anonymous5:00 PM

    4:58 PM good call.

  133. Anonymous5:03 PM

    can everyone stop bitching and just guess the bi? why is everyone so nasty lately? this is for FUN!

  134. Anonymous5:04 PM

    we've been focusing on Hilary Duff a lot but then dismissing her b/c she dated a Madden. What about Haylie - Duff would be an a-list last name, never seen her drunk, we know nothing about her personal life, is a minor actress (movies w/ sister, Napoleon Dynamite; Hairspray on broadway) and singer (mostly songs w/ sister)

  135. Anonymous5:10 PM

    How do you guys figure ZX WASN"T revealed?? READ the Mfing blog and you'll see the link referred to above with a pic and ZX revealed under it. HEELLLOOOO!

  136. Anonymous5:14 PM

    ok... so are there any pics of a celebrity leaving a bachelorette party this past weekend?

  137. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Just throwing this name into the mix...Anne Hathaway. Look at her you think she'd know how to finish off a male stripper? A list because of The Devil wear's Parada in name, B list because of substance of most of her movies. It makes more sense that she would be at a bachelorette party than Jamie Lyn Spears, and Jo Jo.


  138. Anonymous5:20 PM

    (Groan). Why don't you google it because there probably is a photo somewhere that will substantiate this story.

  139. Anonymous5:31 PM


  140. Anonymous5:33 PM

    4:52 GO AWAY
    are you are unable to sleep at night without the last word?
    you are a looney tune
    i pity your husband and family having to deal with your ridiculous train of thought on and on and on...
    you have interjected a load of bullshit...
    close your computer and start with the bible again...
    it will feed your righteousness

  141. Anonymous5:36 PM

    just thinking... what about Bruce and Demi's daughter? the one with the chin? she's pretty innocent and A-list without being A list...

  142. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Anne Hathaway is the right age range I think, but itsn't she rumoured to be gay? Would make the guy part def. surprising but not the girl part.

  143. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Rumour's not that innocent - lots of pictures of her drinking/smoking etc. - plus she's a bff of LiLo.

  144. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Um, 4:03 ... I guessed Jojo and I'm a 38 y.o. writer/producer -- not a "teenybopper from Perez" ... have you never listened TO THE RADIO? "To Little To Late" reached #3 last year.

    It's a better guess than JLO at least. **eyeroll**

  145. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Typo -- "TOO Little TOO Late" :)

  146. Anonymous5:59 PM

    there is a whole bunch of stuff that was posted on june 4th about how zx is dominique swain but what i wonder is weather or not there will ever be any real proof that Swain is ZX. whether she is or isn't may have no real importance what so ever as far as the rest of the world is concerned, but it is of real importance as far as the world of this blog is concerned. if DS does post a youtube video or has her publicist release a statement or takes anyother action which independently confirms that DS is ZX then that would give a least some credibility to every other piece of gossip that Ent has posted. it would not prove that the gossip was accurate but it would prove that Ent has at least some actual contact in Hollywood and might be in a position to hear the kind of gossip he posts. If no independent proof that DS is ZX is ever provided then this gives wieght to the argument that has been made that Ent is just some guy making stuff up. if that is the case and Ent is just a fake, he must be getting a really good laugh when people so emotionally defend this blog.

  147. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Don't worry 4:30 you affected absolutely nothing here at all. Good luck with your paper!

  148. Anonymous6:23 PM

    the bickering is totally a fuckin buzzkill! Get it together ppl - our common purpose here is to be entertained not JUDGE each OTHERs fucking comments -- what the fuck is going on?!?!

    Now when I first read this blind item I thought of several ppl:

    1. Mandy Moore
    2. Amanda Bynes
    3. Christina Milian
    4. Faith Hill (doesn't necc. have to be a pop tart)
    5. Kimberely Lock
    6. Kelly Roland from Destiny's child

  149. Anonymous6:39 PM

    WAIT! I just remembered something.....

    Who was it from American Idol who made the anti-gay comments??

  150. Anonymous6:41 PM

    M.O.M. - Consider the possibility that the majority of the comments and regular posters are the blog author herself, trying to keep this site viable and to dissuade the nonbelievers.

    Um, how about Mandy Moore? She is the only one who truly fits all of the clues. I bet it is her - I'll can't wait to find out next week in the reveals who all these celebrities are!

  151. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Not sure she is an actress but how about Carrie Underwood?

  152. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Amanda Bynes is a great guess....does she sing?

  153. Anonymous7:07 PM

    well...the American Idol singer I'm thinking about is named Mandisa....not A list fer sure.

    And if someone thinks our commenters are less mature than Perez's....I don't even know that to say to that one. It just isn't so.

    I like Miss Bliss' comments @ 3:43. Sums it up nicely IMHO.

    I'm not apologizing to anyone for coming here each day. Its a fun site and I like the people and I like to laugh. ENT and the Commenters definitely keep my spirits up with the snark.

    Most people I know don't have very easy lives, and this is one of my places for having a little fun. Hollywood gossip is definitely not my only interest in life, in fact its pretty low on the totem pole.

    But wouldn't "ENT and The Commenters" be an awesome name for a band?

  154. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Amanda Bynes is a great guess...she is of age, and she said she tried to make her voice "squeaky" when she voice the Robot in the animated flick "Robots".

  155. Jennifer Hudson is the one from Idol,but she's not b-list "for everything else", since she's an Oscar winner this year.

    Anna Ortiz from Ugly Betty had a bachlor/bachelorette party over Memorial Day and this article indicates she had plenty of ... fun participating.

    She's listed as a singer/actress, and even though the BI sounds like this would be a guest ... I"m wondering if that's creative license by Ent?

    But I really wouldn't say her name is A-list, although the show is.

  156. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Did Jennifer Hudson make anti-gay remarks? I don't keep up with these Idol people.

  157. Well, it depends on how you look at it. She was asked if being gay is a sin. She responded that the Bible says that it is. She really didn't take it any further, and the question was a set-up from the start, during an interview in, I think, the Advocate.

    But as always happens, bloggers latched onto it in the hopes of making something out of nothing (and getting hits to their sites), and she ended up having to do damage control even though she hadn't done a thing wrong other than to profess her belief in the teachings of the Bible.

    Sillyness, really.

  158. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Don't get your hopes up too high for the reveals. I have a feeling that they are not going to be who everyone suspected them to be. The reason I say this is because when I first came across this blog a few months ago, Ent posted a BI about someone's marriage ending and a bunch of deets. It turned out to be Shannon Elizabeth. Don't want to kill the buzz, but just remember that you may be a little let down.


  159. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Amanda Bynes is a great guess. There was another really good guess about halfway through the comments, but there was so much bullshizz from there to the end that I've forgotten who it was already. Seriously.

    Just thought of Raven Simone. . . or America Ferrera.

  160. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Oh wait - I doubt America would have nothing nice to say about lesbians, considering the gay-friendly Ugly Betty.

  161. Anonymous8:07 PM

    and what about Rhianna?

  162. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I was just thinking about her too - except for the Jay Z rumor she has always been really squeaky clean (albeit really sexy)until just recently.

  163. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Thanks Kathy @ 7:26....I am officially going to guess Jennifer Hudson for this.

  164. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Alright, this is the only time I am going to say it....

    IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS SITE, STOP COMING HERE AND READING IT! No one is forcing you to type the URL in your navigation bar! Don't be so full of yourself that you actually believe you can change the celebrity blog phenomenon. Like it or not, this blog is here and we read it. So QUIT TALKING ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU HATE THIS BLOG AND LEAVE!

    And, btw, I resent the comment that we all are "avoiding work all day" reading this blog... um I HAPPEN TO BE VERY HAPPY WITH MY PROFESSIONAL LIFE, and I have a feeling the rest of us who read/post on this site are doing just fine, thanks.

    That said, this one has me stumped, I have no clue. I think all of the usual suspects have a few pieces that don't fit.... hmmm.

  165. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Perhaps we should think of Disney/Mickey Mouse Club people - squeakiest of squeaky?

  166. Anonymous8:46 PM

    today i had a giggle thinking what if this was that ashley chick from HS musical.... that would be hillarious. totally doesn't fit her though.

  167. Anonymous8:47 PM

    OMG people - read it , don't read it but Christ on a crutch quit the bitchin at each other. DON'T FEED THE TROLLS.

    Ya'll are really killing the buzz here so if you don't like it move along and bitch about it on someone else's site.

    Now the real reason we are here... the BI - I am leaning toward jennifer Hudson for this one.

    ~Britney irishstayc Spears
    PS: stop guessing my lil' sis ya'll that's just sick.

  168. Anonymous8:52 PM

    that would gross me the f out if it is Jhud. Ish.

  169. Anonymous8:57 PM


  170. Anonymous10:45 PM

    What about Britney Snow?

  171. Anonymous4:23 AM

    The bitch Tom Cruise

  172. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Kristen Cavalleri, the slut

  173. Anonymous4:26 AM

    So, you people don't necessarily believe the BIs here are true, its just entertainment, a diversion. Yet you spend time guessing the answers to these BIs even though there is no correct answer because they are fiction. That I will never understand.


  174. Anonymous4:42 AM

    I dont know - I dont really think of Jennifer Hudson as 'squeaky clean' - just not something I associate w/her - not that I have any reason to think she isnt... but Amanda Bynes - that kind of sounds more 'squeaky clean' - and hasnt she been changing her look more and all of that?

    BTW: The 'regular' commenters are my favorite - please, keep posting, I still think it is one cranky anon that dislikes anyone guessing the BIs and comes up w/millions of conspiracy theories and insults to regulars - maybe it is someone in PR trying to save their clients reputation...

  175. Anonymous4:43 AM

    MN - I asked that exact question before and was told more or less they do it because it pisses other people off - mature eh.

  176. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Alicia Keys isn't even under age. Dolts!!

  177. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Ashley Tisdale :

    "Ashley Tisdale tells Blender she's a different kind of pop star, who resists alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs. "Personally, I don't think that's cool," the 21-year-old said. "My mom really instilled confidence in me, so I'm not somebody who'd be under peer pressure." As for the troubling pantiless trend, Tisdale remarked, "I don't know why they do that. Maybe they didn't do laundry. I'm definitely the kind of person to wear underwear all the time." Asked if she'd agree to Madonna asking to recreate her VMA girl-on-girl kiss, the 'High School Musical' star said, "I'd like to open for her. But I don't think, um ... no. No. No. Definitely not."

  178. Anonymous5:19 AM

    The BI does not state the A-lister is underage. Read YOU DOLT!

  179. Anonymous6:15 AM

    So much anger in the world....and English teachers.

  180. Anonymous6:30 AM

    6:15 Funny, especially since the corrector was wrong & don't forget those who "minored in Physcology"!

  181. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Im with anon 5:11 now. GOOD WORK! :)


  182. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Oh please...It is really sad that someone has to proof read this typos are alot going on...apparently more than the proof-reader.

  183. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I'm w/ magicoxymoron, kath. If you had actually taken a psychology class you would have known how to spell it. Like riding a bike. Not a typo, ignorance. I think you're missing the point that nobody bought your self PR.

  184. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I apoligize in advance if this question has already been discussed, however, having been out of the country for a few weeks, I have returned to discover that it appears that once again the author of this blog may have changed ie the new interest in musician photos. Anyone else have any insights to this

  185. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Like you I check occasionally 6:55. It's actually discussed above in the beginning of this thread. Musicians and fashion dailies now. Apparently the writer/s here are going for a broader base looking for more hits surely. It seems alot of regulars are leaving and tweeners replacing them judging from the comments. The ZX thing was fake and many can't sustain the belief that there is any insider "entertainment lawyer" anymore.

  186. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Anon 156/2:22 here, from yesterday-

    I just checked in, to see what had been written from yesterday, and I can tell all you conspiracy theorists who think that there is ONE anon/troll/publicist (!), I did not post what M.O.M. said, or MN said, or the follow-up comment, or the very last question about who the blogger is, or any of the questions about the fickleness about the treatment of ZX from before. There is definitely more than one!

    I like GOSSIP blogs and even Ent's stuff before the BI's - just don't understand made-up blinds that make people believe lies about real celebrities. There is already enough true trash out there about them! It's like the weird prison culture where criminals have their own standards (i.e. child molesters are doomed). I DO NOT agree this site is open to all opinions, but I understand that my statement yesterday could be insulting to those who enjoy guessing the blinds on here.

  187. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I like the Britney Snow guess.

  188. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Does anyone remember that old BI where an actor was filming in a wilderness, remote area & going to strip clubs? Wasn't Tracee the one who insisted over & over that Brighton, England of all places was a wilderness area? Hysterical as always to read these comments, but sadly Tracee & Kath types seem to have replaced some of the more intelligent posters.

  189. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Phyllis Diller

  190. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Does anybody know if Amanda Bynes sings? Please don't yell at me if that's a dumb question...I havnen't had coffee yet. ((be gentle))


  191. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Ashley Tisdale is not A-list by name or B List for TV/Movies by any stretch.

    Anne Hathaway is a really good guess 3:53!

  192. Anonymous8:35 AM

    8:01 you are being modest. Don't leave yourself off that list, you replaced an intelligent poster too. Yeah!

  193. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Tracee does make some pretty dumb guesses and comments, along with some others, and they are really hostile to people they don't even know, which makes this site less and less appealing.

    And for my part, there's no way the author is a lawyer, or if he/she is, he/she cannot be very good or very busy. No good entertainment lawyer would have the time to do all of this posting. Further, most good lawyers are far better writers, with far fewer grammatical and punctuation errors that any paralegal would catch immediately. And yes, I'm a practicing lawyer with not much time on my hands, so I rarely have time to even post a comment.

    Yes, I know, leave the site, blah blah, blah, and I'm leaving now. And no, I won't let the door hit me on the way out (or some other "clever" parting shot from the witty regulars or anons.)

  194. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Does anyone remember when these musician photos started? Ent made the remark along the lines that that someone had sent them an email requesting it. I don't know why I'm mentioning this. I guess because it just seemed kind of odd especially at the extent it has continued. I kinda wondered if that was when someone else took over the site and it was Ent that actuually sent the email since he's supposedly from the music industry at one time...

  195. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Hey, I have a writing assingment due for my Psych class...I was wondering if I posted it in the comments section you guys could proofread it for me before I turn it in?? *snort*

  196. Anonymous9:17 AM

    9:09, the musician photos are simply filler for when Ent. has nothing else.

  197. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I love how the intelligent and mature posters are able to make time in their day to berate others.

    Now run along, seasoned braniacs...we'll catch up with you at the Martha Stewart and Gwenyth Paltrow fan sites. We know you'd rather be there anyway.

  198. Anonymous9:26 AM

    All of you idiots rambling on and on about anything but what this blog pertains to is killing it for the rest of us.

  199. Anonymous9:32 AM

    8:36- THANK YOU, my thoughts exactly. I have several friends that practice law- and not one of them have this much time to devote to research and posting a blog...I am none the less a long time follower and fan regardless of what or who ENT really is....

  200. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Okay - now this is what REALLY cracks me up:
    Anonymous said...
    Tracee does make some pretty dumb guesses and comments, along with some others, and they are really hostile to people they don't even know, which makes this site less and less appealing.

    So lets see, you call Tracee dumb but then say others are hostile - I would consider insulting someone who actually signs in as being HOSTILE. You have an amazing ability to say others are 'mean to you' in the same sentence that you insult someone else - pot, kettle, black.

    And agree that the commentary/coverage, etc has changed since the beginning of the blog - not sure to chalk it up to someone 'growing' w/the blog or different ghost writer, or what - but despite the insulting idiots in the comments, it is a good daily distraction.
