Friday, January 16, 2009

Ted C Blind Item

It was so delicious. Better than Angie getting her gal-flirt on at the Globes. Far better than whatever Mickey Rourke did with all those easy chicks at the after-parties. Call it showdown of the down-low dudes!

(You do know what down-low means, right? Uh, it's when superficially macho guys, often in the black and Latino cultures, but not always, like to screw with guys on the side while they've got the babes out in front.)

So here we go: Like the good little showman he is, Toothy Tile went to the Golden Globes this past weekend. And where was a camera when you needed one 'cause boyfriend ran into Lloyd Boy-Toyed, one of our other closeted Hollywood actors, just not as famous.

Jeez, wanna hear what happened?

They met. For the first time, I do not know, but I'm pretty sure it was. And even though both stars live to get their boy-flirt on, big-time, these guys are nearly a generation apart, so I highly doubt they mingle at the same gay gatherings.

But what's really interesting is how very sad Lloyd acted with Toothy, almost as if he saw before him the chance he'll never have: the possibility to come out of the closet and still have a career. Boy-Toyed never will out himself (although others sure as hell keep trying), not just because of his age, but because of his family, trust me on that one. But Toothy? Everybody knows he could still have it both ways; he's sure young enough. So what did Lloyd and Tooth discuss?

"The awards, the show, politics—it was a total come-on," insists my Toothy/Lloyd interloper. Am I quoting myself here, I wonder, and being very sneaky? Hmm. "It's how Lloyd operates. It's all in the eyes." Yes, that much is true. Very true. I know firsthand.

But let's get the point, already: Did Lloyd and Toothy hook up? Not there, they didn't, although I do believe digital info was exchanged, a dynamic that never would have gone down had T.T.'s standard chick date been around, which she wasn't, at least not then. Where could she have been? Stitching up Kate Beckinsale's dress in the ladies room?

Oh, and Lloyd. You might as well throw that number away. Toothy so is not calling. Sorry. (He's taken, a few times over.)


  1. Does anybody take this old fool seriously? There is NO toothytile.

  2. Shut it, Ted. I have even less patience for him today since the furnace broke down and it is -9 outside.

  3. jake and cuba gooding

  4. Toothy is Jake G right? Not at the GGs, and neither was Reece. What does the thing about stitching up Kate Beckingsale's dress mean?

    (If you're not interested in Ted's BIs, why waste time posting? Just STFU and scroll past.)

  5. ms_wonderland, didn't he do an introduction at the golden globes? i thought i'd read that somewhere (didn't watch the show).

  6. So Toothy Tile is not Jake G. Hmmm.... we'll have to look at old GG pics and go from there I guess.

  7. yeah, here's the thing i read -

    At Sunday’s Golden Globes ceremony, Jake introduced the film clip for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    rebecca, why isn't tt jake?


    Jake G was at the GGs. I'm gonna guess Tom Cruise and Jake G.

  9. Molly, only because I thought he didn't go to the Globes. But he did go, sooo.... LOL

  10. rebecca - got it, i'm s o o o s l o w. brainfreeze in chgo, hon, it's been below zero for

  11. It's in the teens here in Jersey. I haven't dared step outside... I stay home with the toddler and I'd hate to bring her out in this cold mess.

    Well, it can't be Tom Cruise 'cause he's more famous than J.G. I'm so confused.

  12. Jake G and Tom C?

  13. rebecca, i forgot that part of the blind, too. i would think cuba is more famous than jake, as well.


  14. Well, you need two different generations - that would fit Tom and Jake, but I don't think either one of them would be considered 'macho' enough to qualify as being on the down-low. And "Lloyd Boy-Toed" would have to come from a famous family because he would never come out because of them. So who does that leave?

  15. At first I thought of Tommy boy and Jake but then why did Ted throw in the Down Low comment about blacks and latinos?

    so then I re-thought it and I believe it may have been will smith and Jakey? though damn it will's more famous then jake too...

    so we got jake and a less famous, black or latino 10+ years older mystery man who stays closeted because of his family.... right? Let me go see who was at the GG's that fits that

  16. Ok so it was Renee Zellweger that was helping Kate in the ladies room. Does that mean that Renee's date was Toothy? Her and George Clooney are "dates" once in awhile.

  17. How about Alec Baldwin?

  18. Oh man, Twunty, that sucks. My pipes froze last night, but at least the furnace keeps chugging away, although it can't get my place much above 60F.

    If anyone tells us what the temperature is in LA today, they're getting a serious bitch slap. ;)

  19. shegundala, it doesn't say lloyd comes from a famous family, it says 'because of his family', which means to me he's married.

    i think lloyd is married with a family.

  20. When Katie was on Good Morning America - promoting Mad Money - she talked about how her Mom taught her to sew and how she hemmed her pants once (zzzzz)

    She was finishing her play in NYC (missing the GG) and then flew to LA for the after parties

    If you read the BI through - nothing happened except a conversation

    Has Tom Cruise been eliminated as TT? When Ted writes "And it aint…"

    If not then it seems to be Tom and someone much younger who is a rising star (maybe black or latino) from a famous/infamous family

  21. definitly Jake (finally we rule out the Cloon as toothy cause HE wasn't there !!) but not Tom Cruise for the second-says not as famous as toothy....

    so i'm gonna guess Mickey Rourke or alec baldwin (family reference)

  22. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Paula - I was thinking Alec too, but I just think an Alec/Jake sandwich might be tasty.

  23. Either I'm insane, or this is JG and Zac Efron.

  24. Yeah Mooshki, it sucks but we have a fireplace and on our second trip out for wood. Sorry about your pipes. Only on the coldest day, right?

  25. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Zac Efron. and Jake....? How about that? Is Zac more famous than Jake? And Vanessa is his standard girl date.....

  26. going on a limb but John Cusack and Jake G.

  27. Could Toothy be Tom Cruise?

  28. maybe its zac and the family is disney!

  29. OK, just taking a stab at this... Toothy Tile's "girlfriend" was in the bathroom stitching up Kate's dress.. Renee Zellweger helped her with the dress and Renee was Tom Cruise's girlfriend in Jerry Maguire.... Now, who is the older less famous dude?

  30. yah i'm bored but over the years : some on the ain'ts toothy:

    Tobey Maguire, Keanu Reeves, Jamie Foxx, Orlando Bloom, Usher, Mark Wahlberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck

    Matt Damon, Michael Vartan , Elijah wood, Vin Diesel, Will Smith, Val Kilmer, Justin Timberlake,

    Tom Cruise, James Franco, Hayden Christensen, Christian Bale, Jared leto, Julian McMahon,

    Ben McKenzie, Josh Lucas, Josh Duhamel, Adam Brody, Ryan Cabera, Topher Grace, Johnny Depp, Michael Vartan, Sean William Scott, Johnny Knoxville, Seth Green

    Brandon Davis, Josh Hartnett, Seann William Scott, Joaquin Phoenix, Scott Speedman, Rob Thomas,

    Wentworth Miller, Chad Murray Michael, Zach Braff, Ashton Kutcher ,Jesse Metcalf, Chris Klein,

    George Clooney, Eddie Murphy, or Christian Slater, Lance bass, ricky martin, aaron eckhart, keifer sutherland,

    keanu reeves, jeremy piven, Danny Bonaduce, Isaiah Washington, Leonardo DiCaprio, Wilmer Valderrama

    dane cook, mario lopez, Neil Patrick harris, matthew perry, taye diggs, jerry o'connell

  31. canadachick, add matthew mc. to the list. it took a while for ted to rule him out, but he finally did.

  32. oh and ted used to have a crush on alec baldwin.....just saying .....

  33. oh and he was born and lives in LA (hello JAKE) and never dated Aniston -(goodbye Brad, Vince and John Mayer) i seriously need a life !!

  34. Ok you guys I found this...

    I dont' know how true it is, but it fits the bathroom/Kate Beckinsale and Alec guesses. Oooohhh!

  35. Ted just makes my brain hurt with his BI's.

  36. while Ted C's blinds make ne tired and give me a headache, there was one line: "Boy-Toyed never will out himself (although others sure as hell keep trying)", that made me think Travolta or Cruise...and both of those would fit as a generation apart from whoever toothytile is...yawn...I need a nap.

  37. Oops sorry folks! I checked the Getty listing for the GGs, and no pics of Jake, so I was confused. Thanks Molly.

    Jake is definitely TT. Everyone else has been eliminated.

    As there was a conversation, this must have been backstage while the show was on. Male presenters were:

    Simon Baker
    Pierce Brosnan
    Gerard Butler
    Don Cheadle
    Sacha Baron Cohen
    Sean Combs
    Patrick Dempsey
    Johnny Depp
    David Duchovny
    Aaron Eckhart
    Zac Efron
    Laurence Fishbourne
    Ricky Gervais
    Jake Gyllenhaal
    Dustin Hoffman
    Terrence Howard
    Hayden Panettiere
    Chris Pine
    Zachary Quinto
    Seth Rogen
    Martin Scorsese
    Mark Wahlberg
    Rainn Wilson

  38. rebecca, i'm confused about the link. how does it fit the bathroom/kate b. and alec guess?

    ms_wonderland, thnx for the list. we can eliminate most of them as not being macho.

  39. Molly, someone up top said that Renee Zellweger was the one helping Kate Beckinsale in the bathroom. Well, the seamstress (Renee Z.) is the date of Lloyd Boy-Toyed. And the link just basically says that Renee and Alec are dating. So whoever guessed Alec Baldwin for Lloyd... may be right.

  40. huh. am i reading this wrong?

    But let's get the point, already: Did Lloyd and Toothy hook up? Not there, they didn't, although I do believe digital info was exchanged, a dynamic that never would have gone down had T.T.'s standard chick date been around, which she wasn't, at least not then. Where could she have been? Stitching up Kate Beckinsale's dress in the ladies room?

    i think this means toothy's standard chick (reese) was stitching up kate's dress in the ladies room.

  41. The blind says the Lloyd is not as famous as TT -- I think some people are confused and have it the other way around.

    I totally think it's Jake G and Zac Efron. It fits!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. this is why i think lloyd is older, not younger, than toothy:

    But what's really interesting is how very sad Lloyd acted with Toothy, almost as if he saw before him the chance he'll never have: the possibility to come out of the closet and still have a career. Boy-Toyed never will out himself (although others sure as hell keep trying), not just because of his age, but because of his family, trust me on that one.

    *but because of his age* doesn't make sense if you're talking about someone young.

  44. Molly, my brain is officially scrambled.

  45. Was John Cusac at the awards? He comes from an acting family and he played Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything. Thinking maybe he could be Lloyd in this blind.He starred opposite Reese in a movie.

  46. Happy Friday!

    We all know that Toothy is Jake G. and while reading this, I thought of Travolta as Lloyd. The family reference could have something to do with the death of his son.

  47. please re-read it people Lloyd is not as famous as jake.
    "Lloyd Boy-Toyed, one of our other closeted Hollywood actors, just not as famous".
    ITs jake and zac efron

    ted knows that we have figured out that toothy is jake. this one was easy

  48. amanda bynes accidently outed zac efron during the press for the movie hairspray

  49. rebecca, mine, too. it doesn't help that ted can be a little confusing sometimes.

  50. The "family angle":

    His father, David Efron, is an engineer at a power plant, and his mother, Starla Baskett, is a former secretary who worked at the same power plant as Efron's father.[5][6] Efron had a self-described "normal childhood" in a middle class family, and has a younger brother, Dylan.

    -I would hink that zac parents background means that they (and his small town) would not be very accepting of his gay lifestyle.
    -he is still very young and can't come out to his parents


    Also, from the letters column following the September blind:

    Dear Ted:
    Does Lloyd Boy-Toyed have good-looking famous siblings?

    Dear Sexy Sibs:
    That would be an affirmative.

  52. How did Amanda Bynes out Zac Efron?

  53. IF TT is Jake, then his g/f is Reese.

    Reese WAS NOT at the GGs. Reese was not doing bathroom attendant duty helping Kate Beckinsale.

    Ergo, TT is either NOT JG, or Ted totally farked it up and proved himself to be the delusional, outing-at-all-costs self hating "fagola"(his word) that he is.

  54. Just throwing this out there ... could Lloyd be one of the Jonas Brothers?

  55. "Kate Beckinsale, having a wardrobe malfunction in the bathroom, with the back of her dress popping open all the way down past her tush. And it's a nice tush, too, Taryn tells me. Thank god Renée Zellweger was there to pop Kate back into place before presenting. K managed to get everything in place, 'cause she looked sizzlin' at the after-party, much like..."

    The one in the bathroom was Renee, not Reese.

  56. I'm 100% down with JG/Baldwin here. And I'll tell you why: because many of you are reading this too literally:

    Not there, they didn't, although I do believe digital info was exchanged, a dynamic that never would have gone down had T.T.'s standard chick date been around, which she wasn't, at least not then. Where could she have been? Stitching up Kate Beckinsale's dress in the ladies room?

    Some of you seem to be reading this as "TT's standard chick was in the ladies room". I don't read it that way AT ALL. I read it as a catty aside, i.e as "Where could she have been? Also [s]titching up KB's dress in the ladies' room like Lloyd's standard chick? (Empahsis mine, of course.)

    He's giving away that it's Baldwin. Case closed, I think.

  57. Cuba Gooding Jr's father is slightly famous. He was the lead singer in The Main Ingredient...Everybody Plays the Fool Sometime...No Exception to the rule....

    I love them.

  58. Lawrence Fishburn or Don Cheadle? I'm gathering that the guy is black and on the DL.

  59. "guys are nearly a generation apart"

    Lloyd is OLDER, people who think this is Zac Efron. Jake G is 28 years old, so we're talking someone at least in their late 40's. Nearly a generation apart - if Lloyd was younger, that would put Lloyd in the pre-teen age group. That's clearly not how the blind reads, so Lloyd is older. (assuming everyone in the gossip-reading world is right about who Toothy is).

  60. Long time lurker. First time poster. I'm throwing out Terrance Howard and Jake G.

  61. Tom Cruise and Jake
    Kate was a no show

  62. nyc, jake isn't more famous than tom cruise.

  63. After reading everyone's comments, I take my guess back that Lloyd is Travolta. I would venture it's Baldwin, my I still have doubts because I think he's probably just as famous as Jake.

  64. Yeah, and it's hard to argue that Jake is more famous than Alec Baldwin.

  65. agree - i think baldwin is just as, if not more famous, than jake.

    for those who didn't go to the link, here's the first blind vice ted wrote about lloyd:

    Isn't it interesting Lloyd Boy-Toyed is undertaking his latest media campaign to fight off rumors about everything under the tabloid sun—every topic save the one he wants to get out: that he sometimes likes young dudes in bed. Not Michael Jackson-style, mind you, but he sometimes likes 'em young. And to keep quiet. And you know what that means, doncha girlfriends? Occasionally Mr. Boy-Toyed's gotta give 'em the green. What a cold, hard, cashed-out town this can be, huh?

    Let's see, Lloyd's busy mouthing off about his nasty battles with most everybody in the Biz, not to mention his more cherished (and known) companions and relatives. He appears to be a total crank-a-thon, really, but don't believe it for a sec. Oh, some of it's real, that's fer sure, but it's mostly for show, I assure you.

    I have firsthand knowledge of Lloyd's more cunning agendas—not to mention the ones he prefers to get underway under the covers. Don't ask me how. I can't tell! I'm a married man now! I would never embark on something as nasty as tattling 'tween the sheets when I've got a superhoney at home. Quite the opposite of how Lloyd goes about things, trust.

    Really, though, as sloppy as Lloyd's getting in the attempting-to-score department, he's gonna be out long before our beloved Toothy Tile, I assure you. Oh, and Lloyd-baby, I don't care, really. But, your blind-as-merde fans sure will. I say screw it, already! (Like you have so many guys.)

    And It Ain't: Matthew Perry, David Duchovny, Kanye West

    this was in september of 2008. the nasty voicemail he left for his daughter came out in april of 2007. i'm wondering if the voicemail goes back too far for this to be a reference to it.

  66. Well, Ted has spoken many times of his infatuation with Alec--so that would explain the "It's all in the eyes, I know firsthand" stuff.

    And has anyone been trying to out Alec? (You'd think that Kim B. would have screamed it from the rooftops when she had a chance.)

    But if it's not Alec, who else in his general age range fits that would have at least one good-looking famous sibling?

    I think it looks more and more like Alec B.

  67. Ok, I'm in the Alec Baldwin/Jake G. camp.

  68. At least he worded this easily. I actually undersood it without having to read it a 2nd time.

  69. 1)There's been rumors about Alec Baldwin for years...before he made it big, he was a busboy at Studio 54 and he was allegedly a very popular busboy...
    2)The whole, "Toothy is more famous than Lloyd" is a decoy. Ted has been doing this long enough to know, that blind items need an out to protect the gossips from libel.

  70. I'm going with Cuba Gooding Jr. He was in Jerry McGuire with Renee Z and Tom C., he has three names (first, last, Jr.) a-la Lloyd Boy-Toyed, and DL, like ted says, usually refers to black or Latino men. Was he at the Globes, though?

  71. lori - yes, cuba was at the gg's this year.

  72. Neither of these are blind in the world of Ted. TT is Jake and Lloyd is Alec Baldwin. Ted referred to a brief affair of his own with Lloyd--which is mirrored in his shift from years of open expressions of lust to complete contempt of Alec recently. Also Lloyd was said to publicly trash his family members (Ireland and her mom Kim B). In the current item, family refers either to the daughter or to his born again Christian brother (Stephen? William?) who has been very kind to him when he's been depressed.See recent new yorker piece.

  73. HOW ABOUT Zac Efron

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. no idea, but do know baldwin is gay.
    too swishy not to be. he's got the typical old gay bloated face with gay lips.

  76. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Everyone is missing the most tragic part! RENEE Z is possibly messing around with yet another sexually ambiguous dude!

  77. i'm standing by my usual argument. jake is NOT TT.

  78. The popular guess for the previous Lloyd Boy-Toyed BV was Alec Baldwin, and Toothy Tile has always been Jake Gyllenhaal. All the reasons why they still fit in this occasion have already been mentioned by others.

    As much as Ted tried to write this up as scintillating and nefarious, it doesn't seem like anything noteworthy happened. So they have a conversation and exchanged digits - who cares?

    Ted seems to have lost the sources that once gave him such juicy BVs, and just keeps rehashing old names. So sad...

  79. I've always thought Toothy is Ryan Seacrest. Ryan got his start being a "companion" for Merv Griffin. I guess he isn't an actor but I agree, I don't think Toothy is Jake.

  80. I think the younger guy is Zac Efron and the family refers to the Disney family. As they usually refer to them like that with child/younger Disney actors.

  81. I agree that the "in the bathroom stitching up...Kate's dress?" was meant to be catty, that Lloyd's date was stitching up the dress, so ha, could that possibly where Toothy's date was too. Its Alec and Jake

  82. Was I the only one who read the "stitch up Kate Beckinsale's dress" comment as a blind-within-a-blind allusion to the sexuality of either Toothy's date or Lloyd's date? Ted starts the blind referring to Angelina's gal-flirting, and then ends with an image of two chicks chilling in the bathroom...

    I remember there being a few blinds on here a year or so ago about an A-list actress in a lesbian relationship... many people guessed both Reese and Renee. Maybe just my own wishful thinking!

  83. Hey, check this out. It isn't spam for my novel, it's a link to an interesting interview with Alec Balwin. If someone already mentioned this here and I missed it - sorry :)

  84. god, was Alec hot back then or what? Miami blues...

  85. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Having a hard time picturing a gay Alec Baldwin married to Kim Basinger. I just don't see that lasting as long as it did, or continuing to incite the hatred it does. That's genuine sexual passion gone bad.

    I like the idea of ruling out Jake G for Toothy Tile. Just because so many are sure it is him. So if it is not, who does that leave?

    Lloyd as John Cusack is a really interesting guess. I love Cusack in movies, but I think it is well known in person he is a complete bastard, nothing like his characters. Even so, with so many interesting, in depth guy characters, and as cute as he is, why no relationship info on him? He dated Minnie Driver for a year or so. But that's it? Smells like closet.

    I am guessing Cusack for Lloyd. But I am sitting on the fence on Toothy.

  86. those of us who are sure that tt is jake, are the ones who have read all the blinds and followed the tt tale with the 'and it ain't's' and saw the people ted ruled out in his mailbag.

    sorry, but it's too hard for us to reinvent the wheel if you're just looking at two or three tt blinds. personally, i wouldn't know where to begin. i can tell you that most of the names people come up with are wrong and have been ruled out by name, by ted.

    sandman, thnx for identifying yourself as a homophobe.

    renee has serious problems to pick such losers. girl needs to get herself some help.

  87. no homophobe here, i'm all for gay rights, adoption, military, marriage, (hell they can have that last one to themselves) etc.
    doesn't change the fact, that the guy does have gay lips. he looks like an old bloated queen. theres no way he's not smoking the salami...and thats ok.

  88. My guess is...

    Jake G and Gerard B.
    Gerard is not that famous and he was there, did not look very amused like he normally does,is older then Jake and the family thing, well....I guess because he was raised catholic.
    But like I said, it is just my guess.
    Will these BLINDS ever be revealed??

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Apparently everyone missed my posting about how Lloyd has famous siblings. I put it in bold too. Hmph.

  91. New guesser, may not have followed the thread fully, so forgive. I say is Zac Effron and Will Smith.

  92. My Guess is Alec Baldwin and Zac Efron. TT is not Jakey.

  93. For once I have to side with...someone else. I'm ashamed to say that I've followed this Toothy Tile bullshit from afar since Ted started flapping his fey little gums about it years and years ago, and he's literally eliminated, what, SIXTY dudes by now? Every other WEEK is a Toothy blind, and he's NEVER eliminated Jake as a possibility. I'm not saying Ted isn't LYING, but he wants us to believe, in the very cockles of our hearts, that Jake G. is totally faking his relationship with Reese and getting boinked in parking garages and whatnot. If you're REALLY interested, and if you can tolerate Ted's horrendous writing, there are probably dozens of websites dedicated just TO Toothy. I would google it, but that's a timewasting Pandora's box that I simply don't think I should open.


    What clinched it for me was the following connection: I never got the NAME Toothy Tile; it seems utterly disconnected from Jake's name, but then someone somewhere (prolly here) pointed out that Toothy Tile rhymes with Moonlight Mile -- starring Jakey.

    I don't care if he's gay. He's still every bit as bland as his beard.

  94. Zac Efron . . . Ok, all you people who think TT is Efron, then please explain this to me: How can TT be Efron when Efron wasn't even famous when the TT blinds started coming out?

  95. Matthew Broderick and Tony Randall

  96. Molly and Ernestine couldn't be more right! Jake is not just a lazy, go-with-the-crowd guess for TT. People are sure it's him who've followed every BV and the billions of other clues Ted plants in his column. I don't believe he makes us want to believe it's Jake when it's someone else, either, as it's not like he's giving clues that fit both Jake and someone else - only Jake.

    Ernestine - I didn't think of the Moonlight Mile connection, that makes sense. Also the T-T alliteration - Jake and Gyllenhaal also start with the same sound. And Toothy Tile has the same no. of letters as Gyllenhaal.
