Friday, November 09, 2007

Four For Friday--With Some Help From AP

#1 What Presidential candidate is sleeping with an aide?

#2-4 From AP

#2 This early twenties B list television heartthrob is already taking Viagra when he has sex with women. The reason? He's gay and it is the only way to get it up.

#3 This B list singer/actress loved by teens was all smiles and giggles when taking photos with a bigger singer/actress, but stabbed her in the back repeatedly when talking to anyone who would listen. Our backstabber used the words fake, not talented, ugly as hell, and whore to describe the other singer/actress.

#4 This A list film actor with A+ name recognition brought another woman home to the house he is currently sharing with his girlfriend. When the girlfriend balked at doing a 3some, the actor took his pickup upstairs and had sex with her all night. The girlfriend took the hint that she was no longer welcome, and has not been seen since with the actor despite the fact he always mentions her in interviews as his girlfriend.


MEP said...

Well, I think number one is John Edwards because I've read rumors about that somewhere.

melcon80 said...

#1 - Rudy
#3 - Ashley Tisdale

YahMoBThere said...

#1 What Presidential candidate is sleeping with an aide?

#2-4 From AP

#2 This early twenties B list television heartthrob is already taking Viagra when he has sex with women. The reason? He's gay and it is the only way to get it up.

#3 This B list singer/actress loved by teens was all smiles and giggles when taking photos with a bigger singer/actress, but stabbed her in the back repeatedly when talking to anyone who would listen. Our backstabber used the words fake, not talented, ugly as hell, and whore to describe the other singer/actress.

#4 This A list film actor with A+ name recognition brought another woman home to the house he is currently sharing with his girlfriend. When the girlfriend balked at doing a 3some, the actor took his pickup upstairs and had sex with her all night. The girlfriend took the hint that she was no longer welcome, and has not been seen since with the actor despite the fact he always mentions her in interviews as his girlfriend.

1. This is a joke, right? could be any or all of them.

2. Why would a gay man want to sleep with women?

3. Duff?

4. I don't think it's Clooney, but I'm sure his name will be mentioned.

I got nothin'....

YahMoBThere said...

mep, if that's true I hope someone castrates him.

jin said...

3 is mandy moore re: jessica simpson

Anonymous said...

Ive heard the John Edwards rumors, too.

I think #3 deserve the castration more though ;)

Reese said...

Safe to presume #1 is not HIllary, McCain or Romney. Wouldn't surprise me if it was Edwards.

#3 Hilary Duff talking about Jessica Simpson?

#4 Does Clooney ever even let anyone move in? No one leaps to mind here.

Anonymous said...

#3 I dont want to believe Jessica Simpson and Mandy Moore but...they just had a set of snapshots with them together in circulation recently, after Jess almost feel on that grate while wearing heels...(bright one aint she?)

YahMoBThere said...

Trix, can we castrate both?

Honestly, I can't imagine battling cancer while my husband continues on the campaign trail and spends his free time doing the dirty with some aide. What a dog. And where are her morals?

YahMoBThere said...

Reese, why would you feel it's safe to say it's not them? I think all politicians are game.

YahMoBThere said...

Could #4 be Eddie Murphy?

lyz said...

Hilary Duff and Miley Cyrus - Spirit of Life Awards, Sept. 2007

Brenda22 said...

1. Giuliani (he's done it before to Hanover)
2. Matt Dallas, Dave Annable? the guy who plays Clark in Smallville? NO idea about this one.
3. Miley Cyrus about H. Duff? (are there pix of them together)
4. Not Clooney because he was photographed with his gf a few days ago; no idea because most of the A list men are married. Harrison Ford? Eddie Murphy?

Brenda22 said...

1. Giuliani (he's done it before to Hanover)
2. Matt Dallas, Dave Annable? the guy who plays Clark in Smallville? NO idea about this one.
3. Miley Cyrus about H. Duff? (are there pix of them together)
4. Not Clooney because he was photographed with his gf a few days ago; no idea because most of the A list men are married. Harrison Ford? Eddie Murphy?

Reese said...

Twisted - Who on earth would EVER want Hillary?
McCain is ancient and I don't think Romney would do it. The others are fair game; could be any of them, but I lean towards Edwards on this one.

Anonymous said...

I forget where I read it too...was it on this blog? But I remember reading about John Edwards cheating on his cancer stricken wife. :(

Dijea said...

1. Who says it can't be Hillary?

2. First thought Dave Annable.

3. Who cares about 20 something cat fights?

4. No clue, but Clooney doesn't live-ins does he.

YahMoBThere said...

Reese, GREAT question, but there were rumors that she was banging Vince Foster, so who knows?

Men are never too ancient to play around and Romney is as susceptible as the rest of them are. I still think it could be any of them.

Although I will say that an aide, while being easy to push around, wouldn't be powerful enough for Hillary to even speak to, let alone fool around with. I'll chalk off her off the list based on that.

Unknown said...

I had read on another gossip site that it's Hillary, sleeping with a female aide. And that it's well known in DC.

classy_stoner said...

#2 is obs. Zach Effron.

YahMoBThere said...

The Hillary is gay rumors have been going around for a long time, too, so pisly - you may be right.

Kristen S. said...

"And that it's well known in DC." There are plenty of jokes about ol' Hill, but it is not "well known" here that she's doing an aide.

Dassala said...

#2 is Chace Crawford. Carrie Underwood is just his hag.

Reese said...

Twisted - A lot of HIllary's aides are women; there have always been rumors about her being gay (no way would I believe Vince Foster was involved with her). But I have a hard time believing anyone could ever find Hillary appealing, regardless of sexual direction.

Besides being 100 years old, McCain is not in good physical condition; he's partially paralyzed from his POW days. If he was in better shape and younger, maybe, but I can't see it now.

Just don't see Romney doing it.

captivagrl said...

i really hope there's FOUR FOR SATURDAY

Unknown said...

I'm sure Hillary is being Swift Boated.

captivagrl said...

edwards,zac,miley,bruce willis

YahMoBThere said...

Reese, I have a hard time believing anyone would find Hillary attractive either (at any age), but then, Billy did, so who knows.

Bruce Willis....interesting guess, Cap. Is he still with that Playboy model?

Pisly, I don't know anyone who would vote for Hillary, but if someone finds her to be a threat, so be it.

K said...

I read a lot of political blogs and I think that the only place I've seen rumors of Edwards straying is here. In the comments. With people guessing at blind items. It doesn't mean it's not true, but it also doesn't mean that I'm going to believe it without more evidence.

I could believe it of Romney simply because I can't stand him, so I suppose that's not a very good reason to be suspicious. :)

If I had to take a guess, I'd say Rudy. From what I remember, he cheated on his first wife. He cheated on his second wife. Why would I believe he wouldn't cheat on his third?

captivagrl said...

anyone else like the stallone guess for TED'S BI??

Reese said...

Twisted, Bill doesn't/didn't find HIll appealing either, their marriage is not one in the conventional sense but an arrangement for the mutual accumulation of personal power. Bill's sexual tastes are well documented by his endless bimbo eruptions, and none of the women have in any way resembled Hillary. Hill has always known about his indiscretions; she was the one who got Monica transferred to the Pentagon. As long as he was discreet, Hillary didn't really care. Their common interests are largely limited to accumulating power and money, and hopefully their daughter (another political necessity).

I think if Hillary has a sexual direction (she seems asexual) it would be as a lesbian.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

oh hell, I read it was one of those articles that ent posts from Enquirer (a reliable source of news to be sure) <<<< ahem, that was a joke.

Here is my thing - what idiot politician who is running for pres would be stupid enough to cheat on thier spouse with an aide in this day and age of bitter media scrutiny? Apparently plenty. I mean, seriously, can't you keep it in your pants until the f'ing campaign is over? WTF?

So whether it be Hillary, Edwards or even, yes, Mc Cain, the entire move of having an affair with anyone other than your spouse while campaigning for president would be STUPID STUPID STUPID.

Wait a minute, who am I kidding? Politicians are really a bunch of dumb frontmen with big egos anyways. Of course they are STUPID. said...

#1 Obviously Hillary (Bill isn't the only one who likes hot young female interns.)

#2 Zach Effron

#3 Miley Cyrus

#4 Clooney all the way.

GammaGirl said...

1. I'm going with Edwards. I remember hearing something about an aide that suddenly quit to avoid a scandal of some sort.

2.I don't think its tom welling. It could be so many. I'm going with Chance Crawford from "GG."

3.Mandy Moore/Jessica Simpson, the pictures prove it. I'd be bitchy too if I dated Zach Braff for over a year.

4.I think its Clooney. Whats-her-name from the motorcycle accident is MIA

Maureen said...

My cousin's husband is a biggie at Scotland Yard. Several years ago when Tony Blair made a visit to the Clinton White House, his bodyguards swear that Hillary is a lesbian. I refused to believe it first, but I know my cousin's husband well, and he is not the type of guy who lies or spreads rumors. I do think #1 is Hillary.

The John Edwards rumors are just that, RUMORS!

Maureen said...

Oops! Strike Tony Blair. I might have been Margaret Thatcher.

YahMoBThere said...

Cap, I know I'm wrong for thinking this way, but I don't think of Sylvester as multi-talented. I think of him more as multi-lucky. I like the Travolta and Willis guesses.

Reese, I think I've read that before, too, and it seems to make sense. As long as they can use one another, they'll be together.

Klown, I remember that post now. It wouldn't surprise me, but after the blurb that pisly linked us to, I think this is Hillary.

Maureen, the rumors about Hillary are also just rumors, so they're really on the same level. One is no truer than the either, yet I suspect they're all true.

I know some people want to believe the better looking or seemingly more religious candidates would never cheat on their wives, but the very nature of politics involves doing things that aren't always ethical in order to succeed. I think they're all sinners and saints and I can see any one of them cheating.

Brenda22 said...


it's not Clooney. His GF was with him earlier this week when he got in an argument with Fabio.

Brenda22 said...


it's not Clooney. His GF was with him earlier this week when he got in an argument with Fabio.

Denis Stearns said...

For all people guessing Zac Effron for number 2, could you explain to me how someone who just turned 20 could be described as being in his "early twenties"?

Anonymous said...

I feel a little cheated with thsi whole "four for friday"...three of them arent EL's! Methinks he doesnt have any dirt left!!

Anonymous said...

Well, if you're 20, that definitely qualifies as "early twenties"

Unknown said...

I have heard that about Hillary as well. Someone called in to a radio show and said her brother worked for the Secret Service. He said the same thing about her and that it is well known.

I believe the Edwards rumor was about someone he met - not an aide.

YahMoBThere said...

Trix, I think EL ran out of dirt just prior to the Timmy/Shimmy

Kelli said...

#1- Could be McCain- he supposedly had a mistress stashed away a while back, I wouldn't be surprised.

#2- could be anyone really-
chace crawford, zac efron although it's probably spencer pratt b/c there is no way that guy is straight. puh-lease. then again he's not exactly a hearthrob either.

#3 Jessica Simpson and Mandy Moore were at the ACE awards on Monday night here in NY and were photographed together. I can't imagine Mandy calling her "ugly as hell" b/c I've seen JS in person and she really is flawlessly beautiful in person. Dumb as hell, but gorgeous. I really don't think it's them.

#4- no idea.what 'a-listers' arent married beside clooney & willis?

plot said...

Mitt would probably be more discreet than the other candidates, because the Mormon Mafia would come after him, but he is a politician thus his ego needs constant stroking...from someone.

Bill and Hill were in love. I think Bill, in his own way, adores Hillary and thinks she can do no wrong - but unfortunately he also has a taste for dim slatterns (like his mother? Frankly, let him. Rather a man with a weakness for sluts, and a healthy country, than what we got today - OMFG!)

Hillary froze up her emotions and put them in a vault a long time ago. Who knows what goes on in that woman. Lesbian? Passionate? Brilliant? Who can tell? But she did indeed have an affair with Vince Foster, and he fell for her hard. Rumour has it that when Bill won the first election, his romance with Hill was rekindled and they enjoyed a passionate relationship again for a while. This tore Vince Foster apart.

Oh, and about Sylvester Stallone, he isn't stupid. He has wasted his talents for writing and acting over the years with some stupid choices made to fuel his ego (like his bad plastic surgeries.) He and Burt Reynolds are very similar , to me. Even now, there are hints of enormous talent in both of them, just enough to make you shake your head and think what a waste.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I feel ya TS...I think some of these blind items have been repeats, rumors that are already going around or heard before, just slightly reworded...I think the only reason I didnt take off after the Timmy/Shimmy thing was because I really didnt expect much...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
trashtalker said...

#4: Matthew McConaughey?
(Brenda22: I can't imagine Harrison Ford doin' it all night long. Eek!)

Maureen said...

No, Twisted Sister. The information about Hillary is true. It is NOT a rumor, it is fact.

Do you think you know more about politicians than MI5?

You really are a control freak.

PaleBlackSheep said...

I just had to throw this in about the Ted C blind item...

Sorry but there is now way in Heck that Stallone is he is still in shape he just finished Rambo, there is no way this is him..sorry I would buy Clooney before Stallone

YahMoBThere said...

Maureen, that's laughable. I'm a control freak because I give the same credence to someone on the internet who says they "know someone" who has proof as I do to gossip columns. Howling with laughter here!

Look in the mirror, doll. You're the one getting all pissy because I won't believe you have important information from important people.

Sheesh - get a life, dear.

YahMoBThere said...

Oh, and for the record, I DO believe Hillary is a lesbian, but I still maintain that we don't have proof. Because we don't.

Maureen said...

Well, Sister, think what you like, but I'm not blabbing my personal information, or anyone in my family, over the internet. If you don't believe what I have to say, you don't have to insult me.

You are so defensive, yet I notice from other people's comments, that they feel the same way about you as I do.

I have very credible sources. You can take them or leave them.

YahMoBThere said...

Maureen wrote:
"If you don't believe what I have to say, you don't have to insult me."

Well, Maureen, had you followed your own advice we wouldn't be having this squabble. You said that Tony Blair's bodyguards told your cousin's husband, a biggie in Scotland Yard, that Hillary is a lesbian based on their visit to the White House. And that based on that, we all know the Hillary thing is true, whereas the John Edwards thing is just rumor.

I disagreed. I don't think, based on your story, that *WE* KNOW ANYTHING FOR SURE. You may feel that you do, but to demand or expect everyone to go along with that, is being a control freak.

But to be honest, I do believe what you're saying, even though I poorly expressed myself in my last post and indicated I didnt - and for that I apologize. I do believe you. I just don't think your story is proof for all of us, the way you do, and said so calmly. Then you came back and called me a control freak.

I keep it civil when others do.

Maureen said...

Well, Twisted, I apologize too. I may have gotten a bit carried sorry.

On a different note.....I noticed in the comments about the "Kite Runner" movie that you had also read the book. Didn't you absolutely LOVE it? I cried my eyes out for days, after reading it. I have the author's new book, but haven't read it yet. I did read "Snow Flower And The Secret Fan", though. Cried my eyes out in that one too.

Maybe I'm getting too old, or maybe its because my mom died a year ago, and I'm still an emotional mess, but that is another book that I would love to see be made into a movie.

O.K. Peace has been made....right?


YahMoBThere said...

Maureen, I'm so sorry about your mom. That leaves a big hole in your heart, I know. No matter how old we get, we need our moms.

Big hugs to you. We share the same name and a love of books. We can't be all that

I LOVED Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and I'm praying someone who will do it justice will buy the rights to make a movie. Do you know if anyone has done that yet? And Kite Runner was just a breathtaking story. But I enjoyed 1000 Splendid Suns even more. I can't wait to get your take on it. Maybe we should start a Book Lovers forum on the message board? Or do you belong to another forum for that? If you do, please email me with the link at

And of course, PEACE!

Farm Girl Pink... said...

BI # 1

I am surprise that no one listed Barack Obama.

BI # 2

Bless his heart... this one is just sad.

BI # 3

I have to agree with the earlier comment about Jessica Simpson being a beauty. She really is pretty up close. I don't know those Disney kids at all... I can't tell one from the other.

BI # 4

Brad Pitt. hahaha! How wonderful would it be if it was him...

Unknown said...

1. i hope it's not edwards
2. wentworth miller (why has no one said him yet?)
3. I'm thinking Duff, but I don't know who she's been seen with recently. Is Mandy moore still loved by teens?
4.i have no idea - I hadn't heard that clooney was living with his lady love. maybe matt McConaghey, didn't he and his lady just move in together?

Unknown said...

1. i hope it's not edwards
2. wentworth miller (why has no one said him yet?)
3. I'm thinking Duff, but I don't know who she's been seen with recently. Is Mandy moore still loved by teens?
4.i have no idea - I hadn't heard that clooney was living with his lady love. maybe matt McConaghey, didn't he and his lady just move in together?

Maureen said...


Check your email!

Siemens said...

I think it's time the Secret Service and MI5 go wider on their background checks. I can't count the number of times I've heard relatives or friends of these guys telling secrets they're most definitely not supposed to tell. Maybe the security agencies should develop a gag-order serum to sit alongside the truth serum in the old chemical toolkit.

Unknown said...

Yup, these all seem suspiciously vague, but heigh ho:
2. Lotsa rumours about the Spencer dude being gay, but that's so obviously a showmance anyway. Doubt there's any sexing going on. Other than that. . . ? (Not Wenty though, he's in his mid-30s.)
3. Doubt it's MMoore. She went right from age 18 to age 40. Agree with abby, she's not loved by teens anymore. More likely Cyrus/Duff.
4. Not Matty, unless both "girls" were packing.

Maureen said...

marcommom: you also think that the Bush White House should be immune from these leaks? My God! How is the general public supposed to know what our politicians are illegally doing in their name? We have a representative democracy, and most of our representatives/senators, be they republican or democrat are furthering their own agenda (and bankbooks)! Thank God, for the people who have the guts to stand up against these criminals!

Go suck a rock!

Rachel said...

1 Barak Obama
2. Jesse Metcalf
3. Miley Cyrus. She is loved by all teen girls. Hannah Montanna is huge.
4. No clue. Stallone has A+ name recognition for sure.

Rocky (Racquel) said...

crikey! who gives a crap whether Hills is gay or not?

My two cents: anyone with a shred of professionalism working with MI-5 will NOT be talking about anything; not even prurient gossip. In fact, I'm rather surprised they acknowledge they work there at all.

Anyway, who cares. It's supposed to be fun gossip, not stuff that starts a fight.

plot said...

There are many people who work for M15 and the CIA who have low level security clearance, who aren't spies at all, with secretarial or assistant jobs, who gossip as much about their work as we do.

For god's sake, Linda Tripp had security clearances and look at her nasty little bureaucratic attitude loaded with malicious envy and gossip.

ablake said...

I don't think it's Miley because while HM is HUGE (yes it is) it's not huge with teens. It's huge with 5-10 yr olds.

Just wanted to toss that out. No idea about 2&4 and as for 1...well yeah. It could be any of them.

Siemens said...

Maureen, maybe sit back and re-read my original post. I didn't indicate any particular outrage about your gossip being about one administration vs. another. I'm perfectly willing to believe that both Clintons have personal secrets, and I'm virulently anti-Bush, quite frankly. I certainly think that the public has a right to know when an administration is committing crimes that affect our national security, as in the Plame case. It's quite different when the people who are sworn to protect politicians (no matter the character of the politicians) ought to be trusted to keep their mouths shut regarding personal matters. It's fun to talk about with your relatives and read about on a comments board, but it's certainly unethical to spread the word if you've agreed to do a certain kind of work anonymously and with your mouth shut.

trixalicious said...

I think that maybe Mandy Moore and Jessica Simpson are the right pair for #3, but the "bigger" is actually referring to MM. If you look at the picture of the two of them, MM totally dwarfs JS. She's about a head taller. It makes more sense to me if JS (who is all smiles in the pic) is the one doing the trash-talking afterwards, even if she is considerably more famous.

audrey said...

# 2 Could it be Audrina Partridge's bf from the Hills? I don't watch the show but I did see a pic somewhere of him.

#3. Wasn't Mandy Moore linked to John Mayer after Jessica and him split? I am trying to picture those words coming out of Miley Cyrus' mouth about Hilary Duff, and I just can't get my head around it.

dixiebell said...

Stallone is married, and i think the name in a BI a few weeks back about a married -and closeted-gay actor. He was in porn prior to making it big, and maybe more.

Bruce WIllis doesn't refer to anyone in interviews as his girlfriend, nor does Clooney.

I vote Edwards for the affair, it's certainly a widespread rumor anyway.

As far as these "I have credible sources" goes...well, so does my goldfish.:)

dixiebell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OK Im glad someone agrees with me on why this is not Miley/Haley: as it was said, Miley is a kiddie idol, not for YOU know any fifteen year olds that would like/watch her?

I'm liking the guess about JS trashing MM. "Bigger" here could refer to physical size instead of fame and while I cant see MM saying such awful things, I wouldnt be surprised one bit if it was said by JS ABOUT MM. JS loved by teens? MM is the one doing teen movies and all that...

Unknown said...

JS is not B list even as a singer...MM is way more credible and famous...the teens that liked them are now 20 somethings...

Unknown said...

wouldn't zac efron be considered a b list movie hearthrob by now???

Christine Marie said...

For #4:

Brad Pitt
Johnny Depp

I can't think of any other A listers who have a live in girlfriend. There's got to be more than these two. Help me out here guys...

Unknown said...

the politician is BILL RICHARDSON. he has a loooong history of manwhoreness.

it is not EDWARDS. he actually adores his wife and, yes, he's into full-bodied women.


Anonymous said...

For #4 - there isn't any description of the A list actor's girlfriend indicating she is an actress, model or whatnot. So she's probably a nobody or at least not famous. The house is obviously his.

YahMoBThere said...

a, how would we know if some politician adores his wife? Because he says so?

Anonymous said...

Why is nobody mentioning Vanessa Hudgens? She was the first person I thought of when reading "This B list singer/actress loved by teens"

Anonymous said...

..and P.S., Mandy Moore is WAAAY over the hill to be "loved by teens" at this point.

Eve said...

There was a tabloid story saying this about Edwards. He has already denied it. To me, it smells like the right wing dirt machine at work.

What about Zac Efron for #2, Beyonce and Rihanna for #2, and Keanu Reeves for #4?

YahMoBThere said...

Eve said:
"To me, it smells like the right wing dirt machine at work."

Or a Democrat gunning for another candidate.

ChasingHeaven said...

#4 - Did Matt Damon marry?

YahMoBThere said...

Just because the story could have been leaked by someone on either side, doesn't mean it's not true.

Chasingheaven, yes, Matt Damon is married.

Miss X said...

Trix, I do know 15 year old girls who LOVE Hannah Montanna. I do agree she's more popular with girls 5-10 and pre-teens than teens.

Is Jess Simpson still adored by teen girls? It would seem likely that she is even if she is pushing 30! (I don't think 30 is old but for teens it is).

ladorabelle said...

Trix --

While I know that #3 is or isn't about Mandy Moore, I am surprised that you can't imagine her saying those things. That girl has a dirty mouth (among other things), and I know Ent has the connections to give us the gossip about her.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of whether Mandy Moore has the mouth ... she doesn't seem like she would be the darling of the teen set anymore...what does she do that would be on their radar?

GammaGirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GammaGirl said...

There is no doubt in my mind that #3 is referring to Mandy Moore and Chestica. The pictures prove it.

AS for Mandy's audience. She's the queen of nice(or not). Other than a role in "Southland Tales" mandy keeps it pretty PG. Find me a tween who didn't like "Because I Said So" (UGH).

Seriously, can we really look down on Mandy for stating the obvious? Just sayin....

Anonymous said...

gammagirl...I guess I'm just not up on Mandy Moore. I looked up her imdb record and was surprised that she's only 23. It seems like she should be in her 30s by

:: WONDER WOMYN :: said...

John Edwards.

Unknown said...

Ice Angel said...

1.) If Edwards or Hill, neither is shocking and both are old news. Rudy wouldn't be much of a surprise either. Really, none of them would be a surprise other than maybe Mitt.

2.) Zac literally just turned 20 last month...early 20's??? I'm not sure that matches.

3.) I'm 40 and my husband is 46 and we laugh our asses off watching Hannah Montana with our kids. All of my teen nieces are obsessed with Hannah Montana. Her concert was the biggest tour of the year. Trust me...everyone loves HM...even the young teens. I'd say she is definitely possible as the bigger star.

4.) Could be's Hollywood and not much of a blind although the guys is a dirtbag.

mooshki said...

My niece is interning for Hillary, and she hasn't heard any gossip about her fooling around.

YahMoBThere said...

Mooshki, I know someone who is interning for Bush and she only hears great things about him, too.

You can't really go by what interns hear.

Leslie Juvin said...

1. Edwards. For sure.


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