Monday, December 29, 2008

Quick Hits

Samantha Fires Back - Apparently Samantha Ronson just wants to keep the feud alive between herself and Michael Lohan. Instead of just letting things dies, she decided to tell Page Six that Lindsay Lohan did indeed write the blog post the other day in which she accused her dad of having an affair and fathering a child out of wedlock. It was also the one where Lindsay kept saying Aliana in reference to Ali. Anyway, Sam said that she doesn't ghost write MySpace blogs and basically called Michael an ass. Like that's news.

The Zooey - In Touch is reporting that The Zooey got engaged last weekend to some guy who doesn't deserve her and that she thought about refusing because she wanted to spend her life with an old fat guy who lives in his parent's basement. OK, I know. So, I hope she is happy. I hope it lasts forever. But if not, there is room on the futon.

Chyna - Chyna took her birthday party to a whole new level. She drank and cut herself right into the hospital. Apparently Chyna decided that booze and pills mix well so got drunk of her ass, started cutting herself and her friends called 911. At the hospital they said she was too drunk to do a psych evaluation. I don't think it matters if she is drunk or sober for that. Just pop in The Surreal Life and you will get your answer.


i am a princess, yes i am said...

Enty ~ Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.

Just wanted to say i love the new quick hits section!

nice change

luv ya and keep up the great site

~ princess ~

amelia said...

quick hits is great!

CDAN Mod said...

although celeb rehab is not the best place for anyone to be who sincerely wants help and not publicity, i am not surprised that chyna has ended up here. she really did not think that she had a problem to begin with.

i am so disappointed in dr drew's upcoming 'sober house' train wreck.

those show do not compare to a&e's intervention on any day.

Ror said...


#2-who gives a runny poop fart

#3-Sad. Sad that this is the only way anyone will talk about her fug covered poop stain lips.


Anonymous said...

Congrats to The Zooey. I love her.

Maja With a J said...

The soccer player who is getting kicked in the junk looks a bit like Sean Penn. Just sayin'.

Unknown said...

enty i like these new quick hits!
happy holidays!

catherine said...

you actually have room left on the futon? i guess she can always snuggle up in your pannus...

HeyThere said...

Zooey is actually engaged to Death Cab's frontman, Ben Gibbard!

Ms. said...

Chyna...anyone else traumatized by the photo Michael K linked to of her genetalia? Yikes. Ladies, do not ever take steroids...

I had nightmares a few years ago when I saw this photo and don't know why the hell I clicked through again. That said, the ensuing dry heaves have done wonders for my diet.

Jasmine said...

Ms., i did see those pics dlisted put up and i remember seeing something really similiar in my human sexuality book under the chapter of hermaphrodites. you can be born with a small penis that never descends and resembles a clitoris, its very rare but maybe chyna has that?
anyway my initial comment was i hate hate hate the way zooey spells her name. it should be spelled ZOE, not zoo(like a zoo of animals)eee.
just gets on my nerves when people ruin a perfectly good name. people are always trying to spell my name jazman or jazzmann, its fucking annoying.

Jasmine said...

end rant ;}

shakey said...

When I heard about The Zooey this morning, I immediately thought about you. Then thought - guess she's not FW.

Zooey Gibbard. Blech.

mooshki said...

I'm pretty sure that picture of Chyna was Photochopped.

Enty, I approve of your taste in women.

abigail7881 said...

Where is this picture of Chyna?

mooshki said...

Abigail, you can see it here. I changed my mind about the Photoshop after seeing the rest of the pics. I think she's either a hermaphrodite, or one of those boys who is born with a penis so small that they decide to give him/her female genitalia, because it's the only way for her/him to have a semi-normal sex life.


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