Thursday, January 03, 2008

Today's Blind Items

So it turns out that Jamie Lynn Spears wasn't the only person that our producer had a fling with. No, it wasn't anyone on Jamie's show. But, it turns out he has made a habit of doing the same thing in the past to a number of different other tweeners. Not necessarily getting them pregnant, except for one very big exception. Most of the time our producer would just make advances on the lesser stars of the shows he worked on, but the one other time he got someone pregnant was someone who is a much bigger star than Jamie Lynn was or is. In that instance, the actress got an abortion and a healthy sum of money from the producer. Everything was hushed up because the show was making way too much money.


  1. Amanda Bynes? Eeeek how tragic. Ent, you should really expose this piece of shit.

  2. how old was brit in the disney days?

  3. Zoey 101 producers:
    Dan Schneider
    Joe Catania
    Bill O'Dowd
    Robin Weiner
    Bryan Spears
    Jörg Westerkamp
    Leanne Moore
    Amber Benson
    Neil A. Sheridan
    Jan Körbelin
    Chris Robinson

    I think we can rule out Amber and Leanne, and hopefully Ryan Spears if that is in fact a relative.

  4. this man is scum, I agree with you Melissa...he deserves what's coming to him.

  5. Anonymous1:51 PM

    So what girls were on Disney shows that made it big during the show and after?

    Christina Aguilera
    Melissa Joan Hart

    are the only ones I can think of, but I was never a big Disney kid.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. He does Nickelodeon shows. I am thinking Amanda Bynes, but is she really that big? Maybe Hillary Duff, but I didn't see those producers names on her Disney show...

  8. Unfortunately, I think the FIRST unlucky tween could be Amanda Bynes.

    Dan Schneider produced BOTH her TV series and "Zoey 101"

    This story is starting to make me sick.

  9. oh, I def feel like we can figure this one out.
    off to research.
    This guy needs some major exposure

  10. If I'm not mistaken, Bryan Spears is Britney and Jamie Lynn's older brother.

  11. Yes, I agree this info needs to go far and wide and the crimes this guy has been committing against these young girls stopped once and forever. Yuck!


  12. I just found this: “Dan” is Dan Schneider, creator of three of Nick’s most successful series, “Drake & Josh,” “Zoey 101” and “The Amanda Show.” He has kick-started the careers of adolescent stars like Amanda Bynes, Kenan Thompson, Drake Bell and now Miranda Cosgrove, known to legions of preteens for her roles in “Drake & Josh” and the movie “School of Rock” and positioned to make her debut next fall as the star of Schneider’s new show.

  13. Amanda Bynes is a pretty big deal within her demo, and that Schneider guy has a lot of links to her various shows. There was also a point where Amanda got scary skinny during What I Like About You...

  14. I totally agree - Dan Schneider, ewwww. He's the only significant producer who has also produced another tween show that was successful. Most of the other producers either mostly do films or have never produced a show that would be making "too much money." Though Joe Catania is 2nd runner up b/c he's worked on all the Amanda projects Schneider did, with the exception of What I Like About You. Chris Robinson worked on All That, though not during the Amanda Years, so he's probably out. All three also worked on Drake and Josh. But Schneider worked on EVERY SINGLE significant Amanda project pre-2002/3 film career, which is interesting (he wrote Big Fat Liar). Maybe he got her preggers around that point and then she cut ties with him.

    Poor, poor Amanda Bynes. And EWWWW. Please expose this scum and get him OUT OF TV AND AWAY FROM TWEEN STARS.

  15. Wasn't Dan Schneider that guy in Head of the Class? The big one in the corner?

  16. Ent, what would this guy do if we got it right and were talking about it in comments? Even if it's not "Dan," I'm fairly certain we could figure it out if we put some effort into it....

  17. I'm with you guys on the Dan Schneider guess.
    He has a new show coming out called iCarly with a bunch of new kids.
    Watch out, Stage-Moms!!!

    I feel like we better rule out all the other dudes on Z101 before we castrate Dan ... no? OK. feed him to the lions.

  18. She's been in the biz for a while now too, started really young

  19. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Eww, I saw a picture of him...

  20. Miranda Cosgrove is the star of the new Dan Schneider show iCarly. She is 15 y/o and has been on Z101 and D&J.
    oh, no!

  21. re Magnet:

    yeah he was in head of the class... played the char Dennis

  22. This guy is a pedophile and gets away with it? What the fuck is wrong with all the people who know about this and do nothing?!

  23. oh good lord that picture will totally do this guy in. "want some candy" ewwww

  24. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Dan Schneider produced "What I Like About You" "All That" and "The Amanda Show" (which filmed EIGHT years ago - how old would that make amanda?)

    also interesting... he's produced and written for Shar Jackson. Wouldn't that be a crazy love web?

  25. OMG, OMG, OMG...I've never posted a comment before, so sorry to just barge in like this but I found a picture of him and he is so gross I just HAD to share:

    I don't get it. Is he THAT powerful? Can he REALLY do that much for these girls' careers? Not that it would make it OK if he could, but…

    Ew. He's gross, gross, gross. There isn't enough $$$ in the world that would induce me to touch him.

  26. i've been lurking, and want to throw "robin weiner" in as a guess. But for the life of me I can't figure out if it's male or female. But "it" was a producer on both Zoey, The Amanda Show, & All That. Been around along time, can anyone help me figure it the sex out?

  27. i kinda dont believe either of them would sleep with dan schneider, let alone have his baby(jamie lynn)...he would have had to drug them...then i would imagine they would have pressed charges...

  28. Well, we really do not know which producer this scumbag is. All we're doing is guessing here.

  29. ENT said that he was old enough to be jamie's grandfather.schneider is 41. how old is joe catania? he has producer links to: jamie lynn,amanda bynes, asley tisdale and BRIT.


    Article on Dan Schneider (aka Dennis from Head of the Class) from the NY Times (magazine?) from back in April.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  31. Amanda is 21. She started the Amanda Show when she was 13, same age as JLS when she started Zoey. It could be Amanda as the age and timeline fit, and Dan Schneider has been a near constant presence in both of their careers. Whoever this producer is, he's a sicko and needs to be exposed as such. YUCK!

  32. How stupid are you people? There is no "lawyer" and this site's writer makes these things up! It's fiction and not one blind item has EVER proven to be true here. It's fiction folks! Duh, like it says every day:

    "The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously."

    The only accurate things are items lifted from OTHER sites without credit.

    Why would you "fans" knowlingly slander people you have no knowledge of as a pedophile when you KNOW it's all fiction?

  33. I am also thinking he could be some big old showbiz veteran powerful enough within Nickelodeon if they decided to go with JLS's story. What do you think?

  34. hezbris - I assume you are no relation to HEZ

  35. oh's another little drive-by troll. bye now...shoo..

  36. It can't be Dan Schneider. Not to be mean, but look a him. Do you really think all these little girls would just let him molest them? They guy's gotta be at least mildly attractive.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. But the item says "No, it wasn't anyone on Jamie's show", so it has to be a producer for Nic but not for Zoey 101. I think....

  39. The first person that popped into my head was Amanda Bynes.

    Ent said that the producer was old enough to be Jaime's grandfather and that is true especially if you were young parents(which Jaime will definitely be). So 41 can be grandparent age(sad but true).

  40. Kelly, I think Hez posts here under another name from time to time, so I don't think this is her.

  41. lmm1969 said...
    Been around along time, can anyone help me figure it the sex out?

    Gender. Sex is an act. ;)

    And he's male. And he teams up with Dan Schneider all the time.....

    ...and he produced BLOSSOM.

    From what I remember, Mayim Balik (or however you spell her name) was a MAJOR star, as major as they got back in the late 80s/early 90s.

    I'll bet it's him. Good catch lmm1969.

  42. lol...I was talking about Robin Weiner--thought I kept that part in.

    He would also fit the age as he's been in the biz as a producer for a long time.

  43. Easy people let's not forget if we out him we're outting HER too...and that's not cool for everyone to know you were a dumb tween who got the hose.

  44. princess - yes at 41 you can be a grandparent, but not the grandparent of a 16 year old. i think he would have to be at least 48+. he said old enough to be HER grandfather.

  45. We can hardly out anyone not knowing who it is. All we're doing is guessing, as I said before.

  46. ps who has a fling with Dennis from Head of the Class..Simone wouldnt give him the time a why would some lil tween bone Heavy D?
    fuck that casting couch should be changed to a jungle gym. sick.

  47. Twist, yeaj, I agree. Just wondering who this troll is that has a little itch for Hez. Could it have anything to do with the events yesterday on "another site"?

  48. Kelly, I can't answer that because I don't know what happened on whatever site you're talking about. Care to share?

  49. But ENT says that the last girl "was someone who is a much bigger star than Jamie Lynn was or is" (emphasis mine). So, whoever she was, she's likely still out there - unlike Mayim.

  50. Jax - that's kind of how i felt about the hiv+ singer. that blind made me uncomfortable.

    as for this one, i've never heard of amanda bynes and it says this person was a much bigger star than jamie lynn is or ever will be. but then again, maybe if she wasn't britney's sister, i never would have heard of jamie lynn.

  51. Anonymous2:45 PM

    i do NOT think it is schneider. too young. too fat.

    with the way ent mentioned the money, i really think we should be looking for a lizzie mcguire connection.

  52. majik, yeah-that's the word...gender.

    I'm such a dork, that's why I almost always just lurk!


  53. lmm1969 - we're all dorks. Come join us.

  54. Anonymous2:47 PM

    So does this mean that whoever the perv is, he got Jamie Lynn pregnant.

    I've been reading in other gossip sites that supposedly the baby isn't her live-in boyfriend.

  55. I don't think looks have a lot to do with what's going on with this producer and his young actresses. He's in a position of power and influence and girls at that age don't have the strength yet to say no, because that could mean the end of their career as they know it on their tv show. The casting couch obviously still exists as a device to prey on vulnerable young girls.

  56. Anonymous2:50 PM

    its possible too that it wasnt a TWEEN show he was working on, just that it had a tween on it - and possible that he wasnt a producer on the show in question either.

  57. Imm1969

    Robin Weiner appears to be female. There's a link to a photo shoot below (Robin's picture is third row in the middle).

  58. err robin weiner is a guy? Looks female to me....

  59. Anonymous2:55 PM

    that's a pic of Jamie Lynn and dan Schneider.

    I agree with CHO - too young, too fat.

    although he does look like a skeeze

  60. leila, good work. I'll go back to diggin around. If that is Robin- she is definately a female.

  61. @ Kelly Sirkus: Are you talking about the Julia Allison Debacle or the fact that Nick Denton is a total twat?

    I love my Jezebel, but I can't believe some of the shit they have to put up with.

  62. twist...thanks, I think I will. I feel loved. (see...I told ya I'm a dork)

  63. ok, now i recognize where i know dan schneider from.
    Better off Dead!!!
    as Ricky, the guy the foreign exchange student lives with!!

  64. @ gammagirl - both!!!

    I'm kind of all for the shredding of Julia - I mean, she is kind of a 'net ho - and she did out her ex's mental illness for the world to read (even if he is a douche, still not so cool)

  65. My bad...I googled pictures and her pic (not that one) came up misidentified as a photographer with the same name, who is male.


  66. idk it would be better if we knew what network the show was from. anyways if it was from Nick i'd have to say Amanda Bynes because Taina and the Brothers Garcia doesn't look like they were making money. it's also kinda odd that Dan Shineider has worked with Amanda Bynes in alot of films and shows yuccck!

  67. That is just disturbing. Although I wouldn't be surprised if this is kept on the downlow as kid shows always hire the sleeziest people posible. They preach morality and then do the exact opposite in real life.

    My guess is the star is Amanda Bynes and I don't think I want to know who is sleazy enough to do it with her.

  68. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Cho said...
    with the way ent mentioned the money, i really think we should be looking for a lizzie mcguire connection.
    2:45 PM

    oooh my stomach lurched when I read that. NONE of these young girls are as big as Hillary (Brit & Xtina notwithstanding - that is, if there IS a Disney connection.)

    I think you're on to something with the Lizzie McGuire thing...

  69. can we make a general list of tweeners who were much bigger stars than jamie lynn was or is? hilary duff, olsens, alyssa milano britney,

  70. well we know it isn't Hilary Duff..she never gave up the cat to Joel...ya right.

  71. Wasn't one of the producers also a producer on the Cosby Show?

  72. Khemenu: Catania was producer of Cosby Show for a few eps in the late 80's/early 90's

  73. does anyone have an age on catania?

  74. Nothing on imdb, but seems to have been in TV the longest of all the Zoey 101 producers. So possibly the oldest?

  75. if it's not Dan Schneider, we don't have to feel THAT bad. I mean, this is the most name-drop he's gotten in a long time so he might be OK with it.

  76. No particular order:

    Hillary Duff

    All 3 have big name recognition & their shows were big money makers. I'm leaning towards Amanda if I had to choose, since she has had (I think) more "tween" experience than the others. I don't recall Raven doing anything in between Cosby & "That's so Raven", and I read the BI to favor a Nick star.

  77. Somehow I think he might have a problem with it, kellysirkus

  78. any chance it was jennifer love hewitt during party of five? she's in the random photos today.

  79. Before we tar and feather this Schneider guy, why did the shows before even have to be at Nickelodeon? Plenty of producers work more than one job on set-maybe he used to be a first AD on ER and targeted the tweeners who did guest spots. Or that drama Jennifer Love Hewitt was on.

    I agree it's definitely one of those guys on the list, but I don't think it's at all clear from the BI what the creep's role was on the other shows.

  80. Also, forget this sleazebag, what does it say about the PARENT who is supposed to be overseeing their kid on set? Stage mothers are bloodthirsty vampires, basically.

  81. Was Brandy on Nick or Disney? Much bigger star.

  82. Anonymous6:38 PM

    What really gives me the queasies is that Amanda Bynes was on the Nick show "ALL THAT" for at least 3yrs before "THE AMANDA SHOW", putting her at least 9 or 10 years old.
    If ENT is such a "liar" like everyone says, please let this be one he's lying about.

  83. Tom Cruise is a male homosexual. Tom Cruise sucks cock and eats male sperm. Tom Cruise likes to get fucked up the ass, and he fucks other men up the ass. Tom Cruise is HIV positive.

  84. Uuum Dan Shneider created the Amanda Show Amanda Bynes was in in 1999...

  85. I'm w/ hezbris, this is over the line. We all DO know this is "entertainment and not real" so why? Timmy, DS and all the reveals that flopped because they don't fit the facts, come on. Karma is a bitch and really you should expect some serious shit in your life if you're putting BS out there about innocent people who may be parents and NOT fair game because they're not in the public eye as entertainers. This is fictional. Have you lost all sense of perspective and are that greedy for "entertainment" that you no longer have any common sense? Not one 'oldtimer' from 2006 is still posting here for that simple reason - it's BULLSHIT. Not ONE. We all figured it out. Read the old posts. I'm a former sucker and the first "moderator". I should know. It's fiction, not real.

  86. Where's HEZ? I want to suck HEZ's pussy and make her cum.

    Tom Cruise is a male homosexual. Tom Cruise sucks cock and eats male sperm. Tom Cruise likes to get fucked up the ass, and he fucks other men up the ass. Tom Cruise is HIV positive.

  87. oops I see you all knew that a long time ago..back to being silent now...:)

  88. Anonymous7:06 PM

    guess les suckno is trying to sick the xenu cult on Ent's ass...

    I just have to say that both the HIV+ and these blinds about child molesters casting couch are so freaking disturbing. The HIV one troubles me because that is personal private medical information that should not have been released, let alone hinted at on some random gossip blog.

    The child molesters make me sick. sick sick sick. Each time I read about this producer who could be a tween's grandfather, I remember that story of the creepy studio head and the shirley temple like character in The GodFather (book, not the movie). As a parent you desperately want to believe that this is about a bygone era and that crap doesn't happen anymore, but I guess that sick bastards still reign supreme in hollywood.

    How about going back to the Blinds about crappy relationships, beards and closted homos Ent?

  89. i hope off color/topic comments get deleted

  90. @ jeeezelousise

    if you can give proof to back up what you are saying it would be much more persuasive.

  91. brendalove, let's hope (even though it is not much better) that he met Amanda at 9 years old, but didn't start messing with her until she was 14 or so.
    Like I said, still disgusting, but better than a 9 year old.
    If it is her at all- but she's my guess.

  92. klown, the point is the blinds HERE about murder, pedophiles and EVERYTHING etc are made up and not real. We all know there are those crazies out there but you won't read any "secrets" here. ALL the blinds here are made up. Period, no exceptions. I have no desire or plans to out the writer and they KNOW the reason is simply I feel sorry for anyone who would need to do this and equally I have little sympathy for those that fall for unsubstantiated and unsupported fodder because it's "fun". I'm ashamed I set up the CDAN board and embarrassed actually that I contributed to the inital buzz for this site in 2006. I just checked in here today to see if maybe there had been the oft promised revision. How stupid of me to think that the ego who fuels this wouldn't find new marks. Good luck people and word to the wise, change your blogger name or you'll be labelled forever as a gulli8ble CDAN sucker.

  93. nicole I have only the lack of proof, logic or plausibilty for ANY blind here ever and I certainly have no desire to enage arguments over that. It is what it is. Fiction. Go to the CDAN board, check out my CV and find ONE former poster from 2006 that still is here aside from Hez, who's a whole other part of the equation. Sorry if reality isn't enough, it's all I have and I truly hope you folks have a good night.

  94. Lot of heat on this one ENT. Could be some flame posters are industry insiders, looking to protect the guy. But the wheels are already off this blind. I think its only a matter of time before this guy is exposed.
    Best of luck ENT!!!

  95. muraco- why would you assume a fake persona from a fake blind by an anonymous fake writer would need protection? LMAO! How crazy is that? Conspiracy much?

  96. OMG you have to read the early board. there is a jeeze louise and Hez is fucking nuts. Wow really need to catch up with the history here before you defend anything.

  97. IF this even hints at being legit, I hate you for knowing about this and not reporting him.

    And so will the next TWEENER (read=undeage) that he molests and knocks up.

  98. Perfect point Mia. Any real lawyer as an oficer of the court would be obligated to report a crime involving CHILDREN such as statutory rape, coercion, bribery etc. if they had knowledge. I think that alone says this isn't real. This writer whoever has said that they work with divorce, custody whatever so they would have to report it.

  99. I followed this blog as a lurker, from the start... have always wondered how a working attorney would have the time to do all this posting and culling of photos, etc. That argues for his being a fake. Plus it's so risky --and he seems to have little fear of being found out. Am dying to know why Hez completely disappeared after CDANCON and what happened to all the regulars. Lots of hints but nothing really solid in answers to that question. Sorry to have come to this conclusion but...

  100. Ok, the 2006 posts are fucked up. For real. Ent comments all the time, asks for people's email addresses, and posts some rediculous shit.

    I might be inclined to switch teams here.

    Also, there was a really appauling post about a actor/singer who slept with his daughter. "M". I'm pretty sure you have to report that if you are a lawyer to the family.

    come clean ENT!!

  101. why are you guys on her saying things about the writer here that they are fake and you know it and that the whole site is fake...i have seen some of the people names here before or close to it and i have been around since is all fun regardless but if you know that a person is spending false things about people then please expose them cause i want to know what you know..what the relationship with the author and hez...i do remember when everyone thought hez was the author...where is hez anyway.....

  102. Could "producer" just be one of the facts that is changed to make the BI harder to figure out? What if it is actually the director, for example?

  103. The Lawnmower knows all. Some of these are just food for fodder. Some are legit. I am in the industry and I have heard this same rumblings and it centers on one individual. It is not Dan. I don't particularly like this person but nobody for sure can say whether it happened or not.
    The Lawnmower.

  104. That website sure is a nice repository of on-set and behind the scenes photos...some of them including directors and other crew members...could provide some clues.

  105. it someone on the list of producers posted at the beginning of the comments?

  106. Well, I've been here since the beginning. I did get ticked after Timmy/Shimmy, and left for the whole month of November. But alas, I have been drawn back in!
    I am aware that some/most of this may or may not be true, but it I still enjoy reading. I do, however, notice the difference in writing since the beginning. I enjoy reading-not only for the Pictures and BI, but the crazy-ass(I mean that in a good way)comments everyone makes. Sometimes we get it right!(whether it's a true right or "fiction right")

  107. oh no... the drunkin' trolls have slugged in.... now quickly as you came- slug on out.....bye now! b-buy!

  108. You Can't Do That On Television.
    I guess anythings possible!

  109. Search that brings up some pages that have photos of various producers:


    Same kind of search for "director":


  110. Anonymous9:48 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

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  112. What about Claire Danes/My So Called Life? Could/would it date back that long ago?

  113. Wow. I don't mind guessing who banged whom, or what celeb is doing what drug, because 90% of Hollywood is filled with losers who engage in that kind of behavior every day. But when it comes to something has heinous as pedophilia, and that's what this is, I guess I'm alone in saying I don't want to attach ANY name to this because we may be attaching the WRONG name to it, and that's not fair. I just don't want to play Sherlock Holmes with something as grave as this.

    On another note, I see the insane asylum is giving patients computer time again.

  114. and a minor receiving hush money infers parental compliance. this should have been reported.

  115. Does not suprise me, when these people go after the "loli", there is never just only one.

  116. No. It is not one of the ppl listed on one of the first posts. I will tell you that he has worked on a number of Nick shows, is north of 40, and is a good friend of DS (having worked with him over the last 2 decades). That being said nobody knows for sure if this went down or not. Its just whispers. So its useless to confirm or deny a guess. Hopefully it isn't true but Hollywood is a different place. It isn't like the rest of America. Weird, seedy, and illegal stuff goes down all the time but in this world its considered part of the norm. Stuff always gets covered up because of all the money here. Terrible but its always has been this way.

  117. god why waste your bloody time coming here?
    ok you're right. everything you say from now until the end of time is gospel.

    now where were we with the pervert?

  118. Wasn't Lindsay Lohan's "The Parent Trap" also a Disney thing?

  119. the nigger gang bang thing seems to be happening to me every morning these days. i eat all of the drugs they give me morning and night and i feel like i'm floating next to the ceiling of the room watching all those angry nigger orderlies rip into my asshole and pussy with their big, angry cocks. sometimes when theyre fucking me i fantasize about sucking Piper's pussy. i see her big nipples swelling in that photo she posted today and i know her pussy tastes pretty and sweet and clean, pristine and pure, and not like the acrid, dried spermie, penis cheese smell and taste of the nigger cock that pounds my insides every day.

    i wonder why they let these niggers get away with this shit and who put me in here and why i am in here and why my world is so foggy all of the time. what's in those drugs they are cramming down my throat. why are they banging my pretty pussy and making my pretty pink clit raw and sore.

    They tried to give me a lobotomy today. They strapped me down on the table, shocked me a few times, then pried open my left eyelid. Through the fog that is my mind, I saw a hand approaching my left eye with a leucotome - an ice pick with an attached circular cutter, used to make hash out of your frontal lobes. I concentrated as hard as I could, and I bit the hand as hard as I could, ripping a chunk of flesh off the hand as I ground my teeth on it.

    The chaos that ensued would have been funny if the so-called surgeon who I bit hadn't punched me, hard, in the face. Bastard. Next time, I'm going for his balls.

    It's Jesus's Birthday, and I did quite a few things to celebrate it here in the mental hospital. Last night, I purged Xmas dinner all over my parents, who had come to visit me. I then shit my pants to let them know I was serious about it, and I flung chunks of my yellow shit at them like a monkey on acid.

    Last night, I led the nigger orderlies fuck my pretty pussy, one after the other. I took all of them on, eleven in a row, one long night train of nigger cum inside my pretty pussy. I hope one of them knocked me up with a nigger baby, and I hope I gave them herpes.

    But I wasn't through yet. All of us have rat scabies. Rats are rampant on this ward; they are as large as kittens and bold enough to steal yiour medication from in front of you. They nibble on your bodyu at night, and you wake up in the morning with even more rat scabies. Well, I took the most infested specimen of a man on our ward, an old white guy whose skin was littered with rat scrabies and abcesses, and I licked him from head to toe, sucking the rat scabies and pus from his abcesses into my mouth. Then I sucked his cock, bobbing up and down on his delicious, smegma coated cock knob, and I held his cock knob tight in my teeth as he blew chunks of stinky old man cum into my mouth.

    Then I bit his knob off. I spit it across the room.

    In the morning, the male orderlies get everyone in the showers and hose them down. They then take the women they want to fuck that morning aside, and the nurses take the others to their beds. There, the nurses powder their dried up pussies and cocks with baby powder, and lubricate their rat scrabied skin with institutional smelling lotion. Then, the women whom the nigger orderlies fucked come in and lay down on their beds, letting the nigger cum drain down their thighs onto the sheets. Puddle of nigger cum stain the mattresses.

    I wait until midday, when their skin is rough again with rat scabies and when the nigger cum draining out of their crusty cunts is crusty, and I go down on them. I lick the rat scrabies off their legs. I suck the pus out of their abcesses. And I eat their crusty cunts, licking up all the nigger cum flakes stuck to their thighs and pussy lips.

    The rats run free here, and they bite us at night. All of us have rat scabies from rat bites. The rat scabie flakes are yummy to lick.

  120. Pedophilia is far more prevalent in Hollywood than you think. Remember the Jeepers Creepers films? he director of those movies is a convicted, and did his time for Sodomizing a 12 year old boy, which he then filmed.

  121. the nigger gang bang thing seems to be happening to me every morning these days. i eat all of the drugs they give me morning and night and i feel like i'm floating next to the ceiling of the room watching all those angry nigger orderlies rip into my asshole and pussy with their big, angry cocks. sometimes when theyre fucking me i fantasize about sucking Piper's pussy. i see her big nipples swelling in that photo she posted today and i know her pussy tastes pretty and sweet and clean, pristine and pure, and not like the acrid, dried spermie, penis cheese smell and taste of the nigger cock that pounds my insides every day.

    i wonder why they let these niggers get away with this shit and who put me in here and why i am in here and why my world is so foggy all of the time. what's in those drugs they are cramming down my throat. why are they banging my pretty pussy and making my pretty pink clit raw and sore.

    They tried to give me a lobotomy today. They strapped me down on the table, shocked me a few times, then pried open my left eyelid. Through the fog that is my mind, I saw a hand approaching my left eye with a leucotome - an ice pick with an attached circular cutter, used to make hash out of your frontal lobes. I concentrated as hard as I could, and I bit the hand as hard as I could, ripping a chunk of flesh off the hand as I ground my teeth on it.

    The chaos that ensued would have been funny if the so-called surgeon who I bit hadn't punched me, hard, in the face. Bastard. Next time, I'm going for his balls.

    It's Jesus's Birthday, and I did quite a few things to celebrate it here in the mental hospital. Last night, I purged Xmas dinner all over my parents, who had come to visit me. I then shit my pants to let them know I was serious about it, and I flung chunks of my yellow shit at them like a monkey on acid.

    Last night, I led the nigger orderlies fuck my pretty pussy, one after the other. I took all of them on, eleven in a row, one long night train of nigger cum inside my pretty pussy. I hope one of them knocked me up with a nigger baby, and I hope I gave them herpes.

    But I wasn't through yet. All of us have rat scabies. Rats are rampant on this ward; they are as large as kittens and bold enough to steal yiour medication from in front of you. They nibble on your bodyu at night, and you wake up in the morning with even more rat scabies. Well, I took the most infested specimen of a man on our ward, an old white guy whose skin was littered with rat scrabies and abcesses, and I licked him from head to toe, sucking the rat scabies and pus from his abcesses into my mouth. Then I sucked his cock, bobbing up and down on his delicious, smegma coated cock knob, and I held his cock knob tight in my teeth as he blew chunks of stinky old man cum into my mouth.

    Then I bit his knob off. I spit it across the room.

    In the morning, the male orderlies get everyone in the showers and hose them down. They then take the women they want to fuck that morning aside, and the nurses take the others to their beds. There, the nurses powder their dried up pussies and cocks with baby powder, and lubricate their rat scrabied skin with institutional smelling lotion. Then, the women whom the nigger orderlies fucked come in and lay down on their beds, letting the nigger cum drain down their thighs onto the sheets. Puddle of nigger cum stain the mattresses.

    I wait until midday, when their skin is rough again with rat scabies and when the nigger cum draining out of their crusty cunts is crusty, and I go down on them. I lick the rat scrabies off their legs. I suck the pus out of their abcesses. And I eat their crusty cunts, licking up all the nigger cum flakes stuck to their thighs and pussy lips.

    The rats run free here, and they bite us at night. All of us have rat scabies from rat bites. The rat scabie flakes are yummy to lick.

  122. 1. Miley Cirus is not an option, since she has her father helping out. there is no need for that - it must have been somebody who really needs this kinda "help".

    2. the fact that he is "too fat" is hilarious. Its money and power. If it weren´t for them who´d want to be with D.Trump and some other guys there?

    3. Could be a disney producer who did this before, but back then, for another company. It doesnt say it was disney back then too, just that now he is with disney. Wich opens the gates for a lot of other productions across the countries.

    4. It can be a actor/celeb/producer as well, since they often take over and are credited as producers too. Wich woud imply more trust and maybe some better looking guys. Still sick.

    5. we cannot know that Ent did not reported this under his real name, or through someone else in his firm. it is also possible that there are some investigations at disney since there is a lot of stuff going really wrong right now.

    6 to all of you shouters: why doesnt anybody report. report-report! Well, for one moment put yourself in the position of a non-celeb, working in a celeb environment. Imagine seeing a crowd of powerfull Hollywood males having their own special party. 1. Who would believe you? By numbers and by weight of word you will lose. 2. you dont want any one of them coming after you, let alone all of them at the same time 3. probably, if its nothing wrong or illegal, just maybe some unbelievable persons partaking in that activities, you will accept some payment instead of trouble. its like winning a lottery for not saying with whom you saw Tom Cruise , instead of never working in California again.

    @Sarah: those mothers, for fame, not only are they the first to willingly "pay the price", they also will push their kids to do it too.

  123. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Do you ever get the funny feeling that something is going down behind the scenes but you are totally clueless?

  124. Brenda - everyday, dear, everyday.

    Here's the thing about this one. ENT has either changed a detail or two, or not given us enough, so that it smells fishy. It's not adding up in several ways, although I do no doubt that there are LOTS of questions about JLS' baby daddy and when she was knocked up.

    WRT ENT "himself", any observant reader of the blog can tell that there are several posters posting as ENT. One (the original?) may be someone who got his/her law degree and now works as an agent, manager, etc. But they are not practicing law as we all think it. The other posters may or may not be in the industry, but who cares? There's enough facts here, that have been confirmed by other sites and real news, to keep me reading.

  125. yes.

    now, if true or false, its just gossip. still it has more class than a lot of other sites.

  126. i know i'm a little late in the game here, but i'd like to point out something to JeezeLouise:

    hi. i exist.

    you might not realize the importance of that, so i'll word it differently:

    i've been posting/reading here since 2006. i don't mouth off or post on EVERY entry, but i'm an 'OLD TIMER' know, that group of people you say ALL LEFT.

    yep, still here. existing. being myself. defying logic.

    i enjoy this site, because its escapist fun. i don't CARE if its real or not: i enjoy it.

    and i'll wager that a LOT of the traffic Ent receives is from 'old timers' like me, who don't post our hearts out but read-read-read.

    in short,
    please don't claim i'm gone when i'm still here. you might be an 'oldtimer', but you aren't the only one.

  127. child abuse can be reported anonymously. with enough details given this would be's troubling to be reminded that there's a whole industry that hides the raping of children. cowards keep quiet and children are abused because the predators are powerful men. it's sad and shameful.

  128. Anyone thinking "the lawnmower" is
    Ent, as the wording is the same as he uses?

    Examples: "I will tell you..." "That being said..." "Friend of DS..."
    just sayin'.

    In any case, it's good to have some clarification.

  129. Amen, De Anne. I have only posted comments on a total of three stories on this site, yet I have been READING both ENT posts and reader comments since the site was first published.

  130. Dumb question...does "north of 40" mean younger than 40?

  131. For somereason, whatshername from Clarissa Explains It All popped into my head, but I'm too lazy to look if there's any producers in common. Sick.

  132. To those who say 100% of what Ent posts is made up - hey, he told us Jamie Lynn was pregnant way before anyone else did.

    Re: reporting people - I think it's clear Ent is giving us behind-the-scenes gossip. (Lawnmower confirms this.) This gossip may or may not be true. Ent shouldn't report someone based on gossip.

    I agree that the speculation about this producer is a dangerous area. I spit out Dan Schneider's name on an earlier post, but I was joking because everything I've read about him seemed to make it unlikely. I really regret doing that now - I often forget that these are real people we're talking about.

    On a lighter note, I hope that Robin Weiner gets wind of this thread and has a good laugh about her having knocked up a couple of girls. :)

    I haven't been here since 2006, but I frequently saw people posting as a fake Ent in the comments before the new authentication started.

    Les Suckno: diaf.

  133. p.s. Sex: 1. either the male or female division of a species, esp. as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions.

    Gender is a grammatical term not a biological one. I remember when people first started using "gender" instead of "sex" on the news and such - it was done solely because people were afraid of offending puritans, not because it's the correct term.

  134. Surfer, I thought the same thing.

  135. mooshki - i agree. no one can report gossip to authorities. but, if the story is true, there are people that should have reported this.( i wasn't referring to ENT)

  136. LoL..thanks finally makes sense to me now (north = higher ... duh).

    Mooshki...I know what you mean...that's why I haven't thrown any more names out even though I found a couple in the photos on that I thought might be possibilities.

  137. My apologies for being such an obvious ninny...I began lurking during T/S. But if someone has the inclination, please explain "ds"?
    Also, you'd be surprised about 'stage moms'. 85% are VERY protective (which is why most kids probably never make it big-lol) but its the minority which sell/pimp their kids out...-there is a website for stage parents where you see the uncompromising values and solidarity, rare in this biz....

  138. Captivagrl - you mean like any of the parents? This story keeps making me think about Michael Jackson and all the parents who actually let their children stay at his house. The things people will do to get close to fame are appalling.

  139. omg! read the bottom of his wikipedia entry. ew!

  140. I haven't read through the comments yet, but my initial response to this blind is that if "Ent" is making this up, he should be ashamed. You don't accuse people of this and use teenage abortion (where people here will become it's convinced it's a real producer and a real teenage actress) just to have something scandalous to report.

    Stick to diva behavior, "closeted" stars and affairs, Ent, and stop exploiting these bad (criminal) situations you supposedly are in on. I highly doubt this is true, but if it is, Ent should be talking to the police and respecting this girl's privacy.

  141. takeme2espana - ds is Dominique Swain, friend of Ent's.

  142. Also, to the people who write that they don't care if it's true or not, it's "fun and entertaining": There are people who don't realize this writer makes most of this up and believe it is 100% true, and believe it is real people. That is obvious. So the writer should leave criminal acts, incest, abortions, sexual abuse out of the blinds if they aren't true.

  143. Audrey, that is truly scary. Whether Lawnmower is Ent or not, I now believe 100% that Dan is not the guilty party. I edited the entry a bit to try to defend him. I am so ashamed of the part I played in this.

  144. NO. DS is referring to Dan Schneider. Not Dominique Swain (in this case). The "Lawnmower" was saying that whoever the abuser is has worked with Dan Schneider, but is not Dan Schneider.

    Zoey 101 is on Nickelodeon, not Disney. Which means really nothing, because I'm sure some people work for both, but I thought I'd clarify.

  145. Ent, maybe you should post a statement saying that it is NOT Dan Schneider.

  146. Shouldn't that Wikipedia entry be excised altogether? Ugh.

  147. Calla - yes, it should, but I was afraid someone would just put it back up, so it seemed better to add the disclaimer.

  148. I was actually asking about the DS referred to often from 'long ago'...just to clarify.
    Thank you :)

  149. takeme2espana - no problem. I figured that's what you were referring to.

  150. REALITY CHECK! "100% sure."..."I'm sad and ashamed". This is not Perry Mason. Our collective experiences, insights and analyses of this case rest on a single paragraph on an anonymous blog. I feel safe in saying with all due respect, noone, including DS himself, gives a shit what Enty's readership concludes.

  151. I think the time line goes further back than DS. This could refer to Britney herself. I think the guy is older than DS.

  152. What is this "the lawmower knows all" shit? Is the writer of this blog so ignorant (or he thinks we ae so stupid) that he can "clarify" information through a commenter? I've been a longtime reader,too, who reads "for fun," but I am done with this site, too. It's too maddeningly fake, and the writer is not so much funny as mean, in my opinion.

  153. "I feel safe in saying with all due respect, noone, including DS himself, gives a shit what Enty's readership concludes."

    I doubt DS likes being suspected of pedophilia, no matter how insignificant the person that says it. I know that no one gives a crap about my opinion but me, but since I posted my guess in a public forum I felt that I had the responsibility to apologize for it there as well.

  154. This guy is a smut bag and should be exposed and punished. Tweens are illegal and in my book that ='s a pedophile,


  155. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Mooshki - its okay, gal. The wiki site states that rumors started in December 2007. I don't think this is based off your comment.

  156. Mooshki, you're awfully nice. I didn't mean to suggest your opinions are unimportant in real life, just that us as a gossip blog commenting group in toto are pretty meaningless. I mean, check the guy above you typing the Tom Cruise sucks cock/has AIDS thing. He's obviously a few olives short of a martini, even if he is partially right...

  157. Well, as long as they could care less that we are talking trash about are a few names of producers who were involved in "The Amanda Show" which was created by Dan Schneider (going off the clue "Lawnmower" provided which was that it was someone who worked a lot & is good friends w/DS):

    Brian Robbins

    Mike Tollin

    Joe Davola

    The first two are definitely "north of 40" - don't know about the third one.

  158. Hey, I just discovered a really useful search feature on imdb for this case...the "credited with" search..for example, all the producers that Dan Schneider has been credited alongside.

  159. A-ha..good sleuthing, Calla! The only annoying little thing about the "old enough to be her grandpa" comment is, does Ent. mean it in the "biologically capable" sense or in the "societal age for grandpas" sense?

    Because, biologically speaking, a 30 year old could be a grandpa if he fathered a kid at 15, and then his kid had a kid at 15....does this make sense? Or am I grasping at straws, here, to make certain guesses fit?

    Anyone on here remember the "Timmy" blind from this past summer? When we guessed, we took some clues too literally, and others not literally I'm trying to cover bases..

  160. Sarah - LOL!

    Brendalove, thanks for the reassurance. I know I wasn't the first to name him, I just feel bad for jumping on the bandwagon.

    With all the trolls around, it's nice to remember that there are far more commenters who make this a fun place to be. :)

  161. It seems pretty unlikely that she would have struck up an affair w/a they hang around the actors that much? Isn't it more likely that it's actually a director or actor ... but that the BI has been changed to "producer" to make it less obvious?

  162. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Mooshki - you haven't done anything worse than the rest of us have done. We're probably all going to hell! However, if you don't go to hell with the rest of us, it won't be nearly as fun!

  163. How about Steve Hoefer? He has directed many episodes of Zoey.

    Behind the scenes photo

  164. All of my friends are going to hell, so I definitely hope to join them there. :)

  165. Thanks de Anne. I've been here from the beginning, too, lurking and posting once in a blue moon.

    I liked Hez a bunch, but there seems to be a group of "cool kids" along with her who think they owned this site, owned the comments, owned insider information (that they CONTINUE to hint at, when they make an occasional feverish appearances), own the correct opinions of ENT and the site - both pro 2006 and con 2007.

    Ya know what? Hez and Jeez and the rest can bite me. Either they come clean with their utterly terrible information about Ent and CDANCON, or move-the fuck-on, girls!

    I never liked the damn boards and the hen house atmostphere there, nor the great force exerted by the hens to get everyone to visit the boards and be awed by hen greatness.

  166. I've stopped in sporadically over the last 14 months and agree with Jeeze. It's my opinion the blinds are fictional and it has nothing to do with being cool, possessing secret info, being "correct" and honestly Hez got on my nerves big time with the manipulative crazy. I really could care less, it's why I stopped posting a year ago. Entertaining though BECAUSE it's so fake you wonder how it continues. To each their own opinion, yeah? However, I do think that going on Wiki and adding an addendum to someone's bio saying there is a "rumor" of pedophilia IS OVER THE LINE. Really pathetic and uncool and I'm guessing for someone who professes to just guessing & having fun.

  167. As an addendum - I think a ton of the BIs are invented or blown out of proportion. If you look at many hard enough, you will realize how much Nothin' is going on, lots of dishy language and conjecture with little to no substance.

    But are Ted C's BIs any different? Page Six? USWeekly? Even Lainey's (and she is the top BIer of all.)

    So this is a lark. Either you enjoy, or you don't, or you take it waaaaay too seriously and stake a claim here treating it like your personal club house.

    But truly, I'm sick of the hens popping in once in a while to voice their condemnation of Ent, with lots of breathy innuendo, without any follow through. Okay, chickens, either spill or leave, because it's beyond annoying.

  168. k said.."But are Ted C's BIs any different? Page Six? USWeekly? Even Lainey's (and she is the top BIer of all.)"

    I don't read US Weekly and have no idea about Laineygossip's set up, but I do know the differences that TED C., P6 & NYDN have that makes them legit versus the blinds here:

    They base their blinds on real actual situations from legitimate sources (real live people). They have to have confirming info to back up the original sources. All is are vetted by researchers who check the facts & then on to their employers' corporate attorneys who specialize in libel/ entertainment/publishing law. They are attributed to and written by these real professional journos, non-anonymous people with names.

  169. OMFG! You really believe this? Yeah, P6 and Ted can say whatever they like, but they have posted huge honking whopper lies that SHOULD have come back to haunt them...if they were legit news sources.

    Researchers? Like the researchers who caught Jayson Blair and Judith Miller at the NYTs? What, it took how many years and in the end it wasn't the vetters, researchers or omsbudsmen who caught them?

    And you expect some sort of standards out of the Post or EOnline? OMFG! There are better places to fight for your standards, fella.

  170. It’s bizarre/crazy how EACH camp accuses the other of being proprietary. If you believe everything written is the gospel truth, wonderful. If you don’t, wonderful. Why get so worked up if somebody doesn’t agree with you? We are all entitled to our own opinions and are free to express them here, as far as I can tell.

  171. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Okay, here is where I start getting confused.

    @notahen and k - please don't go off on me because I'm honestly straight up confused. But - I've been here almost since the beginning, and I'm not sure what you guys mean by Hez and "hens" and hinted-at info and manipulation. ???? I feel like I missed something along the way. I only ever saw Hez doing the "snark" thing (same as a lot of us do)on posts, or defending herself if someone was mean to her. I never did understand how the Hez bashing even got started and just figured maybe it was people she knew that were harrassing her or something. Can someone please explain

    p.s. I love how our recent offensive poster, who shall remain nameless, is unable to stir any kind of reaction out of anyone! Its cracking me up.

  172. true eileen, to each his own. I didn't mention & don't work for the Times and I have no clue about the "huge honking whopper lies" others have alledgely posted but would be interested to hear actual facts about them. That poster mentioned and I have to say I like her columns and she has creds but best is her philosphy about gossip that I'll quote/paste here from her site:
    Why didn’t you write about X? Why didn’t you offer any comments on Y? Why no coverage on what happened to Z?
    You have a line, I have a line. As ludicrous as it may sound coming from a dirty gossip – for me, there is fun smut and there is not so fun smut. Fun smut is hoping for Paris Hilton to go to prison and calling Heather Mills a golddigging skank. Not fun smut is death, suicide, overdose, murder allegations, scrapping over DNA, and alleged child molestation. I report on what I’d want to read and call me Cruise but I couldn’t give shit about the baby daddy battle, you know what I mean?"

  173. Brendalove, I've been laughing at that as well.

    Zene, I like Lainey's philosophy a whole lot.

    I came at the tail end of Hez so I'm not sure what happened there.

    But I have noticed if a poster has a dissenting opinion about the validity of Ent or one of the blinds, they are inevitable told to leave.

  174. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Eileen -
    I kind of disagree - it seems like if someone disagrees and they are reasonably civilized acting, no one gives them hell. The ones who come in kicking and screaming, yelling about LIES! and bitchin' till the cows come home about how we're all idiots...seriously, why are they here if they get that freaked out over a gossip website?
    This is not to say a civilized acting dissenter has never been told to leave, but I think most people just want some civilization. I think if everyone agreed it would be a snoozefest.

  175. 'But I have noticed if a poster has a dissenting opinion about the validity of Ent or one of the blinds, they are inevitable told to leave.' So true eileen & inevitably I guess is the key word. It's ironic that there are totally different posters now but the same. It may start out politer now but it's still intensely personal to those who believe the backstory.

  176. A dissenting opinion is one thing. Ent (whoever he,she, it, is or they are) has a tendency to build a big thing out of thin air, or very little. What he/she/it/they leaves unsaid is often filled in by posters in the most scandalous ways for extra juice. Yeah, that irritates me, but not enough to complain with full-rant mode ablazing.

    Others take this and build a case that turns Ent into Satan's right hand man.

    About Hez, et al, I liked Hez a lot, and even Jeez. But they had a nasty habit of pretending that they owned the site. Now they have this secret thing against Ent, which they pop in to reiterate and then leave again. This secret gives them some sort of personal power ("believe me! I know but I won't say!") to call the rest of us idiots. Well, I ain't playing. Give me the super-duper-double-secret info so I can make up my own mind, or quit dropping in to scold us.

    They aren't offering dissenting opinions. They are scolding.

  177. Wow...I guess I'm the only one who is curious about this BI any more... :P

  178. I was trying to bring a little perspective to both sides. Calling people idiots because they don't agree with you is just as ridiculous as telling someone to leave because they don't agree. Anywho...;)

  179. honestly I always found Jeeze to be inoffensive, didn't argue & dropped out totally after setting up the board. I always got the impression that there was a to-do there but she classily never commented. Hez on the other hand appeared to have issues galore. Offensive bullying attitudes with a holier than thou who me? when called out lying and I suspect she drosted (drunk-drug-posted)every night some of it was so carzy. If you read the old posts (hate the board) it was funny because it was so stupidly childish. But I don't see anyone calling the writer here today by any means "Satan's right hand man". A very Hez sounding tactic and phrase there k. Or should I call you kHez?

  180. This debate is really crashingly boring to me since I don't know any of the history. Can't we get back to the discussion of unfounded rumours of people being pedophiles? ;)

  181. Well, as a poster who has MANY TIMES stated that:

    ~the Timmy/Shimmy thing was the biggest hoax since Geraldo Rivera cracked open Al Capone's safe

    ~I don't think EL is a lawyer

    ~some of the blind items are questionable and I call bullshit on them

    I have NEVER been jumped on or told to leave.

    Did Hez act like she owned the site? Yeah, but she's not posting here under that name anymore, so who gives a flying fuck? You honestly give a person more power than they're worth if you keep invoking their name long after their gone. (at least under the name of 'Hez')

    You put a lot of energy into these posts. Why so invested?

  182. Calla, just skip the posts that bore you and continue the discussion. People do that here all the time.

  183. Awww Calla, you're working so hard on this one:) Looks like everyone moved on to today's BI's.

  184. Dang, well I guess I'll have to wait 'til ENT posts another BI related to this one. Although maybe he won't dare to touch this one anymore due to the potential controversy of tarnbishing the images of undeserving people w/the "pedophile" badge.

  185. Ahem... Getting back to the BLIND ITEM -- If there's any truth to this rumor, I'm convinced the "perp" is **JOE CATANIA** OR (much less likely) Bill O'Dowd or Jorg Westerkamp. WHY? They're the only people who: A) worked as (high-level) producers on "Zoey 101"; B) have been in the business for MANY years (often in teen-focused programming); C) are MALE; and D) are even REMOTELY old enough to be Jamie Lynn's "grandfather"!

    Just do the math: Say you had a baby at 16, and that son/daughter had a baby at 16. By the time your GRANDCHILD reached the age of 16 (Jamie Lynn's age), you would be at LEAST 48 years old! .. So anyone under age 50 is out.

    JOE CATANIA is my most likely "suspect" because: A) He's been a TV producer for almost 20 years (including "Cosby"), and B) he's been a NICKELODEON producer for 15 years! ...His Nickelodeon shows include: 1) "Zoey 101" 2) "The Amanda Show", starring a then- 13 to 15-year-old AMANDA BYNES; 3) "Drake and Josh", and 4) "All That" (featuring a then 11-to-13 year-old Jamie Lynn Spears).

    To answer your question: NO, I don't feel the SLIGHTEST bit guilty for "naming names." These are nothing but educated guesses (on any of our parts).
    And, oh yeah - this is a silly GOSSIP MESSAGE BOARD -- not the New York Times! ...RELAX.

  186. Too bad all those names have already been discounted.

  187. Well, to be fair, those names were only discounted by Lawnmower, right? Not sure if he/she is a reliable source.

  188. Can anyone find a photo of Joe Catania? I have to believe this guy must be at least halfway attractive...

  189. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Twisted - nobody ever gets mad at you because you state exactly what you think and that's that. You don't try to tell everybody else to feel the same way or call us idiots if we happen to believe a certain blind, or post the disclaimer at the bottom umpteen million times. You state your opinion and own it, and nobody has any choice but to respect that. Its all in how you present yourself.

  190. Brenda! Thank you!!! I totally got sidetracked and failed to make the point I was going to make.

    k, my point is sort of what Brenda is saying. If you treat people with respect and just state your opinion, and can find GOOD THINGS here, then nobody jumps on you. But you're not doing that. You're coming here solely with the intention of attacking this site and the people who post here and the things that are written here. Of course nobody is going to tolerate that - it's bullshit!

    If you don't like the site, if you don't like the people who post and think it's all make believe, then why go out of your way to come here and piss in people's cheerio's?

    The natural response to ANYONE who can't see any good here is, "WTF are YOU doing here then?" So if that's the response you get - back up and look at what you're giving off.

    Like I said before - you're waaaayyyy too invested.

    Brenda, thanks again, hon!

  191. i just wanted to throw in that brian robbins and dan schneider were both in "head of the class" and i've seen their names on a ton of shit as co-producers/writers, etc. over the years. just a fun fact and also on topic.
    oh, and i've been here since the beginning, sometimes lurking (and had a helluva time figuring out how to post after the new commenting registering thingee was started), and i have noticed an awful lot of trolls and troll-like creatures since timmy/shimmy. and a lot of folks have disappeared, even more since the CDAN brunch. i dunno what happened, i don't care. i usually like it here.
    that being said, i think, this being gossip and all, i would imagine it has already been brought to the attention of the authorities. i hope. i have some pretty disgusting and unbelievable stories of my own that are still secrets.

  192. Brian Robbins and Mike Tollins are both pretty good looking,'s just that this person would need the opportunity to interact with Jamie-Lynn quite often to build a relationship. Wouldn't it seem more likely that a Director or actor would have that opportunity?

  193. Twisted, I'm really confused. Are you addressing me above?

    I love this site. I usually save it for Fridays when it jives so well with the beginning of the weekend.

    I don't complain about the way ppl post. Normally, ppl here are a lot smarter than I am, and a lot funnier. This site is a real kick.

    Yeah, I was letting off steam about the scolders. I argue for a living, and it spills over casually. Sorry about that.

  194. K, that's funny, I mediate for a living and sometimes it spills over.



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