Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Sorry for the fewer posts this morning but I have been on the phone all morning trying to confirm this which I think you will agree is way better than whether Justin's mom likes Britney more than Jessica.

This married award winning B list actor with very A list name recognition who won his awards as an A lister is CURRENTLY all alone while filming. There have been rumors that perhaps the marriage is a sham, and what happened in the past day or so may lend some credence to that rumor although it doesn't clear up the long standing rumor. A former female co-star was in town when there really was no real reason for her to be there. This female co-star who is known for a certain sexual lifestyle she maintains waited at her hotel until our actor was completely alone. A car was sent for the former co-star and she was driven to the place where our actor is currently staying. She stayed 36 hours and emerged early this morning and was driven back to her hotel while wearing the exact came clothes she had been wearing when she left 36 hours previously. The person she had come to town with was waiting in the lobby and had been waiting for much of the 36 hours. It seems as if our actress was only supposed to be gone 3 or 4 hours, and did not have a cell phone and did not call to tell her companion if she was ok or when she was coming home. It was this overheard heated discussion in the lobby that has the tongues wagging and the tabloids smelling blood. If the companion had been upstairs or the actress had been able to call, it is possible that no one would have ever known.


  1. Well i thought it was Tom Thumb until you got to female co star...lol..but it does say it doenst clear up the long standing rumour (being gay)

  2. Tom Cruise, with a beard on the side?

  3. Totally Tom Cruise and I agree with Jax. It still doesn't clear up the gay rumor about him.

  4. 'A certain sexual lifestyle' immediately made me think of Leelee Sobieski, a dominatrix I think. She was in The Wicker Man with Nic Cage, who fits all the facts. Though I would have thought his very young baby-mama would have taken care of all his little foibles, unless she's just waiting for that nice juicy divorce settlement. Good call Jen!

  5. I don't think Tom's alone per se - Katie's been in Germany for the most part, hasn't she?

    I wonder what the specific sexual lifestyle is - if it's a dominatrix or a submissive or what...

    Just thinking out loud.

  6. I'm going to go with Tom... it says "CURRENTLY all alone", and there were pictures of Katie and Suri in LA recently. I can't wait for all his dirty, freaky secrets to come out. God bless the Hollywood weirdos.

  7. Leelee Sobieski appeared in "Eyes Wide Shut".

  8. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Why not somebody that Mena Suvari co-starred with? Wasn't she in here for being a submissive?

  9. I doubt lil miss devout Catholic could possible know what to do to turn Tom's crank. A penis, two plucked chickens and the eye of Newt is required.

    Oh and vitamins..lots of vitamins.

  10. Defo Leelee as the actress: http://www.metronews.ca/story_sp1.aspx?id=76792 And it says she researched a past role at said goth club.

  11. Anonymous1:34 PM

    If it's Gay Tom and Katie Holmes I read somewhere before they got married that it was a contract marriage. Supposedly in 5 years they would get a divorce.

    Now that I remember before he met Katie their was a scandal/rumor going on about him and a musician being caught by the musician's wife.

  12. this definitely sounds like a DRUG thing to me
    much more than a SEX thing.

    It could be Tom (Mr. Narc-Anon)
    and some actress who has a rep for druggy lifestyle

    They probably pulled an all-night binge together.

    I'm trying to think who it could be for the actress

  13. I think it was Rob Thomas that he was suposedly caught in bed with.

  14. I think "CURRENTLY" is emphasized because Katie has been photographed so often on location with Tom, up until now. I also think it's explained that this is an actor who very much used to be A list, but has slid down to B list in recent years, i.e. since he started jumping on couches. I stand by Leelee and Tom, even though I don't have the slightest idea what she was doing for him for 36 hrs.

  15. Leelee might have been giving him some "straight" training.

  16. i agree that it sounds like a drug binge, and maybe the former co-star's sexual lifestyle is lesbian or bi...? i don't see the usual suspects (sham marriage/ gay rumors) travolta, will smith, and tom as B listers.

  17. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I thought the previous Leelee BI was about her collecting "unusual" trophies from her conquests. Where'd the dominitrix thing come in?

  18. There's an old war movie called 36 hours - involves Germany/Nazis etc - I'm on board with Tommy!

    And I really don't know the movie - ent said 36 hours 3 times so I put that into wikipedia.

  19. It wasn't a blind I read about Leelee. It was seeing her name on the guest list for Orlando's 30th birthday that made me wonder who she was, and the dom/BDSM info came up pretty quickly. (I can so see Orli getting his bum whipped.)

    The only thing I couldn't tie up (sorry for the pun) was CURRENTLY filming for Nic Cage. Tom would fit that part better.

  20. CURRENTLY. Thanks, Ent...*L*

  21. okay, I am going crazy and I hope someone else can help me. Awhile back there was a BI, I'm pretty sure it was here but could have been on another gossip blog, anyways it said that a photographer had been camping out trying to get a photo of star in compromising gay position as that's what rumors were, however, he didn't get that shot but something equally as scandalous. ring any bells for anyone?

  22. Tom and drugs don't mix...hello he went off his 'crazy' meds during the whole Oprah Couch jump thing.
    The only thing Tommy wants in his mouth is a big fat juicy brautwurst.

    Maybe this is the beginning if the 'end' (of contract) for Katie and Tom?

  23. lmm1969, it was this site. The original item is here, and there are updates.

    My advice is to use the labels in the right hand margin. There's a lot of good stuff in the old BIs if you have time to sort through.

  24. I read the thing about the wife of Rob Thomas catching Rob and Tom in bed. This incident supposedly prompted Tom to make a list of PYT's that he could possibly date/marry to cover the Rob thing. On the list was Scarlet Johanson, who did go out with Tom, and another actress (sorry, forgot her name), she was Latina and when asked about Tom she answered something like "loco". Katie was maybe number 5 on the list, but after striking out with the others, Tom eventually whittled it down to lucky Katie and the rest is history.

  25. what awards has Tom won?

  26. Anonymous3:17 PM

    its not tom. like it or not, tom is still a-list.

  27. no cell phone? this i'm thinking about....

  28. a heated and well reported fight between an actress who is known for being highly sexual and her friend after she spent the night in a hotel with Tom Cruise would set the PERFECT stage for Katie to divorce him.

    She looks scorned and 100-to-1 emerges with a new hell-hath-no-fury attitude.

    and HE looks oh-so-hetero.

    just sayin.

  29. Collateral costars Tom Cruise and Jada Pinkett Smith? Aaaaaaagh!!!

    Tom won Golden Globes (Born on the Fourth of July, Jerry Maguire and Magnolia).

    I think Ent would consider Tom as B list but with "very A list name recognition."

  30. In no universe is Tom Cruise B-list. He may be a freak but his movies make money and he's still one of the most famous stars in Hollywood.

    EL called Eva Mendes A-list once. You tell me that Tom is less famous than her.

    It's not Tom. EL would have said "A++" actor, like he did with Julia Roberts. They're that famous.

  31. Yeah, I don't think it's Tom either.

    But Califblondy is correct in what she remembers being reported. I read exactly the same thing at the time. The actresses were ScarJo, Biel and who else... Alba, maybe? There were at least five, and Katie was #5 .

    Who are we forgetting? Anyone remember? Bueller?

  32. I totally think its Tom and this is a clever ruse being staged for the big 'divorce'.. a lil early but Katie's had enough.

    Rumours don't fly that quick unless they are 'helped' if ya know what i mean.

    Trust me..Tom's in Germany where there is all sorts of gay/straight action there..trust me he need not import unless it was for show!

  33. Hez,

    If I remember correctly, I think one of the five was Sofia Vergara, who was on The Knights of Prosperity.

  34. Hez, believe it or not, one of those candidates in the Primary running was Lindsay Lohan.

    JEEZ, can you imagine LiLo trying to pull this sham off

    Katie has done her job and done it well

    plus, she actually seems like a good mom

    I wonder if she'll get to see Suri after the termination of contract

    I always wonder how Nicole deals with that, the complete erasure of her children. Eternal Sunshine of the Botoxed Mind

  35. maybe if we let go of our attachment to TOM as the male in this blind we can go in some other direction.

    There are plenty of other freaks in the A list pool we could discuss as a possibility

  36. OMG! just scrolled through random photos.

    KERI RUSSELL was actually at the TOP of the list of candidates for the Cruise Contract

    can you imagine this beautiful REAL person getting a slight whiff of the plan others had chosen for her?

    Must have scared the sh!t outta here

    or caused her to lose all control with laughter

  37. I always thought Scientology frowned on homosexuality, Why does it seem like their guys are mostly gay?

  38. Patsy...

    It's the same reason my dad always made the told the most offensive gay jokes--the ol' switcheroo (Dad's gay, btw...just so you get the reference, lol).

    What better way to 'hide' than to offer a completely contrary opinion, and thus make it part of your 'belief' system. Worked for my da'....for a while, anyway.

    Then his oh so clever daughter outed him....mwah ha ha.

  39. Scientology offers a 'cure' for homosexuality and also arranges nice compliant wives. Very attarctive proposition for the well-closeted A-list homo.

  40. My first thought was Afleck. Not sure that will work.

    Can Tom open movies anymore on his own? Not likely, so maybe he is B with A+++ recognition.

  41. Tom CRUISE used to date Penelope CRUZ for a while. I think she's the latina actress you're remembering.

    But, for the record, I don't think its Tom. He really is still A List.

    Though I don't have a guess otherwise...

  42. I think Kirsten Dunst was also one of those on the List. My screenwriter friend knows her friend (seriously I am not making that up) and Kirsten supposedly told her that the "wife" got even more money if a child was born. I heard this all a couple of weeks before the Katie thing even happened but who knows--he's a freak.

  43. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Miss X -
    My first thought is always Affleck. ;-) But its not him.
    It's gotta be that guy that practices the Religion That Should Not Be Named.

  44. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Angelina Jolie was eating Katie Holmes' pussy, and either Tom Fag or Brad Fag was pissed

  45. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Tom Cruise sucks cock and takes it up the ass.

    Perez Hilton is a meth addicted AIDs victim.

  46. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Tom Cruise sucks cock and takes it up the ass.

    Perez Hilton is a meth addicted AIDs victim.

  47. Come on folks, Cruise is A List. Challenge your little monkey brains a bit more...not that I'm one to talk.

  48. Ent said, "There have been rumors that perhaps the marriage is a sham..." So what marriages involving very well known actors do people think are a sham other than Tom and Katie? Maybe John Travolta and Kelly Preston?

  49. Could the female co-star be Kim Catrall? She was in a movie called '36 hours to die' or something.

    She co-starred with Dan Akroyd a few times...

    I dunno, too random maybe?

  50. What awards has TC won? He's been nominated for Oscars, but never won.

    He wouldn't spend time with a woman in that way. He's just not into them.


  51. Look Tommy Girl up on IMDB.com and it will confirm the girl has won 3 Golden Globes. Which is even kinda of shocking to me. haha!

    I still think his marriage is questionable, simply cause he went on a very public wife hunt... and only wanted girls 25 years old and younger. When he was already well into his 40's.

    I also recall the rumor that he scared the hell out of Scar-Jo. haha!

  52. Isn't Kim Catrall filming the Sex and the City movie in NY? Don't think it is her.

  53. Michael Douglas and not CZJ

  54. I think Ent may consider Tom B list at this point because his actions and rantings have caused other A listers to shun him and avoid socializing with him. He and Katie have become a laughing stock among their peers, where at one time Tom was top of the "invite" list. Not so anymore. He has alienated most of Hollywood with his bizarreness.

  55. the whole scientology cult thing, and then the "we can fix your gays and set them up w/ a wife' mentality seems Stepford Wives-ish, to me. Ironic that Nicole was in that remake? =)

    Once I went to a job interview, got there and saw there were about 30 or 40 other people there too. I"m thinking, hmm..lots of openings i guess? Then they herd us into a room to watch videos and take a fill-in-the-dot test that has about 200 questions, some of them very personal. After the video 'teaches' us all about the wonders of Dianetics (pre-Scientology name) I'm thinking WTF?!? and how can I get out of here? But I didn't even know how to get out of the building and if I had asked, I know they'd have pulled me aside to quiz me on why, etc. 3 hours later I'm finally leaving, practically running down the street to my car. They didn't offer me the job-which NO WAY IN HELL I would have taken any way- but they did send hand written letters to my home every month until I moved out of town-for other reasons-,saying that they wanted me to come in so they could fix all my problems, basically. They freakin creep me out so much!

  56. http://www.hotmommagossip.com/leelee-sobieski-%E2%80%9Chessian-movie-award%E2%80%9D-celebration/

    Looks like Leelee was in Germany this week...

  57. I think Ent threw some red herrings in here b/c now that I've had time to think about it, it seems so obvious it's Tom.

    I agree that Katie will need a few of these 'public' situations in order to divorce him in the future and still have the public's sympathy.

    Must be nice to buy a spouse.

  58. Come on people! Cruise is still A+. He is a very big star. His flops earn $200m + domestic. Only Will Smith is on a par.

    "This married award winning B list actor with very A list name recognition who won his awards as an A lister ..."

    That describes some-one like Michael Douglas, Ben Affleck, Kevin Costner...

  59. Playla's comment about Leelee being in Germany this week makes me raise an eyebrow... especially with the preexisting rumors of her dominatrix ways...

  60. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Do you have questions about $cientology?

    Check out

    Be very afraid...
