Thursday, June 26, 2008

People's Sexiest Bachelor Mocks Homeless People

People Magazine named Mario Lopez their hottest bachelor of 2008. Looking through their photos of him, I can't seem to find the one above. Hmmm. I wonder why that is. Mario Lopez, the guy who everyone thinks is Mr. Nice Guy and who pretends to always be helping those in need is actually a jerk who can't even stop himself from mocking a homeless person.

Perhaps Mario you would like to spend a few days in the shoes of that homeless person. Wandering the streets looking for food, or money. Perhaps trying to keep warm or find a place to sleep where you won't get robbed or beaten or killed.

Perhaps you would like to experience the sorrow that comes from being homeless, or what led your life down that path. When you do finally manage to get a moment's rest or you curl up to sleep in an alley, how would you feel if a group of assholes then decided to make fun of your homelessness?

I think what would make it worse is if you also happen to always make sure photographers are along when you do charity, or things that put you in a positive light. Obviously they are all a lie and this is how you truly feel about those less fortunate than you.

I give Eva Longoria a bunch of crap on this site, but you know what? I know her and have known her a very long time and know she would be disgusted by this photo. I'm actually surprised she is even friends with you after seeing this photo.

I'm actually surprised anyone would want to be your friend after seeing this photo, except of course for the other useless morons in the photo.

Enjoy your fame Mario. Hey, next time you see a homeless guy, why don't you just berate him or beat him or kick him in the nuts? There really isn't that much difference between that and what you are doing here. Families that are homeless? Mario doesn't give a crap about you. When he comes to feed you Thanksgiving dinner, just know he is doing it for the cameras and probably laughed and laughed at your plight after.

Thanks to CB and for the photo.


  1. You got it all wrong, man. That's Keanu Reeves, not a homeless guy.

    I get my digs in where I can, Ben Affleckians!!

  2. Yeah. Mario is all Klass. Always has been.

  3. uh, i dont find him sexy at all. he would make my number 1 cheese ball of all time. hes always been a phony.

  4. look closely - there are actually 2 homeless people - the stupid squatting bitch is in front of one guy that's laying down. F'in Mario... Douchebag McGee is my new name for him - it used to be mario the molester but i've downgraded him after this!

  5. Classy with a capital ASSY.

    Wouldn't it be an interesting change for a genuinely good celebrity to stage pictures of them doing fake mean things to throw people off, and then do all their good work quietly?

  6. lol @ that guy.

    mario is a POS. i hope he gets jumped and beaten in an alley somewhere.

  7. He's just as adorable as Paris" ex Stavaros Nachoros who paid a homeless guy $100 to poor a drink (I think it was a milkshake) al over himself at a fast food restaurant.
    I have no use for these losers.

  8. this picture makes me feel physically sick. what a total prick.

  9. fuck you slater and your little dog in the pink shirt too!

    what kind of person does this? dont we all have that internal "no that's too far i won't do it" in our heads? is his too full of drakkar noir, michelob light and dippety douche gel to hear that voice?

  10. Amazing - if it weren't for all the cocksucking, he'd be in the same position as this guy he's making fun of. Here's hoping...

  11. Anonymous11:07 AM

    lol@wood, no wonder his mouth is all puckered up LOL.

    The guys is an Azzhole. Very inconsiderate. Wonder if he is a socialpath or something in that category LOL.

    Why did People even named him Bachelor of the Year? Isn't their a criteria that he has to meet in order to be consider BOTY?

  12. sylvia:

    well, since AC Slater made it onto the list we know there's no minimum height requirement. Because on top of all his douchiness, this guy is Verne Troyer in heels.

  13. Ent, you should change your name to Hollywood Avenger. Wherever there is douchebaggery, The Hollywood Avenger will be there to publicize it!

  14. What a twerp. If there is any justice in the world, M.L. will be unable to find any acting/hosting/reality jobs and will be forced into taking a low-paying position in all-male porn.

    That would probably make everyone happy.

  15. That's very immature.

    I don't care what anyone says, HE PACKS THE FUDGE. Nah, but he lets guys blow him when he's drunk, just like Ryan Phillipe.

  16. Isn't that blonde chick the one who he was cheating on Karina with? So this must be a recent pic...

  17. What a Looser....
    LOL ..I agree Mooshki

  18. LOL@ayesha!!!!!!

    ...because it's probably true..... ha ha ha ha ha!

  19. I'm surprised he let his current girlfriend be in the center of the picture, and as irishstayc2 noted, there is someone sleeping on the ledge. Yeah, pure class. What's next People Magazine? "Sexiest Man Alive"! What a douche!

    He has also caused controversy on Broadway with his co-star Nick Adams. Apparently Nick has a fantastic body, and Mario was jealous, so, costumes were apparently changed; Mario shows off the body, and Nicks character is covered. Mario should realize, the only reason he got the part on Broadway was not for his acting abilty but name recognition!

    Nick's blog:

    Thanks EL for posting this and your remarks. I love it when the truth comes out, especially when someone is egotistical and self-promoting, stepping on others shoes, so to speak.

  20. that's disgusting. i hope this pic gets posted everywhere-- although i doubt it will make a difference in a country where a mayor only cares about the homeless because they are an "eyesore" when the olympics come to town.


  21. What I like best about this picture: the homeless guy has on nicer jeans than the stupid beeyotch making fun of him. Didn't Kelly Kapowski wear those double knee-rips on Saved By the Bell? And the ONLY reason Kneepads gave Mario that title is because he is the only a-hole desperate enough to pose for that gay porn photo shoot that accompanied the article.

  22. Nasty. The lowest of the low.

  23. I'm confused, I thought Ent. only had common friends w/ eva when he broke her pregnancy news a few weeks he's saying he knows her and has for a "very long time" I guess that makes me think they are friends if they've known each other for a very long time...and why would you break the pregnancy news of a friend when they're still denying it to the public? oh, right, and all the other stuff he says about her.

    I dunno, I'm feeling a little conspiracy-ish and thinking maybe the author of the blog really has changed.

  24. Anonymous7:01 PM

    It's awesome that this photo got out. It re-affirms my belief in one of the immutable laws of the universe: what goes around, comes around.

  25. What is sad, is that EL is the only one who has picked up on this. I peruse other 'celeb' blogs/websites and none could care less, unless, it was one of the female train wrecks of Hollywood/music (we all know the train wrecks). Maybe they are afraid, since he is male, that he would beat the crap out of them (you know the bloggers I am referring to). Wonder where this picture could be sent to make a real impact? Maybe if everyone sent it to one person....

    I, like EL, despise when a celebrity shows up to functions for photo ops, then once the flash bulbs stop, they are gone. I have actually seen that happen, they are in one door and out the other in minutes. You know that Mario is not the only fake in Hollywood.

  26. This is just mean. What kind of person would think doing this is funny? Being homeless is no joke and seeing this repulses me. This is just wrong. What is really disturbing is how big his smile is.

    I wonder how he will try and spin this one.

  27. This is just mean. What kind of person would think doing this is funny? Being homeless is no joke and seeing this repulses me. This is just wrong. What is really disturbing is how big his smile is.

    I wonder how he will try and spin this one.

  28. Please don't insult the last name of McGee by giving it to MariHO. This guy needs to spend a few weeks on the streets of Detroit. He'll get what's coming to him.

  29. i don't know, guys....this photo looks just like a few photos of my drunk ass friends and I several years back. In at least one, I was the one lying on the floor in the back. And that alley looks very familiar.

  30. Amy said: I guess that makes me think they are friends if they've known each other for a very long time

    You can know a person a long time and not be friends, as a matter of fact you can know a person a long time and really hate them.

    As for Mario, I hope the Karma wheel runs him over. He's always been a foul, phony tard.

  31. Just to help you guys out on the Eva comment. ENT has stated before - a long time ago - that he dated a friend of Eva's in college and didn't like her back then or now. (Or something to that effect)
