Thursday, August 30, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Well everything today will be a letdown after yesterday, but I can't let them all build up. I will say that I'm trying to gather and then share as many of the old Hollywood stories as I can before all the players are gone. To me the old Hollywood has the best stories and so I want to pass them on as they come to me. Each Wednesday I'm going to try and do a long blind item, and I have another great one from old Hollywood which I will share in a couple of weeks.

Today though we are in the modern world and this B list film actor who is usually in very A list movies with at least two children has security cameras throughout the home. He claims they are strictly for security, but what he really enjoys doing is taping, and then editing videos of his kids friends when they come over to visit. He especially enjoys the sleepovers. Turns out he was having some problems with the camera system and when a technician came over to fix the system, there were several screen caps on the computer which had nothing to do with security and everything to do with our actor's "hobby."

The security technician told the police, but it turns out that our actor only films the kids friends when they are clothed, he's not selling them, and consequently not doing anything illegal.


  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Creepy. Out the bastard, Ent, although without hard evidence... it's a libel suit waiting to happen.

  2. Ugh Creepy little MF'er

  3. Jude Law?

    B list. In plenty of A list movies. At least 2 kids. Sort of a perv.

  4. I thought of Matt Damon first. Weird.

  5. Eddie Murphy?

    Anyway, keep up with the Old Hollywood gossip please. I loved reading Hollywood Babylon and am hoping you;ll do some reveals that Kenneth Anger didn't do.

  6. Anonymous1:47 PM

    bruce willis

  7. Anonymous1:47 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This hurts, but I immediately thought of Ryan Phillippe. :(

  9. Antonio Banderas because of Spy Kids.

  10. ouch i know Eugene through his kids ie Dan are older(and on MTV).

  11. Anonymous2:29 PM

    First person I thought of was Christian Slater. But....I can't think of any a-list movies he's beenin recently. But he IS a creepy mofo....

    This is gross :(

  12. I remember there was an actor on Leno that said he videotaped his kids so that just in case something happened to them, no one would blame him for it.

    Can't remember who it was though.

  13. Anonymous3:20 PM

    keep the old ones coming, Enty, LOVED yesterday's.

  14. Ick...I thought of Ryan Phillipe, too! He's B list but he's been in some great films. This BI is quite on the creepy side!

  15. So you think Ryan is filming little girls who are what 8? I'd guess it is someone with teenagers.

  16. Hmmm. I first thought of Michael Douglas, he's been creeping me out lately.

  17. Who knows, creepier things have happened....

  18. ugh

    :( almost don't want to know

  19. I dreamed last night that TIMMY is a now male Republican politician.

  20. clarissa that is what i thought of too. but it was cuba gooding jr who said that and he is not in any A list movies anymore..not even d list..haha

  21. Clarissa, for some reason, that sounds really familiar to me. It seems like it was a comedian, and you just brushed it by as a joke - it was delivered in such a dead-pan manner though.
    I'm going to have to do a little research.

  22. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Whoever it is needs his face memorialized on Mount Douchemore.

  23. oryx is right. ent hinted to it the other day on the caption of ashton wearing a shirt that says, i have issues. ent wrote: You definitely do. Let's start with that tug of war between your older wife and your very young step-daughters.

  24. I agree with jenner, my first thought was Christian Slater even though he is c list at best (nowadays).

  25. I think it has to be someone with older children. ENT would not post something about a pedophile without labeling it as such. And younger kids don't have unsupervised sleepovers, there are adults there.

    Bruce Willis was my first guess too. Although Mel Gibson has a lot of teen kids as well.

  26. Anonymous4:31 AM

    If there were images of young teen girls at sleepovers, a technician probably wouldn't alert the police. He'd just think the guy was pervy in a benign way, peeping at teens in nighties.

    These would have to be very young children for it to freak out the technician enough to call the police. Remember, there wasn't anything illegal in the pictures - just the interest in peeping at the kids freaked out the tech.

  27. could this be an answer to a previous blind item (the one about the photographer, the a-list actor hitting his wife w/ a secret)

    (sorry to post a perez link, I know how everyone feels about him here!

  28. The Hoff.

    It can't be Ryan Phillipe he never in Alist movies doesn't own a house he rents and hasn't he moved like three times since he got separated? I think has to be someone who is married w/younger kids or single with older kids.

  29. Note to EL--
    Dude, I know you write these fast and don't proofread them but you have to be a little clearer at times.
    When you write:
    "...this B list film actor who is usually in very A list movies with at least two children..."
    it makes it sound like the actor usually acts in A list movies with children.
    I THINK you meant:
    "...this B list film actor who is usually in very A list movies AND HAS at least two children..."
    I had to read what you wrote about three times before I understood it.
    It's a problem with all this electronic written communication; people write in a conversational tone, i.e. if you heard them say what they wrote, you'd understand it. When you read it, it lacks the stresses, pauses, and connotations of conversation that make things clear.
    How do you fix it?
    Punctuation is a good start.

  30. This sounds like Eddie Murphy!! God knows he has enough kids.
