Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Today's Blind Items

By request, I have brought back the Avatars, so you can now use them on comments again.

#1 - This, by definition A list television actor, and B list film star is one of your favorites. He is also married with child/children and aging. Still one of your favorites though. He might not be for long though once the word of his new relationship with this up and coming gorgeous, very young, but legal C list actress poised to be B and higher and doing it in seemingly an instant.

#2 - This aging B list film actress, is probably closer to C now, than the A list of which she was once on the cusp of achieving. She is currently filming a movie with one of the most eclectic casts in quite some time. Really eclectic. The problem is her drinking. She is already loud. You throw in the fact that she drinks almost non-stop each and everyday, and the last hours of shooting each day are a nightmare for everyone. She throws things, hits people, yells at them, and just becomes more and more of a mess as the day wears on. The producers waited too long to get rid of her, but her part has been reduced dramatically because of how long it takes her to film each scene. I won't even tell you about the time she pissed herself in front of anyone. Whoops. I guess I just did.


  1. Could the answer to B be Avatar- the James Cameron film? Is set to be released in December 2009 according to IMDB, and Sigourney Weaver is part of the cast......

    Here's a link to the cast, eclectic enough?

  2. me love you long time EL.

  3. For 1, Ellen Page fits the description of the rising starlet, except that an Oscar nod should make you B-list.

    Megan Fox could fit but she's actually been around a longtime, is engaged, and isn't much of an actress. She'll probably always be C list.

  4. #1 sounds like Hugh Laurie, except for the films....he's done some (like Sense & Sensibility) but I don't know about anything he's done recently.

    Kiefer Sutherland?

    Flavor Flav? X-D

  5. 2."The Women" Annette Bening or one of the other eclectic bunch.

  6. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Isn't The Women done filming yet?

    It reads Sharon Stone to me. She has one IMDb credit in production: "Dirty Tricks".

  7. Oh, Kate, I hope #1 isn't Hugh Laurie. I thought he was different.

  8. Could #1 be Patrick Dempsey/Amy Adams? There was a rumor about them. But I don't know if she's C list...although she's rising fast.

  9. I thought of Chris Meloni for one, but I don't think he's B list for films, is he?

  10. Oh...I guess she doesn't count as "very young," though.

  11. OOOO Guesser! Can you imagine if it's Patrick Dempsey/Amy Adams? She could very well fit C list and rising fast, she is EVERYWHERE right now.

  12. DNFROMMN - i think you nailed it! that is an odd combo of actors.

  13. As for #2, Winged Creatures may have one of the most eclectic casts EVER. I know they're re-shooting some stuff right now but I don't see anyone who would fit the bill.

  14. 1. What about Matthew Fox? He has strayed before but I can't think of the starlet he would be boinking.hmmm...

    2. Sharon Stone is the best guess so far!

  15. Amy Adams is in her 30's and EL writes that the woman is very young, although legal age. I think we're talking about someone in her early to mid 20's.

  16. #2 Melanie Griffith? She was in a Spanish movie with just about everyone

  17. EL - smooches gracias for giving us our avatars again.

  18. 1. what about someone with hayden pantywears? she's legal c list...poised to be b and higher.

    2. the james cameron film is already in post production....damn. BUT jeanne trippelhorn could fit for winged creatures!

  19. @ TS: Yeah, and I'd like to think that she has better taste in men than Patrick effing Dempsey. I also don't think that he could be described as "loved" by the commenters.

    Are Hugh Laurie and his wife on the outs?

  20. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I like the jeanne tripplehorn guess.

    The Dempsey/Adams thing is an interesting angle. It would explain her answer to Letterman.("How does a girl go from dinner theater in Minnesota to starring in movies?" Amy's answer, shy smile, "Well...", then she apologized. It was cute.) I just can't see him having enough clout to be able to push her ahead.

  21. I see that Sharon Stone looks to be the lead in Dirty Tricks, so I wouldn't think they could be decreasing her role as they were filming.

    However, I noticed that Jill Clayburgh is also in this movie, and I remember way back when, in the 70s, she was approaching A list.

  22. Gamma, I completely agree that we wouldn't consider Dempsey one of our favorites. Meloni - yes. Hugh Laurie - yes. Not Dempsey.

  23. Number 1 could be Steve Carrel. I've heard rumors about him in the past.

  24. help! why can't i see the avatars?

  25. Cap, try putting your cursor over the box you see, right click, and see if it says anything about being able to view images.

  26. twis - ty, i clicked show pic but nothing. somehow i'm blocked.

  27. FYI, Ted C. has a pathetic reveal today.

  28. calif- you mean Teri Hatcher?

  29. Amy Adams went from Min to Hollywood when she auditioned for Drop Dead Gorgeous which was filmed there. Anyone who saw her in that knows why she is famous. Heck, anyone in that movie gets a pass as far as I am concerned. I think it was Kirstie "Xenu" Allen who helped her get there. But did the COS get their hooks in her.....i dunno.

  30. How about Whoopi Goldberg for #2, but I like the sound of Sigourney Weaver as well.

  31. Sean Young for #2 - filming with Paul Lynch a movie called Harvest Moon

  32. Sean Young is a pretty good guess, I think...there was that recent bit of drunkenness at at awards show recently, was there not?

    My kitty thanks you for his Avatar's return.

  33. What about Jerry Seinfeld for #1, he was def A list tv star and now with the bee movie-most love him

  34. Has Sean Young ever been a B lister, let alone almost A? No. jeanne tripplehorn is on a successful T.V. show and no one would call her 'loud'. Sharon Stone's like 105 already, and was once an A lister. Sigourney Weaver has how many Oscar noms, 4, 5, which makes her a former/current A lister.
    So my guess... Parker Posey perhaps?
    She's listed as a B lister, who never quite made the A list. She's filming the new Armistead Maupin piece I think which would be an ensemble cast. Hope I'm wrong though 'cause I love her.

  35. One more time... the world did not start yesterday. Sean Young was huge in the early to mid 80's and I would think she was heading toward A list had she not let on that she was bat-shit crazy. I'm not sure I would call her B-list heading toward C though. I imagine she's already arrived.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. love the jerry seinfeld guess. But who would the woman be.

  38. Wouldn't EL refer to Seinfeld as a former A list television actor?

  39. I just don't see Seinfeld leaving his wife and three kids under the age of ten for anyone...besides who would Jessica use to taste-test her brownies with smashed zucchini???

  40. Visman, I just might be older than you ;) I saw blade runner in the theater. (In the flic, she played an automaton. Wow what a stretch.) The only other big films she's made are WallStreet & No Way Out. (Dune anyone?) Parts in which she had maybe 2-5 scenes in each movie. An almost A lister should have at least a few critical successes, wouldn't you agree?
    So where please, is there even close to A list potential? Plus the 'aging' clue gives the hint that she is on that dumb cusp of what film industry finds marketable. Maybe? Maybe not? Sean Young, blah.

  41. Is Sean Young out of rehab?

  42. #1. wild guess David Duchovny and "Californication" co-star Madeline Zima(22yrs) up and coming with 4 films in the works and a very solid acting history.

  43. How about Debra Winger for #2. IMDB has her in production with a VERY eclectic group of actors.

  44. Yeah I'm gonna go with David Duchovny for number one.

  45. I like the David Duchovny possibility for one, also, what about Johnny Depp? He is also on the do no wrong list and has quite a few movies in the works.

  46. first time poster here. hello all! ok, i agree with the patrick dempsey guess although i have no clue about the "former" jail bait. as for #2 how about winona ryder? she's filming star trek right now with leonard nimoy and eric bana... that would classify as eclectic to me! :)

  47. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Debra Winger is a great guess. She was definitely on the A list tract - Terms of Endearment, Officer and Gentleman, Urban Cowboy (not in that order)- then what?? she threw it in reverse . . .

    Don't know if she is loud in person.

    Sean Young was probably headed to A list with Blade Runner, but that fizzled fast. Still, she is the currently notorious loudmouth drunken aging actress.

    It should have been me, but I'm not an actress, I forget to drink all that much and, oh, alright, I might be 39 again . . .

  48. No guesses of my own, just a hope it's not Hugh Laurie. I've loved him since Black Adder and A Bit of Fry & Laurie. Please, please, don't let him be the asshole in this blind. *fingers crossed*

  49. I love your blinds ent! They're the best on the web! Way better than the sucky ones at awful truth these days! I'm betting on Dempsey and Adams for sure! As for b hmmmm Winona Ryder sounds good.

  50. Ooooh, I like Debra Winger for #2. Good job, Farygica.

  51. #1 Would being in a movie with Keanu & Forest Whitaker make you B list?

  52. I am just taking a wild guess and throw out Michael Imperioli for #1. He starred in some great movies (his scene in "Goodfellas" is a classic) AND he's been part of the cast of "Sopranos" forever, another great role. (James Gandolfini is divorced, otherwise I would have headed right to him. His current girlfriend seems awfully young.)
    For #2 I'm on the Sean Young train although I think that Debra Wigner fits the description perfectly, too.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Amy Adams is in her 30s and was a best supporting actress nominee for Junebug. Neither "young" or C list.

  55. Ummm...totally Debra Winger. Cast includes: Terrance Howard, Alan Cumming, Dave Matthews, Rosie Perez, and Moby. Though, Parker Posie would fit the "loud" description.

  56. Oh-I like the David Duchovney guess. I would definitly be upset about that! I love Tea Leoni.

    I love him too! I hope it isn't him!

  57. I'm liking Sean Young for #2. Wasn't she reportedly really loud and obnoxious at an awards show a while back which led to her stint in rehab?

  58. For #2:

    People usually throw Marisa Tomei into the mix whenever there is a "drunk actress" blind, so I'll give it a whirl. She's 43, has been "on the cusp" maybe a couple of times (the supposedly fishy Oscar win for "My Cousin Vinny" in 1992, the Oscar nomination for "In the Bedroom" in 2001), and might be perceived as "loud." BTW, has anyone seen her in "Happy Accidents" with Vincent D'Onofrio? BEAUTIFUL movie--just so sweet! Anyway, she is currently filming "The Wrestler" with Evan Rachel Wood, Mickey Rourke, Judah Friedlander, and Ajay Naidu.


    Seems like a possibility...

    Also, I thought of Kim Basinger for something totally different yesterday (can't remember what, though!), so I decided to check her out for this. She's 54, is probably "loud" at least when talking to or about Alec Baldwin (!), and had great success with her 1997 Oscar win for "L.A. Confidential," but not much of anything since ("8 Mile," I know, I know...). Have there ever been rumors of a drinking problem with her?

    She is currently filming "The Burning Plain" with Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lawrence, Joaquim de Almeida, Brett Cullen (Goodwin from LOST!), Danny Pino, and many others. Maybe not SO much an "eclectic" cast as a "multicultural" one, but still.


    Anyway, I thought I would at least try to guess! :)

  59. I don't have a clue for #1

    I was thinking Maybe it could be Kathleen Turner.She had a big time drinking problem at one time.

  60. Anonymous6:26 AM

    stockard channing

  61. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I think Seinfeld is a great guess for #1. He likes them young. Remember his relationship with Shoshanna Lonstein when she was only 18. Jessica was married when he met her so I wouldn't put it past him.



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