Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

That's it everyone. See you back here on July 4th for the next big mass reveal.


  1. Thanks so much Ent, You're the best!

  2. Happy New Year, Ent!
    May you and yours enjoy peace, prosperity and happiness!
    And thank you again for the time you spent on the reveals!
    It's definitely made for an interesting day - but I'm sure waiting for Jan 9th, when you reveal who the dog of a candidate is.

  3. Thanks Enty, that was a blast!!

  4. Cool! I will be there. Happy New Year. Thanks for all the reveals.

  5. Awesome, thank you so much. Have an awesome 2008, ENT!

  6. Thanks, tons, EL. Smooches!

  7. Bravo! Some of the reveals were better than who I'd originally guessed! You're such a star Enty!

  8. I look forward to reading your blog each and every day - it's one of the hightlights of my day (that doesn't sound too pathetic, does it?)! Thanks for the fun - keep 'em coming!

  9. Anonymous6:43 PM

    thanks ent! I read a bunch to my boyfriend so he finally knows what i'm spending all my time @ the computer for, lol.

  10. That was very fun! Thx!!!

  11. Jackpot! That was veeeeery satisfying. Thanks, Ent. You rock!

  12. Thanks Enty!
    you know we love you

  13. Thanks, Ent! Those were some good reveals. I'm looking forward to July. =)

  14. Delurking to say thanks for two great days of entertainment!

  15. Thanks, Ent!!! That was awesome of you :)

  16. Awesome reveals, as usual, Ent! Can't wait for next Tuesday's yet-to-be-revealed BI. Then, I'll wait patiently for 7/4.

    Thank you! Love ya.

  17. thank you!! that was great fun, really enjoyed them! have a great 2008 everyone!

  18. Sneaking out for a moment to say how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site, which I only discovered in the past months. So...this is my first go around for Blind Reveals and they have been very exciting to me.

    THANKS Ent for your time and for the energy you spend posting here for peeps like me to have some escapism from the day to day.

    Hopefully in 2008 I'll work up the nerve to post my own guesses :-)

    Happy 2008 Everyone!!

  19. Feel free to post your guesses Toni. It's all in fun. Surely I've had some poor guesses.

  20. PM, I love it, my husband calls ENT my boyfriend. He asks me everytime I get on the computer if I'm reading my boyfriend's site again.

    ENT - thanks so much I loved reading all the reveals. XOXO

  21. Happy New Year Ent.... and thanks so much for the veritable plethora of reveals (see word of the day toilet paper really can be a good Christmas gift LOL)

    I was amazed at how many of them people guessed correctly... but got talked out of..

    Love the blog and look forward to a fantastic gossip filled 2008!

  22. I think Easter would be a nice time for a few reveals; don't make us wait until summer!

    Big kiss Enty; love you much!

  23. Anonymous8:13 PM

    these were great fun, thank you!

    i think next time though, if you need to protect yourself...just give us the initials of the people. we will take the rest from there.

  24. I have been sick since the day after Christmas and spent this evening in the Emergency Room. Happy 2008! And I forgot about all the reveals! So thanks, Ent for the juicy gossip and something to get my mind off things.


  25. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Hey Ent,
    Thanks for the reveals. I also want to thank all the AWESOME guessers who surprisingly get these things right! Happy New Year everyone.

    I wish I could've been here for the hour-by-hour reveals, but I was prepping my new year's party and had to d/c the computer (otherwise, cooking would not have gotten done).

    Happy New Year, Ents and the CDAN community! I loves y'all.

  26. Thank You SANTA---I mean, EL!! Seriously, It was like Christmas all over again with all the excitement! I think we did well at guessing, too!! Can't wait for more.

  27. Woot! that was awesome me n my girlfriends camped out wtih wine and herbal refreshments to read the reveals together..thanks so much! good times El.

  28. Anonymous9:29 PM

    To the person who has been posting here today with MY longtime professional email & blogger name, claudiasfix, why? My few & far postings to this site during the Timmy debacle and after have never been and never will be punctuated with exclamation marks or "love yas" for the writer/s here. Do you feel that threatened intellectually and emotionally by my generally disbelieving comments? You're unable to respond adequately, let alone logically, as yourself and have become so desperate as to steal? How sad and pathetic your life obviously is. Perhaps this is the real "EL".

  29. ENT, this was your best set of reveals ever, I think. I joined blogger just so I could post on these. I had been holding out, hoping you'd switch back to allowing anon comments. But these are just too good. And for the haters...ENT may not be a lawyer. I'm not convinced of that. But he/she is definitely someone in the know on this stuff. You can't make this much stuff up, it's too complicated. Whoever ENT is, he has connections. Obviously he has to be evasive considering what he's doing. Thank you ENT! You are amazing for doing this. Happy New Year to you and I look forward to reading all through 2008!

  30. Super-fun, Ent! Loved every minute of it.

  31. Why wait? Let's have a reveal every three months.

    Next one ... St. Patrick's Day. We'll drink to it.

  32. I don't think ENT is a lawyer, or a man, or 300lbs.

    But he does know some shit, so this site is fun. Much more fun that blogs that post embarassing pictures. B&W and not all revealed, just like the old days of movies, right? I think ENT is a big fan of old Hollywood.

  33. Thanx for these Enty. These are definately your best reveals yet!

    See, this is why I so rarely post my guesses. Once the reveals are done, I realize how so very wrong I was about most of them. I'm not very good at these blinds.

    Happy New Year everyone!

  34. Thanks very much for these, Enty. Going to be hard to wait another 6 mos until the next batch. If you could maybe do a few 3 mos from now, it'd be great. Would you consider this?
    Regardless, we'll all be here waiting.

  35. Wow ... and I even guessed one right! LOL.

    Thanks, Ent.

    Seriously ... thanks.

  36. These were fun! Thanks for all the reveals Ent and thanks to all the ""posters" who make these so much funner!

    Happy New Year All!

  37. Okay - now tell me it's not hysterical that Ent JUST REVEALED the blind about New Edition - leading to the reveal about Eddie Murphy and Johnny Gill in Eddie's bed as the reason for Eddie's wife's divorce decision - and people.com is reporting this morning that Murphy and Tracy Edmonds got married this weekend - who was the best man??? Johnny Gill. Can I puke now??

  38. It was truly extended Christmas cheer, and guilty pleasure galore!
    Thank you ENT!!!
    (still looking for that hiv+ reveal, did i miss it?)

  39. @ Robert: That reveal about Eddie could not have a come at a better time!

  40. Thanks Enty!!! Happy New Year to all! WOW, I guessed almost all of them right except for Shakira, New Edition, and the ones from Aug 17 with Sly Stallone, Shannen Bex (I have no idea who that is). I can't believe it, I wish I could've bet on the answers!

  41. Thanks ent, always fun!

  42. Yes I agree, initials would be great.
    Thanks for the reveals. Can't believe the one about David Lee Roth!! I used to love him during his VH days. But can we do this quarterly???? Twice a year is not enough.

  43. oh, damn! unforch, I was right. DListed has the first story featuring that idiot Adnan, the pap who hooked up with Shitney.

    Pleeeeeeeez, don't make this guy a celeb!!!!

  44. All the best for a healthy, peaceful, and safe new year! Love from NYC --- jr

  45. I love you Ent! Thanks!

  46. p.s. Does anyone else feel the need to smoke a cigarette?

  47. Ha!!! Funny, Mooshki!

  48. Thanks for the reveals ENT, they were great as always. I was wondering if anyone could help me, a long time ago on this site someone posted in the comments section a website that lists all blind vice items and the best guesses or reveals out there. My computer crashed and I cannot remember the site for my new computer. Can anyone help me please??

  49. i'm a newbie to the site! luv, luv, luv your work!!! happy new year and gung hai fa tsai (year of the rat). looking forward to more reading fun in 2008 :)

  50. Wow.

    I've had a busy couple of days sitting with my laptop on the couch in my flannel cozies catching up on all of Ent's holiday gossip and reveals (I've been sick with the flu since Christmas).

    Love this site! Thanks Ent for the juicy posts, and here's hoping to a great 2008 for everyone. I really enjoy reading all of your witty comments.

    Jax - I'm 30 and originally a BC girl. Someday, I would love to dish smut with you over a glass of wine and a herbal refreshment or two.

  51. :) As always thank you ent for sharing. I hope you got to celebrate the New Year in style.

  52. ashley - agcwebpages.com/BLINDITEMS/MAINPAGE.html

  53. Kara..anytime girl!

  54. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Many thanks for the countless hours of fun, Ent. I'm looking forward to a very revealing new year. Cheers!

  55. Thank you so much captivagrl you are the best!!

  56. This blog is the BEST. I am new and I am sooo addicted. As a single mom who works and goes to college full-time, I have no social life at all, so this site has been a welcome relief from all the stresses!! Thanks bunches!!!!

  57. ashley - your welcome. have a great 2008 gossip year!

  58. I know I'm a good bit late, but holidays kill time for anything not family-oriented. So, happy new year to all and an extra thanks to Ent for the reveals and for encouraging me to waste so much of 2007 on the internet.

    P.S. Mandjo -- Calling Ent Santa just reminds me of the whole Santa Cop debacle. Good times.



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