Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Random Photos Part One

To start things off today we have a CDAN reader who took one for the team so to speak. As you can see, Natalie allowed herself to be loved on by Oprah's food guy last Friday in Hammond, Indiana, just so you, the reader, would have extra Random Photos.
After scrubbing herself clean, Natalie moved on and took a photo with the much more restrained Josh Kelley who posed after performing. She even asked a question about Katherine Heigl. No, she didn't ask if Katherine was off in a corner complaining about something, but did ask if Katherine was there. Josh's reply. "I wish." Well he seems pretty happy anyway.

A first time appearance for Chris Pine. He was actually out with Beau Garrett, but, hey, I know what you want.

Amy Sedaris killing someone.
It was nice of Artie Lange to do a benefit show last night, but wasn't he supposed to be in rehab?
Adrian Grenier seems distraught about his recent breakup with Isabel Lucas.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Isabel Lucas was out with Shia LaBeouf, although she tried really hard to keep from being photographed with him.
Jason O'Mara on the set of Life On Mars. Now, this is just a guess, but from the photo it would appear they are filming a scene from the 1970's portion of the show. Umm, I didn't realize Starbucks was around in the 1970's.

Julianne Moore from a new photoshoot.
Where have you been hiding Isla Fisher? It seems like yesterday she was pregnant, and now the baby is like ten months old.
Spandex, a tropical cocktail and Gordon Ramsay. You would think there would be a law or something.
Death, Cab, and their brother Cutie.
So, at this point, I'm thinking the only difference between Marilyn Manson and Michael Jackson is that Marilyn does at least make an effort to wait until they are 18. Barely.

Apparently Jessica Tovey did not enjoy the affections of Lincoln Lewis, so
he moved on to Kate Ritchie who also seems less than thrilled.
Lenny Kravitz - Amsterdam
I'm guessing that a relationship is not going to last if both people in the relationship are embarrassed to be shown together. Could Kimberly Stewart and Rhys Ifans be any further apart and still be in the car.
Winona Ryder on the set of her new film. I guess she broke up with her boyfriend so if you want to be #1,034 on her list of boyfriends, now is your chance.

One can only imagine what she brought Tommy Chong to get a kiss on the hand. Of course it could be she was the only one to show up and buy his book.
Patrick Wilson should immediately lose his guy card. Unless this was just a free sample, no self respecting guy would be seen with such a small amount of ice cream. Come on. Be a man, eat a whole pint at least.
It kind of looks like a mom dragging her Boy George loving kid through a shopping mall.
I smell a deodorant commercial in Oksana Baiul's future.


bmini said...

RAMSAY!!!!!!!!! naked sushi eating!!!!!!!

CDAN Mod said...

i like winona. is she rumored to be a mess? other than her little shopping excursion, lol.

mooshki said...

"HOLY (f*ck)." I was starting to thank Enty for the Gordon pic "(bl**dy w*nker) IS (f*cking) HOT IN SPANDEX!" when I noticed that he's texting. (What, so it took me a few minutes for my eyes to drift up and to the right.) "NICE (f*cking c*cks*cking) REVEAL, ENTY!

p.s. "GET YOUR (bl**dy f*cking) HOT SELF OVER HERE, RAMSAY!"

"Death, Cab, and their brother Cutie."

Stop it, Enty, you're KILLING me!!!

God does that Patrick Wilson photo ever scream "please, take a candid of me paps, please!" (On the other hand, "WATCHMEN!!!")

Sedaris love is eternal love.

amydylan said...

Home and Away, my favourite! Never mind the olympics what happened to Rachel?! Bloody Seven not letting international viewers into the interactive bit.

lutefisk said...

I think Kimberly Stewart and Rhys Ifans need all that extra room between them for their various STDS.

Benji Madden looks like he his from that Hailey Bop (or was it Bop Haily?) cult. EWW!

GladysKravitz said...

Winona Ryder is 37. Despite whatever she's gone through recently, she looks great. In fact, she looks like a young Katie Holmes in this photo.

Oh, you say Katie Holmes is younger than Winona? How was I supposed to know that? I guess Xenu has aged her.

mooshki said...

Nice one, Gladys!

Unknown said...

Every comment hysterically funny today!!

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Amy Sedaris wins the title of Hottest Bitch Alive. I LOVE HER!!! I actually think she's funnier than...dare I say it? David. And I think David is pee-your-pants-worthy hilarious. But Amy wins. She's the best Sedaris.

Winona is looking kinda rough these days, but I can't exactly place why. She's probably a hardcore smoker and her skin just isn't as dewy as it was in her youth. She's still super pretty, though.

Isla Fisher is gorgeous. LOVE her, love her hair, love the fact that she's an Aussie sheila, love the fact that she's Borat's woman.

*pouts and whines* I don't LIKE that picture of Julianne!

Paris and Benji are the ugliest couple alive. Big Bird and Boy (fat) George. Nice.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Gladys -- maybe I think Winona looks kinda rough because she DOES look like a (younger) version of Katie? That might explain a LOT.

bmini said...

Mooshki, you are my hero today!!!!

Unknown said...

If that was gelato, then yeah, it'd come in that size of serving.

...I can't believe that's what I'm focusing on...uhhh....ok, at least Marilyn Manson started out white?

jax said...

whatever she gave Chong pass in on!

Jim said...

Isn't that Shia's mother with Tommy Chong?

Winona looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

Oksana - I remember you as a 14 year old Olympic champion. So sad what you've become.

Any photo of Patrick Wilson is worth sharing, Ent. Same for Amy Sedaris.

I think Winona looks stunning.

SHE SHE said...

Adrian - yummy, yummy, yummy.
Marilyn Manson - SO GROSS.

Maja With a J said...

Oh God. That was way more Gordon Ramsay than I ever asked for.
I mean, along with the caption, it made me spit my delicious (not) detox tea all over my keyboard, but seriously. I love the fact that he's drinking a foofy drink though. I love men with foofy drinks.

I wonder if I could lure Shia in now by telling him that my left boob has healing powers? No lies here, folks, it has actually cured everything from depression to small cuts and scrapes. It's magic.

I think that picture of Julianne Moore is fierce. She really is a stunning woman, even though she does look a lot better "au naturale", as they say. And by "they", I mean people from Quebec.

BlahFrickinBlah said...

Julianne Moore looks fabulous. I've always loved her.
Winona looks good. Agree that she looks better than Katie.
Lenny=I lurve him so much. Wonderful musician.
Manson-time for a new schtick.
Ramsey=good lord! packing some heat outside of the kitchen I see.

Oh and ENT, Artie is in "outpatient" rehab. Talks to a shrink 2-3 hrs a day. Apparently the same guy that helped Richard Lewis get over his alcohol problem. Artie looks like total shit. After being on heroin, you think he would have lost at least a little bit of weight.

califblondy said...

Gordon Ramsay looks good, IMO.

Ms. said...

Jim: Shia's mom is not with Tommy Chong. Tommy has been married to his second wife for about 25 years. She's a gorgeous blonde and very funny.

If you get a chance, see the documentary on Tommy about his arrest for selling bongs. Fascinating doc on him, his family and the travesty of his arrest

(Turns out it was his son who was caught in a highly suspect sting of shipping a bong and Tommy took the fall for his kid).

Jazz Hands said...

Ooo, that was a reveal. Good catch, Mooshki. Aw, I was hoping it wasn't him.

Unknown said...

Can someone please explain the Gordon Ramsey reveal to me?

Jazz Hands said...

the original BI is here

I would have just copied and pasted the blind item, but the comments section is worth a look :)

Anonymous said...

The rumor is that Lenny Kravitz might replace Scott Weiland in Velvet Revolver. Just rumor, but that would kind of be pretty cool.

Maja With a J said...

The only thing about the texting chef is that the BI wasn't Ent's. It was from the Daily I'm not sure Ent would reveal it. Unless, of course, he too had heard the same rumour which is always a possibility.

mooshki said...

Ms., did you hear Cheech & Chong are reuniting?

Harriet, oops, forgot that wasn't an Enty one. :) So I guess it was his guess rather than a reveal.

Ernestine, you're right, Amy is even funnier than David. My favorite story from either of them is when she was getting off the train at a stop earlier than him, and as she walked out the door she shouted back "good luck beating that rape charge!" and the whole train wanted to murder him. (Apologies to the "rape jokes are never okay" folks here.)


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