Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rupert Grint Is A Stud

I know, I know. You are asking yourself if I am talking about the redhead in the Harry Potter films and if I have gone mad. But, do you remember a few months ago when Lily Allen was getting over being dumped. Who did she call? Rupert Grint. Rupert had to shuffle some other ladies but made time for Ms. Allen. Now, it turns out that Lindsay Lohan was hitting on Rupert last summer. Now granted, Lindsay will hit on just about anything, but still, Rupert must have something besides money which keeps bringing the ladies back.

I just love the fact that a guy considered a geek, is actually quite the stud. Plus, he hates Lindsay Lohan. So it is kind of like a win/win.

"I met Lindsay last summer and she talked about herself a lot.

"She said she was going to win an Oscar before she turns 25. I just kept thinking, 'But you can’t act'.

Ahhh. You just have to know that last sentence is making you all smile like it is the last day of school. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.


kris said...


How refreshing...a kid with some sense...

littleoleme said...

I like this kid. Yeah, I'm 42 so I can say "kid".

Chatty Cricket said...

I'm going to run away with him based on that one comment alone.

kris said...

I'm 42 also...apparently we are on the same page...and Chatty? hahahah...thanks for the chuckle...

Anonymous said...

Hmm I guess its amusing that he got in a little insult to Lindsay, but I really beg to differ. I love how people will say "Oh its so sad, she can really act" when they want to root for her, and "She can't fucking act" when they want to hate her. I think she's a natural at it, she's just ruining it with a shitty attitude and even shittier behavior. When she's not completely full of herself, she does a good job.

Reese said...

I'm definitely warming to Rupert. I just got a non-Harry Potter film of his from Netflix and he was very good in it. I've never seen any HP films, but he must have been pretty good in those as well.

Anonymous said...

Trix said...
I love how people will say "Oh its so sad, she can really act" when they want to root for her, and "She can't fucking act" when they want to hate her.

Not me. I loathe her, but I think she's an OK actress. Not nearly as good as the "rooters" seem to think, but still OK.

LOVE this quote, I'll have to check out the HP movies now....LOL ;)

jax said...

i have a soft spot for Lilo,not sure why but i loved her in mean girls. she needs some schoolin.

as for grint- that line WAS hilarious. good on him.

Anonymous said...

I'm with jax. Lindsay was only good in Mean Girls. (Although someone (ent?) said that she was good in Chapter 27, but honestly that movie has no appeal to me.)

Rupert's comment was pure gold or asshole, I'm going with gold.

Anonymous said...

Rupert's comment was pure gold or asshole, I'm going with gold.

I don't think it's an "either or" thing ;) LOL

Pinky said...

Based on that picture I think he's hot. Based on what he said, he's even hotter.

Also on board with Jax and DN - although I'm going to throw Freaky Friday in with Mean Girls. She was really good in that. Even Jamie Lee Curtis says that LL put her to shame in that movie (although JLC's not exactly Cate Blanchett)

rakemama said...

I've always had an age inappropriate crush on I love him even more!

OG Gossipmonger said...

i love him, ron is my favorite character in the books.

as for lindsay, im sure hes not the only one to have turned her skanky ass down.

i loved her in mean girls, as well, though.

anon said...

what has happened to this sight? there used to be dozens of comments within hours. 100+ comments sometimes. now it's just copies of articles i've read already on better websites, and comments from the same dozen or so lame commenters. did ent run out of fake timmy/shimmy, wd, dominique swain ideas? i'm sick of reading the same lame ass readers comments. this place used to be fun.

Anonymous said...

Rupert is one smart cookie LOL.

Ice Angel said...

I used to have a crush on a very Rupertish guy a long time ago. Red hair, freckles, the whole nine yards. But he was smart, funny and cocky. He actually ended up dumping me a breaking my heart. I was crushed. I don't know if I was crushed because someone I once thought of as beneath me had managed to turn the tables and made me feel beneath him. I think that is the lure of Rupert. He's great in all the HP movies, by the way, for those who haven't seen them. He nails the character to a T.

Sydney in Wonderland said...

We will have lots of ginger babies. You just watch.

Lilo wasn't bad in Mean Girls or Freaky Friday. I would add The Parent Trap, though her accent was off and she's no Hayley Mills. It was cute and I think it stands for the younger generation now as the original did for those young when it came out.

jax said...

ya we won't miss you either anon.

digawina said...

I love Rupert for what he said. For having the balls to be honest and not "play the game." But I kind of do think LL can act. She sucks at life, but I have to admit, there is something engaging about her on screen. I barely even remember Mean Girls, but I remember watching that Bobbie movie and finding myself only watching her in the scenes she was in. I don't know, she has that "it" quality. Too bad she's such a blithering idiot in her real life.

Anonymous said...

Anon, I don't think you've ever had a moment of fun here.

Ellen said...

I love me some Ron Weasley...

bookstalker said...

I think she's a very self-conscious actress, sorry. I always feel like I'm watching someone acting, even in Mean Girls. Still loved it, but that's my opinion.

bookstalker said...

I think she's a very self-conscious actress, sorry. I always feel like I'm watching someone acting, even in Mean Girls. Still loved it, but that's my opinion.

WTF said...

Mean Girls was all frin the writing, not Hohan's acting. Tina Fey should be getting the credit.

janice said...

good old Mean Girls... the pre-whore days of Lilo.

Ellebee said...

Awesome!!! We loved the comment. Good for you Rupert Grint.

MnGddess said...

He was always my favorite in the Harry Potter films. Good for him for having a mind of his own!

I must have have a thing for red-headed Brits...

anon said...

seriously ent. 27 comments? 9 comments? haven't you learned that jax, trix, brendalove dominating your message boards kills your site. that and having hez ghost write half of it. it's just lame now. i remember times you'd have over 100 comments on an item. maybe you should start writing more- and more people than just jax would read!

pricolatino said...

Good for you, Rupert! Cast a crucio on her ass!

MC said...

You know, when someone has had sex with Wilmer "FES from that 70's Show" Valderama, well, their flirtations aren't really that stunning, so Lindsay Lohan hitting on you isn't sex CV material.


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