Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Owen Wilson Update

Here is what I found out last night from the woman who provided the information for the post yesterday. When I spoke to her last night she had just returned from Owen's hospital. After getting past the security check, she was met by much of the Wilson clan who didn't let her in to see Owen but told her that he was doing much better than expected and that he would call her soon. They told her Owen had seen a couple of friends earlier in the day, but didn't want to see anymore for awhile. She said the whole family was so nice to her that she was halfway home before she realized she had been passed through what amounted to a receiving line of family members. As each friend was greeted, they were passed from one family member to another until there was no real alternative but to leave, but the family was so kind to all the friends that it didn't matter. She kept emphasizing how nice the family was, and that they were doing the comforting and sympathy rather than the other way around.


  1. Good luck to him! Pretty soon it's going to be hard to find actors to work since everyone is going to rehab.

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Jesus, anon, you have GOT to get over this lol

    Glad to hear Owen Wilson's doing OK. Still curious re: overdose or suicide attempt...

  3. Nope, Jenner. I'm stuck on this one.
    Re: overdose or suicide? I'd imagine that an extreme OD would almost be a suicide attempt without the note. If you're doing that many drugs, I think "death wish" may be appropriate.
    And I do hope the best for Mr. Wilson- and his family. Along with anyone battling drug/depression issues.

    Ent- you're an *sshole. But if you're battling these issues, I send my best to you as well.

  4. Maybe I'm a bit cynical but it sounds to me like the fmaily is possibly trying very hard to keep the not-so-good friends away from him.

  5. and whats wrong with that?
    Courtney Love even had something to say about what happened. And crikey, if anyone knows drug addiction its her.

  6. My comments aside-
    Seriously read the nastiness he wrote in the original report ent did about this. Read everyone's comments.
    Then really read what this "mystery woman" contacted ent to tell him. Any of that could be 100% made up. There's some bs about him and Kate Hudson going back and forth, but they were in love. But it says basically nothing. No substantial evidence of anything. The entire thing could be so easily made up. Ent is trying to look like he cares about this situation, and is trying to make the readers of this blog feel better about him. No one called him about this. There are no details in any of this that are believable. It's all put very carefully as to not get into trouble.

    *sshole stuff ent.

  7. Anon..get over yourself and stop trying to hijack the thread with your bullshit.

    If you have such a prob with El then leave, no ones forcing you to come here and complain like an 80 year old constipated grandma.

    My bad, that's offensive to 80 year old constipated Grandmas.

  8. If I were in his position, I wouldn't want to have many visitors. He doesn't need the stress of making conversation.

  9. Anonymous11:38 AM

    moosh--Yeah the awkward situation of
    Visitor: "So... you tried to kill yourself...?"
    Owen: "Yup."
    V:"Umm... why?"
    O: "I'd rather not talk about it."
    V: "Uhh... ok. So I hear that you're really good in the new Wes Anderson movie!"
    O: "Thanks. I'm just gonna wallow in misery. Can you go please?"

  10. 'Anon' you need to take your childish taunts to Ent in private email, you're looking assholish now.

  11. You can say "asshole" here, *non, dear.

    Multiple posts in a row certainly do make one look balanced and fair minded... absolutely hint of anti-Ent OCD there.

    Ent might be a capital "A" Asshole, but he's OUR asshole. You'll end up leaving the site before he changes - and I think most would agree, we wouldn't have it any other way.

  12. Uh Jen, all I meant to say was, this woman tried to make herself sound like a concerned friend who was treated kindly by the family. My point was, " the family is possibly trying very hard to keep the not-so-good friends away from him." ie - this woman supposedly telling the truth is not to be trusted.

  13. Thanks Hez!

    Hey ent- this whole thing made you look like an Asshole.

  14. LOL..apparently anon does not compute utter sarcasm..

  15. LOL- Neither do you jax :)

  16. I have to agree with Anon. I thought exactly the same thing. It's also obvious Ent didn't write the piece from yesterday "implicating" Kate Hudson. The style wasn't his. And if he did, shame on him. It approached slanderous and any lawyer would know that.

  17. Here's a great post about Owen based on one writer's previous experience with him.

    PS: You can't spell "entitled to his own opinion" without ENT.

  18. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Anon, are you the same person who's all over Perez Hilton about the Fidel Castro story?

  19. I'm not going to bother responding anymore anon..go aehad call him an asshole until someone foolishly gives you the attention you obviously need.

    EL can we get an age restriction here? (eye roll)

  20. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Here's a comment someone made in the Quentin Tarantino thread:

    "Often genius comes in the form of a complete assh*le."

    I like it, I like it.

  21. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I think all Anon really wants is a hug.

  22. I agree with littleolme. This "friend" was all ready to report what she saw in Owen's room. The family was wise not to let her in. She probably would have taken pics with her cell phone or something.

  23. You know, I'm glad that the friend didn't get in. If he really is in such a low place maybe he just needs to be around people who aren't going to sell him out to gossip bloggers.

  24. LOL. You all are right! Owen's family is right to keep him safe from friends who would sell him out to gossip bloggers. Of course, without us (the readers), the gossip bloggers wouldn't care and she wouldn't have much of an audience.

    Clearly, I love my celeb gossip as much as the next gal but I think it's time to give Owen & his fam some space.

  25. Owen wilson is a nutcase!



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