Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bleeding Nipples? - Not What You Think

No, this is not some kind of post about S&M or some other alternative sexual activity. Hell, it will probably make you cringe if anything. One of the goals I set for myself back in January was to actually get off the couch and to take a walk around the block at least once a week. Well, it is now November and that has happened about three times and on at least two of those occasions it was because I couldn't find my car in the morning when I went to look for it.

Well, now that I read what Ryan Reynolds had to say on the Rachael Ray show I'm kind of glad I didn't start walking around the block regularly or getting too much exercise. Why? Well it seems that when Ryan was training for the NYC Marathon he was obsessed with bleeding nipples. It seems that the constant friction during the race often causes people to bleed from their nipples. I know, I know and Ryan was really freaked out about it. They are painful. Don't ask. Long story but again, not anything sexual in nature. More of a salt water and canvas thing. Yeah, see where that takes your mind.

"Weird things happen to you," Reynolds told Ray. "Thankfully, all three nipples are fine. I was really concerned because I was at the finish line two years ago, and I watched these people coming in and it was like watching the music video to 'Thriller,'" he said. "It was really horrifying to watch, and I thought what am I going to do about this? I know you're supposed to put Vaseline on, and some people said if you put Vaseline on if your chest you're going to be fine. I was like, should I wear a running bra? Will people know?"

So, Ryan lathered up the nipples and chest with Vaseline right before the race. And, if you are so inclined and you want something to do while you are running for four hours, go ahead and bring a travel sized one and rub them down some more while running. Don't worry about the stares from your fellow runners. While they will be suffering after the race, you will be oily and content.


Anonymous said...

Enty, You typed 3 nipples. Does he have 3 nipples?

ElsieFire said...

Sylvia, Ryan said that. It was a joke, ha ha.

He's Canadian. Sometimes people don't get our humour. :>

IndigoBlue said...

The third one would be a Nubbin' right? lol

bmini said...

funny tag on the bottom...

lutefisk said...


kris said...

That IS a good name for a rock band...

mooshki said...

"More of a salt water and canvas thing."

Haha, if that's what you're into, now we know how you knew about Leelee Sobieski's special talents! :)

Oh god, now I can't get the image of Burt Reynolds in "Striptease" out of my mind. :(

Anonymous said...

oh please we Office fans are sooo over this one ;)

Sarah said...

My husband's a runner and when he first mentioned the bleeding nipples thing, I thought it was a joke. Nope. He slaps Bandaids on them for long runs.

Molly said...

"Well it seems that when Ryan was training for the NYC Marathon he was obsessed with bleeding nipples."

hahaaa!!! you know what's so funny about this? i just watched ryan reynolds (and michael j. fox - yay!) on r.r. (she's just wrapping it up in chicago) and it was one statement that she asked about. he's not obsessed at all. he made one statement. and when you say these things it makes it hard to tell what's accurate and what isn't. cuz this isn't.

Maja With a J said...

I don't know about you but I think the thought of Ryan Rubbing vaseline on his nipples is kind of a sweet one.

Maja With a J said...

*LOL* That was suppsed to say "Ryan Reynolds rubbing". I think I have officially renamed this man!

Anonymous said...

Lily Allen would totally be offended at the 3 nipples joke.

Anonymous said...

He's right, there isn't a band with the name of bleeding nipples... I did find a Jar Full of Nipples which sounds much worse.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Elsie sometimes I am slow in catching it lol.

Gillybean said...

Eh, better a little vaseline than seeing the results of bleeding nipples - especially when the blood mixes with the sweat and the runners end up with blood streaks down the front of their shirts. They even make special little stickies for them (it really only happens to guys since girls are wearing sports bras).

Gillybean said...

Eh, better a little vaseline than seeing the results of bleeding nipples - especially when the blood mixes with the sweat and the runners end up with blood streaks down the front of their shirts. They even make special little stickies for them (it really only happens to guys since girls are wearing sports bras).

lanac said...

my boyfriend boogie boards so much that when he was younger his nipples would scab and bleed all the time until basically he only has these little half sized nipples. the other half scabbed and fell off.

Little Blue Pill said...

"More of a salt water and canvas thing."

Haha, if that's what you're into, now we know how you knew about Leelee Sobieski's special talents!


Mooshki, pleeeease explain!

Right with bleeding nipples a lot of marathoners get really bad sudden diarrhea too. Glad we didn't have to hear Ryan Rubbing [Harriet Hellfire LOL] talk about that.

Jerry said...

If it had been Scarlett Johanssen instead of Ryan Reynolds I could have watched my Vaseline stock go thru the roof!

mooshki said...

Little Blue Pill, in case you ever check back here, Enty had a "blind" that said Leelee is a dominatrix.


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