Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lindsay's Legal Escape

Reuters, along with many other blogs and news outlets are reporting that all of the felony cocaine charges against her will be dropped, as well as the hit and run charge, and that the only two charges she will face are misdemeanor drunk driving charges. When I first did an analysis of the charges almost a month ago, I came to the same conclusion, except for the fact that I really thought they would keep the cocaine possession charge from the July incident. I understand why they are dropping the other two, but the reasons for the dropping of the third are unclear. What is clear is that with all the damage and destruction she has wrought, she could be looking at just four days in jail if all three drug charges are dropped AND she is convicted of both DUI incidents.


  1. That makes me sick.

  2. I figured the cocaine charges would be dropped if she completed rehab. I'm not sure if it would have to be successfully completed!

  3. It will be interesting to see how many civil suits are filed against Lindsay from the Memorial Day early a.m. chase.

  4. So what's it gonna take, Ent - does she have to kill somebody for her ass to be thrown in jail??

  5. Anyone else think that if she and Pete Doherty ever met they could rule the world together?

  6. It would have been different if there were injuries, or property damage. Addiction is a disease, and she's continuing to try treatment to stop. What are they going to do, lock her up - have her still be an addict? It just cost tax payers money and nobody wins. This way at least there is a chance she'll get help.

  7. Well, Lohan was right, nothing was going to happen to her because she's a celebrity.

    The So Cal "court" system should be ashamed of itself.

  8. Zandra- there were no injuries THIS TIME. I agree to addiction being a disease- but what if a diseased addict hit a car and killed someone you love? If you found out that they'd gotten off of charges in the past, you'd have a different opinion I'd think. Drug possession is illegal, and it's a shame that the court system is enabling people like her and Doherty by telling them it's ok to possess drugs, and drive under the influence.

  9. I thought the blog was going Lohan free.

    Enty do you need an intervention?

  10. I guess our judges are now learning how to handle celebrities like the English judges have done ala Pete "Stoner King" Dougherty.

    It is just revolting that this girl is going to get away with all this once more.
    The regular non-celeb would be tossed in jail and face huge fines for far far less.

    Excuse me while I go puke.

  11. World Dominaton Pete and LiLO style... Good one Parisss! Maybe if she was in a damn rehab that was like a jail instead of skipping off to tan and whitewater raft and walk a dog and invite OK in for a photo shoot we wouldn't be so bitter about her using rehab as a way to get away with commiting crimes. UGH!!! God i am snarky today - I think I need a drink... and possibly a golf cart ride. ~Stacey

  12. but what does lindsay's husband say about all this? :)

  13. What's up with that whole married thing? I'm dying to know!

    And she is as serious about rehabbing as I am about working today. Give it a month and the stories will come out just like they did the last time she "rehabbed".

  14. She needs to go to jail, not a spa masquerading as a rehab center, and face the consequences of her reckless, arrogant actions.

    She'll either end up killing an innocent bystander or herself.

    Come on, LA DA, lock her up for a few months otherwise she won't have any respect for life, hers or ours.



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