Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Today's Blind Items - From The Academy Awards - Jackass

This one didn't actually happen at the Academy Awards per se, but happened at a celebrity watching party. A big and famous celebrity watching party. This D list celebutard embarrassed himself and everyone around him when he kept doing his "Indian impression" everytime the camera showed the Slumdog cast. Throughout the night he made disparaging remarks about anything and everything Indian until at one point a spouse of an actress at the same party told him if he did it one more time the spouse would kick the celebutard's ass.


Pookie said...

easy-peasy: brandon davis. known racist celebutard.

Unknown said...

Whomever it is, I'd like to kick his ass too.

Cheryl said...

Sounds like Brandon "Greasy Bear AKA Fat Elvis" Davis to me.

Suzanne said...

Everytime a male celebutard does something stupid, I automatically think Brandon Davis... so I'll jump on the greasy bear train too.

jax said...

totally Fat Elvis.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Cmon Ent, tell us who the super-cool ass-kicking celebrity spouse is!

Bryn said...

I'll guess Jesse James as the spouse of the actress.

Trey said...

The Pivenator!

City Councilman Doug said...

I can't imagine Brandon David being invited to Elton's watching party. Just saying. Maybe someone else's, but not his.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was gonna say... how does a irrelevant, talentless douchebag get into these parties?

Brenda22 said...

Spencer of Speidi?

Jim said...

Peter Andre (Jordan's hubby) is my guess. But he's only D list in Britain; I don't think he's on ANY list anywhere else. Gotta be him.

lmnop123 said...
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PotPourri said...

Elton John's is the biggest party right? Probably somebody British. I like Peter Andre for the guess. I can't imagine who would kick his ass though. I like the guy.

BlackseatDriver said...

Somehow a Hollywood asskicking does't scare me nor impress me...I imagine it to be a lot of name calling with some poorly aimed slaps thrown in..nothing at the face ..of course...

janele said...

I wonder if Elizabeth Hurley's husband (who is from India) was the spouse who volunteered the ass-kicking? Elton John gave her away at her wedding, so she must be close enough to be invited to this shindig.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

For every jackass blind item, I'm now going to guess Sean Penn. Even if it's not logical.

Also, the spouse of the actress is sassy fries saturated with awesomesauce.

WednesdayFriday said...

Janele, I love your thinking!

Binky Melnik said...

the spouse of the actress is sassy fries saturated with awesomesauce.

And you, my dear, are the bombiest! Tastiest sentence I've seen here since I can't remember when!

Anonymous said...

No, Elton John's party is NOT the biggest.

The Vanity Fair party is. Period.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Thanks for the shoutout! But now I'm going to steal "bombiest" and incorporate it everywhere.

JS said...

Isn't the Vanity Fair party and the Elton party for after the awards? This sounds like a party during the awards. But I haven;t ever been invited, so I wouldn't know.

Ror said...
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Ror said...
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Ror said...

Wow, I did the same thing at MY party.

I wondered why all one of them left.

Rene said...

I'm liking the Jeremy Piven guess. He's a first class douche fart.

Julie said...

celebutard...wait, isn't mr jordan a footballer or something? idk, i don't pay attn to britain as much as ...well i don't even pay as much attn as i used to.

my answer for every celebutard jackass is always a davis.
or a federline.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

I know who the "spouse" is! Enty never declared the gender of the spouse in the blind. And he uses the word spouse instead of husband.

I think the spouse who offered to kick the guy's ass is Ellen DeGeneres. She is married to Portia.

Anonymous said...

What about that Stavros idiot who dated wonky-eyed Paris Hilton for awhile? I read somewhere that he was at one of the parties, but I'm not sure which one. I'm going with him. He's been an asshat before - something about a homeless person - so he definitely has a history of ignorance.

libby said...

I'm kind of liking the Spencer guess, because the guy's an absolutely clueless racist. (Remember the Tyra clip about adopting an African child and naming it "Dunk"?) And unfortunately, I can imagine that awful couple getting an invite to a bigger party than Brandon Davis could get into.

Also, the "spouse" thing could be interesting, as Christine said. If it is Ellen---that is awesome! Remember, Enty is a huge fan of Portia, so if it is Ellen, this will surely be a July 4 reveal.

But it could be just a red herring.


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