Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Never Forget


  1. I never will. Lower Manhattan still looks empty.

  2. Always remember .. and pray for the brave souls who lost their lives and for their families who must struggle every day, not just on the anniversay, to make sense of such a senseless tragedy.

  3. Nope, I never will either. I was living and working in Manhattan that time... it's still surreal that I witnessed it all first hand.

  4. I wasn't anywhere near Manhattan... I wasn't even in the United States. But I watched it all unfold on television and it still haunts me to this day.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to all the friends and families of the victims of 9/11- not just those at the Trade Center, but all of them. I can only imagine how difficult it has been these past 6 years.

    I know it will always be painful, but I hope that everyone can eventually find some kind of peace.

    Bless you all and know the world stands with you in remembering those that perished on that horrible day.

  5. This was an awful, horrible tragedy and we shouldn't forget it.

    We should also be aware that this kind of tragedy (total number of civilians lives lost) happens almost every month in Iraq.

  6. This was an awful, horrible tragedy and we shouldn't forget it.

    We should also be aware that this kind of tragedy (total number of civilians lives lost) happens almost every month in Iraq.

  7. The nightmare is not over for many. Please take a look at this:


  8. Never ever forget! Prayers to you and yours and all those we lost on that horrible day! Thanks Ent! ~Stacey aka Irishstayc

  9. Blah blah. Get over it already. The US brought this on itself thanks to leaders like Goerge Bush. Sad, but true. Kinda like 9/11.

  10. Dear Paul,

    Fuck you, you heartless bastard.


  11. Dear Paul, I really do not think that you would feel that way if one of your loved ones perished on that fateful day. This was not a victimless crime and if we ever so much as for a second forget these heroes, from all over the world, then we become the enemy ourselves.

  12. Uh, Paul, to say the least, that was rude and insensitive. Bush is an idiot, no doubt, but he isn't entirely to blame for the killing of nearly 3,000 innocent people.

    Ent, thanks for mentioning September 11th. I was sad that so many sites did not even mention the anniversary.

  13. ... and when the truth comes out about what really happened that fateful day, never ever ever become so complacent again that it is allowed to happen again

  14. Paul, don't make this political because we were attacked several times under the Clinton administration, too. The truth is, our choices for president have SUCKED for years because people vote by party which has lowered the bar so that any moron or scumbag can be elected (see current and previous presidents). Your ignorance is showing.

    And what country do you live in, may I ask?

  15. ""Dear Paul,

    Fuck you, you heartless bastard.

    Pinky ""

    Well said pinky... well said! My thoughts exactly! STacey aka Irishstayc

  16. Thanks for the nice tribute Enty; a dental appointment saved my sister from being in the plane's path at the Pentagon that day.

    Your commentary is vulgar and inappropriate Paul, but you are well aware of that, which is why you made them. Stellar logic and reasoning skills; how have I managed to miss running into you at Mensa conventions?

  17. Glad it pissed you off as much as it did me, Stacey. I'm no fan of 43, but the point is that a lot of people died that day, and a lot of people lost wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, children, friends and colleagues. I will never ever forget what I saw or how it made me feel. So especially on this day, I'd like for it not to be political.

  18. I wish much peace to all that are left dealing with the aftermath.

    It was a horrible, life altering day for countless people.

  19. I'm french and when it happened i was watching tv. i was crying, i was hurt. i didn't understand (and i'll never do).
    i will never forget. i don't share your policy but i share your pain.
    god bless friends and families of victims of 9/11.

  20. Thank You, Meldescev.
    It's comforting to know some French citizens do not blame American citizens for this Administrations policies.
    We are all One People on One Planet.

  21. Reese, I'm glad your sister got out unharmed. Isn't it interesting that we mainly focus on the tragedy of the twin towers, and not on the Pentagon - or on that brave group on board US Flight 93 that willingly gave their lives so that the terrorists wouldn't win. If you've never seen Flight 93, I encourage you to do so. It is a very moving piece of filmmaking.

    And I second Kellysirkus - thanks, Meldescev.

  22. Won't ever forget!

    To my friends who were lost that day and the babies and unborn children they left behind. One was on the floor the 1st plane hit (Cantor Fitzgerald), his son is 5 years old now.

    To my family who decided to leave the area/WTC when the 1st plane instead of listening to their bosses telling them to stay in the office.

    To my cop brother who was there, helping and part of the search crew looking for 4 coworkers and friends that were also lost. My brother who is suffering lung problems due to the air pollution of that day and the weeks after.

    To my old job and coworkers who were running from the building as they fell and also lost friends and family.

    And finally to all whose I never knew or met,

    My love and prayers are with you and your loved ones.

    September 11, 2001
    I will never forget!!!

  23. Never Forget! My husband and I were on our honeymoon and watched it happen "live" on TV. Our oldest daughter is a reminder...apparently, statistically, 9-12 months after any great tragedy there is a baby boom due to people seeking solace in life affirming activities. She was born in June of '02.

    Continued peace and understanding to all affected.

    And to Paul, go piss up a rope.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Just gotta say, so cool Ent that you keep this post in the top spot.

  26. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Rest In Peace Kevin Smith.

    Haz Mat Team FDNY

    9th Floor North Tower

    I'll Always Remember

  27. On behalf of Canada...we will never forget.

    I will never forget where I was or the shock and udder sadness I felt that day and days after..this was a heinous crime and a tragic reality in our world everyday since.

    Paul you are a complete waste of life and you should thank jebus everyday you are alive and able to spew such heartless venom you disgusting and vile excuse for a human being. Rot in hell asswipe.


  29. God bless those souls

    and may God damn the ones who did it

  30. when will it be a national holiday?

  31. Babyface, it already is. Today is officially called "Patriot Day", although we don't have the day off.

    Thanks for the tribute, Ent. My father-in-law was in the Pentagon when the plane hit. Thankfully, he was on the opposite side of the building and was (thankfully) unharmed. But, for several hours that day, we had no idea about his fate.

  32. I really think that picture is so appropriate and poignant.

    God Bless and protect the victims of 9/11 and the victims of all terrorism all over the world -- let it end and let everyone stop fearing what they don't understand and to live and let live.

  33. hey all,

    just wanted to post and share my sympathies with all involved on that terrible day. im from england and i just wanted you all to know that i was shocked and saddened by such an evil act. we may have our differences as countries, and as someone said earlier lets keep the political out of it!, but as nations and as people, we share your pain, you have our deepest sympathies and our support 100%

  34. I think the "twin light" memorial is perfect, beautiful and totally appropriate. It should become a permanent fixture of any monument built to honor the victims at Ground Zero.



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