Monday, June 23, 2008

Today's Blind Items

You might want to cover your eyes for this one. It is pretty rough. B list actor. A list name recognition. Award winner for sure. (Not Ben Affleck lol) He's been married before. Films. All the time. Serious roles. No comedies for this guy. Not married now, but in a relationship with a non-celebrity. She's pregnant. Apparently she has told a few of her close friends that our B list actor rapes her often. She is afraid to go to the police because he is a celebrity and she is pregnant with his child and of course even though he rapes her almost every night, she of course still loves him.


kris said...

well, back to my no faith in humanity...

Anonymous said...

Ben Affleck is an award winner. He's got an Oscar for screenwriting Good Will Hunting.

that said, this guy's an ass and should be jailed.

Shegundala said...

benicio del toro

mooshki said...

Ugh. :(

Alice D Millionaire said...

benicio was engaged but I don't think he has ever been married.

surfer said...

Ethan Hawke and his (pregnant) fiancee?

c. said...

ethan hawke and the nanny?

Sinjin said...

Jesus CHRIST! Unbelievable. Tragic. Happy to be single!

Anonymous said...

ENT just said its not Ben Affleck to throw us off the trail.

Unknown said...

This would definitely be difficult to prove in court because she admits to being the girlfriend, right?

ENT, why not weigh in on her legal rights IF she were to choose to utilize them?

BlahFrickinBlah said...

I like the Ethan Hawke guess. He is just the type of scumbag that would be capable of this type of behavior. Asshole.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

Ethan Hawke isn't an award winner.

Benicio del Toro has done a few comedies/less-than-dramatic films (e.g. Big Top Pee-Wee, Fear & Loathing, Swimming With Sharks).

I'm drawing a blank on this one.

AlishaK said...

Hmm. Ethan Hawke has tons of nominations. Wonder if it's an error or red herring in the BI, or if we're just looking in the wrong place.

Shegundala said...

Here are some award winners who are "B" list - or at least not blatant A listers - and I don't know who is married and who isn't.

Javier Bardem
Ed Harris
Geoffrey Rush
Tom Wilkinson
Adrien Brody
Nicolas Cage (A list?)
Michael Caine
Daniel Day-Lewis
Ben Kingsley
Jude Law
Jamie Foxx
Don Cheadle
Leonardo DiCaprio
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Terrence Howard
Joaquin Phoenix
David Strathairn
Forest Whitaker
Ryan Gosling
Tommy Lee Jones
Viggo Mortensen -

Unknown said...

UNtil I realized Ent said no comedies I was going to say Matt M.

Whoever this is he's scum.....

He-Man said...

Ladies and Gents,

It is Billy Bob Thorton.

Shegundala said...

ding ding ding! i think we have a winner!

Unknown said...

Actually, if Ent hadn't said award winning, I'd have said Phillippe.

Unknown said...

BBT did Bad Santa

rufusjonz said...

Adrian Brody jumps out at me from that list

lutefisk said...

I would never pin this horrid mess on Affleck..
Has Ryan Phillipe ever won anything?

IndigoBlue said...

I don't think it's Billy Bob. He's done a lot of comedies. Mr. Woodcock, Bad Santa, Badder Santa, just to name a few.

That being said, I got nothin'.

Shegundala said...

Actually I'm not sure if all those guys WON awards - they were all nominated for Best Actor.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

Married (currently) on that list of shegundala's:

Ed Harris
Nic Cage
Daniel Day-Lewis
Ben Kingsley
Geoffrey Rush
David Straithairn
Tommy Lee Jones

Never married (that I know of):
Leo DiCaprio
Joaquin Phoenix
Don Cheadle
Phil Hoffman
Jaime Foxx
Adrien Brody
Javier Bardem

Divorced, but don't know if involved with anyone:
Viggo Mortensen
Jude Law

Unknown said...

Adrien Brody?

Sparkles81 said...

Ryan Phillipe is dating Abbie Cornish...she may not be hugely famous but she has acted in her fair share of films...

I was going to go with Adrien Brody but I don't think he's been married before.

Sounds like this is the first baby for the couple in question...

lutefisk said...

I thought maybe Ryan could have someone on the side--there was a blind awhile back , maybe from Lainey about someone not using condoms, & impregnating unsuspecting people, & I think he was guessed.

sauvage said...
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sauvage said...

Adrien Brody is with Elsa Pataky who is not a non-celebrity. That rules him out.

jax said...

loud diamond plillips? ddint he beat up his women not long ago.

god i suck at this. but im really good at saying its not BBT.EH or AB. it isn't! i refuse. IMO.

Emobacca said...

Billy Bob has done his fair share of comedies though (Bad Santa and Bad News Bears) so he doesn't fit the blind

Leah said...

How do you LOVE someone who rapes you? There's got to be more to this story.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

Some new names that haven't been mentioned yet:

Ralph Fiennes
William Hurt (constitutionally incapable of doing comedy)

.... both of whom, sadly, I can see fitting this item. Hope it ain't true, though.

Unknown said...

so what about amy winehouse and her emphysema? was that the big health issue you have been alluding to Ent?

And the other health scare rumor- was that really about ashley tisdale (which she has come out in us magazine and said it was false)?

Shegundala said...

Some other winners from Supporting Actors in the past couple of decades:

Chris Cooper
Javier Bardem
Tommy Lee Jones

The others have all done comedies.

surfer said...

I think everyone is assuming this person is an Oscar winner - ent doesn't say what type of award. Ethan Hawke won a Gotham award last year. Doesn't mean it's him though.

Anonymous said...

Not to deviate too much from topic, or offend anyone here, but when does rape just turn into being blatantly stupid? How could you possibly love someone who was making you have sex against your will? Why would he even have to make you? This has fucked up written all over it. I understand cycles of abuse, fear, feelings of entrapment, but Jesus FUCKING Christ. Afraid to go to the police? He's not fucking Sal Mineo or Lucky Luciano, or even Suge Knight for Christ's sake.

Joan said...

Yes, he is a waste of human being, but.... she's not very bright either, LEAVE, RUN, GET THE HELL OUT!!!

Unknown said...

i agree with bad fish...something is missing from this

Dijea said...

Piece of Sh*T if you ask me.

Unknown said...

Ooooooooookay... blogger ate my comment... again.

Well, I was gonna guess Ben Affleck... ;) Then was promptly tempted by the BBT guess, but remembered his dark comedies...

B list w/A list recognition... Award winning, only serious movies... How about Gary Oldman?

Impertinent Vixen said...

Bad Fish, Sal Mineo was dangerous?

I got no guesses. Ethan Hawke is a good one.

Ayesha said...

badfish and leah, I have to agree with you.

A quote that fits: There's a point where you stop being a victim and start being a volunteer. Or: Burned me once, shame on you. Burned me twice, shame on me.

Not that the actor isn't a scumbag, but something ain't right with this chick, either.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

Mark Wahlberg has a preggers non-celeb girlfriend and is unmarried. But I don't know if he's ever been married. (He did win a couple of non-Oscar awards for The Departed, if memory serves...)

Ellen said...

don't mean to change the topic, but....

I've been out of the country - oddly enough to copenhagen, which as mentioned in the random photos actually was quite a happy place - did i miss the math on jamie lynn spears?

i may still be jet lagged, but there is something wrong when i count backwards - and i didn't see a post here.

another blind item reveal?

also, what's up with the old lady ad? creepy...

Eeyore said...

Tommy Lee Jones was in some comedy type movie not that long ago with cheerleaders or something. A total bomb. I am going to have to go with Ethan Hawke here.

ElsieFire said...


Isn't the rightful quote:

Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

George Bush.


Sorry, I digress and apologize for the hijack. Tee hee.

Unknown said...

I hear a lot of people saying how stupid the woman is... do a little reading on abuse and you'll understand a little more. The most dangerous time for a woman in an abusive relationship is when she decides to leave/right after she leaves. A little compassion, people.

mooshki said...

Abusers are usually experts at manipulation. If you throw in the charisma of an actor, I'm sure he has f-ed her mind as much as her body. They start as the perfect boyfriend, then they chip away at a woman's self esteem until she believes it's all her fault, and that she has no escape.

Also, we all know that to way too many people, famous people can do no wrong. If I were her I would never want to go public for fear that one of his fans would attack me.

Anonymous said...

@Impertinent Vixen: All I meant was, she said she was afraid to go to the police because he's a celebrity. But I don't know what that has to do with anything. Sure, sometimes celebs are dealt a special kind of scott free justice. But facts are facts and the brutalization of a woman is a big deal. Its not like this guy has some kind of power to have the woman harmed should he become pissed off for some reason. Being a celebrity won't save you if you're raping a pregnant woman.

Ms. said...

I like the Ethan Hawke guess too.

Lots of men are capable of this, unfortunately.

John Heard is definitely capable of this - ask Melissa Leo (played a detective on that old series, Homicide). S.O.B. used to beat the shit out of her and when she left him he harassed & stalked her so badly she actually left Homicide and turned down numerous jobs so he couldn't find her. I heard this from someone who directed a few episodes of Homicide. IMDB makes reference to it too. Yet, that fucker still gets work.

jax said...

its called mind control...victims are vitcims whether they stay for 1
raping or 20. who knows what this abuser has been telling her.

Kitty said...

Tommy Lee Jones has done comedies: the MEN IN BLACK pics.


Kitty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Mark Wahlberg was never married, Viggo Mortensen would be wandering around A list due to the best actor Oscar nod. And seems G/F less.

Could Ethan Hawke be that crummy and wasn't he in Reality Bites, a comedy?

I am thinking someone much younger, a Josh Hartnett type in their 30's.

On another note, what woman would risk harming thier unborn baby that way, even if you were afraid nobody would believe you, file a report and get the hell away from that sadist as soon as possible. Really dreadful story.

Jazz Hands said...

Not to mention the likelihood that the press would get ahold of her name and tear her up just you all are so willing to do

jw12 said...

Has Jude Law ever done a comedy?

parissucksliterally said...

I'm going with Ethan Hawke.

I'm sure he has won SOME kind of award in his career.

Anonymous said...

Its not that I'm even blaming the victim or saying "Oh she's so dumb", its more just an out loud wondering, venting, because I simply don't understand what its like to hate myself enough that I wouldnt take off if someone was abusing me. If someone tried to hurt me, I'd hurt them back, so of course its hard for me to fathom.

Jazz Hands said...

That's fine bad fish, but you should know that your "venting" sounds a fucking lot like victim blaming to many victims of sexual abuse.

hey, maybe it could be an original idea for your blog, instead. a few of those could come in handy.

jw12 said...

Ethan and the Nanny have applied for a marriage license according to the NYPOST.

Wil said...

Damn .. no idea .. but I hope the girl gets help and our B list actor with A list name recognition is hung by his balls in a public square - especially if it turns out to be Ethan Hawke. [I just get a serious scumbag vibe off that dude.]

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leah said...

See here's the thing: if she is being raped over and over, then she's not staying because she loves him. She's staying because she's afraid of him or she's too messed up mentally to break free.

Bottom line, there is no love when there is rape.

Shegundala said...

There are many reasons why a woman who is pregnant would be reluctant to leave her boyfriend/husband, even if he was abusing her daily. We don't know her mindset. Add to the mix the fact that he's not only a celebrity, but an award winning actor (which carries with it some prestige and inherent credibility that might make it difficult for people to believe her side of the story; or worse, that she wants to stay to keep the perks of his lifestyle) and you have a real dilemma. It's easy for all of us "liberated women" to say we'd file charges and flee, but we're not living it daily. We can think and say he's scum, but let's face it: we're not talking about the father of OUR child. Just my .02.

She's Electric said...

jw12 said...
Has Jude Law ever done a comedy?
He came to my mind too, but he's done Alfie and a few other comedic parts.

Ethan Hawke seems sensible. He just comes across like a creep.

This blind is so terrible. Whoever it is, I hope he gets taken down for this--brutalized by the law and the press.

bionic bunny! said...

isn't this a variation of stockholm syndrome?

my first marriage was a constant onslaught of verbal and psychological abuse. what he may threaten to do to her may seem to be worse than what she's already enduring.
even men who beat their wives (or children) brutally will tell them "you know i have to do this because i love you? and i'm the only one who could ever love you because you need this?" and other such stuff.
fucking predators.

jw12 said...

Hot Caliente-I forgot about Alfie.

I looooved Ethan in Before Sunrise. Julie Delphy had nothing but praise for him.

MadLyb said...

I've read many of the comments here and know why most rape victims suffer in silence. Effing-A. Show a little compassion, people. Like maybe try and put yourselves in someone's shoes who isn't as perfect as yourselves. Sheesh.

Kory said...

This is completely fucked up! This fake BI is causing you people to take the names of some decent men and guessing if you think they are rapists or not.

It's not the same as guessing about the gays and coke whores. This is a vile crime and an extremely serious accusation that is being used as entertainment value.

I am disgusted.

He-Man said...

ralph fiennes did Maid in Manhattan... If that can be considered comedy..

Eeyore said...

Hawke was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for Training Day.

KMG852 said...

I just kept thinking Marky Mark Walberg when reading it. Don't know what awards he has won though.

Sinjin said...

First, I'm of the same opinion as Kory.

Secondly, I am sure it's not Adrien Brody, as he's A-list (Oscar Winner), never been married, and has been in a comedy very early on (Angels in the Outfield). So all you who guessed him can just shut up about Adrien.

mina said...

I dont know why, but I thought of Colin Farrell.

Kara said...

OBVIOUSLY there is more to this story. It's a short little blind item.

I thinking there has to be something there about him preferring her when she DOESN'T want to have sex with him. At some point, if she loved him and is pregnant by him, she was okay with having sex - and now he rapes her every night? That sounds like someone that doesn't want to have loving, emotional sex and if she seemed willing to have sex would start being forceful and mean until she was asking him to stop. You know? Just being so cruel/creepy/hurtful during the act that she's like get off me and he won't.

That type of sexual abuse is not unheard of in physically and mentally abusive relationships. Plus - the woman is often able to tell herself it wasn't "really" rape because she consented until he started hurting her or whatever.

Catherine said...

James Woods?

katespades said...

sorry to be off topic..but these courtney love pictures hurt to look at..

is this our hiv+ singer?

Sydney in Wonderland said...

I'm off-topic as well. I can't remember how far back it was, but I think it was fairly recently (I've been catching up on the blind items for the past month or so now that I'm comfortably back in front of my monitor) that there was a blindy about a couple being broke and being down to 0 or 1 employee? A big guess was JLo & Skeletor?

Michael K just posted this on dlisted, which would seem to work both for and against that guess. For being that she wanted steep discounts and didn't purchase anything; against being that she had an 8-person entourage, including bodyguards. Hrm, I kind of wanted it to be them.

selenakyle said...

Kill the moth*rf*ck*r in his sleep and make an example of his sorry ass.

Julie said...

i thought award winners were automatic a list?

that being answer Grace, in a lot of states (this may or not be California, and I don't know the law there) a wife can still press charges on her husband for Rape. Just because there is a prior/on-going relationship doesn't mean that there is justification for not listening to "not tonight" or just plain "you fucking disgust me, but i'm afraid to leave you. no."

as for Ethan Hawke. He makes me throw up. I met him once, not on purpose. His stench preceded his face. I turned around to see what died, and there he was. *gag*

i don't want to guess because i want this girl to get help...i wish these "friends" would get her help instead of gossip about her.

Also, maybe its not public knowledge that shes pregnant. could be a newfound discovery and the guy doesn't know? I thought I heard Abbie Cornish was pregnant, but I could be wrong. I also don't really want to guess at all because I feel bad :x

dixiebell said...

Folks, with all due respect, why don't you try reading something about domestic violence before making such stupid, ignorant comments about being a volunteer for it? There are lots of websites about what it's like to be in a relationship with an abuser. Ever hear of stockholm syndrome? Of course not. I didn't think so.

dixiebell said...

And finally-one in five women will be abused in her lifetime. One in five. That's someone reading this, someone you know, someone you spend the holidays with.

Off my soap box. My apologies.

dixiebell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm a little tardy to the party posting here but as I began reading all the nasty little comments about the woman who's "too dumb" to leave a man who rapes her, my blood began to boil a bit. I couldn't believe how many ignorant jackasses were outing themselves. Then I saw posts from people who's heads AREN'T wedged firmly up their posterior and thought "PHEW!!!" As for the victim blamers, Jebus H. Christ people, try reading something besides a gossip column sometime...

Here's a little something from a little ol' group known as RAINN:

* 1 out of every 6 American women have been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape).
* 17.7 million American women have been victims of attempted or completed rape.

* In 2006, there were 272,350 victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. (These figures do not include victims 12 years old or younger.)

* According to the U.S. Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey — the country's largest and most reliable crime study — there were 272,350 sexual assaults in 2006 (the most recent data available). There are 525,600 minutes in a non-leap year. That makes 31,536,000 seconds/year. So, 31,536,00 divided by 272,350 comes out to 1 sexual assault every 116 seconds, or about 1 every 2 minutes.

* Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes. 60% of rapes/sexual assaults are not reported to the police. Those rapists, of course, never spend a day in prison according to a statistical average of the past 5 years. Factoring in unreported rapes, only about 6% of rapists ever serve a day in jail.

* Almost 2/3 of rapes were committed by someone known to the victim. 73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger. 38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance. 28% are an intimate. 7% are a relative.

c17 said...

*sigh* My guess is that most of you have never been in an abusive relationship. As someone who has, allow me to retort:

A lot of victims never speak up. But some do. Something else to keep in mind: this is Hollyweird. Just because a celebrity's consort says that they're "raped" constantly doesn't mean that they are. They have the means to escape or the outlets to sell their story to. They have many more options than the invisible baby's momma in Oklahoma does.

What I'm saying is that you can't believe all that you read. Wait & see what you hear next before you make any decisions.

morgen dorffer said...

Eh.... This post makes me frown. The situation and the fact that it was even posted. It shouldn't be made a guessing game whether it's fake or not, it should be brought to the attention of some higher authority and not posted for fun and games or the 'sport' of figuring out blind items..

SouziQ said...

Colin Farrell!!!!

Anonymous said...

morgen - the reason why it's blind is because it's potentially libelous. Ent wants to get this out there, but doesn't want to get sued. I don't think anyone has fun solving these evil bastard blinds. It's more about identifying someone who's doing something wrong.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

Kory, I am with you on your comments.

ENT, as an attorney I am disappointed you would post such a blind item which causes peeps to start naming well known actors as rapists.

Shame on you.


c17 said...

dnfrommn ...or it could be about slander. I've read way too many things that were false & ended up taking away from the validity of real victims. If this is real, than Ent needs to pass this info on to someone who can help instead of feeding it into the Hollyweird Publicity Machine(tm).

libby said...

As a person who spent years with a man who slowly, deliberately convinced me I was worthless, no one else would ever want me, and I was the cause of every problem he had---I just have to remind some of you of the term "battered woman syndrome."

He didn't even hit me, but I spent years under his complete control. I can't imagine adding physical terror to the mix.

BTW, he was incredibly nice to me after I finally left.

And to whomever mentioned Melissa Leo---She was my favorite character on that GREAT show "Homicide." Her story was really tragic--she really had to hide for her life!

Has Colin Farrell won any awards? I don't think so...

Joanna said...

Dammit, my comment didn't post. Been having internet troubles all day... apologies if it shows up twice.

Anyway, as yet another person who has suffered an abusive relationship, this behavior doesn't surprise me. I like to think that I'm a very independent and strong woman, but it catches you by surprise. This woman isn't stupid, she's basically mind (and body) controlled by this guy. Having said that, I hope he dies a slow and miserable death. Soon.

As for the ethics, yeah it's skeezy. Pretty much all gossip is, though this takes the cake. I don't blame Ent for not doing anything about if her close friends can't do anything. He has no proof , though an anonymous tip to a cop somewhere couldn't hurt. Which he could have already done, we don't know. And sadly if she DID come out she probably WOULD get the whole "oh she's just trying to make him look bad and/or get his money!" ala R. Kelly, Kobe Bryant, etc. etc. It's so disgusting.

No guesses. Ben Affleck is the answer for every blind, but this time I'll blame it on his evil twin.

Oh and off topic, just because I saw the Ashley Tisdale HIV rumors yet again:

It was a prank. It was started by a certain "anonymous" on a certain internet image board everyone knows about because she "dared" to do a cover of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" a.k.a. the Rickroll song. I was on the board when they started the whole thing. If she really does turns out to be the singer with HIV, I'll eat my laptop.

PotPourri said...

Please don't mention people like Affleck and Wahlberg. He clearly stated it isn't Affleck and Wahlberg has never been married. Honestly, stick to the BI, not your imagination or who you hate.

To me, it has to be someone very deep and dark, like a Geoffrey Rush, John Heard or Daniel Day Lewis, people who have never done comedy.

PotPourri said...

Gerard Butler is in random photos. But I don't know anything about him.

alec j said...

what about liam neeson....he seems kinda dark....he won any awards?

Unknown said...

Geoffrey Rush is very far from "deep and dark" - he's actually a very funny man and has starred in quite a bit of comedy here in Australia. His film comedies include Shakespeare in Love", Intolerable Cruelty, "Starstruck" and "Children of the Revolution".

lutefisk said...

There are 3 sides to every story, but if this is indeed true, someone who knows can make an anonoymous phone call to her ob/gyn & just relate their suspicians. A doctor would notice any signs of trauma.
When my son was 2, a mother dropped offer her 2 year old girl for a play date and proceeded to tell me the daughter fell, and landed right on her private parts, so if I need to diaper her, & notice the redness & irritation, that is what it was from. I knew her husband tended to have an abusive side, & the minute she left I called the pediatrician that we both used. The little girl had an appointment coming up, & I relayed what was going on in my mind.

CarolMR said...

I think Liam Neeson and Daniel Day-Lewis are currently married.

Beth said...

Daniel Craig

Previously married. No comedies. Has a non-famous gf.

mooshki said...

"To me, it has to be someone very deep and dark..."

That's certainly possible, but many abusers are incredibly charming outside the home. Part of what makes it hard for the abusee - it really does seem unbelievable that they'd hurt anyone.

Last time I remember comments getting this heated was when Ent reported on the producer sleeping with the tween star. I'm glad that we are serving as a moral/ethical check on each other and Ent, but wouldn't it be better to try to educate each other instead of attacking? (Yes, I know I'm a Pollyanna.) I was ignorant about abuse for a long time, and I'm glad my eyes were opened to what really goes on.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Oh my God. I'm glad I didn't comment earlier, honestly. This whole blind/thread is really nasty. Rape just flat-out sucks, you guys. It really bothers me when people attempt to excuse it and somehow toss blame upon the victim. I'm surprised none of you inquired as to what she had been wearing that night and if she had been "asking for it" or whatever.

And celebrities (especially professional fucking troglodyte athletes) get away with this type of violence more than they should. It just makes me queasy. It's unacceptable in any circumstance -- whether you're some hapless college student in a tunnel or a pregnant woman in a long-term relationship. The End.

Sex should be joyful and consentual, and I'll shut my yammering piehole about that.

I think that abuse is complex, and if this blind is true, it's plausible. Who knows HOW pregnant this chick is (if it's Ethan, The Nanny is pretty unwieldly already) and how feasible it is to pack her ass up and leave? And she also might lack a lot of financial resources, herself. She's probably fucking terrified. God, if these blinds are true, famous people really are just like regular ol' humans: fucking EVil.

Ralph was in The English Patient, which is one of my all-time favorites, so I just...ooohhhhh I don't want to think that it's him! But I totally don't consider Maid in Manhattan a comedy, or even a "film", so he still counts.

Benicio Del Toro is a great guess as well, but doesn't Enty typically tack something on like "foreign-born" or whatever? Not that it matters. He always looks swarthy and pissy.

Daniel Craig is an interesting guess, but I kinda think that he's more of an A-list dude with A-list recognition at this point. Plus, he's hot and I don't want this pesky RAPE thing to distract from that.

Gross. Let's go back to blinds about whores doing drugs, now. I'll even take some fucking Affleck after this one.

Kristen S. said...

I immediately thought Sean Penn, but then I thought of Jeff Spicoli.

budford said...

sounds statutory in nature

Moonmaid said...

Hopefully it's not Viggo, who is also a recognized painter, photographer and musician, and who seems to have his personal life and priorities in order. I know people who have met him and everyone says he is a very nice interesting guy. I worked in a bookstore last year, and he came in and bought a lot of books as Christmas presents, and had them all wrapped. Didn't strike anyone as the violent type, just kind of quiet and devastatingly attractive.

Moonmaid said...

Who is Sean Penn dating now? He did do a couple comedies I think.

Kristen S. said...

Jeff Spicoli was his only comedy role, as far as I know. Wait, no, didn't he do that horrible Shanghai Surprise with his ex-wife?

microbekiller said...

Geoffrey Rush was the villain in the comedy Mystery Men with Ben Stiller.

Liam Neeson is married to Natasha Richardson and was in Evolution and Love, Actually (a RomCom). I don't know if it counts but he was also on an episode of The Simpsons.

Colin Farrell just did In Bruges.

John Heard was in Home Alone and Home Alone 2.

Ethan Hawke was in Reality Bites and this obscure comedy, The Velocity of Gary.

Ralph Fiennes was in Maid in Manhattan (a RomCom), In Bruges, and Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.

Benicio del Toro was in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure and Money for Nothing.

Daniel Craig did a UK comedy called Hotel Splendide.

Now that I've cleared everybody, let's stop speculating.

plot said...

Rumour has it that Viggo isn't that into women these days, or vanilla sex.

Viggo is A-list, I don't think he has A-list name recognition. Most ppl will call him the Aragorn actor, rather than remember his name.

This fits Ryan PhilliPAY too neatly - B-list roles with A-list name (as spouse of Witherspoon) with pregnant girlfriend who isn't a celebrity (as yet, still just an actress with no following.) Ryan has always been sulky and mean, but there's quite a leap from that to rapist. Also, saw some photos of him rescuing Deacon from a football camp (who sends a 5 year old to football camp?) Ryan looked so sweet and gentle with his boy.

RagDoll said...

I think Spicoli is back with his wife again.

This one stumps me. I was going to say (the obvious) Ethan Hawke or Colin Farrell, but the guesses make me wonder if we have the right age group.

Maybe it's someone older??

Lynne said...

CarolMR said...
I think Liam Neeson and Daniel Day-Lewis are currently married.

To each other?!?!?!?! GASP!

Sorry. In the midst of this heavy discussion, this just struck me as funny...

Unknown said...

i thought sean penn immediately

Unknown said...

OMG, Adrian . . . that just makes me cry. So awful.

I can't even guess on this blind. I couldn't even read the comments until today. The situation is too serious for me to speculate on. :( But then, we've had one or two others of a similarly serious bent. Remember the wife-beater?


Thandie said...

It's not Sean Penn; he's back with poor Robin R. Although his name did come to mind, knowing his abusive past.

I think Ethan Hawke... that guy gives me the creeps.

lutefisk said...

operaghost--it was sad. I never found out what really wen on, but they just had their 4th kid, & couldn't afford the first 2. But the point is, if any of this woman's family or friends know of something, & the victim is afraid ot too "in love" to go to the authorities, they should report any thing that they might suspect.

Paisley said...

First, no way is this either Sean Penn or Ryan Phillippe. Robin Wright and Abbie Cornish are both known actresses. Abbie might not be famous in the US (yet), but she's headlined movies.

Second, I hope the "friends" call this woman's family and let them know what's going on. Or, just throw her in the back of a car and drive 500 miles in one direction and keep her out of sight for awhile.

messymommy said...

Of the 44 films Ethan Hawke has done it looks like only two have been comedies with the most 1998 (the velocity of gary)
I googled 'actors with pregnant girlfriends' and only ethan, Matt Mc. and Tyrese come up.

Kerri said...

I'm voting Ethan Hawke, because the whole "comedy" thing is muddled.

Reality Bites was a comedy for everyone in it but him, he was very serious and more specifically NOT FUNNY. And his character's father dies in it, right? Not funny. The other movie is very obscure and a regular person (i.e. someone who is not obsessed with Ethan) would look at that name and think... Not a Comedy.

Plus he strikes me as nuts, just my impression.

Anonymous said...

Wow its insane how out of hand this thread really got. I heard maybe ONE other person than me question the situation and not only did you all jump on the bandwagon and grab your pitchforks, but you all acted as though half the participants in this thread were of the same opinion as me.

I HAVE been an abusive relationship, I know what its like to stay even when you're miserable because you're just so damn scared. Its not a blame game, but hey, victim or not, I cant have a lot of sympathy for women who have so little self esteem and hate themselves so much that they can't do the right thing for themselves, I just can't.


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