Friday, February 06, 2009

Octuplet Mom Nadya Suleman Speaks

NBC interviewed the octuplet mom and the interview is going to be aired in its entirety on Monday during sweeps and will go head to head against the US Airways crew over on CBS which is devoting their entire morning to that story. Hmmm, airline crew saving 150 lives or mom who has created 14 lives. It will be interesting to see which show gets higher ratings.

The octuplet mom says a bunch of crazy things in her interview about how she felt powerless as a child. Ummm, most children feel powerless. I don't think that is a new feeling and doesn't usually make them want to go off and have 14 kids. The thing that gets me about this is that she says that she tried for seven or 8 years to have a baby before she finally had one. OK, lets do the math, shall we. She is 33. Her oldest child is 7 so that means she was 26 when she had her oldest child. 7 or 8 years of actively trying to have a child would put her at 18 or 19 when she started trying. Interesting.

Anyway, below is the excerpt from her interview.


Goodgrief said...

Ok let me get this straight. She has 14 f*cking kids and 8 of them are still in the hospital, and she herself just was released from the hospital. Instead of wanting to be with her little babies that are probably still fighting for their little lives she decides doing tv interviews are more important. I don't even have kids and I see something wrong with scenerio.

ItsJustMe said...

She said she divorced her husband so he didn't have to deal with her depression ... but her 14 kids have to????

twunty mcslore said...

I wonder if they wheeled her out of the delivery room and straight into plastic surgery.

Goodgrief said...

And another thing wasn't the interview done in NY and she is in California. Which means she flew all the way across the country for this interview. I for one will be watching Sully.

Little Baby Jade said...

Sick bitch.

Kristen S. said...

There is not a single thing I can think of that she could say to justify her actions.

That goes for the doctors, too.

Kristen S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dianne P said...

I don't care whether she is getting paid for these interviews or not--she should be shunned by the media. They are giving her the attention she craves and validating her self-centered attention-whoring bullshit.

Kristen S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
clatie said...

Yeah, I can't say I think this woman is playing with
a full deck. Who has 6 kids and gets implanted
because she thinks she's infertile? As more and
more people lose jobs and, as a result, medical
coverage, it is kind of perverted how many
resources are being devoted just to her and her

Paisley said...

The more I learn about her, the crazier she sounds. I feel very sorry for all of her children.

West End Girl said...

I can't play the video as I'm work but the more I read of this story, the more my mind is boggled. What the hell is this mentalist on??

Anonymous said...

i agree with dianne - the media is just feeding her desire for attention. She should be shunned. The only story i want to read about her is how she intends to pay for raising these kids without state/federal taxpayer assistance.

cageykiwi said...

Not only am I outraged at this woman - 14 kids??? - but I am disgusted at the doctor (and I use that term lightly) who had the lack of morality and integrity to implant 6 embryos at one time!!!
This doctor should be sued by the Syaye of California for malpractice and financial support that will undoubtedly and inevitably be paid by the Californian taxpayer (ie me & my hard working hubby!!)

cageykiwi said...

sorry - STATE of California - my outrage got the better of me!

Ror said...

Leave it to the Today show to give this cu*t just what she was seeking. Attention.

I won't even watch the damn clip.

selenakyle said...

Haven't even read the post yet or seen her stupid interview but I see a nose job and lip work.

What is she, the ob/gyn version of Jocelyne Wildenstein?

MISCH said...


selenakyle said...

Oh Pleeeeease! She plans to be able to afford to raise the kids after she finishes her schooling. HAHAHAAAAAA! What a joke.

She contradicts herself a few times, did you notice?

Personally, I think she's got an Anjelina Jolie complex--same hair, same lips, same I-can-do-it-all-because-I'm-an-Earth-Mother attitude.

If the state of CA gives this bitch one red cent, y'all ought to rise up and protest out there!

lmnop123 said...

She said that she's an educated woman and is getting her master's degree. Why? This woman also brags that all she wants to do is be with her kids.

So if she doesn't intend to get on welfare and intends to use her degree to work how is she going to spend all of her time with those 14 children that she can't wait to be with?

Liar. You can't hold down a full time job and HOLD YOUR BABIES ALL DAY LONG!

This woman is a human breeder.

I say we boycott the shows, magazines, books that she's on and ignore her.

Let's help the woman understand what it's like to take care of 14 children all by yourself.

lmnop123 said...

Also I blame her church and friends. They're enablers.

Goodgrief said...

I am so on board with boycotting anything related to her that she could make money off of. She wanted the kids. Lets see her support them all by her lonesome. If I was a California resident, I would be raising holy heck. Doesn't she get like $12,000 a month from the state to support all of these kids?

Maja With a J said...

I think she is trying to become Angelina Jolie, but couldn't adopt because of the whole "single and lives in mom's basement" - thing.
Look at the lips. Look at the nose. I'm serious.

And I just noticed that Selenakyle wrote the same thing...*L*

libby said...

Selenakyle, while I don't share your cynicism about Angie---I REALLY THINK YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING!

Sorry about the caps, but that would really explain something. Maybe she wants to BE Angie, fame 'n' all.

That would make all the sense in the world.

But, seriously, any physician who saw this girl's JACKED-UP face, knew she had 6 already, and even listened to her request to be implanted with 8 more should have transferred her to the psych ward immediately. I wonder if, as rumored, she got it done in Mexico, because her face was clearly done somewhere cheap and unscrupulous (the bad Dr.'s, not Mexicans in general.)

libby said...

We crossed, Harriet!

lmnop123 said...

amster she's hasn't needed welfare in the past because she's received $165,000 in disability checks.

Unknown said...

I was thinking along the same lines: Angie lookalike much? Holy Crow!

Charlene said...

I feel so sorry for those kids.

Goodgrief said...

She wants to be Angelina so bad, I just read somewhere they were calling her 'Womb Raider'. I about choked on my lunch when I read that.

nancer said...

i think this woman is nutty and could well end up losing her kids. she has no idea how she sounds but all i heard was 'me, me, me.'

has she stopped to think how 'powerless' each one of these kids is going to feel? "HEY MOM!!!!! I NEED YOU!!!"
i also love how she's going to go to school so she can support them. HA!! maybe she could have done that first?

Maja With a J said...

*LOL @ 'Womb Raider'.

Anonymous said...

lol@womb raider, that's bad hahaha.

Supposedly from what Today was saying she wanted to have lots of kids because of her dysfunctional family and because she is an only child (I believe that is what I heard).

Now if she was an only child and wanted kids thats fine but she had 6 or 7 wasn't that enough.

Anonymous said...

I had three kids in the NICU at one time, and it was HELL tearing myself away just to get some sleep. This woman, who claims she is going to spend time with her kids, is not showing any concern about having *8* kids in the NICU. She may love her children, but she loves the limelight even more.
This is a direct result of reality television warping the minds of weak people.

Paisley said...

Womb Raider can do it all! She can feed, burp, nap, and change 8 babies at one time. She can provide food and shelter for her whole family. She can shop and prepare the meals for her other 6 kids. She can load all 14 in the car and drive her older ones to and from school. She can help the older ones with their homework. She can work with her preschoolers on learning how to read. She can have one on one time with her autistic child. Hip hip hooray for Womb Raider!

It wouldn't shock me at all if she had another baby in the next few years. She's crazy.

kimmypie1 said...

I totally agree, she is an Angie wannabe. I bet she even went into the plastic surgeon and said, 'give me Angie's nose and lips'.

Here is what baffles me, she says she had only 6 embryos implanted (two turned into twins), which is the same exact amount she had done with all of her other pregnancies!!
Is that normal odds for 6 embryos to only have 1 stick? (as it did with her other pregnancies)? or is she lying?

Also, where in holy hell is she getting the money for a nose job and lip work and IVF 7 times??? (one set of twins, 5 singletons and the octuplet pregnancies)

figgy said...

Oh wow, her lips are SO distorted. It's really sad. There are some awful, immoral "doctors" out there.

luna1580 said...

she said in an la times article that she started trying to have a baby straight out of high school so she would have a person in her life to "connect with."

she was depressed and suicidal.

at 20 she had her first IVF session and got pregnant.

in the clip she says she was implanted with 6 embryos EVERY TIME! no legitimate clinic on earth would put 6 in a 20 year old.

everything about this story is bad bad news......

B626 said...

I know some teen age children who are very angry about the
anonymous sperm donor sitch rhat is their lives and this is only going to get worse everywhere.
Please stop.
It's OK when in vitro kids are little but for the rest of their mystery
1/2 biological selves? Pure torture.

kimmypie1 said...

I have heard other sites call her octupussy! love it!!!

Majik said...

The Brood Sow is batshit crazy.

Who goes to school with 14 kids? Christ, I know people with one child that can't go back to school because they worry their child will suffer. Student loans? Seriously? Who the fuck relies on student loans to support their family? Oh, yeah....stupid crazy brood sows.

Why haven't we heard anything about an investigation into the doc?

This whole sitch makes me so angry.

ItsJustMe said...

Maybe St. Angie Jo will adopt them all.

Dead Angel said...

If she felt powerless as an only child, how does she think anyone of the children she won't have time to interact with feel? Ignored, neglected, marginalized? This selfish woman has a severely autistic child already, who's dealing with him?

She's sick and all the children need to be taken away, good homes found for them and she can have all the time in the world to fix her mental illness, alone.

selenakyle said...

HAAAA! I just came back over here from our Your Turn soul-searching and saw that some of y'all think the same thing about this crazy bimbo...and I just checked out Michael K for the evening and he thought the same thing!

I love AJ and Brad and their extended family--I didn't mean to be cynical about her. BUT people emulating her can be kinda transparent, huh?

This octuplet bitch is seriously f-ed up. NO ONE is buying her stupid bull crap.

shakey said...

amster, the interview was done in California. Not on my dollar - why is she collecting disability cheques?

Angie Jo Face sounds like she watches Oprah and Dr. Phil an awful lot. I'm sure she thought if she spewed all that crap, she would get calls from their producers.

To answer how she is going to support these kids - endorsements. Lifetime movie deal. Money for interviews, first pictures of the octuplets, everything that Ent wrote about the first time.

Cori said...

I'm with you Amster: BOYCOTT ALL COMPANIES WHO SPONSOR THIS LEECH BUT make sure you email them and let them know why you are cutting them off. By the way her parents, who are bringing up her kids instead of her lazy ass who says she wants to "be prsent with them" and "love them unconditionally but flew 3,000 miles for a an $interview... anyway her parents didn't see a cent of the $165,000 in child support from this nutcase!

Ms.Bucci said...

I think her dr. was just as wacked in the head as the mother. But underneath it all she is just a greedy bitch. Maybe she can make play dates with Jon and Kate plus 8. Kates another self centered bitch! Married or not.

BUSHNAK said...

This bitch really grinds my gears. What type of woman sees 6 little pigs running around and says "I want more kids!"?

Capital punishment is acceptable in this case.

Is this why I'm paying more for taxes? Because some whore decides she wants 14 kids in a world with an unstable economy.


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