Friday, July 04, 2008

Blind Item Reveals

April 4, 2008

#4 - This television host refused to say anything to anyone when she went to a recent event. She posed for photos and made it look like she was enjoying herself and mingling, but in reality, she ignored everyone who spoke to her. At one point even turning her face to avoid talking to someone. Total time at even was about 15 minutes. Total amount of people she ticked off was about the same.

Tyra Banks


  1. I hate that bitch - she is a waste of skin.
    No surprise here.

  2. its ok she'll just send them day old cold cheeseburgers from Mcdicks.

  3. I knew it. Tyra sucks. Someone needs to rip off that chick's weave and whallop her with it.

    Cheeseburgers, anyone?

  4. Jax -- apparently, great minds think alike simultanously.

  5. I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

  6. I was checking out tickets for her show (not my idea) for my trip to NYC this December and I could not believe the bullshit rules she's got for the audience! Screw her, I'm going to Regis and Kelly. They're very nice to the audience.

  7. i knew it! i never bought the whole "i love everyone" act she likes to portray.

  8. pffft! At least Naomi Campbell owns up to being a raging bitch. Tyra sucks.

  9. stupid ho-bag! I love how Joel McHale constantly makes fun of her on The Soup

    Oooooo califblondy - do tell... what are some of the odd ones?

  10. What!!! TYRA!!!! Yeah Joel Mchale does love to make fun of her...
    "today.. were having a PANTY PARTY" I love that clip!

  11. ernestine- too true!

    calif- yes do tell!!!

  12. Yep, summa y'all called right on the money when it ran.

  13. I also LOVE Joel & The Soup and the much deserved Tyra bashing. He has said she is like the only one that has tried to keep the show from using her clips.

  14. Ugg, I should have known. What a bitch.

  15. Ok. ive been lurking since the beginning... created an account just to post this.

    This black female celebrity has the most carefully manufactured image in Hollywood. She comes across as modest but in reality she is a functional cocaine and "X" addict; and she also indulges in designer drugs. Before she hooked up with her recent boyfriend, he used to complain to friends that when he first met her, he had no idea that she indulged in so many drugs due to her carefully crafted image. Sadly, she encouraged him to indulge, and now-they are both on a variety of drugs. This woman can really turn it on for the camera but behind the scenes she is extremely rude. Famous people who have worked with her say, she doesn't even acknowledge you, it's as if you are invisible. Several famous men in the same field were big fans, they got a rep to arrange a visit when she arrived in their town and they looked forward to presenting her with flowers and expensive gift baskets. She walked right by them despite their fame and refused the gifts. A recognizable white pop star claimed he ran into her in Hollywood, when he said hi, she glared at him without speaking and then turned her back on him, when her aide told her who he was, she was somewhat apologetic but he told her, she should never treat people that way. If you work for this woman, you cannot have eye contact with her and you must speak to her through a third person at all times. Her manufactured image also takes a nose dive in the bedroom according to sources. She turns into a porn star and is considered extremely "gutter" in the bedroom. Who is she? Hint: Very well known.

    A LOT OF PEOPLE GUESSED HALLE BERRY BUT I GUESS WE KNOW WHO IT IS NOW! I've always wondered why she cant find/keep a man. Think about all the guys that come to her show/meet her anywhere and have the S.I/Victoria's Secret fantasy of her but nothing ever comes of anything. I cant be surprised and even i wouldnt have guessed it!

  16. me again. i was googling to figure out who the pop star is that she ignored and i found a link with a bunch of audience members/guest saying that Tyra's all sweet when the cameras are on and when they are off she is stone cold... what an a**h***.

  17. Damn, I saw that blind at PR and on ONTD and I don't think I saw ANYONE guess Tyra. But now that you bring it up j, you're probably right, and like you I can't even be surprised. She is such a waste.

  18. Uhm, excuse me, where is the HIV reveal Enty made such a big deal of-and promised to reveal today?

  19. I was at the CW Upfront in May and Tyra was there and did the same thing- stayed for 15 minutes, took about 2 pictures. Taking pictures with the crowd is expected of the TV personalities at these things- she was even behind a velvet rope, so it's not as if someone was actually going to *touch* her or anything...She walked past me as I was taking a picture of my friend. She looked at me as if I was about to take a picture of *her*, with this appalled look on her face, as if I was going to try to talk to her or something. When I laughed at her she ignored me but one of her entourage turned around and laughed.

  20. She was going out with Chris Webber when he played for the Sacramento Kings and had a rep for being a huge bitch back then too. She couldn't stand to be around the NBA fans and refused to come to games.

  21. she's friend with paul stanley?



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