Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Power Outage

Doing this from my phone. Will be back when power is back. Check back later.


  1. Don't bother, you lame piece of shit.

  2. ok les suckno, I'll play along and give you the attention that you seek. I read your comment and yes, you are absolutely the funniest dude around. Now please shut up. Thankyouverymuch.

  3. wait. where is the power out?
    It's fine here.

  4. Sorry about the power being out. That sucks!

  5. Well, if I wasn't such a loser - refreshing the site all day for updates, I wouldn't care. Ent - I wish I knew how to quit you. :-)

  6. Kelly, I don't know about L.A., but there can be a power outage across the street from me, but not at my house. Are you in L.A.?

  7. OMG! you must go to TMZ or Funny or Die and see Jerry O connell doing his Tom Cruise..it is the funniest parody i've seen thus far.
    my god i almost peed.really.

    (while you are wating for El to pay his hydro bill of course)

  8. Guys...Heath Ledger is dead. Just reported out of NY-

  9. Heath Ledger?! How?

  10. You're right! It's at CNN.com. Oh my GAAAHD!

  11. omg Heath Ledger? wow..poor Matilda.

  12. Holy shit, I can't believe he died. Page Six says he OD'd.

  13. Apparently, found in his bed by his maid or something. More details to folllow. Only other word is that it, "isn't crime related", which leads me to believe he may have OD'd..he hasn't looked 'well'.

  14. Young Hollywood needs to wake up, too many lives lost. We were just watching River Phoenix last night and I thought what a waste! My kids were asking who he was!? Imagine what he could've been...he was so talented!

  15. heath ledger is dead???


  16. Dammit!
    As corny as this is going to sound, he was the first male celeb I went CRAZY about.
    I'm really upset about this one...

  17. OMG!!! That's so crazy! He was so young! He wasn't looking too good lately...I'm gonna jerk a muthafuckin tear!

  18. Drudgereport.com is updating frequently about Heath. just keep refreshing...

  19. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I'm in shock. I dont think anyone saw this coming...

    I wonder if he was the blind about the Academy Award nominee that was startign to party too hard, pass out to the point that no one could move him, and then would shit his pants.

  20. My god we were all just talking about him in the random photos... So Very Sad. Very Sad. Gammagirl I felt the exact same when Michael H. died from INXS.

  21. Good gawd...how sad. Was such a beautiful boy...

  22. Brad Renfro..Heath who's next? you know this shit happens in 3's.

    So so awful.

    Joaquin wake the fuck up and take notice.

  23. Man, I don't even now what to say about this.
    I'm sad for matilda, but mostly I'm sad because he had so many more GREAT performances in him!
    The Dark Knight has been said to have his best performance to date.

    Thanks for the hugs, right back at you all!

  24. Boy, in the randoms, he looks years older than 28...please tell me he WAS in make-up!?!

  25. My he find the peace he obviously could not find in life.

  26. What a waste to OD!

  27. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Oh god, I just kept scrolling down the comments and hoping that this was a sick joke. Not Heath!!! I am at a loss for words. Talk to you guys tomorrow.

  28. jax- jus' thinking the same damn thing. I've always adored robert downey jr. and worried about him too-

  29. Heroin addict. The pic Enty posted looked pretty damn scary this week.

  30. This is really shocking to me! I mean he was just in the Photos a couple of days ago. So sad.

  31. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Jax you so read my mind. I'm surprised it wasnt Joaquin, the guy who couldnt even spell his own name right on a card.

  32. Here is what is on CNN.Com:

    Actor Heath Ledger is dead, the New York Police Department said Tuesday.
    Heath Ledger was found dead in his Manhattan apartment.
    The Academy Award nominated actor was 28.
    Ledger's housekeeper found him dead in his Manhattan apartment, New York police said.
    He died at 3:26 p.m., they said.
    The New York Fire Department received a call at 2:27 Tuesday responding to a "cardiac arrest call" in New York.
    They found an unresponsive male dead at the scene.
    In 2005, the actor played Ennis Del Mar in "Brokeback Mountain," about two cowboys who had a secret relationship. The role earned him the Oscar nomination.
    Ledger was born in Perth, Australia.

  33. He's looked pretty horrible for the past year or so. Wow.

  34. i just heard (CNN) that there were pills at the scene. hope it's not a suicide.

  35. He was scheduled to have a massage this afternoon. Drudge Report links to the CBS entertainment site. Yeah, pills strewn around.

  36. Anonymous2:24 PM

    It's a conspiracy. Someone cut Ent's power so he couldn't be on top of this story.

    It is sad about Heath. It's going to be a rough couple of days as more details come out. I know he and Michelle parted on bad terms, but I hope she heard from someone she trusts. It's her daughter's father.

  37. I would think that his family or the authorities would have been the ones to contact her. Hopefully.

  38. CNN confirms that it was PRESCRIPTION pills spread all over his deathbed. Ugh. They were prescribed to him, this sounds more like suicide with each passing moment. His poor daughter...

  39. Another one bites the dust.
    Poor Matilda. She'll never know her father.

  40. I really just thought he was talented and down to earth.

    I'd seen the photos of him looking rough lately, and I thought he may be hooked on something.

    I have to wonder if separating from Michelle pushed him over the edge. Of course, if he had a drug problem, she was right to separate from him to give Matilda some stability.

    I'm just so sad...

  41. New York Times sez he didn't die in his apartment; he died in Mary-Kate Olsen's apartment.

  42. Isn't MK in Sundance? CNN news ticker saying that the pills appeared to be OTC sleeping aids. Just have to wait for more info/confirmation.

  43. OMG -- Mary-Kate Olsen has a lot of explaining to do!!

    However, Lainey hinted at a "grizzly" blind posted previously in regards to Heath; I found it:

    September 14, 2006

    Grizzly, Grumpy, and High
    All one person.

    Not that doing drugs is any kind of shocker but a supposed family man? A serious actor? Settled down and severe? Apparently what happens in Toronto stays in Toronto.

    So as I’m sure you know, celebrities don’t procure their own happy substances. That’s what wranglers are for. Go-t0-guys and girls assigned to the task of purchasing the poison and getting it into the hands of the stars who want it.

    Popular local hot spot, A list actor is itching for some action. His runner is dispatched on the errand and comes back with more than enough to satisfy a five member rock band. But on this night, only one knight is the user, and according to my source – lock tight at that – he did s0 much blow it’s a wonder he hasn’t died from a heart attack.

    Which explains the Jekyll & Hyde behaviour. Super accommodating one day, sullen and snarky the next. Method acting perhaps… but still, if I were the woman in his life, I’d probably keep a closer eye.
    Just a suggestion…

  44. he has been addicted to cocaine for years - he was using heavily when they were married and that was the main reason they split.

    Like many coke users he started using downers to come down. Nowhere does it say the prescription belonged to him - newsflash but OD's from perscription drugs happen twice as likely as all heroin and coke OD's COMBINED.


  45. mary kate owns the apt he lives in, i think.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I thought Heath was a big drinker. Benadryl + alcohol not a good combo. (Benadryl is the PM part of Tylenol/Advil-PM.)

  48. Can't even imagine how Michelle is feeling. Regardless if it was an accident or a suicide she still has to sit down with her daughter and tell her, her father's dead.

    Gawd that made my stomach turn.

  49. Given the date of Lainey's BI and your news, Jindi, I'm betting that's why they broke up. What a horror, too, for MK. I'd move.

  50. they're reporting that his body is still in the apartment.

  51. Gosh, I am so in shock. So sad for his family and friends. Especially his daughter.

    Is gamma a huge fan?

  52. All those that act as drug RUNNERS for these stars should be within their rights to say NO to them without fear of being fired or replaced. No working professional should be on drugs, and people shouldn't be made to get them for them as part of the job. Drugs should now become a no-no.

    It's taking over everything. The whole thing needs cracking down on heavy-handed style.

  53. Ugh, you guys, I never thought I'd actually feel *bad* about figuring out the solution to a BI

  54. Lots of paps outside the apt so maybe he's still there. This is just horrible!

  55. Uber*Nought:

    I think that "runners" and regular assistant-types are two diferents animals. I think "runners" become "runners" because they have drug-world connections...

  56. Judi: he is still there. The paps want the "money shot" of the gurney getting wheeled out **shudder**

  57. What a stupid fuck. That poor little girl doesn't have a daddy now. Nice going, fucktard. I'm sure he had many demons, blah blah blah but the bottom line is, you use, you die. What a selfish, selfish man,

  58. NOT the Olsen kid's apartment is the newest....

  59. Oh my f**king God!!!! I read the title "Heath Ledger has died" on I'm Not Obessed as I was scrolling I thought it was about a role.

    This is terrible. Poor daughter and Renfro had a son.

    jax said...

    Joaquin wake the fuck up and take notice.

    Please, don't let anything bad happen to Joaquin.

  60. TMZ now saying cops ruling it accidental death and this apt is NOT owned by mary kate

  61. Yeah, wake up Joaquin, wake up Keanu, wake up Winehouse....





  63. I'm shocked. This is so sad. I don't know how it can be ruled an accident with pills scattered all around him, but time will tell.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. MK was renting the pad to him..but of course they are trying to link her to it.

    god im just sick over this.
    poor Michelle..from what i heard he was just not the same guy after the Oscar. too much too soon.

    after BBM was filmed in Canada we kinda felt like he was an honarary Canuck. well i did.

  66. Very sad; he had a lot of talent and potential. Quite a surprise; he wasn't in the press for drug use (or at least that I was aware of), but he certainly looked awful in the picture Enty posted the other day.

    Do you think this tragedy will put any kind of dent in Lindsay's consciousness? Nah, I didn't think so either.

  67. Snautrag, I thought that blind was Ryan Philippe -- however, it does make you think twice.

    From tmz: TMZ has learned Heath Ledger had a substance abuse problem. A Ledger confidante tells us he had been clean for a year.

  68. Snautrag,

    I don't think that's the blind Lainey is talking bout. It's this one:

    Grizzly, Grumpy and High

    All one person.

    Not that doing drugs is any kind of shocker but a supposed family man? A serious actor? Settled down and severe? Apparently what happens in Toronto stays in Toronto.

    So as I’m sure you know, celebrities don’t procure their own happy substances. That’s what wranglers are for. Go-t0-guys and girls assigned to the task of purchasing the poison and getting it into the hands of the stars who want it.

    Popular local hot spot, A list actor is itching for some action. His runner is dispatched on the errand and comes back with more than enough to satisfy a five member rock band. But on this night, only one knight is the user, and according to my source – lock tight at that – he did s0 much blow it’s a wonder he hasn’t died from a heart attack.

    Which explains the Jekyll & Hyde behaviour. Super accommodating one day, sullen and snarky the next. Method acting perhaps… but still, if I were the woman in his life, I’d probably keep a closer eye.

    Just a suggestion…

  69. Twisty:

    "accident' as in: I wanted to catch a buzz, but I didn't mean to die....

    And I guess the cops figure someone suicidal wouldn't have booked a massage for the day they planned to do it.

  70. Well, regardless of the cause of death, it is still a sad situation. Heath said(in an interview from NOV) that he feels good about death because he can live on in Matilda.

  71. Ragdoll, I know, but scattered pills seem to me more like a helter skelter kind of thing you often see in suicides, not a mistake.

    My friend had laid her clothes out for work for the next day (a daily habit) before she took her life. You just don't know what goes through someone's mind in their darkest hours.

  72. Mandjo, (where the heck have you been??), that's a really odd thing for a healthy 28 year old to say.

  73. TMZ has live streaming video outside the apt!

  74. Poor Michelle and Matlida. How do you tell a 2 year-old her daddy is gone?
    SO sad.

  75. Oh, man. They want to see the gurney. eeeeek..... :(

  76. someone just died now isn't the time to be trying to figure out blind item solutions in a quest to settle your soul. he's still warm and people are already starting with the bullshit..

  77. This is very sad news :( ...by the way, the apartment he was found at was not owned by Mary Kate, NY Times lied about that...

  78. And that Lainey blind item does seem like it was about him...

  79. You're right morgen dorferr, but I think some people just wanted to know if he always had a drug problem and thought that maybe the item was connected to him since there were pills surrounding his body. Again this is very sad news and people are trying to figure out whats going on here and if he possibly did committ suicide.

  80. Wow. That is so sad.

  81. I agree with ria,

    I was not trying to make light of the situation. It is obviously incredibly sad.

  82. More:

  83. Sorry NYPD but unless you are a M.E. don't tell me it was an accident. how the hell would they know? the autopsy won't even start till tomrrow.




  85. sarah-obviously you've never been close to someone with a real addiction problem. not to be a bitch but..

    there is no fucking choice. the choice is to GET HIGH. People who chase the dragon are under an influence...much like your desire to get food when you are hungry.
    when you need a fix, you will get it anyway you have to as quick as possible.
    you aren't thinking of your family of freinds or your job.
    you want to get HIGH.

  86. People choose to get clean. Look at Robert Downey Jr. He's fighting like hell to stay sober, as are many recovering addicts and alcoholics. Heath had a disease he chose not to face up to. His daughter will pay the price for his cowardice.

    And yes, the 12 steps are very, very close to me. In fact, the whole point of 12 steps is taking responsibility for yourself. You think Matilda's going to grow up and be like, "gee, I feel soooo sorry for poooorrr Dadddy, he just had to od on pills and smack and cocaine."

    No, she's going to be rightly pissed. She deserves more than he gave.

    He used drugs. He died. Where's the surprise? Why all the "poor baby"? This wasn't cancer or HIV or a car accident. This was sheer selfishness. Which is at the core of what addiction is, and what AA etc rail against.The disease of selfishness. It's not all about you, which apparently Heath forgot. Yes, it's sad he wasted his life and tremendous talent. He had a lot of people who loved him. Feel badly for them.

  87. lol..wow ok.

    i have yet to hear someone 'who cleaned up' a heroin prob with 12 steps.

    its called DETOX for a reason,to rid your body of the toxins that run your life and mind with addiction. rehab centers won't even admit someone to their facility without going to DETOX first.

  88. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Don't you think drug users would get clean right away if they could? Its not that easy. You don't go into rehab and they "cure" you. Depression can be even worse than the drugs.

    It is very easy to sit back and judge.

    I feel so very bad for his family, Michelle included.

  89. Obviously he loved his daughter very much and obviously he would have gotten the monkey off of his back if he could....and if that's what killed him.

    Ignorance that surrounds addiction and what getting clean takes is astounding.

  90. Notice that EL removes my every comment - he can't take the fact that I am calling him out for the hypocritical colocstomy bag he is.

    EL is making a fine show of sympathy for the family and fans of Heath, but the fact of the matter is that EL is one of the guttersnips who rode his ass merciless when he was alive. EL, you are a artless, wannabe shit bag. Fuck you.

  91. Hey Twisted! I've been here just not commenting as much every day. I thought the same thing about the comment he made. I guess it was said with the best intentions, but NOW it is really disturbing!

  92. Clearly you folks have never lost anyone in your family to a drug overdose. Clearly you don't attend NA or AA or have ever met anyone who actually kicked H or anything more than wine coolers.

    WHat you seem to digest like pablum is the idea that drug users are these innocent victims, just sad folk who deserve our sympathy and love and just maybe more hugs...after they go to DETOX. *(duh..the fight begins way after detox, when you get clean and stay clean) With your line of enabling thinking, lots more addicts will and would die-hopefully, as I assume given your boo hoo posts, noone of you actually know anyone who has or does struggle with a narcotics addiction or alcoholism.

    Nothing personal, folks, but ignorance kills. Just so you know, Heath had a choice. And he chose wrong. Again and again. Yeah it's sad, but it's most sad for all the people he hurt and continues to hurt by killing himself. (oh, I'm sorry, the drugs killed him, it wasn't his fault or doing) Just because something is a disease doesn't mean it's treated by sitting on your fat ass and feeling sorry for yourself. It's about ..and this is the last time I'll post it, since you clearly either can't read or understand when I wrote it before...taking responsibility for yourself. Understanding it's not all about you. Heath was selfish. He was an addict. He lied to others and himself. He is to be pitied, but not let off the hook for this pathetic breach of fatherhood, adulthood, and personhood that took his life.

    I feel so badly for those who loved him. Sadly, they should have run as fast as they could in the opposite direction-as it seems they did-when he made the choice to continue using.

    Great books on addiction and recovery
    The Quiet Room
    Drinking, a Love story by Carolyn Knapp
    Permanent Midnight

    And finally..

    Narcotics Anonymous. Sorry, to the person who says she's never heard of anyone cleaning up from NA. Obviously you've never been to NA. Go. You'd be surprised at the miracles that can happen when you admit you're powerless over booze or drugs.

  93. Well CLEARLY, Sarah, your first statement(in my case) would be wrong. Also, we all must be a bit "ignorant" considering the fact that we don't know for sure what has happened.

  94. Heath died of salmonella - bad meat in the can.

    Heath knew he had AIDs - he had the first symptom - a pounding sensation in his asshole.

    Notice that EL removes my every comment - he can't take the fact that I am calling him out for the hypocritical colocstomy bag he is.

    EL is making a fine show of sympathy for the family and fans of Heath, but the fact of the matter is that EL is one of the guttersnips who rode his ass merciless when he was alive. EL, you are a artless, wannabe shit bag. Fuck you.

  95. Wait - so having compassion that disallows us from calling someone we thought could have died from a drug overdose a 'fucktard' makes us enablers?

    The more you write the worse you sound.

  96. Anonymous7:48 AM

    "Clearly you folks have never lost anyone in your family to a drug overdose. Clearly you don't attend NA or AA or have ever met anyone who actually kicked H or anything more than wine coolers."

    Yes, some of us have. Now fuck off.

  97. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Hopefully you'll never have to look in to the face of a dead husband, child, sister, brother, parent...and know that there's ignorant assholes out there calling your loved one a "fucktard"

    Then again, there's a tiny cold as ice part of me that hopes it DOES happen to you, Sarah.

  98. Fuck you, Brenda. Fuck you from me, my mother, my sister, and my brother. Obviously your fucking father wasn't found with a needle in his arm when you were 12 years old.

    Fuck off and die, retards. You sad, pathetic, whiny enablers. You're why people die every day from this shit. You're just as sick as they are.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. And let me tell you, until you find YOUR father naked, foaming at the mouth, having shit his pants before he died..I'd advise you to STFU about things you know nothing about except what you see on the hours and hours of television you undoubtedly watch.

    Poor Matilda. Funny how she gets left out of all these comments. His poor ex wife. His poor mother ,who has to bury her son. My God.

  101. And thanks for the charming wish of death upon a total stranger, brenda "love".. just a sweet thing from an undoubtedly sweet gal with either needle tracks up your arms or tons of "friends' who can always count on you to buy for them.

  102. Sorry for your experience, Sarah. Sometimes things happen that leave us hardened. We can't debate what you went through, but then, you can't fairly debate how we feel either. I would hope if I had an experience like that, I'd be left with greater compassion, but it doesn't always happen.

    You must have missed the many comments about Michelle and Matilda. They're there.

  103. Thank you, Twisted, really. Thank you. It's hard to have compassion for someone who doesn't have compassion (didn't) for himself. But anyway. Thank you. :)

  104. And this?
    "Fuck off and die, retards. You sad, pathetic, whiny enablers. You're why people die every day from this shit. You're just as sick as they are."

    Totally unnecessary and downright stupid.

  105. And I guess someone who writes "satan" over a picture of another possible addict who she has never met is probably not someone I want to get in a tangle with anyway.

    Nuff said. Have a good day everyone.

  106. Sarah, you can't judge every drug user using your dad as the barometer. Maybe your dad didn't deserve compassion in your eyes, but that doesn't mean others don't.

  107. Morning all...[sipping on coffee]

    Sarah, sounds like you went through some really rough shit. Can't even imagine how that must've been for you or your family.

    Who would've thunk Heath's passing would create a dialogue about addiction on a gossip blog.

    Truth be told, I feel bad for his family and I for one feel sad about him not seeing the light, not waking up and making changes in his life. I don't think "Why can't the addicts get a break?" I'm thinking what a shame that he didn't see the potential in himself that others saw in him. And how could his family's love not be enough? But its this very thing (selfish behavior) that echos in many people's lives.

    Anyway, thought this retard should wave hello.

  108. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I don't feel bad about one thing I've said to you Sarah. Just like the "fucktard addicts" you've rattled on about, you've brought any negativity on yourself by not making "the choice to stop" running your mouth when people are sad and hurting about Heath Ledger.

    You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through in life, you don't know anything. Stop assuming you're the only one who's been through anything, just because you come on a message board advertising your hardships.

    In the end, you and your petty opinions mean nothing. What a small, small person you are. I am done with you.

  109. "I am done with you."

    And when Brendababy says that, she means it!

    [sorry couldn't help but putting that on top, but its true!] Too much drama this morning. It's gonna be heckuva day! Need more caffeine...

  110. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Damn right, traceegirl. How are ya today?

  111. It's been a weird freakin day! The gloomy weather and whatevers in the air has people acting all kinds of moody!

    How u doin?

  112. Funny-I just don't see how we are enablers, when all most of the comments were simply stating how it was a sad situation, how we felt bad for all involved, and that we thought he was a good actor. Maybe it was accidental or maybe not, it still doesn't mean I want to be a cold hearted bitch and not care.
