Thursday, September 06, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This athlete's divorce could be very messy because he was tailed by two private detectives for much of the past year. Seems there is video and photos of our athlete with a bevy of different women in many compromising positions and situations. The detectives also managed to track down an unknown credit card used entirely for his liaisons which includes charges from strip clubs, escort services and large cash withdrawals.

#2 This publicity hungry male performer is always seen in the company of beautiful women. Photographed with some of the most beautiful women and some of the biggest stanks, no woman is safe from the advances of this performer as he tries to push his career. It seems that these advances and possible relationships are just as illusionary as his career because this performer only enjoys the home team if you know what I mean and the women are just for show and tell.


  1. 1 - shaq is the obvious guess
    2 - ryan seacrest came to mind

  2. #1. Shaq?

    #2. Criss Angel is gay? Who knew?

  3. #1-Shaq
    #2-Cris Angel

  4. for #2 I'd love to say james blunt, but the "performer" instead of "singer" makes me think otherwise

  5. def shaq and angel! ahahahahaha

  6. 1. Shaq
    2. Diddy


  7. OK ive gotten the GAY vibe from Angel for months and he has the same mannerisms and talks the same as my lovely gay as f*ck brother.

  8. Anonymous1:01 PM

    #2 is totally Criss Angel. "Illusionary" is a dead giveaway. Damn, way to burst my bubble. He may be a tool, but he's still smokin'. lol

  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    1- Shaq
    2-Chris Angel

  10. 1. Shaq.
    2. Criss Angel

    That was easy

  11. #1-Shaq
    #2-James Blunt, I think. I mean I see Criss with Cam and Brit and such, but the not the most beautiful girls...Blunt's hooking up with international models.

    See Ent, you were very thorough in these BIs and that's a good thing.

  12. TRACEE! You beat me, girl. That's what I was going to post!

  13. James Blunt hangs around with skanks? Who?

  14. Its really scaring me to come to the realization that so many many many men r gay or bi I mean maybe I would think okay I should find me a man with a farm and an accent who probably doesn't know wut gay is but brokeback mountain sure broke that stereotype....but it seems men being with men is becoming a trend nowadays

  15. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Okay, I'm going off the beaten path here and guessing Orlando Bloom for #2.

  16. Shaq and Chris Angel, in that order.

  17. Shaq and Michael Buble.

  18. Shaq and Cris Angel. Note the phrase "illusionary as his career" and the use of the word "performer" rather than actor or singer or even entertainer for those in doubt.

  19. Joy75-heeeheee!!! I see your point. It's like everybody in Ho-town is gay, bi or a lesbian. Decadence at every level.

    Sorry Pinky. But you steal the words right out of my mouth everyday! Just a little payback! ;)

    But maybe it is Criss...I'm not sure. Both Blunt and him seem like douches anyway.

  20. Diggin the clues ENT!
    1. Shaq. No Shocker there. I knew something was up when he gave up custody of the kids so easily.

    2. Criss Angle, "illusionary" is an obvious reference.

  21. dammit ent. i need my timmy fix!

  22. Pinky! Tracee! Please!!! There are enough words to go around for all of us!

  23. Shaq and Angel... no question.

  24. I'm curious about Cris' ex-wife. Was she a professional beard who had to appear "outraged" when he was seen with Cam, Brit, etc.? Or did she divorce him once she realized he was gay/bi?

    I'm not doubting the BI, since Cris kept his wife a secret for so long.

  25. This is not so much a BLIND item as it is a KINDA-SQUINTY-NO-IM-NOT-LOOKING item.

    Shaq & Mindfreak - no doubt.

  26. hey when is the timmy reveal again???

  27. #1 Shaq...without a doubt he's been a majah playah thoughout his marriage...I mean who hasn't he hit on, that list would be shorter.

    #2 Robbie Williams. How many gorgeous women has he supposedly "dated". As if anyone still thinks he's straight.

  28. #2 John Mayer (I think that's old news though)

  29. It could be a really bad BI about David Copperfield???

  30. I don't believe Michael Jordan's divorce is final yet, and he's always lived very close to the edge.

    I think that's who #1 is.

    Cris Angel might be TOO easy. But I'm likin' it.

  31. Kathy, MJ and Juanita's divorce was finalized last year.

  32. Anonymous3:33 PM

    The hesitation I have for #2 is "publicity hungry".

  33. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Cris Angel - the "illusionary" is a big hint... And Brit-Brit would be the skank.

  34. Shaq. Haha, good for Shaunie. She's a bright lady.

    Criss Angel

    Man, these ones weren't even blind. EL even used "illusionary" in #2. He's always seen with hot A-list women (Cameron Diaz) and skanks (Britney) but they all say he's just a friend and he then backs it up. He's VERY well known for being publicity hungry and will do anything to advance his career. He's shameless in his pursuit of fame, everyone in Vegas has known that for ages. Now that he's hanging with the famous we all know about it.

  35. Definitely #2 Criss Angel or Cisco Adler

  36. To ask a dumb question... wasn't Criss Angel "engaged" to Minnie Driver till he suddenly showed up with Diaz at a public event? But that does not change my mind about the BI.. I also think it is him.

    And Shaq... what a flippin jerk. Did he really think the wife was stupid? That girl knew exactly who he was... and now it seems that she will have a nice set of DVD's of "Shaq Gone Wild" to show the court.

  37. Actually, no, Michael Jordan's divorce is NOT finalized ... it was filed last year, but when that much money is on the line, things take time.

    It could be Shaq and it probably is, but there are pictures of MJ all over the place with other wimmen ... and the younger, the better.

  38. I'm sticking to Blunt (ew). I know all of you said illusionary was a clue, but he also used "beautiful" twice, and that's his one hit wonder, and the skank is Parisss - no no, I meant Paris Hilton ;)

  39. Yes, but MJ has been separated for a while, which his indiscretions of the last year may not be as BAD as Shaq's, which just announced his separation.

  40. I'm a little late, but Shaq and Criss Angel seem right to me.

  41. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Criss Angel
    Here's a post on another site, alluding to much of the same thing

  42. I think Criss Angel is repulsive and definately publicity hungry. I don't knoew how the secret ex-wife could be a beard. I thought you showed beards off for display to keep the public thinking your straight.

  43. Shaq is my first guess and for the second blind item Criss Angel.
