Wednesday, December 31, 2008


No blind items today. Sorry, but it is a lot of work to get ready for tomorrow. Looking at the initial numbers it looks like tomorrow will be the most reveals ever. Also tomorrow I will recap in one post all of the most recent reader photos. In addition, there will be some other surprises which I think you will find fun. Oh, and maybe a return of Verne one last time for 2008. The fun should start around 9am Pacific Time. New posts every fifteen minutes until they are all gone. At this point it looks as if the posts will run for a good 8 hours so there should be plenty for you to look at. Be safe tonight. I want all of you here in one piece tomorrow.


jlb said...

Hope you have an excellent New Year's Eve Ent! Thank you in advance for posting on a holiday - hung over or still drunk it will be most appreciated.

Happy New Year to all who have already celebrated + all that will.

Marna Palmer said...

Enty, you have given me something to look forward to during my first hangover of 2009. For that, I thank you!

sandman said...

you are too good to us, happy new year!

Kara said...

I can't wait!!!

Happy new years everyone.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Enty and all CDAN followers. May 2009 bring as much fun and snark as 2008 did!

xoApril said...

You too Enty! Can't wait for tomorrow

Unknown said...

Happy New Year from down-under! Seven & a half hours down and all quiet. You haven't missed anything. :D

twunty mcslore said...

Happy New Year Enty, and thanks to everyone here, you make my days so much better with your sense of humor and smarty-snark. There aren't too many blogs out there with the level of kindness and lack of superficiality that I find here. I might sound sappy but I'm on my third glass of wine. Yay me!!

hromaki said...

Can't wait. Happy New Year, Enty!

Miranda said...

Oh, so excited. I'm gonna be glued to my computer allllll day! Thank you for all the gossip this year, Enty. You're definitely the best :)

trashtalker said...

Blergh! I made plans for tomorrow (what the hell was I thinking?), and I'll be gone by the time the fun starts. NERDS!!! I guess I'll just have a hell of a lot of catching up to do...

Unknown said...

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!!!!

ms_wonderland said...

Have a great NYE and happy new year Enty and all the CDANers! Only 3 hours to go here - why am I still sober?

Ror said...

So Long Since!

Kelli said...

Can you pleeease reveal the BI about the singer who hired someone else to sing all of her songs? Or at least give us another hint on who it could be?? :) please??

Cate said...

Have a great New Year, Enty! You keep safe too! And Happy New Year to my fellow CDAN readers!

Judi said...

Very best wishes to Enty and everyone for a 2009 full of love, good health, humor, and prosperity.
Thanks for all you do, Ent.

Diana said...

Woo hoo, cannot wait! Who needs NY Day Football when we can have this???

Happy New Year's Eve and Day, EL and all CDANers out there!

Winston Ono said...

Happy and safe New Year everyone!

Lil said...

Happy New Year's, Enty and all the fellow CDAN'ers! Can't wait for tomorrow. Thank you, Enty for all the great posts and for doing these huge reveals twice a year. It's sincerely appreciated. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ent! Although I think I'll just wait for the end of the day and gorge myself on reveals and leftovers.

Have a safe New Year's Eve everyone.

icywench said...

Hope everyone has/had a safe and happy New Years. See you all tomorrow!!!

Unknown said...

Hooray so when I wake up at 2pm Eastern tomorrow there will already be 8 posts :)

Maja With a J said...

God, we're a bunch of nerds!!! *LOL*

Happy New Year, everyone, and have fun tonight! (repeat after me: "everybody Wang Chung tonight!")

I'm staying in. I'm drinking lots of champagne, but I ain't leaving my couch! *L*

adore said...

Happy NEW YEARS 2009 time flies!!


Unknown said...

happy new years enty!!!

thanks for a fun year of blogging im looking forward to another :) said...

Happy New Year dahlings!

Jasmine said...

do you think he will reveal a bit more about who the aids infected person is that he talked about last fourth of july? that would be awesome.
happy pre-hangover day everybody!

KellyLynn said...

Happy New Year everyone! I'm sooo looking forward to the reveals and surprises tomorrow. Thanks for all of the great gossip.

lutefisk said...

Happy New Year's everyone-----even Bad Fish!

selenakyle said...

Tomorrow will be a perfect day to check Reveals while we're smoking pork butt, roasting oysters and cooking collards & BEPs, kicking hubby's rear end on Wii and generally farting around.

Tonight we're staying home where we can still get injured being drunk spazzes, but at least no cops get involved!

Love to all--BE SAFE OUT THERE!

amh.producer said...

LOL lute! Happy New Year Enty and the wonderful CDAN readers! I have some plans for tomorrow, but will then shut myself in my room and read, read, read! Thanks Enty!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! Can't wait for the reveals.

bramblewitch said...

Thanks Enty! Lots to look forward to. Happy New Year everyone.

JS said...

The reveals will be good to check, but I think the best present this year was fixing that page glitch a few weeks back! Thank You!

Osherrie said...

Happy New Year to all and thanks for a wonderful gossip fix each day. BTW, has anyone heard whether Jeremy Piven was in that club in Bangkok that burned? It seems like just his speed. As perverse as he is, I hope not.

jw12 said...

Happy New Year everybody.

Be Safe and as CSN say:

if you can't be with the one you love
it's alright
Go ahead and love your with

Unknown said...

What blinds are you most hoping for? I know the juiciest won't be revealed but I would kill to know about the two gay couples...

actor/nba player
actor/nfl player

shakey said...

Happy New Year everyone! And thank you, Ent. You are a hoot and a half. I'm on cheap champagne right now (because you get drunk faster), we'll get to the good stuff at midnight.

May you all have good stuff this coming year!

Happydog said...

Happy New Year and pass the champagne. It's been a great read in 2008!

Bxrlvr said...

Can't wait! Thanks Enty, and Happy New Year to all!

lmnop123 said...

Enty you are the most consider blogger I know. Thank you and have a safe and Happy New Year everyone.

Good Nite!

PotPourri said...

oh I am weeweeing all over myself waiting for this one.

Be sure to include Ben AFfleck in some reveals. Even if they are the kind ones!!

Teresa said...

Well shit, I guess I should go to bed now that there's nothing for me to read! ;) Have a great NYE Enty.

Monalicious said...

Happy New Years everyone!!!!!! I'm gonna stay home with the doggies and breath and maybe take one little hit of the green stuff.
Stay safe, and can't wait to get on here tomorrow with all our fine CDAN readers. We'll have our own party here!!!
Yeah for Enty!!!!
Yeah for CDAN!!!!!

MnGddess said...

IT'S 2009!!!!!!


nikki said...

Enty, You're the best. Has been a great year of gossip reading. Love your comments on the random photos. I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see how many I guessed wrong with the blind items--or how many right?

Happy New Year to everyone!

pinkleburr said...

This comment's just to express HOW EXCITED I AM!!!

Unknown said...

Enty, thankyou for your wonderful site, keeping us entertained, allowing us to hone our snark and your general awesomeness:)

Happy new year you gorgeous americans, you;)

AphraelDanae said...

Happy New Year everyone! All the best for 2009!

cajun cutie said...

OMG OMG OMG! Just kidding. I am going to relax today and read up! Thanks ENTY for the best site for entertainment news out there! CDAN is the best.

morganmorgan said...


Chris said...

OMG I woke up this morning, and surfed here and wondered why there were not any posts up because I misread the time, and thought it said 9 PM PST NYE oi! *slaps forehead* I guess that's what a bottle of Prosecco will do to you...Happy NY Enty and all!

Ayesha said...

I can't WAIT!!!

MnGddess said...

It's 10:55 AM. I'm up. I did nothing last night so I am raring to go. Wonder what Enty did....

Bad Ass Momma said...

I always try to find a bunch of stuff to do on reveal days so I can "forget" about it until later in the day. The East Coast sucks

whole lotto luv said...

Ashli, I second that emotion.

ms snarky said...

ent! it's after 11 am on the east coast! I don't know if I can wait any more!

ms snarky said...

um. did that sound ungrateful? okay, sorry. Happy New Year. now on with the posts! I'm home sick (not hung over!) and need some sympathy. I have enough tea! now I need gossip!

janele said...

I'm supposed to go running today as part of my resolutions. Instead, I'm opting to wait all day for all of the reveals!

ms snarky said...

is it wrong of me to have a glass of wine with my first reveal? I'm sick! sore throat and cold! I stayed home sick on New Year's Eve! I deserve it, right? It's not like I have a problem!

jw12 said...

Okay, I'm here with my bagel and dunkin donuts coffee.

Unknown said...

Okay, It's 9am pst, let's go!
BTW, Happy New Year everyone.


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