Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Today's Blind Items

While Blogger decides if it is going to work or not and let me upload photos and have some of the regular features I know you love I guess I will move on to the blind items. It's too bad about the photos because I had some full nude frontals of Johnny Depp for you, but, now, it's not going to happen. Made you start Googling didn't I?

#1 This B list actress. Actually she should be C, but when you win this award it kind of keeps you at a permanent B as a base no matter what. She was invited to an event the other night but none of the pap recognized her which really hurt. So she did what she's been doing for awhile now and started drinking. Not just a little at the reception, but just stone cold hammered. She was one big drunken mess and staggered, cussed, and tantrumed (yes I know it is not a word, but fits nicely) her way through the whole night. Rude was an understatement. Any thought that came to her head immediately came out of her mouth much to the consternation of all her fellow guests. After about an hour of this, the organizers asked her to leave. They probably still can't hear anything from the the screaming she did at them. But she did leave, and promptly threw up all over the car that was sent to take her home.

#2 This power lesbian couple could be on the ropes. Seems they are having arguments common to any long term marriage, but the one who is a B+ actress has decided she doesn't need the aggravation any longer and is wanting someone younger and more attentive to her needs.


Unknown said...

Portia DiRossi for #2

Anonymous said...

God it doesn't seem like Portia and Ellen have been together that long.

Unknown said...

It's just not Ellen's week, is it? Perhaps this explains the unexpected emotional outburst -- not related to doggy but Portia?

Kevin said...

#1 Why do I think Jamie Pressley (My Name Is Earl) though I have no facts to back this up.

#2 Who isn't thinking Portia and Ellen.

Pinky said...

How about Marisa Tomei for #1?

Mother Campfire said...

I totally agree with Devin, those were my thoughts too.

I thought Ellen was suffering from PMS, personally, but issues at home makes sense too.

Mother Campfire said...

i meant Kevin, sorry!! :)

MaryJane said...

TMZ has the video of Jamie Pressley getting all pissy because they didn't recognize her hillbilly ass. All trash behaves badly when soused.

I am think E & p for #2.

jlb said...

For #1 - what about that idol winner turned actress - Jennifer Hudson? Isn't she known for being a bit too big for her britches?

I don't know of any other power lesbian couples - Jodie Foster's partner isn't a public persona, or is Cynthia Nixon's partner.

Unknown said...

I like the Marisa Tomei guess or possibly Mira Sorvino. The award had ot be an oscar

Sparkwee said...

I'm guessing that #1 is a past best supporting actress winner. I think Marissa Tomei is a good guess..but I was thinking maybe Kim Bassinger..

Pinky said...

Well, there's also Melissa Etheridge and her B list girlfriend actress...

jlb said...

Ah...good one Pinky. As well there's Rosie & Kellie - forgot about them.

LOL Oprah & Gayle

captivagrl said...

tomei, portia

captivagrl said...

google...tomei drunk

Profetissan said...

Tatum (Tantrum) O Neil for nr. 1.

wood1107 said...

Awww, not Ellen and Portia! They're my favourite lesbians!

Pinky said...

oooo, Charlie. That's a good one. Is she still the youngest ever to win an Oscar?

Pinky said...

And jlb - hee hee hee on the Oprah/Gayle comment. Still giggling...

Jen Ryan's Brain said...

Courtney Love for #1 would be great. Seems typical behavior.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking it's J-Hud. Marisa Tomei is known for being pretty down-to-earth these days.

kellygirl said...

the award could be something stupid like FHM or Maxim or People magazine.
it certainly does keep those girls' names in the spotlight.
so Jamie would fit. It's hard to recognize someone who keeps getting more plastic surgery
but it could be sooooo many of these foolish wannabes

IDT #2 is Portia and Ellen. and I don't think that both women are necessarily celebs. one is an actress. the other could be a producer, director, politician, activist...

captivagrl said...

charlie- now i'm with you tatum tantrum....good work!

Unknown said...

1. tatum
2. latifah

pusssykatt said...

Tammy Lynn Michaels and Melissa Ethridge, but is Tammy considered a B+ actress? I'm thinking it's Ellen and Portia. Aren't Ellen and Portia having a surrogate baby?

Miss X said...

#1 Jamie Pressley - except wouldn't she be on her way up the ladder, not down?

#2 I love the Oprah/Gayle guess! Heehee

There's also Sarah Gilbert and her partner. SG just had a baby, though.

Not too many power lesbian couples in HWood, are there?

Abbie said...

Portia: I'm younger! I'd be more attentive to your needs!

Unknown said...

cynthia nixon. she and her (rather unfortunate looking) partner have been together over four years. nixon seems to fit right into the b+ slot and her partner is quite a few years older.

Kaiden said...


ummm HELLO PORTIA!!! PLEASE CALL ME ASAP!!! I'm very similar to Ellen only YOUNGER AND MUCH HOTTER!!
seriously.....I will be ALL that you need and more!

jin said...

not sure about Tatum for #1.

"she did what she's been doing for a while" is the problem. Tatum WAS a major heroi and cocaine addict with a booze problem - ever since she was a teenager. this isn't something she's been doing for a while now, it's something she did her whole life.

tomei won 2 oscars, pressley's was only an Emmy. and Pressley was pregnant so she can't have been getting drunk "for a while".


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Portia is getting sick of Ugly Ellen.

pebbles said...

I agree it's probably Jamie P. There was something online yesterday (somewhere) about her being pissed because she was mistaken for someone else.

Anonymous said...

I'm very surprised you missed those two explosive blind items:

A confidential Blind Item. This American, double academy award winning actor is considered gay by majority. But… people might be in for a VERY big surprise when they learn that not only he will tie the knot soon, he’s also about to become a proud papa.

She is a famous (retired) singer. He is a famous, popular actor. Both are living in London. Both are American. In the past they used to spend wild hours together when her husband was gone. Their affair almost came to light through a weird incident that involved a cell phone, a dog and a group of teens. After this the couple cooled things off. But when they recently reconnected on the dance floor the singer’s husband first almost came to blows with the actor, then when the singer defended the actor and refused to leave with her husband, he turned livid, shouting they were through. Hint : She’s a material girl.

__-__=__ said...

Melissa, I think Ellen would more likely be suffering from menopause rather than PMS. Just sayin'.

mooshki said...

London Sentinal #1 - Sounds like Clooney, although he only won one Oscar. (But they got the "retired" part wrong about Madonna, so...) I've always thought the gay rumors about him were wrong, and he seems to be really into this new girl.

Jerry said...

Enty, for an educated guy you surprise me. Everyone knows tantrummed is spelled with 2 m's.

Anonymous said...

Tomei drunk:

GammaGirl said...

Just putting it out there, but what about Sarah Paulson from "Studio 60" and Cherry Jones. Both are actresses, but I don't know that they would be B list. Cherry is playing the prez this season on 24...whenever Keifer gets out of the clink.

Ellen and Portia seem almost too obvious.

Anonymous said...

Mooshki said:

> London Sentinal #1 - Sounds like Clooney, although he only won one Oscar.

No. Those BI are about London-based personalities, and the actors involved in BI 1 and BI 2 are one and the same. :-)

Matilda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matilda said...

Re: London Sentinel 4:35 AM and 1:20 PM
Since the first BI says "A confidential blind item" I simply have to point out that Kevin Spacey is a London based American, has 2 Oscars and is generally assumed to be gay. But trying to imagine him spending wild hours with Madonna makes it all a bit weird, though.

RagDoll said...

#1 Anna Paquin. She won an Oscar as a kid in "The Piano" She was a glorified extra in Kate Hudson's shadow in "Almost Famous" I could totally see her doing this...


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