Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Florence Henderson Thinks Peter Knight Is Divorce Court Bound

As Florence Henderson has aged she has certainly got more wacky, but one thing she and I agree on is that Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry are getting divorced. Not now, but soon. Very soon. Florence was doing press for her new Hallmark film and wouldn't even refer to Adrianne by name. Classic. Instead, Florence referred to her as "the person on the Surreal Life." I love it. Not the winner of ANTM or any other project that Adrianne dreams up inside her head, but rather a person who was on a show for two weeks that ended several years ago.

Florence, who is a licensed hypnotherapist went on My Fair Brady. I remember that episode. You could just see that she hated Adrianne with a passion, and did everything she could to talk Christopher out of being with her. But, Christopher decided to go ahead and get engaged and that decision kills Florence Henderson just a little bit more everyday. You hear that Peter? You are killing your mom.

Since that time, the couple has not asked Florence to come back for more counseling, but she does say,"maybe I will counsel the divorce." You just have to love this woman.


RagDoll said...

OOOH. INTERESTING tag, there. "Christopher Knight cuckolded"

A "cuckold" is generally a man who is forced to raise the child of another man, because the woman he's involved with led him to think it's actually HIS child.

Ms. said...

I love Florence Henderson. Anyone here see her turn as a clown groupie in the film, "Shakes the Clown"?

She was effing hilarious.

littleoleme said...

Flo know her shit. She's bang on with this one.

littleoleme said...

Flo know her shit. She's bang on with this one.

littleoleme said...

Hmm. Don't know why it posted twice.
Sorry everyone.

Anonymous said...

my understanding of cuckold was that it was a man whose wife cheated on him.

mooshki said...

Hey, at least he got a ticket back to Fameville from the marriage. And Florence Henderson may be riding that exact same train. Not that people will ever get tired of the Bradys, but it was their hookup that really got the interest going again.

Oh, and I love Flo too.

mags said...

I love Flo too!

I don't think it's too big of a leap for anyone to predict this marriage ending.

lutefisk said...

Peter was always my favorite Brady, but in that photo his eyebrows & make-up make him look like Joan Collins without her wigs.

sandman said...

I'll put an end to this nonsense by predicting that all hollywood marriages will end in deevorce, there ya go, heard it here first.

mooshki said...

Sandman, you're probably 99% right, but I have to stand up for a couple of my faves - Jessica Tandy & Hume Cronyn and Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward. It's always nice to remember that true love and commitment are occasionally possible. :)

captivagrl said...

that quote is mean-spirited. true or not,Flo is out of line. i expect more from a "christian" counselor.

Ayesha said...

Florence seems like a nice, sunny person, but she is hard as nails. Love her, though.

Kristen S. said...

I love Adrienne. I'd hand out with her in a New York minute. I'm talking her ANTM persona, not her Surreal Life one.

Flo? Not so much. Judgemental cow.

Peter Brady I'm neutral on. He has a decent body.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but he looks like Liberace.

audrey said...

I loved the Brady Bunch, but when Florence was on Surreal life, I thought she was a condescending bitch.

Unknown said...
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Sinjin said...

I remember hearing some news about it when the story broke years ago, but I didn't wanna know anything past Flo and Greg. I knew about Flo and Greg,whateverhisrealnameis Brady, but Flo did the dirty with PETER?!? OMG! REALLY!?Boundaries people! BOUN-DA-RIES.

nunaurbiz said...

You go, Flo!!!! And, uh, you too Chris.

Anyone who watched the show could tell that it would just be a matter of time before they got divorced. I mean, when you have to go to marriage counseling and you're JUST MARRIED, big indication that something's just not right.

All I can think is that somewhere, Christopher Knight's two ex-wives are laughing their assess off!!!!!

nunaurbiz said...

You can read what Adrienne says about Mrs. Brady on her MySpace page:

Robin said...

FH is acting ridiculous. It's pathetic that she has to sling mud to get publicity.

She acted as a "therapist" on The Surreal Life. Her "counseling" wasn't meant to be part of a helping professional. She just came off as a narrow-minded, judgmental, know-it-all.

It don't see how she would "counsel" someone's divorce if she has no credentials.

Where was she with all of her "help" during Maureen M's struggles. It's creepy that she's fixated on Chris, especially at his age.

bionic bunny! said...

she does have some creds, but i don't remember what they are, are where she got them from (same place as kathy girffith's minister cred? who knows) but she's blown in to a couple of "reality shows" in that position, and i don't like her in that capacity.
man, if the "peter kid" thinks he's happy, let him find out his own mistakes like the rest of us. that's what happens when you marry someone half your age.

but i do love love flo. she has "wessonality"!!!


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