Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Today's Blind Items

This A list television actor on a hit network show must feel like he can get away with anything at this point. For at least the third time, his girlfriend has caught him in bed with someone. Well, to be perfectly accurate, not always in bed. One time he was getting orally serviced while standing up in his trailer when the girlfriend came in. Oh, and another time it was on the couch, not the bed. But, you get the point. The latest incident was actually in a bed, and for the first time actually occurred at the home they share. He knows she won't leave and so has told her that she just needs to deal with it if she wants to be with him.


mandythegreat said...

Obviously Charlie Sheen and Whatshername.

kellygirl said...

I'm with you Mandy.
regardless of our level of disgust with Denise Richards
it's pretty safe to say Charle IS, WAS and ALWAYS WILL BE a manwhore - actually, make that dogwhore

Dijea said...

What an ass!

Unknown said...

not to nit pick, but isn't Charlie engaged?

Selena said...

George Clooney!
Charlie is no A-list actor maybe for 2 and a half boys/men, but please believe he is NOT an A-list actor

Kristen S. said...

I get the impression EL is referring to a CURRENT hit show, which would rule out Clooney entirely. Plus, if it was Clooney, EL would have said A-list movie star/director or something.

Me2 said...

What about William Peterson from CSI? The clue says "he must feel like he can get away with anything", which makes me think of a crime show. Also, the comment "...she just needs to deal with it..." made me think of a show set in Vegas.

Me2 said...

Oops - Petersen's married....sorry.

JL said...

I don't know...I love this site but how can there really be a blind EVERY day? Sometimes I think EL just makes up a semi-juicy story about cheating or drugs and attaches something ultra-generic like "A list television actor on a hit network show." These are starting to get a little boring to me, especially when the clue is so broad.

Marnie said...

I enjoy the blinds, even when there's no hope of discovery. I mean some of them everywhere are false rumors or even complete fabrications. They're still a good read.

L00nyBin said...

Isn't Charlie Sheen the top paid comedic actor on television? Along with being on one of the top viewed shows on CBS! I'd definitely classify that as A List..

Dijea said...

But charlie is a legacy. he maybe technically A-list, but he wouldn't if he wasn't in the family he is. Nobody would qualify his co-star as A-list.

Unknown said...

@jalsup: the easy part is to deliver daily. it happens all the time. stars, directors, starlets. all ar banging around, taking lots of drugs. bearding for each other. It also seems that there is not much of an odd coupling left uncoupled. some you hear of years later. in this context its funny that now "homewrecker" is becoming a frequently used label. In most cases there was never a home, just public relations.

just go for a month as a somewhat influential journalist trying to interview the starlets. both gender will offer you more sex than words. some of them are that shallow, yes. and, if you ever get to be invited to a yacht-hopping-party-weekend going from producers to host to exec boats... just open your eyes. You too will make blinds, instead of naming them for two reasons. You dont want to be sued and/or you want on the boats again.

yes, online lives are always boring when compared to a good life :-)

you know the saying: one picture is worth more than thousand words. Me adding... being a living part of a beautiful picture is much better.

Unknown said...

How naive to think that ENT would believe this actor is "cheating." He has a girlfriend; whoever said he vowed to be faithful to her? Call it cheating once there's a marriage going on...

ms_wonderland said...

Sounds like Naveen Andrews and Barbara thingy. He's had things on the side at least twice before, one of which produced a child and she still took him back.

Brenda22 said...

How about Josh Duhamel and Fergie? Although not sure he'd be considered A list.

Unknown said...

Another vote for Josh Duhamel.

PotPourri said...

These are all good guesses. But I bet Hershey already knows the score. The sweet young thing that is marrying Sheen probably is stupid enough to believe she is the only one.

Also, people who are living together are no married. They can do what they want. If there is a piece of paper, it does make all the difference in the world. They are no longer your boyfriend or girlfriend.

jagerlilly said...

But Duhamel isn't on a network show anymore. Las Vegas was cancelled months ago...

Miss X said...

What about the guy from Dexter? Michael C. Hall? He isn't really A-list but I can see the "thinks he can get away with it" applying to Dexter. And he is dating his character's sister.

Brenda22 said...

Oh, I didn't know Las Vegas was cancelled. I don't watch so I had no idea. But then ENT's timing is always off. For example, wasn't a couple supposed to be adopting a meixcan child last month...The TJ Hooker blind? No one so far. Although Matt Damon's wife is now pregnant and he was the popular guess for that blind.

Judi said...

Don't know if his show is a hit (I don't watch it) but is James Woods married?

ablake said...

What about the guy from Dexter? Michael C. Hall? He isn't really A-list but I can see the "thinks he can get away with it" applying to Dexter. And he is dating his character's sister.


She annoys the HELL out of me. Love the show but she just needs to be set adrift on an iceberg somewhere. Bad actress. Bad bad bad.

Wouldn't be shocked that Sheen cheats, or many of them, actually. If she stays Best of luck to her?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Sheen to me. He has never tried to hide his bad behavior and anyone who is with him must know that he is not going to change.

Binky Melnik said...

You folks tend to miss out on the clues. "Shark" isn't a hit. (It was so far down in the ratings, it was canceled.) Charlie Sheen isn't "A List." Neither was Josh Duhamel. "Dexter" isn't any kind of hit, and only recently became available on a network after all the scary bits were excised. So let's try looking at some hits: the "CSI"s, "Grey's Anatomy," "House," "Desperate Housewives," "Without a Trace," "Law & Order" (both), "ER," "NCIS," "24" ... is this shaking anything loose?

Unknown said...

Charlie Sheen is A list! Why is everyone ignoring this?

He's the highest paid comedy lead appearing on the highest rated sitcom on network television with FIVE seasons under its belt.

What about this doesn't scream A list television actor to you?

Amy said...

Guys, it is DEFINITELY Charlie Sheen!

Catch the phrase, "For at least the THIRD time"... as in 3 and a Half Men.

That's my guess, anyway. But why won't she leave him? I hope she teams up with Denise and brings this perv down.

I actually feel sorry for Denise Richards -- have you read that freakin' restraining order she won against him? He's the Devil. It's on the Smoking Gun.

Binky Melnik said...

Actually, at $375,000 per episode, Zach Braff takes the title of "highest-paid." (Yeah, I know, but what can I say? His manager must be some kinda shark.)

the.princess.leia said...

Catch the phrase, "For at least the THIRD time"... as in 3 and a Half Men.

Actually his show is Two and A Half Men, but I do think it's Sheen. Of course, now they're married and that changes things.

Amy said...

LOL, my bad. Two and a Half Men... which still fits the play on words IMO. How can it not be him? She won't leave him b/c she's pregnant maybe?


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