Friday, January 04, 2008

Britney Spears Story

This is one of those times where I think I will just take a pass on commenting about Britney or her kids or the situation. She obviously needs help, and hopefully the 72 hour 5150 hold will help. From what I understand, despite police observations to the contrary, Britney's blood tests came back negative for any controlled substances. To me, this is worse because it means she is in serious need of help. Hopefully she gets it. Her children are young enough where they hopefully won't remember last night. The problem is that if she doesn't get help, there will be lots more nights like last night.


  1. I have thought this numerous times....unfortunately, at some point, Brit Bit stopped being a person to the people around her and more of an opportunity. I know personally, in my family....they would have some sort of intervention or something. Where is her family? Why have people let this go on so long? Shes obviously been incapable of making a lucid judgement for some time now. So sad. Im just glad no one got hurt and maybe this will enable her to get help...and maybe even shame her family into at least pretending they give a crap about what happens to her. thats just me, though.

  2. I completely agree with you McFadden. Unfortunately, I feel like I've been glued to her situation for the last's so heartbreaking to watch someone spiral out of control and you just want her to get better and regain herself. I really hope the blind about the HIV singer that recently had an abortion is not her.

  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    well, the family can't make her do anything if she is not a danger to herself or others. But Britney finally crossed that line last night, the authorities have to do something now.

  4. Dang Ent

    You could've at least given some legal perspective on what could happen to her because of what she did? Arrests? Jail time? Custody?

    And if your tested negatvie source is X17 ...please! The cop on the scene said she was obviously under the influence...

  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    its a very sad, unfortunate situation. i'm glad her father came to see her.

    i blame both of the spears girls problems on their fucking stage mother. this is what happens when you put your childs fame/financial success before anything and everything else. b&j only have self esteem when people are talking about them, no matter what for.

  6. who controls her money if she isn't capable? i hope it's not a relative. get well brit, not for your fans but for yourself and your children. if there are no drugs involved her breakdown has gone untreated for a long time.

  7. Any info on what happened during yesterday's deposition and why she left after only 45 minutes? Was it because her lawyers refused to rep her any further?

  8. Anonymous9:42 AM

    lainiekazan, she was 2 hours late. the time for the depo ran out.

  9. Sorry, I don't believe the tests were negative.

    How much are her antics costing the community? She should at least be forced to pay for that.

  10. she locked out the monitor, locked herself in a room with JJ and both were taken to the assuming the tested negative is wrong. word on the street is Kfed and the cops were shit scared she took something and gave it to JJ as well. he was released at 4am.

    obv. Britney is having a mental breakdown and yes we shouldn't make light of sure no one here really is that callous anyway..but damn i wanted a legal perspective!

    oh and just let me say POST PARTUM!
    coupled with long term mental illnes..sad.

  11. McFadden, while we have been watching britney spiral out of control, so too have her parents, and for the life of me, as a parent, I can not understand why they havent stepped in long before this .. I personally could not stand to see my daughter making a laughing stock out of herself in our neightbohood, let alone in fron of the entire world. and it pains me to think that these two young boys, who had no choice in who their mother was, are being harmed, either intentinally or not.

    c'mon lynne spears take the $$$ out of your eyes and see what is really going on with your two girls .. they are in desparate need of help!

  12. Anonymous9:51 AM

    THANK GOD this happened. Like brendalove said, they HAVE to do something now. They SHOULD HAVE done something long ago, but they (family, friends aka hangers on) can't get their meal ticket help, because that means risking $$$. Now they're forced to. I don't like Britney No Talent Spears one bit, but I DO feel for her so much, bcs it's been so obvious for so long that she's very ill. I really hope she gets help, man.

  13. If someone doesn't step in, she will be dead soon. Where the fuck is her mother? Oh yeah, this one has become unprofitable... time to set the next trainwreck on the tracks.

  14. Its interesting to me that she really made a deal with the devil in befriending the paparazzi,. They're teeming like maggots-it's really creepy to realize the packs around her when she's walking around, the ones yelling, "hi Britney", the ones getting her drinks and running errands and pumping gas for her, really could give a rats ass for her and will shoot her dead body just as readily as her live one. How sad. If she had any talent, I'd compare her to Marilyn or Jean Seberg, but I think it's more of an Edie Sedgewick situation shaping up..

  15. I agree that Britney isn't all there mentally. Add to the fact her career is fading and she will try to do anything to save it, and you have a disaster.

  16. Isn't it amazing the hell some people live in?

  17. Also, I had a dream about this time last year that she jumped off a building, leaving her kid(s) safe. It felt prophetic, I hope not. I've never considered myself psychic!

    I feel guilty because I find this entertaining. But I really feel concerned, and what happens to people like this who aren't in the public eye. god.

  18. she's over 21 and a millionaire..she was untouchable before this. if she wasn't a danger to herself or anyone else there is NOTHING here parents OR the cops could have done.
    they may not be perfect but parents aren't always the ones to blame in an adult child's life.

  19. britney attempted suicide last night. she was involuntarily commited becuz she had been drinking and took a bunch of anti-anxiety meds.
    kaplan sued for full custody today
    and he got it. britney has serious mental health issues and she is an addict.

  20. Excellent point, a lot easier to go do the rehab thing and blame it on an illness when tests come back positive! Last I heard, rehab for crazy people is the room with the padded walls. Then again, she could always claim it was the highly toxic combo of cigarettes and Starbucks fraps

  21. Sarah, you hit the nail on the head with your comment about the paps: "(they)will shoot her dead body just as readily as her live one."

  22. She is our new Anna Nicole. Remember the wonderful mother Anna had???

  23. I think Shittany just got fucked hard by a nigger with a big cock, and was dazed by the experience. She certainly was smiling on the gurney.

    I like Shittany. I like any woman who loves to get fucked a lot. I bet Shittany knows her way around a dick, too.

  24. I am an attorney (not in California) but most likely she will lose visitation rights for awhile. She will never lose all visitation rights with her children.

    Apparently, the court monitor was lax as most monitors will not allow the parent and child to enter a bathroom alone together.

    I dont think any criminal charges will come out of this. It was a domestic dispute (civil) not criminal.

  25. Shes bipolar, clearly. If she was in a manic state it can mimic being "under the influence" - complete with psychotic behavior and all. Problem is most bipolar people can't stick to a medication regimen and end up back where they started. I hope they keep her locked up for a good, long time, for her own safety and esp. now for the safety of those poor damn kids.

  26. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Watching some of these videos is maybe the first time I've truly felt sorry for her - esp the helocopter shots showing the hundreds and hundreds of people there to watch her implode. She is clearly out of her mind and has no support group around her to help her get the help she needs. Drugs and alcohol are just making things worse for her, but she isn't stable to begin with.

    Do you ever wonder if Kevin wishes this whole thing had never happened? The kids are worth it, of that I have no doubt. But does the money make up for his name being dragged thru the dirt, his music career a laughingstock, and then having to deal with the craziness that is Britney? If it weren't for the kids, I think on evenings like last nite, a normal life might hold more appeal.

    And I applaud him for running interference between the paps chasing the car carrying his kids last nite. He gave them a chance to get away.

  27. My heart goes out to those little boys, they didn't ask to be born into this circus. I agree Britney is an adult and a parent but if she IS mentally ill (I've always thought that's more her problem than drugs) then I think her parents should have moved heaven and earth to help her, a daughter is forever.

    However, the paps are responsible too,they have compounded the situation. I can't believe they were shouting abuse (probably x17 photogs) at Kevin as he drove into the hospital. I know he's not perfect but he's done right by those boys all along and has kept them out of the spotlight unlike many celebrities we know.

  28. Her mother has tried to intervene. When she does, Britney cuts her off completely. Sure, I think her mom has made some mistakes, but I don't think she's as bad as Hayden or LiLo's moms.

  29. I would think the behavior alone (last night if not the last 3 months) would be just cause for temp. termination of parental rights and some type of court ordered guardianship over BS per her obvious mental incapacitation? Her finances support those unbiased 3rd party needs to be appointed. NOT her family!

  30. The ironic thing is, Britney is fabulously wealthy. If anyone is going to get treatment, it's her. But pity the millions of mentally ill all over the world who get jackshit, and the kids who suffer as a result. brit's the best case scenario for a situation like this, which is sad.

    It's really, really hard to lock up anyone for more than 72 hours. Like, try impossible, barring multiple felonies.

  31. It's difficult to lock up an adult without their consent regardless of how mentally ill they are. Plus if she is bipolar and in a manic state, which I believe she is, then she would most likely be skipping her meds and would be totally uncontrollable anyway. Maybe she has never been assessed as mentally ill which is even more frightening but plausible. It did develop after her kids were born and she was on her own.

    Our streets are littered with mentally ill people for a reason.

    There are so many variables to consider and too many complex issues with finding the right medication and lack of real support structures. I hope they just don't send her back out there as they do with so many others.

  32. Sarah- you're right, I guess someone has to really CARE in her camp. Sad. Sad. Sad. Unfortunately, if she died, there would be a whole new scramble/drama, so I don't see her family rushing in to do the right thing. Hope they prove me wrong.

  33. Cali. must have a law like FL - its called "baker acting"... unf. I had to do involuntarily commit a former friend of mine. She called me, one morning,i ncoherent, saying she had matches and gasoline and had taken a handful of pills. Well, I called her ex and he said she threatened to kill him the night before and he had to restrain her from using a knife on herself. I immediately called 911 and they indeed found her in his apartment, in a distressed state, but not with any gasoline thank god...and they DID keep her 72 hours and wouldnt let her go home without someone there to discharge her who would be able to stay with her for at least the next 24 hours. I mean, who will do that for Britney? Not her mom or her knocked up sister, thats for sure. The sad part is that Im afraid she may try to kill herself or those kids if she IS let out without a plan and/or adequate supervision.
    and SHAME on the papparazi for blocking the ambulances and cops last night. It was obvious she was in a bad way and if I was a cop I would have arrested every single one of them for impeding a police investigation.

  34. i lovvvve Kfed for going all evil knevil on the paps last night and not letting get a shot of his kids.

  35. If Brit is the mystery singer with HIV, could she keep it a secret after this?

  36. here's the thing: jayden was taken to hospital in separate ambulance and there have been no updates on him. what's up with that? hope he's ok.

  37. The sad thing is that this girl still seems to be living like a teenager. How does one go about learning to be an grown-up if not from their parents? Someone wrote earlier that she is of age and it's not her parents fault, but my mother was still acting like my mother and very involved with my life when I was 26, whether I liked it or not. In Brittney's case, it seems like she's learned that the money is enough to let her do whatever she wants instead of being a fairly normal, decent, law-abiding, responsible adult, which holds true whether you have money or not. The whole thing is just sad.

  38. Sistermaryhotpantz, what state do you live in? My cousin iis in a custody battle alarmingly similar to the brit/kfed situation. She lives in FL and her STBX (crackhead) keeps pushing the limits with the supervised visitation. His mom is supposed to be the supervisor and they often try to push someone else in. My cousin has to deny visitation on those days. Do you know if she get a court appointed supervisor? If so, can she have him pay for it because she has no money and he's not paying his court appointed bills (mortgage, utilities, car payment) as it is?

  39. IMO the paps feel entitled because of all the access Brit's given them. Last night was the jackpot for the paps, and at least KFed had the common sense to try and keep them away from her and the kids as much as he could. What a scary, crazy, night for all involved.

  40. Caligirl!

    I think you have a very valid point! Well put about Kevin! It is a very likely possibility that this shit actually ruined his life, not made it!

    I feel for the boys! Poor things. Hope JJ is ok.

  41. This is going to get worse not better. I wish it were different.
    But take a look at the other obviously mentally ill celebrities who have intermittently made headlines since the beginning of Hollywood. Just look at those who have been up on felony charges in the last couple of decades.

    They don't lock up rich celebs brandishing guns and get them the help they need before they kill someone. (Phil Spector, anyone?) Do you really think Brit will get help?

    Unless she kills herself or someone else she could be publicly riding her crazy train for another half of a century.

    It is easy for us to sit back and say how her family and employees should get her help. But she has the money and the power over the afore mentioned. Anyone willing to stand up to her and say you need help was cut out of her life sometime ago. Adults have that right.
    The same happens in most cases where the mentally ill person is rich. Fame only adds to the problem. Maybe it is easier to get help if you aren't rich and famous?

    More and more troubled celebs come to mind as I write. How can it be that Howard Hughes never got help? What about Michael Jackson? This guy was a money making machine. Everything he touched turned gold. How could his crazy train been allowed to publicly run amok?

    I am trying, without success, to think of any major A list celeb who has gotten help with a serious mental problem and had a happy ending. Surely there must be at least one. Can anyone help?

  42. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Kfed was fucking bad ass last night, never thought I'd end up liking him for anything.

  43. I will admit I've laughed and judged and gossiped about Britney. She's got a problem. I had to commit my mother to a mental hospital this last year. It is hard to do on many different levels. It's hard to come to the decision even if the evidence is staring you in the face because you don't want to believe it and it's hard to do to someone you love even if it is what they need. It is hard legally because you can't just commit anyone you feel like to the mental hospital. They have rights, too. (This one doesn't apply to me) It's hard when the someone has an assload of money and security, and celebrities have special privleges. (Duh) Whatever everyone says, I don't know Lynne Spears. I always thought she seemed pretty nice and not a huge publicy whore like other celeb moms. I'm not sure who has kids here but I will tell you my kids don't always listen to me and I didn't always do what my parents told me to do. We should give these folks a break. Brits got some issues like many folks who aren't followed constantly by cameras. Lynne..I don't know her but I do know a lot of good people with fucked up kids. And Jamie Lynne...A lot of teenagers are fuckin around, it doesn't make it right but it doesn't make Lynne a bad momma and it's not the end of the world. If she was impregnanted by a pedophile, we will probably never know. We live in a fucked up world. I try not to think about it too much or I might end up like Brit Brit. I hope her babies are going to be OK. KFed might end up being someone we never thought he would be. He might be the step-up-to-the-plate king.

  44. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Next up, LiHohan.

    As much as a sleaze K-Fed appeared to be when he hooked up with Britney, he's becoming the only halfway decent character in this horrific situation. Which isn't saying much, but at least it's something.

    JJ is what, at least 18-24 months? I remember at that age downing a bottle of baby aspirin and being rushed to the hospital to have my stomach pumped. I don't remember anything else from that earliest period in my life, so what happened was enough of a trauma that it burned in my memory. I can't imagine what it would be like at that age to be locked in a room with my mother raving and out of her mind. God help that little child -- both kids need to be in steady therapy NOW.

    Sad sad sad all around.

  45. liveunderarock - patty duke, and she went public to help others with full support of her family.

  46. I think she loves those kids. I remember how devastated she looked in those pics after she almost dropped SPF. I hope she gets it together. How does Power of Attorney work? I hope that Lufti guy doesn't have hers.

    I can't believe I almost have a crush on KFed... lol. The apocalypse is in full swing, people.

  47. Post partum depression run rampant IMHO.
    Too stubborn to get help, sick of getting crapped on by everyone she trusts to ask for help.

  48. Frances Farmer. Only that wasn't really a happy ending.

  49. It's hard to tell if someone is really mentally ill or just fucked up from drugs. Like look at Anne Heche and Farrah Fawcett. Mentally ill or drug induced schizoid shit? Tough call.

  50. I'm conflicted by this. One one hand, I'm thrilled this happened because now she'll get the help she needs.

    But on the other hand, will she really? Once the 72 hour period is up, what then? You know she won't be following up on treatment on her own. Court orders mean nothing to her, as she has shown time and time again. Who is going to make sure she continues with whatever treatment plan is deigned best for her?

    I do think she loves those boys. She loves them but doesn't want them. And doesn't want K-Fed to have them either out of spite.

    I knew a guy who spent thousands upon thousands of dollars and almost a year fighting for custody of his daughter. The moment he won, guess what he did? Dumped the kid off at Grandma's! He only kept in touch when absolutely necessary and didn't even bother providing financial support.

  51. i've been saying all along, that being an adult, her parents, friends, attorneys, hangers-on, etc. can't really do anything until she does something really dangerous, like whatever she did last night. even WITH the 51-50 call, they can only forcibly hold her for 72 hours. BUT it makes it easier to call for help the next time. there's more at work here than JUST bi-polar, and if she is a rapid or ultra rapid cycler, her parents may never have realized there was a problem (as little as ten years ago, doctors said manic-depression could not be diagnosed under the age of 18).
    anyway, as has been said by a lot of folks her, bi-polars are the WORST about keeping on their meds. and unless you know that person very well, its hard to know the shifting moods.
    gee, guys, can you tell i raised one?

  52. bunny- actually, during the 72 hour eval period, the doc can certify the pt for 14 days of involuntary treatment. If this is done, a hearing officer is called in and makes a determination if the patient requires additional involuntary treatment. After that depending on if the patient was certified as danger to self, danger to others, or gravely disabled, will determined what can happen next involuntarily. I work in a psych facility and specifically with the 5150 patients. I really hope this is the 1st step towards her really getting some help, but as others have said if she really is bipolar, it is probably just the beginning.

  53. Captivagrl, thanks. I have always liked Patty Duke.

  54. bettie, you're right, i left that out. that of course depends on her behavior during her 72 hour stay. a clever patient can fool a doc into letting them go free and clear-- but i don't think our girl is that clever.

  55. So sad - I feel for her kids, like someone else said, they didn't ask to be born into this.

    I lost a bi-polar lifelong friend two months ago. He died of a heart infection after a nearly 20 year struggle with heroin and alcohol. I hope this girl gets the help she needs.

    I hope Lynn Spears finally wakes up and helps her new grandchild grow up without ANY media attention.



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