Monday, June 02, 2008

Today's Blind Items

You try coming to work like this actor and lets see how long you keep your job, let alone get lots and lots of ass kissing.

A list film actor. Yes, A-list, no ifs ands or buts. Well, if he had stuck with what made him famous he probably wouldn't have made it to A-list but he adapted. Latest film. Not a great film. First day. Table reading. Our actor showed up for it and was so drunk he could barely stand. No one who was setting everything up would come near him because you could smell him a mile away. He kept stumbling and falling everywhere. Affectionate to everyone. Lots of hugs and kisses. Finally managed to get the actor in a seat. He then started mumbling incoherently and the crews were trying to figure out what he was saying. Then he takes a package out of his jacket was a mushed up burrito. He held it up to one of the crew and said "look....what is this?" So she looks and tells him it's a burrito...with chicken...he couldn't comprehend this AT ALL. She went and got him a soda and a sandwich. She was trying to get him into some kind of shape for the reading. It wasn't looking good. Oh, did I mention that he rode his motorcycle to the place? Yeah...good...right? Well, everyone LOVED him...said it was one of his best readings ever...he was brilliant. On and one it went, even though no one had been able to understand one word that came out of his mouth.


  1. I'm going out on a limb with Mark Wahlberg, he started out as a rapper. Though his A list status is a bit iffy.

  2. jamie foxx, first famous for comedy then adapted to dramatic roles, won oscar. last film "the kingdom" not that great.

  3. I was going to say Tom Hanks but Jamie Foxx is a great guess too!! Tom Hanks because they adapted Da Vinci Code, and I heard that Angels and Demons isnt that good

  4. I hate to say this, but George Clooney is undeniably A-list, rides a motorcycle and started out on cheesy sitcoms. Plus, everyone would kiss his ass.

    I like the Mark Wahlberg guess but I'm not sure he's A-list yet.

  5. Agree with George Clooney. What was his latest movie? Leatherheads or something? Everyone would kiss his ass too.

  6. kate- took the words right outta my mouth.

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    i agree w/ George.

    Must've been a helluva breakup with Sarah. (joking)

  8. could it be Clooney - who went out one night with Danny DeVito back at the end of 2006 where DeVito infamously appeared drunk on The View? Filming for Leatherheads didn't start until Feb 2007 - and if Clooney would have stuck to just ER, don't think he'd be as big as he is today.

  9. I could see GC showing up drunk for a meeting and everyone thinking it was cute and funny.

    That said, the part about what made him famous doesn't make a lot of sense. Are they talking about ER?

  10. I'm w/ Teddymac. Nic Cage fka Nic Coppola was great in smaller quirkier movies playing a strange love interest most of the time, then started getting huge popcorn flicks. Oscar-nominated for Adaptation. Most recent movies are not great. Sues people who call him a dog thief.

  11. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I think this one is Keanu.

  12. I thought GC too. Until the motorcycle part. Then I thought Brad Pitt. He started out as a model, no?

  13. Something about this sounded like Keanu immediately.

    Although...the affectionate, hugs & kisses part doesn't sound right. Seems like he might be an awkward loner even if drunk.

    Doesn't Orlando Bloom ride?

    Whoever it is, this is funny as shit to me!

  14. George "I wanna be Cary Grant bisexuality and all" Clooney!

  15. GC was on Roseanne's very early seasons.

  16. Ahhh yes

  17. Oh, but I'm leaning toward Will Smith. By the time he went into acting full time (on his sitcom), his style of hip hop was becoming completely outdated in favor of more hardcore tunes. If he had stuck with his bubblegum pop hip hop, he probably would not have made it.

  18. I'm voting w/Clooney.

    I wonder, will Sarah write a tell-all? She'll need the money...

    Either that or Playboy - or both!

  19. I don't see George Clooney showing up to a reading trashed up like that. I just don't, he doesn't give me the vibe of being the type of guy to do that.

    I could believe John Travolta, Mel Gibson...

  20. CO-signing on George....

  21. George.

    @ Harriet - GC was on the motorcycle w/ Sarah when they got into the accident last year.

  22. At first I thought Johnny Depp...started off with some strange roles, than adapted (or the public adapted to him).
    Then I started thinking Ben Affleck, just because i would love it to be him (LOL)...

    Doesn't sound like Clooney to me.

  23. OK - The evil side of me wants it to be Clooney. But I don't think it's him. The one thing I've noticed about him in his appearances and interviews is that he NEVER goes out without being dressed and having a certain "appearance". He's done a few interviews which have described him eating in public: always with the napkin on lap, head down so as not to bring attention to himself (and I ain't talkin' dinner with friends). My point being - Clooney, stone drunk, with a smashed burrito in his pocket? Naah.

    However, George does love his Taco Bell.....

    Oh, and Enty, I want to say on behalf of all your loyal followers (really, really loyal), that we need to see some answers. Just give us some kind of double password to get into a specific area you've created and GIVE US THE DAMN ANSWERS TO ALL THE JUICY BLIND ITEMS!!!!!!

    (ahem) OK, I'm calm now.

  24. How about Harrison Ford? He's undeniably A-list, what with Star Wars AND Indiana Jones, even though he's never won a major award.

    He just popped in my mind because I can distinctly remember seeing at least two awards shows in which dude looked WWWWAASSTED. Slurring and slouching and sneering and whatnot.

    His latest film is Indiana Jones, and I definitely haven't heard anyone call it great. AND he drives a motorcycle. AND he's venerable enough (and I've heard he's amiable enough) to merit some asskissing at a table read.

    It's not that I don't WANT to believe this is Clooney, but he just doesn't strike me as that much of a graceless drunkard.

  25. What the.. why would you hire someone, even if they ARE A-list, for a role when they can't even read their lines?? Wow.

  26. Can't be George -- he's only in his own films these days, and why would he show up drunk and incoherent to his own film read-through? If it were true, they would just cancel and reschedule for another day. No big.

    Keanu -- quite possibly the answer

    Jaimie Foxx -- oh yes, quite possible

    Brad Pitt -- Has a motorcycle, but doubt he'd show up a drunken mess to reading.

    Marky-Mark: Sure, why not

  27. I second Harrison Ford.

    The dude is permanently out of it.

  28. About Sarah Larsen: I find it interesting that the news about someone leaving messages on George's phone telling him to leave the skank, and a month later, he dumps her.

    Makes you wonder what the anon said...

  29. Who has a motorcycle?

    George Clooney
    Nicolas Cage
    Tom Cruise
    Brad Pitt
    John Travolta

    Geroge Clooney sounds good. He was definitely a TV star for a long time and made the transition to the silver screen well. Nicolas has been in movies for awhile, no change in careers really. I think it's George.

  30. I think it is Clooney. He was supposed to come to the BAFTAs and present an award but was too drunk in Cannes to fly to the UK for the event.

  31. Oh hell, who hasn't shown up for work drunk a time or two?

  32. What about Tom Hanks? He's rumored to have a major drinking problem, started out on TV.

  33. ello! log time reader, brand new commenter!

    but you know thinking will smith!
    ...started out with rap/tv as the fresh prince...and i bet everyone raved about his drunkeness because it was probably a table reading for hitchcock!!

    they probably all thought it was method acting ha!

  34. In a way, I suppose it doesn't matter who it is, because when a person is A-list, they can get away with ANYTHING. And they'll kiss his arse and pretend nothing is wrong.

  35. Anonymous2:54 PM

    This so has to be Travolta. He's def the type to have a mushed-up burrito in his pocket.

  36. Not Clooney. As Grace said, his latest film which was really not a great film is "Leatherheads". He acted in it, directed it, wrote the theme toon, song the theme toon, well, he directed it and contributed to the screenplay.

    If you are drunk while you're the director and the star, the studio will come and ask you politely to accept somebody else as a director and focus on acting. There were no reports about delays or studio interference during the shooting of "Leatherheads", it went smoothly from all reports.


    He was pictured drunk out of his
    mind with his pants all wet in
    what seemed to be pee.

    Liam has had problems with the
    drink (as it seems like every major
    Irish actor). And it was his combo
    of drink and motorcycle riding that
    almost got him killed about 7 years

  38. Clooney
    Robert Downey Jr
    Keanue Reeves
    Matthew Mc

    ... probably all of them at one time or another have shown up to work drunk and have driven drunk

  39. I'm liking the Bill Murray guess as well. He is definitely A list, moved up from A- for his "serious" films.

    His soon-to-be ex wife says he has an alcohol problem, and of all the guesses, has a better chance of losing any one job because of drinking.

  40. john travolta doesn't drink alcohol as far as i know

  41. is vince vaughan a list?
    he seems like a drunk lately.

  42. I am thinking Nic Cage he was in a movie called Adaptation and it says he "he probably wouldn't have made it to A-list but he adapted".. Also he became famous when he did that movie about the alcoholic. Maybe he took the role too seriously?

  43. jamie foxx really fits. and he makes a lot of extra cash opening new clubs and doing private events. he is a partier. if this was an early morning meeting he was still drunk. he became famous with comedy and he's an A lister because he switched to dramatic roles(thus the oscar)

  44. i'm going with either clooney or ford, but i'm leaning towards clooney... i think the guy's public facade is breaking.

    it's true that it would be unlikely for him screw up so much on leatherheads since it was his project, but when people start having a problem with drugs or alcohol, this is the kind of screwing up they do.

    plus, he's a control freak and when control freaks crack, watch out!

  45. I'm going with the Brad Pitt guess. If he'd just stuck with acting and looking pretty while doing it, it's a good possibility he'd be A- (since he currently looks so beat); however, Brangelina is all the rage for the past couple of years on many different levels (looking beat doesn't hinder his status) which has helped keep him at A status....ugh.

  46. Bill M is a good guess but I thought I read he was an angry drunk and not liked by co-stars. I don't think anyone would find him tolerable.

    My first thought was Brad Pitt, even before I read the bit about the motorcycle. I think no ifs, ands or buts is in reference to nudity. Tho seriously I can't see him doing this now that he's with St. Angelina.

  47. My instinct would be Billy Murray or perhaps Tom Hanks (Bosom Buddies, anyone?)Tom Hanks owns a Ducati, so, well? He made a pretty big switchover from comedies to more dramatic roles.

  48. 1) A list film actor. Yes, A-list, no ifs ands or buts.
    -George Clooney, undisputed
    2) Well, if he had stuck with what made him famous he probably wouldn't have made it to A-list but he adapted.
    -Clooney got famous on TV, roseanne and ER
    3) Latest film. Not a great film.
    -clooney even admitted leatherheads flopped
    4)First day. Table reading. Our actor showed up for it and was so drunk he could barely stand.
    -we know clooney drinks til wee hrs as admitted by devito when he was sloppy drunk b4 appearing on "The View"
    5) Oh, did I mention that he rode his motorcycle to the place? Yeah...good...right?
    -we all know about the bike accident w/sarah
    6) Well, everyone LOVED him...said it was one of his best readings ever...he was brilliant.
    -who is the most beloved (by journalist, fans, and bloggers)a list actor right now who could do no wrong. even if this last point is debatable, when u put it together with the rest its def clooney. ive never been so sure about a blind before in my life.
    I have posted before but i only really chime in when its as transparent as this!
    -also for those who still dont believe cuz it goes against his public persona..give the credit to his publicist and handlers. we've been fooled by good publicists before. i.e britney, mel gibson, and tom cruise
    Ent, I rest my case, lol

  49. So many possible answers....

    Liam Neeson is not A list. Can't be him.

    Clooney seems very serious about his craft, I just cannot see him as the blind.

    My first instinct was Harrison Ford. I remember a story on Laineygossip about him being drunk at the Oscars. However, I don't know what his adaptation was.

    Second thought was Keanu. I know he has a motorcycle, hasn't had a great film lately, and his adaptation would have been from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure to where he is as an actor today.

  50. It has to be Nicholas Cage - why else have the hint about 'but he adapted'? And I thought everybody in Hollywood did this sort of thing whenever they could, so I can't pretend to be shocked.

  51. May be just a coincidence, but Mel Gibson is making a motorcycle-related movie right now called Under & Alone.

    This sounds like Mel to me--the adaptation was getting away from Lethal Weapon & moving into directing.

  52. I'm siding with the Will Smith camp.

  53. Keanu.

    Keanu Keanu Keanu Keanu. I'd almost bet my life on it. In fact, minus the hugging (and possibly the burrito-in-pocket, though I didn't get close enough to tell) it seems pretty much exactly as he was when I spotted him 12/06 (that 06/12 for the non N.A. folk)

  54. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Keanu is a motorcycle rider also.

  55. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Plus if Keanu did a reading drunk, it wouldn't be much different from sober. LOL

  56. brendalove:

    No. No it wouldn't. Now, have you personally been tortured by "Sweet November?" for longer than the 5 minutes it took you to find the remote control? I wouldn't rule out a total, 100% sauced-on-screen rendition with that tour de force performance.....

  57. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Why can't I stop thinking "Robin Williams"?

  58. Am I the only person who remembers George Clooney from "The Facts of Life"? You know, before "ER" and before "Roseanne"?

    I don't think it's him because his ego won't let him be anything less than professional. Also, because I agree with whomever said that he only does his own productions anymore and would likely have just called it for another day.

    John Travolta- CoS doesn't like the alcohol, and he's a little hardcore in his adherence to L. Ron's "commandments". Though a burrito in the pocket? Yeah, I can see that one happening, except he'd eat it before asking anyone what it was.

    I think the "happy, friendly" drunk piece of the puzzle fits Jamie Foxx best, but I really have to have more clues!

    I don't know if Keanu would be a friendly, huggy drunk, though there are those people who are the exact opposite drunk. I don't think it's him because I'd really argue that he's not A List to begin with. (Don't give me the crap about being in "A Franchise", the last two Matrix films were a joke and where else have you seen Keanu in the intervening years, hmmm? If he were really A list he'd we working constantly, or at least would start getting good reviews for his *cough* "acting".)

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. @syko-
    Because Robin Williams seems like the type to be a huggy, happy drunk, that's why! Though he's a bit tubby and I doubt he'd be able to sit on a motorcycle, let alone ride a motorcycle drunk without falling over.

    @ragdoll- 5 minutes is the new record to Sweet November! HaRDcoRE!

  61. Jim Carrey definitely.

    "no ifs and or buts" could be me myself and I(renee)" type reference.

    Also, if he stuck to what got him famous, comedy/slap stick movies, he could have been even bigger, but he has proven to be a solid non comedic actor.

    I think he rides motorcycles too. Doubt Robin Williams does.

  62. So Clooney! I would put money on this. I think we should have a pool going, and then we would see who wins once Ent reveals. Yes Ent, you would get a cut of the action....
    BTW, I want more Julieta Venegas pictures!

  63. If it turns out to be Robert Downey Jr. I may scream. I want him to do so well. The whole "Well, if he had stuck with what made him famous he probably wouldn't have made it to A-list but he adapted" made him the first one to pop into my mind followed by the affectionate remarks. Ho boy. Please be Will Smith...

  64. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Dear Flora,
    Of course I remember Clooney from the Facts of Life. I think he was the handyman.

  65. Clooney got drunk on the first Kimmel show too. But Clooney can function very well when drunk. This is so not him. Doesn't fit Keanu's serious attitude towards filming, even though he is a stoner.

    Nic Cage is definitely A-List and going through a divorce right now. I can see him whipping out a burrito too.

  66. OT from random photos today:

    Maybe Heather Thomas is the answer to the Vixen Blind?

  67. OT from random photos today:

    Maybe Heather Thomas is the answer to the Vixen Blind?

  68. Flora -
    I remember when he was George the handyman......
    And he looked damn fine on Roseanne.

    I'm with whoever ssaid we should have a pool on who this actually is. Enty - can you run this thang??

    And you'd BETTER reveal it....
    I'm going with Mel Gibson..

  69. wow, first, sorry so long.
    I've seen some really good guesses here and just dont have a clue other than I think the food thing is a strange clue - think about the times you've been wasted. Most of us wouldn't put food in our purses/pockets:
    GC - I agree with some posters that he's somewhat of a control freak and wouldnt be so unprofessional food or booze-wise.
    Nic Cage - couldn't picture him w/ food in the pocket - well kinda couln't ... he's a bad actor and from a famous family so maybe. Oh wait, there was affection, he does not strike me as affectionate.
    Mel G - do people that use the term "sugar tits" eat burritos (grin) plus not affectionate
    Harrison F - too thin for a burrito - and his gf/fiance wouldn't allow such a food product - oh wait, maybe that's a clue - heheheh - oh wait, not affectionate either.
    Keanu - meh, I know in the definition he is A list (can carry a franchise but he is just such a horrid actor - in my opinion).
    Im going to group the COS freaks into one bunch, cuz lets face it, they are a cult and while I cant stand them, they tend to shy from blatent drink/drug - which is as close to a compliment as I'll ever come - asshats - just wanted to be clear where I stand.
    Jamie Foxx - don't know too much about him other than I thought he was great in Ray. He and most of the others seemeed to have had quite a run in TV before they had A list status.
    Brad P - hmmmm, could actually see him doing the food in pocket thing; he's a bit dirty by accounts and Im not talking dirty in a good way. But I consider him in the -wouldnt do it cuz of the kids- factor - I think he likes kids and wants a lot so wouldn't risk it nor do I think he'd risk his reputation.
    Johnny D - nah, going to lump him w/ GC and Brad - he had kids and seems relatively stable - wouldn't risk it, has no/mastered demons -not real/affectionate - has been in the buis for a while and doing well.

    I have no clue - but really like all the guesses!
    thanks for the entertainment!

  70. My money is on Jamie Foxx, the mighty Oprah's golden boy before Barrack. "Everyone" would have to "love" him at the reading. She personally kept her foot on Jamie to keep him from getting out of hand while he was nominated for "Ray" and for a decent interval after he won. Poperah put the fear of God into him about staying out of the tabs. Maybe she forgot to mention staying conscious at readings.

    I have the impression from the wording that everyone didn't just say the actor was brilliant while he was drunk, but later, too .
    George Clooney and Mel Gibson are both old enough and have been in the business long enough to know they aren't brilliant when they are too plowed to speak. Clooney would have called bullshit when he sobered up.

    Jamie is newer to A-list status and has the big entourage feeding the ego.

    Nicolas Cage or Harrison Ford would be my second choice.

    Harrison has been incoherent for years. I don't know if he is ever sober. I always thought he was on Lithium or something to live with Calista. He probably has to hide his food because she won't let him eat. Plus, He hasn't worked alot in recent years so he isn't in practice of sobering up on schedule. I might have to change my vote. Harrison is looking like a good contender for this one.

    Nic Cage would believe he was brilliant drunk. Cage is good candidate for most blinds.

    I am not sure from the blind if the film is out. It could still be in production and it is already known that it isn't a great film.

  71. OT
    Anyone else notice how Oprah chooses certain up and coming male (and some female) actors, Oscar winners, and now political candidates to mentor, endorse or take under her wing in much the same way that the GMD has been known to do with young actresses & actors? You know.....helping them to learn the ropes and stay on the straight and narrow path.

    I just love it when the chosen ones won't play follow the leader.

  72. Food for thought, no pun intended: my aunt is a flight attendant and had Keanu on a trip. She said he was nasty. Dirty, smelly, eating a tuna sandwich that was falling out of his mouth, flying everywhere. But undisputed a-list for Keanu?

  73. According to imdb George Clooney just finished a movie "Burn After Reading" with the Coen brothers. He is now doing a voice for an animated film directed by Wes Anderson. But I really hope this is not Clooney.
    I think the only way Travolta would have a burrito in his pocket was if his chef prepared it for him.

  74. ashli in ny:

    yep. That pretty much mirrors my experience, minus the eating of food. Keanu = sloppy, dirty, pungent-smelling and incoherent. But not a mean person. He tripped over my dog's leash and he even mumbled what sounded like an apology, even though it was kind of my fault for letting the leash out all the way, and not paying my full attention to the dog.

    Smoking Gun also tells us that Reeves has a drunken driving arrest(no conviction)--while on his motorcycle--from Santa Monica, CA in 1993.

    One last thing: may or may not be a clue: if you google his old interviews, there is one where the writer describes running into some teen girl fans of Reeves'. And they ask him for a hug, and when he obliges, Reeves says "...oh, of course, yeah. Hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses...." that line is taken pretty much word for word from that interview, so the "hugs and kisses' line might be a clue.

    Team Smelly Keanu! I actually kinda like that he's a complete, nasty, smelly slob worth like $300 MillionUSD. And let us never forget his secret foreign wife, Bwa ha ha!!!

  75. Keanu as an A-lister....hmm.

    Ok, so, yeah...Speed and the 3 matrix movies. Can he open a film on the strength of his name alone? How did Street King do? Did he open that up big, or does Street King not count because Forrest Whitaker was in it, and he is an Oscar winner?

  76. I can't see where anyone has noted that "jacket" is in bold and underlined. That's a clue. Wasn't there just a picture of someone in a Member's Only jacket?

  77. It's Cage. Rides a bike. Often very affectionate and is kinda likable. Adapted is used, referring to ADAPTATION. If he had stuck to Leaving Las Vegas films, he wouldn't have gotten so famous.

  78. Jacket isn't bolded & underlined by Ent. It's one of those annoying ads that finds keywords in the text and creates links on them for various

  79. Here's a new guess:

    What do you guys think about Leonardo Dicaprio as a guess? I've heard that he rides a motorcycle, he's still A list, and his last film was Blood Diamond which didn't do all that well.

  80. I can't see Keanu being undisputed A-lister. And I can't see Angelina allowing Brad to show up anywhere drunk off his ass - she'd castrate him. I do like the Nic Cage guess more and more, though, because I don't want it to be Clooney. When's the NEXT REVEAL????

  81. Could this be a comedic actor like Will Ferrell? I could see him being huggy and a funny drunk. Don't know if he has a motorcycle.

  82. Is Richard Dryfuss considered A-list?

    Last year he was recording the voice-over for that shark documentary and the first day at the studio, he arrived straight from Vegas drunk.

    He kept asking for lattes the entire day. He slurred so badly that all recordings had to be trashed. He had to come in the next day and do it all over again. And, of course, the crew was forced to come in and do it, too.

    But I don't think it's any secret that he's a lush.

  83. shegundala:

    Yeah, I had my doubts about KR = "Undisputed A-List" myself. But shows that he puts asses in the seats. Even the clunkers make money. I mean real CRAP like "Lake House." (There were people who freeekin SAW that garbage? It made hundreds of millions worldwide, damn!)

    For the sake of argument, though, should we remove films like "Lake House" and "Something's Gotta Give"? Because with those movies, it could be argued that people went to go see Sandra Bullock or Jack Nicholson.......

    If we eliminate movies where he's working with actors people actually WANT to see, then all we have left (after the 3 Matrix) is "Constantine" which was a hit despite him. The rest of his stuff on IMDB is indie movies.

    So, "by definition" KR is actually "undisputed A-List" He makes studios money. Even when the movies are crappy, they make money. And he has the franchise thing.

    Now, the only other thing i see that's funny is that if this is not "Street King" that this blind is about, then......

    Which reading did he give, sauced? I wish it were the one for "The Day The Earth Stood Still"

    "Uuhhhnnh..duuuuude, liiiike,"

    I'd pay more to see that than the movie.

  84. Anonymous5:14 PM

    George Clooney was on Facts of Life, too.

    I think it's Robin Williams. He was effing MORK.

  85. George Clooney was my first thought because of his stint on Facts of Life etc. (Can you say 'mullet'?) and because of the motorcycle. Surely he's a confirmed A-list?

    Harrison Ford arrived at several of his interviews behind the controls of either his own helicopter or plane. He regularly pilots himself around, including to movie sets. It's been years now, but I remember hearing from friends who were involved in films (how pretentious does THAT sound??) that he was really serious and didn't suffer unprepared fools very well. Would he be the type that would be an affectionate drunk?

  86. I can't find my post that I made last night, sorry if I am just missing it and thus repeating myself...I think it might be Joh Cusack. He was in Adaptations and just looks smelly and out of it most of the two cents, maybe again.
