Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Insecure Much?

During the opening night of the Spice Girls show in Vancouver, Mel B took some guy from the audience and brought him on stage. She then basically did what it seems happens at every concert since Janet Jackson first thought of it. They sit him down and start grinding all over the guy. I guess Stephen Belafonte didn't know this was going to happen or he knows he is one hot guy away from losing his meal ticket, but he didn't like what he saw and left the side of the stage. Not for just the one song mind you, but was so pissed he didn't come back for the rest of the night.

Now, this is the big comeback show for your wife. If you are not secure enough in your relationship with her to have her grind on some 20 year old guy as part of a concert, I don't think your marriage is going to have much hope. Do you really think your wife is just going to drag him backstage after, and give him a quickie before she goes back out to lip sync another tune?

Grow up, and stop being Marc Anthony or Melanie Griffith.


  1. Or Demi Moore. Or Angelina Jolie.

  2. Or Julia Roberts. Or 'Celestia'!

  3. Dude better curb the jealousy, or his meal ticket is gonna take a walk!

  4. Anonymous10:25 AM

    He must have LOVED Dancing With the Stars, then...?!?!?!?!

    Scary & Maks were ALWAYS groping each other - just in a buddy, friendly kind of way, but still....

    Isn't this the hubby that was accused of battering his ex?


  5. Oh i think Scary can hold her own...

    Who knows..some people love the drama and the jelousy.

  6. Anonymous1:31 PM

    something about that guy is creepy

  7. Anonymous2:39 PM

    jax said...
    Oh i think Scary can hold her own...
    10:57 AM

    That's probably true...LOL

  8. wait. didn't she get knocked up by eddie murphy? was she married then?

  9. molly molly molly...sigh.

    Eddie dumped her for the bitch off Extra or something while she was pregnant and claiming it wasn't his babay. Not long after the babay was born adn we found out it was in fact "Donkey's" kid..she secretly married Fake Belafonte.

  10. I think she likes the attention she gets from her husband acting all jealous. Jennifer...I don't know, the touchiness on DWTS actually started to make me even uncomfortable, but I think it came more from Maks that Mel. I think she looked at hm like ai brother/buddy, but I think Maks fell in love with her...



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