Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 - Which former husband of this singing diva spent so much time running back and forth to the bathroom at a recent party that management had to give him a towel so he could keep wiping off the sweat that would not stop pouring off his face and head.

#2 - These three cast members from Battlestar Galactica all share a home. Nothing wrong with that. Actually there is nothing really wrong with the fact that all three share the same bedroom. Now, the husband of one of the women in the threesome might be a little put out by the living situation, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him.


  1. Maybe for 1-Bobby Brown...

    #2-This will totally freak out all of the BSG geeks! I love it!!!

  2. #1 has to Bobby. I saw some film of him out recently and he was messed up. I know that's a shock.

  3. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Oh I thought maybe David Guest. He's been trying to hang out with people half his age...not to mention trying to look half his age, too. The coke rumors have been going on and on. I dont think Bobby Brown can afford drugs at the moment but maybe I'm wrong.

  4. Ooo, sci-fi gossip, love it! Thanks for changing things up a little, EL.
    Have no idea who it is, but… Katee Sackhoff and Tricia Helfer (Starbuck and Number Six, respectively) are best friends so I can see them being roommates. Don't think either of them is married, though.

  5. According to IMDB, Tricia Helfer is married and her husband is... a Los Angeles entertainment lawyer. (LOL) Bet she's the married part of the puzzle, and wouldn't be surprised if Katee is the other. Question is whether or not the third is male or female.

  6. Bobby Brown for #1. Its the only name that came to mind.

    #2 ??? Don't watch so not sure.

  7. My immediate guess for #1 was also Bobby Brown, and sweating could be a reference to Whitney and the ridiculous amount of sweating she does when she's in concert. But who would find it worth it to make a blind about Bobby? We all know that he has drug problems. Who would even find it worth it to make this comment about Bobby at all?

    So I'm going to go totally off the wall and say Tommy Mattola (Mariah's ex-husband), just to make it interesting.

  8. Quite a few hotties in BG, both men and women... this one will have me cracking my skull open for days.

  9. Gayla, Tommy Mattola was exactly who I thought of! Maybe Mariah's quickie wedding has sent him off the deep end?

  10. 1) K-Fed?

    2.) Lee Bambrich (Sp), Katee Sachoff, Tricia

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. See, I was thinking maybe Cris Judd for #1, since it said sweat was pouring off his face and head--and Cris Judd is bald.

  13. What about Chris Judd (JLo ex)
    Carlos Leon (although IDT Madonna ever married him)

    Sean Penn? (heard he's been quite a loose cannon)

  14. Mutt Lange for #1! *L*

  15. Dunno, Mottola's a scary, connected guy. I can't imagine any restaurant even leaking that kind of info about him. Seriously.

  16. Harriet,

    #1 Yeah. I was thinking Mutt Lange/ Shania

    #2 This blind feels like Deja Vu. What was the jist of the other familiar one? Something about the fact that they share a house, which isn't weird, but the fact that the 3 share a bed is the crux of the gossip...only before, Ent. didn't name a show?

  17. Bobby "doodie bubble" Brown,

    or Tommy Mottola.

  18. Oh man, we're all on the same guessing wavelength, huh?

  19. OOOHHH--but Sean Penn is also a very good one...

  20. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Gayla said...
    1:45 PM

    Mattola is the very first person who came to mind, too ;)

  21. Big time BSG fan here and #2 is making my head hurt.

    Married female cast members are Grace Park (Athena) and Tricia Helfer(Number Six). The show does have a big extended/supporting and if they are included... Leah Cairns (Racetrack) is married.

  22. As a freaking out BSG fan, I've decided that the trio is either:

    Katee Sackoff, Michael Trucco and Tricia Helfer


    Katee Sackoff, Tahmoh Penikett and Tricia Helfer

    Either way, if you need me, I'll be in my bunk.

  23. ragdoll - there was a very similar blind about 3 movie stars sharing a bed during filming.

  24. LAME blinds lately! But I'm going with David Gest for #1.

  25. ed, Lee Adama is played by Jaime Bamber.

    I have to say, after all the fanfic I've read, ANY 3 cast members of BSG would be hot. Even the older ones. And I'm thinking the husband would only be put out because he wasn't included.

    At least that's the way it will play out in my head.

  26. Please let #2 involve Katee Sackhoff. Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease. I would so go gay for her, and you wouldn't even need to pay me. The fact she would be involved in a long term threesome only ups the ante.

  27. Having thought about it, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask for pictures.

  28. Wipes diet coke off monitor. duncanpowers that was funny.

    Great guesses on #1. My first thought was BB. But seemed too obvious. Any of the those are good possibilities. Not a clue for #2.

  29. Ditto on the please be Katee Sackhoff. And LOL @ trixalicious

  30. trixalicious, love the Firefly reference! I love BSG too - we're geek buddies!

    For #2, I'm thinking (hoping?) Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, and Tricia Helfer too. And I'm a little relieved to know I'm not the only straight girl in the world who would go gay for Katee.

  31. Chris Judd was my first thought or #1.

    I have no clue for #2. I'm old enough to have loved the first BSG and haven't had the time to get involved with the new one.

  32. Heh, season 3 BSG had three cast members sharing a bed in the story line :) Bet blind #2 raises DVD sales. One of the best shows on TV. I'd do President Roslin in a heartbeat.

  33. When I first read #1 I figured it was a dude with a bad case of indigestion. I guess it makes more sense for a blind to be about drugs, unless the guy is someone Ent hates and he's reveling in his public humiliation. :)

  34. "The husband of one of the women" means that either 2 or all 3 are women. The fact that they're sharing a bedroom makes me thinkg all 3 are female. That being said, I'm still lost as to who it could be. But yeah, a Cylon threesome sounds hot.

  35. @ lainiekazan:

    Restaurant? What restaurant?

  36. #1-- Def. Bobby Brown

    #2-- As a BSG freak, I freaked!!! Wow, this will fuel some interesting fantasies for the next few weeks...lol

  37. Holy frak! I'd love to be part of a threesome, foursome or whateversome involving any BSG actors. This is just one hot cast. :-P However, I have no other guess than Tricia & Katee and someone. I doubt it's Grace Park because her huband lives in Vancouver with her.

    #1 Chris Judd?

  38. schneefloeckli I was thinking about the filming of BG happening in Vancouver and thinking these three must share the house during filming. Katee Sackhoff and Tricia Heifer are supposed to be like BFF and TH is married, so that could certainly be two of the three but wouldn't that be too easy?
