Thursday, July 03, 2008

Random Photos Part One - With Lots Of Reader Photos (Including A Guy)

Leonard Cohen is a legend and one of the all-time best musicians, writers and poets. Definitely top spot.
Flash that wedding ring. All shiny like he hardly ever wears it. We'll just pretend the glass next to him is diet coke.
Nothing against Cheryl Cole or Tweedy or whatever she is calling herself this week. I actually kind of like her but I just have this thing against people who need someone to hold their umbrella for them. Think to yourself the last time you shared an umbrella with someone. After two steps you were probably like "screw it, I'll get wet." So, think about how spoiled you have to be to let someone get wet just to keep you dry.
David Arquette was doing some good work yesterday. If not for Leonard, he probably would have got the top spot. David was over at a local Girls&Boys Club to bring awareness to the Summer Food Service Program. I cannot even begin to tell you how important this program is. Yes, it is a government program, but it is always being threatened by budget cuts. During the school year, the federal government gives free or subsidized lunches to kids who can't afford food to bring to school. What about the summer though? It's not like all of a sudden there is money to buy food. We are always looking out at other countries and helping their kids eat, and I just think it is so important to make sure our own kids eat first. I honestly don't care if they are legal, illegal, or whether their parents are stealing from the government. If some kid wants to eat, we should feed them. Yesterday I was nice to Courteney and today David. Hell, the next thing you know Alexis will be back in FFF with a brand new photo. Did I say that?
Can't help myself. I love The Hoff. Was watching Dodgeball again over the weekend and his cameo in that film is priceless.
Apparently you are not supposed to touch the Prince or Queen while receiving an award. Who knew? Kylie Minogue didn't I guess.

And a gust of wind came along and the OBE flew away never to be seen again. Well actually it would be seen again, it's just that you and I would be bidding for it on ebay.
There are so many ways to go with this. All of them seem harsh. I mean there is the obvious Brokeback reference, or riding a horse again, or whether he should be riding bareback. But, lets just say Jake Gyllenhaal on the set of his new film.
Always looking like a million is Joan Collins.
Duffy - Amsterdam
Anyone want to count the covers that Naomi Campbell and Claudia Schiffer have been on?

The Neville Brothers - New York
Natasha Richardson and Liam Neeson on a little vacation. Love them.
Hey everyone. Guess what? Katie Price and Peter Andre are not crappy parents at least according to a judge. Well they may have won their suit, but I don't see anyone rushing over to their house anytime soon looking for babysitting services.
John Mayer - Milwaukee
Roisin Murphy - London

R.E.M. - Amsterdam
Paul Dempsey - Melbourne
I know there have been a few Pierce Brosnan photos in the past few weeks, but I think this is my favorite. It's nice to see him really smile, and he was even wearing jeans. Not Levi's though. That brand is crap now, so sayeth Jean Claude.
Congratulations to the happy couple as Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber are expecting their second child.

It's reader photo time again. Hope I have all the photos because all of them will be in one massive post tomorrow.

Our reader is the woman on the right.
Our reader with Daniel Evans.
Lovely reader #3

Our reader is the woman on the right.
Tiny, but there she is.
Reader #6 with a great smile.
Look. Hey look. Stop whatever the hell it is you are doing. Wake the wife and kids. It's a guy. A guy has actually sent his photo in. Can't see his face, but it is a guy.

Hey isn't that the guitarist from Blue's Traveler with our reader?

Our stunning reader is on the right.
Our reader is on the left. Love this photo.
Our reader didn't think she was pretty enough to send one in. You kidding me? Everyone is gorgeous here people. You are all money. All of you. Now lets all go watch Swingers together.
Both are readers. Yay! Finally a twofer. That's how they should all be.

Reese got stuck on the bottom. Guessing she doesn't read the blog, but maybe she will as she is taking care of Jake's chafing.


Cheryl said...

Yeah, nice is everybody else counting down the hours to the big reveal and the super-sized FFF?

Kara said...

I am counting down the hours! I'll be in at work anyway. It'll be a good way to pretend I'm getting something done.

I love the picture of the Hoff. He cracks me up.

Shegundala said...

i'm counting down the hours to the reveal, and also til ent stops posting reader pics.

OG Gossipmonger said...

who got to stand so close to trent!?!?!?!?!!?!?

yay!! i'm the "woman on the right"..the sepia pic :)

what is eight past six? said...

So you know how you'll be reading a site, and everyone is bagging on how fat/anorexic/unmade/just generally fubar a celeb looks? And then someone will inevitably says something along the lines of, "Yeah, and I bet all of you guys at home look like models, right...NOT!"

Well, I will never think or say those words when I'm reading the comments here again. I see now why the regulars at this site can talk shit so much. Lots of lovely readers here.

catherine said...

i like reader photos myself. Its nice to see who your talking to everyday.

Ms. said...

Okay, who's the hot guy (red shirt) in the reader photo where Ent wrote: "guitarist from Blue's Traveler"

Oh my gawd. Ent, get him for FFF. STAT.

lutefisk said...

What a bunch of cute readers.
But what's with Ben? He looks waaaaay to thin.

Ms. said...

oops - white shirt, red scarf for the hot guy.

OG Gossipmonger said...

LOL ADRIAN!!! you ARE McLovin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was thinking the same thing about benffleck!!!!!!

lutefisk said...

OG-- you are soo cute!

Ms. said...

Help me out here. Who's Trent. Guy in White shirt or the guy on the photo below? And who's Trent?

OG Gossipmonger said...

hey! thanks adrian!! that pic was taken at the infamous DUMP the Red Barn in palm desert, ca... how i miss it there! & i miss my friend Debbith, who is in the pic with me.

OG Gossipmonger said...

Ms. i am referring to trent reznor, from nine inch nails. he is in the green shiny shirt & i am so jealous of that reader!!!!

i lurve me some trent reznor <3<3

ykkstuck said...

so a long time lurker, occasional poster. I adore seeing the reader pics. You all are adorable!!!

Ent, thanks for the extra effort!! A full time job and full time blog is crazy - @#%$% Im going to school part time w/ full time job and am struggling (summer school sux). I know it sux because I cant visit as much as I'd like.


califblondy said...

OG, which one is you??

Ent needs to rename this place CDANWBP (with beautiful people)

Oh wow, a GUY reader picture? Cute. Meet me outside for a cigarette. ;)

jax said...

I am a CDAN reader and I have a license to talk shit. excellent.

cute readers...OG i knew you'd look all bubbly n

Ben needs rehab again.

i wanna know who the dude is!!!
can't be Dn??

OG Gossipmonger said...

lol. bubbly. thanks jax, i'll take that as a compliment! hopefully tomorrow, we'll get to see YOU!

califblondy - i am in the sepia pic, right above the tiny reader & right below lovely reader #3. :)

Ms. said...

gossipmonger - one more thing (sorry, I'm on stupid pills today). Still not sure which pic is of you since there are two readers' pics with two chicks in them.

And can anyone please please please tell me who the guy in the white shirt/red scarf is? He is sooooo effing hot....

Ms. said...

okay, you posted while I posted. Ignore my question. Know who you are now. :-)

Gotta say that all you readers are much braver than me with posting your pics. I'm too much of a chicken to post the real me for the whole world to see.

Now I want to see Jax's pic.

OG Gossipmonger said...

here is the real guitarist from blues traveller... i can see the resemblance, but do you think it is him, Ms.?
his name is chan (chandler) kinchla.

OG Gossipmonger said...

lol, here is one of him, clearly thinking about YOU, Ms.

hehehe :D

Uber*nought said...

Aww, the reader pics are great. Good to see peeps.

Hey we have a new mystery guy in the house and a hot one too! V. nice.

Also liked the pic at the pyramids. V cute girl with ma? You're a doll.

Uber*nought said...

Also like guy in the green top. I like everyone here, you guys are way cooler than the celebs.

We should just have a day of reader photos one time.

califblondy said...

Jax already posted a really nice picture of herself and brother. I guess Ent will re-post all the reader pix manana.

califblondy said...

If a reader hasn't ID'd themselves, will that also be revealed tomorrow? Let's just expose everything and everbody tomorrow. That's what I call independence. Happy 4th everyone.

lutefisk said...

I have a thought here--anyone think Enty might stick in a photo?

OG Gossipmonger said...

well, jax should be thrilled, i won;t be around tomorrow. until i get some extra moolah, i only have the internet at work & they are kicking me out this afternoon till monday(thank god).
so i will have to check everything monday when i come back to work. :(:(
very sad.... (for me at least)

jontando said...

I don't comment much, but I'm the guy who sent in the pic. That jacket is no longer with us due to a twenty foot slide during a motorcycle accident I got into last week.

lutefisk said...

sillylittlefreak--you deserve a medal for being the 1st guy on the site!

OG Gossipmonger said...

sillylittlefreak, you should comment more often! we need some testosterone commenting on this site!!

Mother Campfire said...

Califblondy, I think that is a wonderful idea. :)

And Adrian, doubtful. I still think he's a 34 year old female hair stylist living in LA somewhere... Who else could know this much? ;-)

xoxo Ent!

JJ said...

You all look so happy and beautiful.

Methinks that sillylittlefreak has a bit of Kfed in him. Perhaps with some of Brit's old extensions?? I'll believe it til I see otherwise.

Anonymous said...

sillylittlefreak - betther the jacket bite the dust than you! I bet you're still sore from that.

All of the readers are the hotness. Seriously. I've loved finding out how we represent all demographics of women - and men! All nationalities, huge age range, everyone special in their own way.

I vote we all meet at ENT's basement for an orgy. And we need someone to film it all.

And if I had a left nut, I'd give to have a pic of me with Ben Affleck!

lutefisk said...

maybe a bikini waxer?

lutefisk said...

brendalove--we can photoshop you with Ben!

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

OG--that would be me with Trent. :-) It was taken in late January 1995, after NIN played Atlanta (I was living in Athens at the time), at around 4:30 a.m. at the afterparty. How I got there is a rather long story (poor Ent had to read the whole thing along w/the picture), but it came down to being the woman behind the Reznor heater t-shirt, and I had the pleasure of hearing my humble design declared "the coolest shirt I've ever seen!" I've met him a couple of times since, but that was really the only time we've been able to chat, and he was a total sweetheart. (BTW, I don't look that different now--I've grown out my kinda-sorta bangs and I'm less ruddy since coming back North, but you'd still recognize me if you saw me.)

RagDoll said...

robin! I'm jealous. Trent when the music was still awesome! Pretty Little Hate Machine, The Downward Spiral Trent!!! MAN!!!

We definitely have the market cornered on cute readers. Smack-talk away, at very LEAST we have the gonads to answer : "Oh, YEAH? What do YOU look like?"

Jake is horseback riding, and Reese is carrying a purse that looks like a saddleback. See, now? It's those kind of cutesy-wootsy matchy matchy wink nudge things that make me put this "relationship" in the "sham" pile.

RagDoll said...

^^^Oooops. I meant "Saddlebag" I'm a child of the city. The closest to "livestock' I've ever gotten is the 3-inch roaches living under the sponge in the sink

Unknown said...

Jax: Are one of these photos yours? I've never seen so many lovely readers -- really ENT, you do have the best looking readers!

Even with man boobs, Liam Neeson is a hunk. Loved him in Woody Allen's "Husbands and Wives."

jw12 said...

Wow, there are some hot chicks and a dude on this board.....

I loved when Trent played at Woodstock w/ all of that mud on him. SO SEXY!!!

Ms. said...

gossipmonger, thanks for the links to Chan. Ciggie & wedding ring...bleh. oh well, I had my lusty fantasy for a few hours. That guy is seriously hot...

Cheri said...

Darn I didn't realize my photo would be so small! Now I am "tiny reader!" haha I'll have to find a bigger one next time.

Unknown said...

I always laugh to myself when I see John Mayer... He came to my university when he only had 1 hit, and was in Wal-Mart (we didn't have too many stores to choose from, and that was the only one with a music section) looking at his sales for his first album. My friend was so excited and wanted to say hello... Even then, you could tell he was a complete douchebag! He was wearing a long denim jacket with fur trim and trying to hide, as if there were paps really looking for him at that time... just a little story to lighten your evening :o)

Toni said...

Hi all -
late to the party but that is I with Chan. Trust - he is the guitartist from Blue's Traveler. He is SMOKING HOT and, as you guys discovered, married!! LOVE him - hubby got hot sex that night! LOL

mooshki said...

Leonard Cohen. Sigh...

So the rumors that Alexis hadn't yet made the cruelest cut are true? I don't blame him - that's a pretty final step to take.

The Hoff - if you haven't watched his music video for "Hooked on a Feeling," do so immediately. Link

Ditto what everyone else said - what a gorgeous bunch of readers!!!


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