Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kindness Plug

As always, the words are those of the person who sent it to me.

I have a kindness plug for your consideration…

I am a mother of an adorable 3 year old boy with autism. During my constant research of this devastating disorder, I came across a website for a 5 yr old boy who is far in worse shape than my son. His name is Brandon Noble and he has autism and numerous health problems including a serious brain tumor. I am very grateful that my own son is healthy and does not need the serious health care that this boy needs. I recently donated some money to help this little boy make his life a little more enjoyable on earth and help pay for his mounting bills.

In no way does my meager donation alleviate these problems, but help from more people may. I check his website often for updates and was sad to see that Brandon ’s parents may stop updating the website as they get no hits and no donations. I don’t want to see that happen. I care about this little boy I never met (you will too once you see his picture). Please post and help Brandon out… even just a prayer for this angel would be appreciated…



  1. He has the most precious face!

  2. Anonymous4:19 PM

    a more cynical person might say that this is just a scam.

  3. "Some": Although their web site is waaaay too wordy/hard to read, if you'd read a little further (or googled "Brandon Noble +autism" like I did!), you'd realize that it's definitely NOT a scam.

    The family actually appeared on their local ABC news station (in Raleigh, NC) when Brandon's room was "made over" by a nonprofit group called April's Angels.

    Here's a link to the video:

  4. I donated to spite Some.

  5. DONE! Now only 134 more donations to go. Thanks for letting everyone know, Stephanie and EL.

  6. Anonymous6:27 PM

    B:) if your spreading money around to spite me than may i suggest a donation to the NRA and the NRC because i really hate handguns and prayer in schools.

  7. I am going to sound like an ass (again), but I was going to donate until I saw "Empowered by God."

    I am a softie, but I don't believe that prayers will cure this poor boy. Cold hard cash will help him.

  8. I try to ignore that stuff too.

  9. Kory, if you think the only thing will help is cold hard cash, then please don't recind your donation - just ignore what their beliefs are. Faith does help people get through difficult situations and they didn't put it there to offend.

    Unless you really were NOT planning on donating anything.

    Some, are you saying that YOU'RE that cynical? I'm not sure what you're saying.

  10. This does bother me. People are so quick to hand out their cash to a far away stranger but ignore the homeless in their own city and kids suffering down the street?
    Yeah, I'm a cynic. I've seen too many scams. I've seen too many local needy people who were ignored because do-gooders would have to come in contact with them. It's easy to write a cheque. It's hard to look them in the eyes. Go ahead, bash me all you want, I'm ready for it. And I too am really bothered by people who do the whole God thing on their sites. Why? Becasue usually these people are the most judgemental, hypocritical bunch who only hand out their version of God's love and compassion to those they think are worthy and not to everyone blindly, as the bible says. I was raised Catholic. I've been invloved in different faiths. I've heard the baptist church say terrible things about other churches. But they all did have one thing in common. They would say "only we are the true believers. Only our religion is the right one". Whatever.
    Okay, that's my rant for today.

  11. Wow! After reading the site I have several comments .... that I will keep to myself. And after reading the above comments .... I continue to keep my comments to myself. Have a good day all - especially Ent!

  12. littleoleme, what do you know about any of us that you're being so judgmental? I cook for the homeless shelter that's opened from November until April and have done that for ten years. I also volunteer time at our woman's shelter and help people all over the world who have a certain disease get treatment by writing to their doctors on their behalf to educate them on studies and treatment being done here in the U.S. I started doing volunteer work when I was fifteen and my kids do volunteer work, too. If I want to throw some money toward someone who is suffering, that's my business, and while I do think there are a lot of con artists out there, my gut feeling was that this wasn't one of them.

    It doesn't matter WHO we help, but THAT we help. To undermine that with a rant that our help isn't being properly directed is bullshit.

    End of MY rant, and I do hope you and I can still meet on common ground to discuss gossip.

  13. Visit his myspace:

    Look at the pictures and tell me that it's a scam. I dare you.

    I sure hope YOU or your children don't fall ill where you would need help or compassion because I just might think it's a SCAM.

  14. Twisted: You GO, girl!!! :)

    ..Can I just reiterate how HAPPY I am that the anons are no more?! Everyone still has their own point of view, but all that nastiness no longer overshadows the fact that some REALLY CARING, generous people visit this site...

    (Whew! Sorry for the sudden attack of the warm fuzzies. I'm sure I'll be back to my bitchy, judgmental self momentarily...)

  15. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Twisted - NOW that is putting your money where you mouth is (I think I got that saying correct?) - And I think you put it perfectly saying it doesn't matter WHO we help, but that we help. If everyone had this attitude we could eliminate so much of the suffering. Really, I don't care about someone's religion as long as they are not trying to make me care about theirs.

  16. Rant away Twister Sister - You have your view and I have mine. Good for you for what you do - seriously. But sadly your actions mine are sadly not the norm.
    And my experience with religions is "we'll help people if they believe like we do and we're better than everyone else". Why am I so judgmental. Because I've seen too much and heard lipservice from too many and seen too many of these "please help me" sites. Then people give cash and say "see what I did". I don't like it. You all will feel what you want. I can guess we're not going to see eye to eye and that's okay. I must say though I was glad to see that at least some people checked it out for authenticity.
    P.S.And yeah, I'm one of those that doesn't believe that this is blog has anything to do with a real ent lawyer. It's just fun to come to sometimes.

  17. Congratulations to all of you that do so much to help others. Congratulations to all of you that do nothing but consume. I commend you all for sticking to your laurels, but can we just have this be about Brandon and not ourselves?

  18. (Deep SIGH...)

    Maybe I spoke too soon. Oh well - at least we don't have 20 ANONS piling on just for fun. :)
