Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lindsay Doesn't Like Working Hard

Why the hell not? I can always take another shot at Lindsay Lohan. It is not just her but any actor or actress that I hear talk about their 13 hour days on set and how it is exhausting. Umm, yeah, why don;t you have that same conversation with the guy who has been cleaning out your trailers for the past 13 hours for $8 an hour while you make approximately $8 a second for repeating some lines.

Kneepads interviewed Dina Lohan while she was at some beauty convention where she was stocking up on supplies. OK, you got me. It was a pet show, but she might have still found something she could use. I mean have you seen her hair? I think a dog brush might work wonders. Oh, and she probably got some of that horse shampoo that Jennifer Aniston convinced the world she used so now they sell it at Target while she gets a piece.

So, Dina said she didn't know where all the Lindsay stories about Ugly Betty came from and that Lindsay and America get along great and that Lindsay is an angel and blah, blah, blah. What is she going to say? That everyone hated Lindsay? Please. This is her meal ticket we are talking about. What she did say was this when referring to the show. "It was long hours and when you're on a movie set it's a lot different. She's not used to television, but it was fun."

Umm, so let me get this straight. First it seems like she is taking a dig at television stars. Last I checked, Lindsay was in no position to be taking a dig at anyone, especially someone with a J-O-B. Second of all, yes, wow, Lindsay was expected to work for her $50,000 a week. Forgive me if I don't start crying and worrying about her. Apparently Lindsay is used to movie sets where she has to work five minutes a day and can spend the rest of the day pretending to the world she is a lesbian and figuring out a schedule to keep guys shuttling in one after the other without anyone knowing. So, Lindsay hated it all, but it was fun. She threw that in there so Lindsay wouldn't look completely self absorbed. Looks like there won't be any television in Lindsay's future. Or films. Hmm. Fluffer girl?


MontanaMarriott said...

I thought she went to both churches?!?!

mooshki said...

She said that apart from Sam, she doesn't like box lunches.

lutefisk said...

How low do you have to go before pretending to be a lesbian for publicity?
Next we'll find out Sam is also straight.

mialou said...

Lindsey got her start on TV; she was on Another World many, many (many) years ago as the daughter of Sam and Amanda. So television hours and expectations are not unknown to her.

mialou said...

Lindsey got her start on TV; she was on Another World many, many (many) years ago as the daughter of Sam and Amanda. So television hours and expectations are not unknown to her.

mooshki said...

WTF? How did I not know that, Mialou? No wonder AW got canceled - it's the Lohan Curse at work!

mialou said...

I remember watching her at the time and being really, really impressed. She was only about 10, but she was a very good little actress. It is very interesting that the role is NOT listed on IMDB.

Unknown said...

So you've answered a blind?

Anonymous said...

When this story came out I DEFINITELY knew it was the answer to an EL blind.

This is kinda sad honestly. Ok, so she trashed the dressing room and had an entourage and smelled like smoke. Um, is that it? Seriously? EVERYONE has an entourage, EVERYONE smokes, and EVERYONE trashes the dressing room. OK, not everyone everyone, but close. Methinks there's something else going on here. I like America, but seriously. Just because someone is acting like your typical Hollywood trash is no excuse to wield your power to get them off the show. Seems overly bitchy to me.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lindsay made a pass at America lol.

ItsJustMe said...

Here's the blind: Ahhh my C lister who wants the world to think she is a lesbian, needs to be a little more careful if her plan is going to succeed. She has been doing her best to find someone to play her girlfriend, but no one wants to even be her pretend girlfriend. Anyway, that is beside the point. Last night her little makeout, grope session with the C list actor who has had his own issues will probably stall her little effort

Anonymous said...

How very much different from film can TV be? A camera is pointed in your face. Same difference.

Judi said...

Expectations of anything from Lilo are so low, I'm surprised that any show would give her the time of day much less hire her. Who's (stupid) idea was this anyway?

kanonymous said...

"'It was long hours and when you're on a movie set it's a lot different. She's not used to television, but it was fun.'

Umm, so let me get this straight. First it seems like she is taking a dig at television stars. Last I checked, Lindsay was in no position to be taking a dig at anyone, especially someone with a J-O-B."

I'm not saying I'm a big Lindsay/Dina fan or anything, but first of all, I don't see how Dina was taking a dig at television stars. It sounded more like she was praising them, saying they work harder/longer hours. Secondly, how can you say "Lindsay was in no position to be taking a dig at anyone" when it was DINA making the comment, not Lindsay?

joo said...

I think Lindsay is burnt out on acting, since she's been doing it to support her family since she was roughly six years old. Unfortunately, (for her) she has to act to make money since she has no other education or skills. Her heart isn't in it anymore, causing the problems on the Ugly Betty set and poor performances in everything since Mean Girls. But she can't be Paris Hilton and make money for being famous, since her family depends on her for money and not the other way around (and the money for doing nothing is unreliable). I do feel sorry for Lindsay a little bit for being stuck with those a-hole parents. But I don't think she's the answer to the C-lister pretending to be a lesbian blind, because she has had no problem getting Samantha to pretend to be her girlfriend.

mooshki said...

I agree with everything you just said, Joo.

Emobacca said...

America Ferrara is a fucking cunt


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