Monday, December 03, 2007

Avril Gets A Pedicure--Tells Fans To Eat Cake

Thousands of fans were left waiting in the snow and sub-freezing temperatures for hours while they waited for a free concert from Avril Lavigne. Avril, who has been reduced to playing Best Buy grand openings, started her show over an hour late. By that time though most fans had been exposed to the freezing temperatures for over four hours because they had waited in line to get into the show and get a good spot.

Despite entreaties from organizers, Avril allegedly would not be put off from her spa treatments, and said that since it was a free concert, the audience shouldn't complain. I don't think the town of Burnaby is going to welcome Avril back anytime soon.

The local Best Buy did promise to make it up to fans by agreeing to stage another free show in the summer when it is warmer, and to actually provide an act who cares about their fans and actually knows how to sing.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    What's the female equivalent for a douche?

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    God, why does she even HAVE fans. She says she's so "original" and people are "copying off" of her all the time--yet you could pick out any Seattle area high school girl in 1997 with the same exact look, only THEY'RE doing it better! Her songs are generic, and bland, rarely taking any risks. The lyrics are mostly vapid and devoid of any depth...the pink streaks and bleach blonde look is sooooo cliche Malibu Barbie, she NEVER smiles for real, its always that cheesy forced fake grin thats so awful looking. She has disdain and total disrespect for every person she comes across, has one of the most undeserved egos I've ever seen, and is now hanging out with Paris Hilton.

    Most. Worthless. Human. Being. Ever. (besides the aforementioned Paris)

  3. I think the female equivalent of a "douche" is a "Jessica Alba"

    I loathe avril.

  4. I'm embarassed that she's Canadian.


  5. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Well, she actually CAN sing, but even then her songs are are generic, and bland, rarely taking any risks, to quote Trix. Avril so-called fans are leaving her in droves.

  6. I'm embarassed Best Buy coudln't get Anne Murray instead..that bitch would have been EARLY setting up seats n shizz.

    Arvil..hope you enjoyed your Spa Utopia peddi...shame about everyone egging your

    It snowed here for the first time this year and it was COLD as fuck, I can't believe she would make people wait like that.
    Wait, yes I can its Avril.
    Pnemonia is soooo PUNK ROCK!

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I agree brendalove, she CAN sing, as much as it pains me to say. Listen to "Im With You" and at one point you can tell, that yes, she can actually sing. Too bad she ruins it with a low-rent Pink/Gwen Stefani look (they both do it much better than she, a shitty attitude, generic songs, high school drama lyrics, etc etc etc.

  8. Respect for your fans gets you a whole lot farther than a decent voice.

    Case in point- Spice Girls.

  9. Did Hez write this? Why in the hell would an entertainment lawyer in LA even know about Burnaby/Best Buy, or snow. It has her particular brand of snark all over it.

  10. well I for one would love to kiss her sweet little feet. Of course, her behavior is pretty rotten if what's reported is all true. Then again, gotta' love a gal who keeps her toes looking nice.
