Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which hard-as-nails married A-lister would be appalled to know he's rapidly becoming a gay icon, with rumours flying around of his marital indiscretions - with men?


lutefisk said...

Hope it isn't Ben.

Unknown said...


mooshki said...

Do you think we should apply a Daily Mirror exception to the Affleck rule? After all, doesn't Jude Law serve the exact same purpose over there?

Alice D Millionaire said...

DM is british so they usually specify if the person is a hollywood actor etc. This could be an exception but it is worth noting that the BI may not be an american actor.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Jude Law is not married

lutefisk said...

Mooski--we can keep Ben for American blinds, Jude for UK blinds, & Barron Hilton for D list gay blinds. Does that work?

Except in this case, Jude isn't married, & he is probably no longer A-list. It's a shame what happens when your hair & looks go so fast, along with your personality & career.

Unknown said...

Will Smith?

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

I'm with Jake.

Becks + Tommy Boy = TLA!

califblondy said...

"Hard as nails" made me think of Sly.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Russell Crow? Hard as nails makes me think macho and throwing phones is macho in a really obnoxious way. I am thinking along those lines.

Also, the word "appalled" implies that the actor is not actually having these affairs but that it is just a rumor going around.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Sly is a good guess

Unknown said...

the BI says he's become a gay icon--check out that billboard unveiling with Beckham in his skivvies--and that he'd be surprised by the rumors flying. And those abs are mighty hard looking. (I'm a straight woman--despite the name)

Michelle said...

"Hard-as-nails" Jude Law ain't. For that matter, I don't think the phrase describes to Will Smith or Ben Affleck either.

Russell Crowe was the first name that popped into my mind.

jax said...

Russlee Crowe is best fit so far,none of the others mentioned are hard as nalis,been specualkted b4 or would not be appalled like Becks. we're looking for an A lsit tough guy whos slightly homophobe.

Mark Wahlberg
Matt Damon..ok sorda tough.
Chuck Norris!

jax said...

ok wahlberg aint married yet...oops.

its gotta be Chuck.

Clint Eastwood?? lol

mooshki said...

Just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting Jude for this specific item, just saying that he is the default guess for most English blinds. :)

brainypirate said...

is Jason Statham married? He's been rumored to have an ongoing fling with Guy Ritchie....

mooshki said...

You lived up to your name, brainy - Statham is a great guess. There was a poll a few days ago about who should be the next Doctor Who, and he was #2 on the list, which suggests he could be considered A-list in England. (In America, I'd give him an A minus?) My friend is madly in love with him, and I keep hoping she never stumbles across any of the gay rumors.

mooshki said...

Oh crap, except he's not married.

(What I wouldn't give for an "edit" button - I feel like a multiple-post criminal on CDAN.)

Anonymous said...

Ohh what a shame about the gay rumors on Jason Statham. I really liked him a lot. Well will still like him even if he is gay. His movies are pretty good with the action.

I guess any actor that comes out in Action movies too much is a good chance they might be gay/bi.

Trying to prove their machismo LOL.

Anonymous said...

There have been gay or bisexual rumors about Russell Crowe for a while, so it could be him. I usually go with Kate Moss as my UK BI standyby guess if it's a female.

jax said...

Russell Crowe played a gay man in Sum of Us before he went Hollywood that was great..i dont really see it being him having thought about it.
that or the DM is speculating he'd be appalled.

twitch said...

What about The Rock or Tommy Lee Jones? They are hard as nails, but are they married? Are they A-list?

Anonymous said...

If Russell Crowe was gay he'd just BE gay and tell everyone to eff off.

J said...

There is always James McAvoy. He's married. He's an A lister in England and on the cusp here. He's starring in the new Angelina Jolie action movie. Everyone has been making a big deal about the physique he has in the film.

AMD said...

R. Lee Ermey. LOL!

PotPourri said...

I find it hard to believe that after 30 years, Sly would now be a gay icon. Sorry. This is someone more along the lines of a David Beckham. But I don't think Beckham has indiscretions with men, only women, and that's been proven.

dixiebell said...

It's Daniel Craig! He's A list, he's married, and he's british and in gay looking swimsuit photos from the last JB picture AND a very big gay icon right now in London.

dixiebell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
messymommy said...

I agree with the Daniel Craig/James Bond guess.

Char said...

Becks has made comments before about playing up for his gay fans, I think he loves the attention no matter who it is so I don't see him being "appalled" by those rumors and don't think it's him. That being said, no idea who it would be.

GossipTank said...

Vinnie Jones, not A list everywhere but was in UK.

Unknown said...

Ray Winston?

Tania said...

Daniel Craig isn't married, is he? If he is, IMDB haven't caught up yet...

Vinnie Jones A-list, Gossiptank? No, not even in the UK, I'd say. 'Notorious' isn't the same thing. But I could see him hating being a gay icon.

Acetomato77 - yeah, he would, wouldn't he? LOL!

j - would you call James McAvoy 'hard as nails'? I know he buffed-up for 'Wanted', but he's still kind of weedy and pale.

Um... but after all that, I got nothing. All the hard guys I can think of are single or too old!


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