Thursday, August 14, 2008

Robert Downey Jr. Not A Fan Of The Dark Knight

Obviously not everyone who sees The Dark Knight is going to be a fan of the film. I just didn't expect that one of those people would be Robert Downey Jr., and that if he did hate it, that he would talk about it.

"My whole thing is that I saw 'The Dark Knight' and I feel like I'm dumb because I feel I don't get many things that are so smart.

"It's like a Ferrari engine of storytelling and script writing and I'm like, 'That's not my idea of what I want to see in a movie.'

"I loved 'The Prestige' but didn't understand 'The Dark Knight'. Didn't get it, still can't tell you what happened in the movie, what happened to the character and in the end they need him to be a bad guy.

Robert then turned away from the reporter and got in line with his video rentals. His selection included Billy Madison and Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector.


Tania said...

I guess he's as entitled to his opinion as anybody. Haven't seen it, myself.

But RDJ, honey - Walken hair and a pornstache? No. Just, no...

mooshki said...

Tania - and that's not even with the scroll-down - his suit was hideous.

selenakyle said...

Dagggg, I take the last sentence to be pure snark?

RDJ's opinion of the movie didn't sound that bad, really. It hurt his brain. We get that, right?

There are some Blinds and such that do the same to me!

califblondy said...

Is the hair dye seeping through to his brain?

Is the bushy hair and mustache for a movie? Super Mario Brothers?

mizbean said...
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Mother Campfire said...

Actually, I'm pretty sure it was a dig at the Dark Knight for trying so hard to be deep without actually getting deep. No matter what he says, RDJ is a very smart cookie.

Mother Campfire said...
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mooshki said...

I like that explanation, BSE. I liked Dark Knight, but I loved Iron Man, so go RDJ!!!

Julie said...

Oh, he was amazing in Tropic Thunder! I don't think I ever realized how talented he actually is.

Anonymous said...

i didnt like it either, and i was feeling sort of lonley in my assesment.

Reese said...

it is a refreshing change from all of the imbeciles in Hollywood who are suffering from the delusion that they are bright and feel the need to tell us about their sterling intellects on a recurring basis.

Never assume that since someone enjoys the occasional bit of low-brow entertainment it means that they are stupid; I had an art history professor at Stanford who was world renowned in her field and just loved the National Enquirer. She also told me with glee how much fun she'd had touring Graceland. Bully for her for indulging in a bit of fun and being unpretentious enough to openly enjoy it.

lutefisk said...

Can I just say he is wearing waaaay
too much make-up. He kinda looks like Borat here.

MISCH said...


mooshki said...

Reese, I worked with someone who is now advising Obama on his Iraq policy, and we used to have long discussions about "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

Miss Katie, I've been afraid to say anything even slightly negative for fear of getting my head bitten off. My only consolation is that I'm hoping it will knock "Titanic" (which I also didn't love) off the top of the box-office chart.

Carte Blanche said...

The 'stache is for an upcoming movie, "Sherlock Holmes".

Sure looks like Mario though.
Dang! Now I have the Mario theme stuck in my head...

Unknown said...

didn't see TDK, don't care but...

RDJ. THE FUCK?!?!? Your hotness is, not so much. :(

when did he get: old/capped teeth/botox/nosejob/terrible stylist/hair implants/etc.?

this is wrong and someone should put a stop to it. the same picture, essentially (minus stash, which i'll even overlook) and yet and yet:

Anonymous said...

I'm a hopeless RDJ fangirl. Ya'll quit talkin' shit.

Joanna said...

This is just funny. I'm having flashbacks to the viral video
"Christian Bale can kick your ass" ba ha ha. :)

Geebz said...

I agree with RDJ. I just didn't care for TDK at all. It was ok.

Ashlae said...

I can totally understand what he's saying and some of it I can agree with it. I liked The Dark Knight but I thought it was very overrated especially with all the hype over the movie. I still believe it would've been a success but not that much of a sucess if Heath hadn't died.

mooshki said...

The Fug Yourself girls finally got around to discussing the 'stache.

I noticed he's growing his hair out too - I think, in the context of the Sherlock role, that if he had longer, softer hair the 'stache would work for him. Thoughts?


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