Monday, September 17, 2007

Emmy Arrivals Part One

It was close, but Jenna Fischer gets to be on top today.
Ali gets second.
It looks like Charlie got to at least third in the limo.

Christina looks stunning.
America looks not so good, but she loos better than the woman with the huge tattoo on her left arm.
Ana De la reguera looks great
Hayden looks like she has all five outfits she wore last night all under this dress.
Hugh Laurie
It must be something about this photo, but Heidi and Seal look much older than normal. Seal especially looks older and thinner.
I think Britney did Ellen's hair.
Not a big fan of Debra Messing but she has the perfect figure for these dresses and always looks perfect. Now, if someone could just do something about her being a bitch.


Anonymous said...

re: Seal and Heidi - someone forgot to powder their faces (and in Seal's case- head). They're reflecting out of every crack and crevice.

Anonymous said...

this might be one of the first pics I've seen of Heidi where she didn't look great. But they looked great together on tv last nite - the way they look at each other is so hot. He said something about having high hopes for her to win and she was just gazing adoringly up at him. loved it.

mandjo said...

Not a fan of Haydens choice of dress or color(on her). Ellens hair always looks bad.

Pinky said...

Jenna Fischer's dress is GORGEOUS. Love the comment about Ellen Pompeo's hair, Enty. Good one!

mandjo said...

I'll bet Charlie's GF loved all of the comments about him last night!

Unknown said...

I thought of Ent every time I saw his Ali on the screen yesterday.
She really worked it, I must say!

Hayden Panettiere's dress made me think back to all the BIs that she is probably the answer to. Parasite in the making indeed..

YahMoBThere said...

Janele - SERIOUSLY!!! I've seen that on several gossip sites. Ted Casablanca hates her, but said everyone else was very nice when he visited the W & G set.

Unknown said...

Wow, Twisted - I totally must have missed that. Damn! It totally shatters my image of her! What a shame - and what does SHE have to be bitchy about? What is it with these stars?? They think making lots of money gives you license to be an asshole?

Tracee said...

Yeah Hayden's dress make me think of BI about the young star whose producers want her to take a pregnancy test. Hmmm...

MnGddess said...

Hayden looks as if she is about to be swallowed by that dress..

Debra will get her comeuppance when she starts losing jobs.

And thanks for the photo of Hugh Laurie!! He got ROBBED last night. Who the hell is James Spader?? (rhetorical, people.) Does anybody watch Boston Legal???

And Ryan Seacrest was tacky and just plain awful last night. The Hayden P. comment was WRONG. (something about her reaching the age of consent)

I read that Fox was going to ask Hugh Laurie to host, but thought no American could HANDLE the fact that Hugh is actually British and is well known as a comedian in Britain. Thanks, Fox, for thinking about us poor, stupid Americans.


MnGddess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tracee said...

I watch Boston Legal, Cyn. Just for Spader, 2! I can't watch House. It makes me want to run into a wall at full force.

__-__=__ said...

Nobody watches Boston Legal! I agree Hugh Laurie was robbed!!

And I only wish Jenna had ripped that hideous bow off the beautiful dress. I hate the bow! Just not pretty at all.

I see several missed opportunities for necklaces.

SpaSuzy said...

Jenna: Jiffy Pop called...they want their bag back.

Ali: She's stunning but that concentration camp bony chest is soooo 1941 (can u imagine how it looks in person since cameras add 10 pounds?).

Charlie: Looks like he has plugs.

Christina: Who'd a thunk it that she turned out to be the classiest of the late 90's pop skanks???

USA: The color looks great but the belt totally chops her in half. Needs a younger 'do.

Ana: Very pretty.

Hayden: Ugh to her dress...looks like she's playing "Dress up". Also Ugh to all the "just turned 18 references" last night.

Hugh: meh. I wanna see the Grey's Anatomy hunks!!!!

Heidi: She had the best Makeup of the Evening. Her hair was cute also. She and Seal look like they had Limocoitusinteruptus. But I heard it was REALLY warm in LA yesterday.

Ellen: Her event 'dos always seem to give off an "F you" vibe to everyone.

Debra: One of the few who can pull off horizontal stripes. Her hair looks like it's thinning. I've seen up close pics and the middle part is very wide.

littleoleme said...

Has anyone found the no doubt missing body of the not-so-smart production desginer who forced half the crowd to watch the show from the behind all night? I mean really, the only time theatre in the round works is in the theatre. Baaaaad idea.

Unknown said...

Is Ent implying that Charlie Sheen snorted at least three lines of blow in the limo?

Anonymous said...

Christina Aguliera looks absolutely radiant. She glows!

mandjo said...

OK, Has anyone noticed the chick in the green dress behind Heidi and Seal? Where's the neck?!!!(I know she doesn't look that way in the others). It just looks kinda funny.

becktaro said...

Christina looks great, but why was she at the Emmys?

Miss X said...

Christina performed with Tony Bennett and did an amazing job IMO

MnGddess said...

Tracee - please don't run into a wall!! lol

And Boston Legal put me to sleep after a few eppys...


Miss X said...

I'm sorry to the person who does like Boston Legal and James Spader but Spader reminds me of a creepy old guy who hits on 18 year old girls. (I'll skip the obvious over-done Hayden joke here).

sunny said...

I am seriously bummed about Debra Messing being a bitch. She really doesn't seem like one. (I know, I know, most celebs are fakes)Does anybody have links to stories that confirm this accusation?

Tania said...

Thanks for the Hugh Laurie pic! Hot, smart and funny - a good combo. They thought of letting him compere? Damn, I'd have loved that!

I watch Boston Legal AND House, and I enjoy both. So there... ;-)

I think Hayden is wearing a lampshade, and that colour doesn't do much for her. She's so tiny, the dress swallows her up. Odd choice. I like America's dress though. And Jenna's. And the colour of Heidi's.


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