Monday, October 20, 2008

Today's Blind Items

Well, well, well what do we have here? This reality show couple who basically makes a living being a couple is not really the couple they pretend to be. It seems that not only do the couple not sleep together, most of the time they do not even sleep in under the same roof. Can't stand each other, but suffer through pretending for the sake of the money. Not who you are thinking. Think bigger.


  1. adrienne curry and chris knight

  2. which reality couple is bigger than spencer and heidi?

  3. spencer and heidi

  4. Katie n Peter? no clue.
    sadly the biggest one i thought of WAS Speidi.

    Tori n Dean?

    Rob n Big???? bingo! lol.

  5. alexis- that would really take pimpin to a new level...shes pregnant with their second kid.

  6. Trista and Ryan. Although Tori and what's his name is a close second.

  7. No way is it Trista and Ryan or Tori and Dean. I like the Adrienne Curry and Peter Brady guess. They are bigger than Speidi.

    I didn't realize Trista was pregnant again! Hope it's a girl

  8. Trista being pregnant makes me think no on that one. I wouldn't surprised if it's Adrienne and Chris ... she threw her birth-control pills in the ocean, and we never heard from them again.

  9. so it's not who you think? Spiedi
    This all I got

    Ludacris and Tommy Lee

  10. How about Rob & Amber from Survivor, Amazing Race, etc. etc.?

  11. Anonymous2:44 PM

    The Osbourne's are in the random photos. They are definitely bigger than everyone named so far, but I doubt they could be considered a couple who makes a living being a couple. So I don't know.

    The body language in their photo IS interesting though.

  12. Just to be different--
    John & Kate + 8?
    Or the Little People Big World couple?

    So it's not Speidi b/c that's who everyone thinks of first...

    Adrienne & Chris is a good guess...

    If they call me to be on Trivial Pursuit maybe I'll ask him (he's the host). :)

  13. The "think bigger" makes me think Jon & Kate from "Jon & Kate Plus Eight."

  14. Ooh, Bring Forth, I like that guess a lot. I think you could say that most of their fame and $ these days comes from being "The Osbournes."

  15. I like the John and Kate idea. Rarely do they seem like they like each other.

    The Osbornes are a good guess, too, since they rarely seem to be together at public events anymore.

    I'd also venture a guess at Hugh Hefner and any of his supposed concubines.

  16. the only problem with jon and kate is that they're not famous for being a couple, they're famous for their kids.

  17. Anonymous3:05 PM

    My first guess was Chris and Adrienne. But I think that Speidi are bigger than them.

    Chris might be whiney, but I can see being able to have a conversation with him.

    Both Spencer and Heidi are obnoxious and unpleasant people.

  18. Don't the Speidi's clainm they don't sleep together?

  19. I thought of Speidi first but the Not who are you thinking of changed things up. What about Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz. Lately they seem to be more famous for being together than anything right now.

  20. I like the Jon and Kate idea. I can understand the arguement that they're famous for their kids, but I think it's borderline because of the name of the show. They're JonandKate. You don't really think of them separately.

    Also, they look really stressed out in their coupledom. He looks... henpecked.

    Who else is out there? Tori and Dean maybe? Nah, I think they actually like each other. Well, she likes him.

  21. I thought Rob and Amber, but the clue is to think bigger. They are indeed small potatoes and who cares anyway?

    Ozzie and Sharon have done a reality show in a few years now, so I would not label them "reality show couple."

    So to me this blind is about a couple famous for being just that -- a reality show couple.

    Heidi and Spencer? Are you joking?

  22. What about the "big"-gest loser couple?

  23. I vote the Osbournes.

    (1) Don't forget how huge that show was. It was really the first major "celebutard" reality show, and without its success there wouldn't be any "Hills" and therefore no Speidi.

    (2) Before the show -- you know, back when Ozzy actually made records -- he did the music, and Sharon managed him. Now? Well, no more Ozzy albums, so nothing for her to manage. Therefore, they've been earning their money for some time by just being the Osbournes -- i.e. by "being a couple."

    That's my $.02.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. My gut says Sharon and Ozzie. Nothing else before or after their reality show has made them so high profile *as a couple*. And they really put the reality show genre on the map.

  26. Does this mean that Heidi and Spencer are really in love?

  27. John & Kate plus 8

    I doubt that guy can do anything right (or up to her standards)

  28. NO WAY is it Jon & Kate - no way could they not sleep under the same roof with all those kids!

  29. Katie Price and Peter Andre
    easy peasy

  30. Anonymous3:49 PM

    My first thought was Speidi, but after Enty said "think bigger" I was a tad stumped. I like the Rob & Amber guess. Also the Hef + Bunny (which one doesn't really matter).
    I doubt it's The Osbournes. Ozzy has been famous for a long, long time.
    And I don't even know who adrienne curry & chris knight are.

  31. it makes me too sad to think its jon and kate, i think they really love each other, if he didn't there is no way he would stick around with that anal controlling woman, although he is never with the program so I understand her frustration. they seem like real family people who love their kids. Not them, we're looking for more hollywood fakery. speidi is not a real couple but I thought everyone knew that so that isn't really a blind item. At shoots they don't even speak to each other.

  32. Anonymous3:52 PM

    speidi! spencer is gay no?

  33. I don't even know who Jon and Kate are, so I doubt it's them. I'll go with Katie and Peter. They're big in the UK.

  34. "Well, well, well... What do we have here?" sounds like something Spencer has said recently on the show... I think when Heidi and her sister were hanging out... not that I watch the show or anything.... ;)

  35. Oh GOD I hope it's someone from a Bachelor/ Bachelorette show!!!

  36. Speidi is not big enough.
    Jon & Kate are on the cover of magazines all the time - constantly pimping out their kids.
    If you read any of the blogs from the other family members you will see that Kate is a controlling bitch.
    How else will they make $$ if they split up?

  37. my first thought was Trista and..Ryan?

    but! I kinda hope its Chris and Adrianne.

  38. except wasn't there some cover story in the UK recently with Katie on the cover saying "Why I Walked Out" and flashing a ringless hand? Don't think that would exactly be blind.

  39. speidi make $120 000 per episode combined. thats huge in reality tv.

    Rob and Amber are not huge or heard from in 2008. same with Adrienne and Chris.

    im thinking its gotta be Pete n Katie for this. they are huge.

    does Posh n Becks count? lol.

  40. Well the first couple that seems to come to everyone's mind is speidi so maybe it is not them.

    Adrienne and Chris haven't been around for awhile so why would they be in it for money if there is no more shows. Same goes for Osbournes.

    Never heard of John and Kate+8. So guessing there not that huge.

    Jordan does a ton besides the brief show with her husband.

    My guess- Tori and Dean, they just put their supposed dream home on the market that they just bought and their whole relationship seemed about whoring it out for dough.What else do they do really?

  41. Just to throw another name out there, what about Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed? There was that sex tape fiasco over the spring/summer.

  42. How about Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed.

  43. sorry coleen, didn't see your comment. great minds think alike.

  44. What if enty assumed we would all think of Tori and Dean and it is actually Heidi and Spence

  45. I think the Osbourne's genuinely love each other.

    Im thinking Peter and Jordan. They are a complete media circus, and its all about them as a couple - not the products they sell. They also go on and on about their lack of a sex life (my sister watches it unfortunately) and have nannies to look after the kids (thus a parent could easily be missing at night without disrupting family life).

    They met on a reality show too - seemed very convenient at the time, and they have been whoring out the relationship since.

  46. I think it's tori and dean.

  47. My first thought was Speidi, but I don't think this could be them. I read something not too long ago about how someone witnessed them filming "the Hills" and even though they were fighting during the scene, they were all over each other in between takes.

  48. Quite alright Kiki7767, nice to see like minded folk! :)

  49. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Your theory might work better, daver, if Ozzy wasn't actually making albums, like you say...but he is, he released one last year.

  50. I'm with the Tori/Dean guess. There's a new and obviously staged picture of them riding bicycles with their son in Dean's bike basket.

    I really don't think(no, I KNOW) Heidi and Spencer would still be together if it wasn't for the publicity. I think Spencer murdered Heidi's soul, too. Spencer's eyes are just "straight"(haha, could not resist) demonic. Heidi just seems dead. There's a part of me that actually feels really sad for her-Spencer ruined her. The differences of her character and appearance from season 1 to season whatever it is now-it's disturbing.

    Sorry for the long comment. Major props if anyone read that straight through.


  51. "Big" as in famous or "Big" as in girth?

    Meh - I have no clue. I'll go with Tori & Dean as there is NO H'wood couple I can think of that's "Big" as in girth. Except for Roseanne & Tom and that was EONS ago...not applicable here.

  52. I like Jon and Kate guess. They have a "big" family. Altho to be fair I think they did love each other at one time. Maybe the fame has gone to Kate's head or something. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they hate each other. I think he loves the kids. Kate just loves herself.

  53. I hope it is not Jon and Kate. That show is so cute...

    I guess Speidi. Spencer is such a douche

  54. Spencer & Heidi.

    Wasn't there an interview with Heidi where she said that they sleep in the same bed with a pillow in between them? They're waiting to have sex until they get married but they do live together?

    Anyway, the comment, "not only do the couple not sleep together" made me think of that. Heidi has admitted to not "sleeping" together (in the sense of sleeping=sex).

    They are so disgustingly obvious.

  55. I don't think anyone believes now that Speidi is a real couple.

    Oh, please please please PLEEEEEEASE let it be Ade and Chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd be kinda upset if it were Gene and Shannon.... :-(

  56. Jon and Kate are together for the money-very obvious. There was a recent interview they did for People magazine-I think it's the one with Paul Newman on the cover-and wow. Kate comes off as a bitch in interviews, too. Apparently they also plan on adopting another child from overseas. The interview was kind of cringe-worthy.

  57. Rob & Amber were my first thought, but are they still making a living off of being a couple? Besides, they are not big enough.

    I think the Sharon & Ozzie arguments are pretty solid, especially given the trajectory of their careers. Doesn't she spend a lot of time in the UK now?

    I don't think it's Tori & Dean or Trista & Ryan. No one has questioned the parentage of their children thus far, so I am going with a no...

    Jordan/Katie & Peter... Seems like a good second guess, but are they big enough? The not sleeping together thing works as well, as that daughter does not look like either one of them. That ginger hair didn't come from them.

  58. Could this be a gotcha and he Reality show is the one with the two Corey's? I don't know that they are a couple, but they are a reality show couple in a sense....

  59. Speidi are definitely who Enty meant when he said "Not who you are thinking." There have been multiple posts on CDaN about how they are a fake couple.

    Scott - it's scary, isn't it? Spencer is getting exactly what he wants/needs, but Heidi has been brainwashed. I think he's too calculating to ever hit her, but the way he treats her is exactly like the prototypical abusive boyfriend - absolutely controlling her, separating her from her friends and family, beating down her self-esteem.

    myx n mingle, that's interesting. I wonder if the relationship is only fake on Spencer's end - if Heidi thinks it's real? Either that, or they were just putting on a show - everything the Hills people do off-screen is designed to get people interested in what they do on-screen.

  60. I vote Rob and Amber. I've never seen two more calculating and greedy people in my life.

  61. How are Ron and Amber making any money anymore? Didn't their 15 minutes come and go with Survivor?

    Tori and Dean are definitely not big enough. They can't really be getting paid all that much either, neither one of them have really done anything lately.

    I like the Jon and Kate guess, even though its difficult to tell.

  62. It's not Jon and Kate. My sister works for Discovery Channel, talks to them on the phone all the time. They're fine. And it would be a shame for their 8 BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN. They're not in it for the money, its for their kids!

    I would hate for it to be Tori & Dean because in Stori Telling she seemed to really think he was her soulmate. Tori wouldn't pretend, she's a straight shooter.

    I'm at a loss on this one.

  63. maybe it could be that couple on VH1 or w/e. i dont know their actual names, but the show is called Man & Wife. on the show they are actually laying in bed the whole time.

  64. okay, mooshki is right that since enty says it's not who we're thinking then it can't be heidi and spencer, but enty then says, "think bigger", and i think that rules out a lot of the small fries we've named.

  65. How about that midget family

  66. no, emobacca, think

  67. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Kate says; "People see us arguing, and they say ‘When will Kate and Jon split up?’ Well, never. He’s the only one who’s been by my side through all of this.”

  68. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

  69. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

  70. yea, cuz tom and katie are in a reality show.

    whew...the drugs, they must be strong.

  71. not Trista & Ryan. I've been to their house when I lived in Colorado (Trista threw a "purse party" I was invited to). They are very much together, and she is very into pictures of the two of them (mostly from their wedding) in every room of the house - including bathrooms.

  72. If it's not Spencer and Heidi, then I do offer Peter Andre/Katie Price and Tori and Dean. Um, I don't know.

  73. JON and KATE + EIGHT

    Among other clues.... On another site someone pointed out that the word COUPLE is repeated EXACTLY 4 TIMES

    2 x 4 = 8

  74. thanks for the numerology

  75. interesting that this item appeared today on celebitchy

    i may have to second the dvb guess...

  76. This one's easy:

    John & Cindy McCain.

    After all, they're participating in The Ultimate Reality Show, to be decided on Tuesday.
