Thursday, March 19, 2009

Did You Think Eddie Cibrian Was Going To Admit It?

Yesterday after the LeAnn Rimes story broke, I knew it would only be a matter of hours before Eddie Cibrian denied it. Why would he do that? Well because he is a guy and married with two kids. All Eddie thought US Weekly had was a grainy photo or two of him which he probably spent all day yesterday telling his wife were nothing. The only way he would have admitted the affair yesterday was if his wife knew about it before the story broke. Obviously she didn't and so the world got the whole, "this story is fabricated" thing. He had to. He was trying to save his marriage. He was trying to convince his wife that nothing happened and the fact they were holding hands and kissing were just two photographs taken out of context and turned into a story.

There was just one tiny problem with this story of his. Do you remember how the photos were still photos captured from a security camera? Well security cameras generally indicate video, and that is what has been released today. If you would like to watch them kiss, hold hands and to to watch LeAnn sucking on his fingers, then you need to watch the video.

Apparently the finger sucking thing got to him because they left together right after she did it. He brought his truck to the meeting. The truck with his children's car seats in the back. Yep. Nice huh?

Now, you may be asking why LeAnn never bothered to deny it and why her husband still loves her. Umm. LeAnn can pretty much do whatever she wants to in the relationship and is really open to her husband doing whatever he wants to or doing it all together.


canadachick said...

looks like this one is solved :
Another singer. This one is young and married and female, and is definitely an A list singer if there were such a category. Not married to a celebrity so you can just take that Avril Lavigne guess right out of your head. Seems the thing they most enjoy in their sex life is bringing in another person. Always guys. Seems our young husband can't quite decide which team he is playing for and likes the extra boost that a guy brings to the bedroom

Goodgrief said...

He is a big prick. I feel sorry for his wife. She must be totally hurt and humilitated by this.

Anonymous said...

Damn, while it does suck that they're both douchey cheaters (who on that note deserve each other) it's kinda shady that the bar gave out all their security footage of the two... I mean, is there something for them to gain by doing that or what?

Unknown said...

Ugh! It's one thing if both marriages had an understanding, but geez. This is totally humiliating for his wife. And the car seats. No words. Couldn't he rent a car or something? Hope it was worth it.

BTW, has anyone here visited ianundercover? It's a gossip blog. That place is nuts. I'm not advertising it. I'm just curious if anyone here has visited and what their thoughts on it are.

Unknown said...

ambernyc, surely someone must've greased their hands or it may bring the restaurant publicity. Always about money.

palealebrew10 said...

Leann Rimes is horrible. A husband married with two kids?

She reminds me of my own mother. Both are rotten.

Ror said...

So when my next door neighbor comes over during the day and sucks my fingers, it means I'm cheating?!?


Don't know how I'm gonna break this to my woman. You know, in case a tape surfaces.

mygeorgie said...

I do feel very badly for Eddie's wife. What a humiliating, lonely place that is for her right now.

jax said...

that restaurant can kiss it's celeb patrons goodbye!

why is there camera's in an eatery?

canadachick said...

"BTW, has anyone here visited ianundercover? It's a gossip blog."

i checked it out but its all gibberish..doesn't make any sense what sugar ray writes. so i said no thanks LOL

Vanessa said...

Just like to say I wish I was in Leaann place now...lucky girl.

I don't get this righteous he had a kidseat in teh car....not like he had his kid with him.

I also don't understand how just b/c you have kids it makes one a asshole father.

Bad husband...yes but that doesn't have anything to do with his relationship with his children.

I totally bet they had hot crazy sex....illicit sex is the best sex.

West End Girl said...

Wow, there are no words and if I were Leann Rimes, I'd get the hell out of that marriage.

Rebecca, I read Ian but it's confusing and whilst there may be some good points there, they get lost under the sniping comments and dramas.

Sarah Jane said...

Ugh. I loved him on Third Watch. What a dick.

Pookie said...

eep! eddie's marriage will soon be over. damn those hot cuban guys.

ambernyc, i'm so sure there was serious buckaroos involved...

vanessa, eep, that's seriously messed up.

jax, i thought the same thing! no celeb in their right mind (or at least ones that are doing stuff they shouldn't) will go there again. i hope the $ was worth it. wow.

Ice Angel said...

I am surprised no one has mentioned the balls these two have. To openly kiss, hold hands and suck fingers in a crowded restaurant? I mean, they were right next to another couple at another table. I would have told them to get a room if I were the other couple.

They were asking to get caught.

Anonymous said...

I hope he's made a lot of money. I'd screw him six ways from Sunday.

Anonymous said...

I can't blame leann, I mean, shit, the man is gorgeous, especially if she has an open relationship. Maybe she was courting Eddie to join her in a 3some? (darling boyfriend wouldn't mind me bringing Eddie home if he could partake, as well.)

Eddie on the otherhand is just one of those "I'm hot, rules dont apply to me" types apparently. A shame. Why couldn't he just be into dudes?

Unknown said...

Ice Angel, maybe they were asking to be caught. There are all those theories that it was all for publicity. I mean they already had a love scene in the movie, so it was probably no big deal to kiss at a restaurant, know what I mean?

When high-profile people cheat, it's not usually so blatant and public. Too weird.

Ice Angel said...

And what a coinkee dink that their movie is coming out this weekend???

J said...

his poor wife(and kids)

and being a rotten husband IS being a rotten dad...ultimately, they are affected

jax said...

Vanessa, no offense dear, but can i ask how old you are? from this post and the Rhianna one, i'm wondering if you are...younger.
if you aren't i apologize, but your commnets are surprising for a woman.

i have to disagree, it DOES make him a shitty father to cheat on the wife and compromise the marriage without a thought to how it affects the family as a whole.

kanonymous said...

I wonder if Eddie slept with LeAnn's husband too.

Personally, I think it's all just for publicity. Who even heard of their movie before this happened?

Goodgrief said...

Jax, I was thinking someone is on spring break and bored. I too apologize if that is not the case.

kanonymous said...

"Bad husband...yes but that doesn't have anything to do with his relationship with his children."

Yes, bad husbands ARE bad fathers. Trust me, if my dad disrespected my mother and put her at risk for STDs, my relationship with him would certainly be strained. When you do something that can lead to strain in or the break up of your family life, then you are hurting your children.

kimi said...

I too was pretty surprised to see Leeann making out in the middle of a restraunt when she is pretty famous. Even regular people are looked at funny if they are making out in places. Eddie is pretty hot so I always wondered why he didn't go further in his career. Maybe it is for publicity. All I know is I have heard it is pretty tough when your on a set with someone really attractive working away from home and having to pretend your in love. No, it doesn't make it right but something like 60% of people cheat at some point in their marriage. Weak people-yes, but we all make mistakes. There just famous and got caught.

nunaurbiz said...

I think it looks very contrived. I'm just sayin'.....

Elle said...

Leann Rimes? This is who he is risking his marriage over?
This has shades of Balthazar/Sienna all over it. Yuck.

kanonymous said...

This might sound mean, but the reason I initially thought this was just for publicity was because Eddie is way too hot for LeAnn. And his wife is way better looking too. I'm sure there are better looking people on set he could have fooled around with without getting so much media attention.

Anonymous said...

Roberta - Leann basically confirmed it on her blog yesterday

Goodgrief said...

OK says they have also seen the receipt for $95 signed by Eddie. So he must have paid. If this for publicity, its pretty low.

Moxie said...

Why would Eddie want to look like a total scumbag by doing this for publicity? It really looks bad to be cheating on your wife with two young kids at home. LeAnna also looks like a homewrecker and it fuels the rumors about her husband being bi/gay and their open marriage. I don't see how it'd be a good thing for either of them to get caught on purpose.

jax said...

Leanne did a real nice job of throwing Eddie under the bus with her nondenial yesterday.
lol, finally some truth!

B626 said...

They are so busted

mygeorgie said...

"When high-profile people cheat, it's not usually so blatant and public."

This restaurant isn't exactly The Ivey. Nobody in the place seems to recognize them while they are canoodling. They probably thought they had picked a perfect hole-in-the-wall. Oops.

elanenergy said...

First time commenter, lurker for awhile. Vanessa, your wrong, dead wrong. When a husband cheats, it has everything to do with the kids. It DOES make him a lousy father. Get divorced if you want to have sex with another person--don't lie to your wife and kids, b/c that does that huge and lasting consequences to everyone. I know.

elanenergy said...

sorry, meant you're, not your. have, not that. So emotionally charged up on this one, I forgot my spelling. lol

CeeJay said...

Eddie to his Mrs. "Honey, are you going to believe me or what you see with your own two eyes."

stiffkittens said...

Proof he's guilty of bigger crimes:

LOL irl :D

LauraM said...

What's the point of being married if both could screw whomever they want? I hope they don't have kids. She probably wouldn't know who the father will be anyway. That is not a marriage, it's just a piece of paper legally binding them. And as for Eddie, words couldn't describe what a pathetic asshole he is.

B626 said...

There's no actual S-E-X.
Just dinner and suggestive adult activity.
Could this POSSILBY be free PR for their upcoming bigwhoop Lifetime movie coming up this Saturday? With yawning careers and shrinking family pocketbooks this could've got the greenlight from both dependent spouses!!

Jungle007 said...

"I totally bet they had hot crazy sex....illicit sex is the best sex."

Yep. I bet that's what helps his wife sleep at night too.

He isn't thinking of his kids if he can't keep his dick in his pants. His children will learn that marriage doesn't need to be valued and your spouse doesn't need to be respected. Also, a messy divorce centered around infidelity is no fun for children, trust.

But, hey -- at least the horny messed-up weirdos like yourself can fantsize about all that illicit sex!


elanenergy said...

B626, God I hope you're wrong, but it isn't out of the question that this could be an orchestrated PR maneuver. Which begs the question: what's worse in terms of a character disorder: someone who actually cheats; or someone who willingly disgraces their dignity for ratings?

Deserving of ridicule and scorn, all around, no?

Anonymous said...

the new "brad & angie" or "sienna & balthazar"?


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