Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Ione Skye Gets Married

You know how I feel about wedding stories. I hate them. There are just too many of them and it is like a roller coaster keeping up with who is married and who is getting divorced. But, sometimes I make an exception and actually give the couple more than a random photo. This is one of those exceptions. I mean it is Ione Skye. Lloyd Dobler's lady got married. Yes, it is her second wedding, but it is Ione Skye and really this is the only way she even gets in the news. She and Ben Lee got married last week in India. They got married by Lee's guru there. I'm guessing he didn't look like Mike Myers but you never know.

Lee started seeing this guru after he and Claire Danes broke up. I guess it must have hit the guy hard. It is the first time Lee has walked down the aisle or whatever they did in India. I mean this is a guru. Do they have an open bar after a guru marries you? Honestly if you don't have an open bar at your reception then really what is the point? You need that open bar situation to make the meeting of strangers that much more fun. Nothing says new friendships like free booze.

Peter Gabriel played In Your Eyes at the ceremony. No, not really, but it would have been kind of cool huh?


palealebrew10 said...

Isn't Ione Skye bisexual? I swear I read that somewhere. Anyway, congrats to them.

West End Girl said...

Ione Sky, sigh. I might watch "say anything" again tonight. Thanks Enty!

MontanaMarriott said...

OMG I thought that was Rhea Perlman for a second there, lololol dude is totally androgynous

Anonymous said...

PaleAleBrew ... I always thought she was lesbian.

jax said...

hmm i always wondered what happened with her and King Ad Rock. (adam horowitz)

jax said...
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Lothar said...

Ione Skye??

Who's that???

Reese said...

Actually Ione has gone to India several times in the last ten years or so. She is a big yoga devote and her yoga instructor (I can't think of her name at the moment, but she's one of the big celeb yoga instructors in LA) takes several of her students there annually. Ione loves going to India, so maybe she and Ben have some sort of commonality there.

mooshki said...

Lothar, you are hereby banished from CDAN until you have watched every single classic '80s movie. ;)

Maja With a J said...

Ione Skye was in a couple of good movies but she's kind of a groupie. She's like a more underground version of Winona Ryder. Minus the whole "Cleptomania" thing.

Impertinent Vixen said...

Ione Skye is the daughter of 60s folk singer Donovan ("Mellow Yellow" among others).

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

This is the most random pairing EVER.

Mrs George Glass said...

Ben Lee is one of the biggest dickheads imaginable. He believes that if you think about war at all, you help create/sustain it. Read his blog for some laughs and an insight into his po-faced, imbecilic New Age beliefs. There's a hilarious entry about how his guru told him it's ok to make lots of money. He believes he's on a mission, not just that he makes insufferable jingles. Ione seems like a nice girl, it's a shame. The thought that the Donovan musical genes will cross-polinate with the Ben Lee hack genes makes me ill.

Unknown said...

Mrs. George Glass> I'm sorry, but do you know him personally? If not, how can you possibly know he's "the biggest dickhead imaginable" simply based on some blog postings? I mean, I don't know you and I'm certainly not going to ASSUME you're a jaded and snobby person based on your post here. Ben is probably one of the nicest, most unassuming people I've ever had the pleasure of chatting to. So he's a little out there. So the fuck what? We all have our little oddities.
There's a lot of evidence that your focus becomes your reality. Self-fulfilling prophecy, anyone?


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