Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Natasha Richardson Has Died

Natasha Richardson died this afternoon. The statement released from the family said, "Liam Neeson, his sons (Micheal and Daniel), and the entire family are shocked and devastated by the tragic death of their beloved Natasha," the statement said. "They are profoundly grateful for the support, love and prayers of everyone, and ask for privacy during this very difficult time."

Vanessa Redgrave, Richardson's mother, arrived in a car with darkened windows and was taken through a garage when she arrived at the Lenox Hill Hospital on Manhattan's Upper East Side about 5 p.m. Wednesday. An hour earlier, Richardson's sister, Joely, arrived alone and was swarmed by the media as she entered through the back of the hospital.

For more on the story, you can click here.


Chrissy Buns said...

sad sad sad. i don't think anybody will be shocked by this outcome, but man oh man is that sad!

mooshki said...

This is so horribly sad.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

This has bummed me out for the past day or so. Thank you for this elegant notice, Ent. I was hoping this situation would somehow get better. :-(

Natasha was a gorgeous, classy woman with a seemingly solid marriage and two beautiful sons. Ugh. How tragic. It really hits me so hard when kids are involved.

And...I just have to ask: is it wrong that a part of me wonders, "why not PARIS? Why not PAAAARRRIS?!"

Love Like Winter said...

This is awful! So sad.

Goodgrief said...

How sad, I just don't know what to say. My heart goes out to her family. I know she leaves behind 2 young sons and I can't imagine what they are going through.

I for one would like to know how it happened. Did she fall frontward or backward, was she going fast and lost controll or what?. This is kind of scary. I would like to know if this was just a minor little spill she took or something bigger.

Carrie L. said...

I usually don't think too much about when a celebrity dies, but Natasha was such a talent and appeared to be such a charitable person...what a sad day. My thoughts and prayers are with her family; this has to be hell for them.

Liz said...

Wow! I'm just stunned. My heart goes out to her entire family.

KellyLynn said...

I was really hoping the reports from yesterday had been overblown. I can't begin to imagine what her family, and especially her sons, are feeling right now.
The world will miss such a lovely, talented and unique actress.

jax said...

those poor boys and Liam.

Melissa said...

This is killing me. I keep tearing up. So fucking sad.

jw12 said...

She was so damn cute on Top Chef this season.

RIP- you will be missed.

figgy said...

I am just so sorry.

Ernestine, I have to admit that I snorted a laugh when I read your post. While I don't wish anyone dead, not Paris or anyone, one can't help but wish these tragedies would be a bit more equitably distributed...I'm thinkin'...Bernie Madoff...George W. Bush...

Jace said...

I was hoping that reports of her being brain dead were rumors. My heart goes out to her entire family.

Dead Angel said...

When did the "media" become so hateful, would it kill anyone not to see photos her grief stricken family?

A truly gifted artist and a lovely person, she will be missed.

Katy said...

I took a look at the pictures attached to the article enty linked, and in all of the ones with both Liam and Natasha, she's looking at him adoringly. You could really see the love between the two, and this is just heartbreaking. My thoughts are with Liam and their sons.

So sad.

Simone said...

She was as talented and well liked as she was beautiful. Her death is so tragic and unreal.

RIP Natasha and my condolenses to her husband, children and her mother and sister.

Jenny S said...

I think this is devastating because she seemed to be such a graceful woman. I don't ever recall seeing her fall out of a limo or flashing anyone. She was an actress, not some vapid starlet. When she was on Top Chef, she appeared to be authentic in her support for her charity. It was really fun to see her on that episode.
I saw a photo of her with a young Lindsay Lohan in the Parent Trap. Maybe this will be a wake up call for La Lohan. Life is so unpredictable and it can be cut short.

mooshki said...

"When did the "media" become so hateful, would it kill anyone not to see photos her grief stricken family?"

No kidding! I accidentally went to a site that had a ton of pics from outside the hospital, and the paps were swarming them. They had to have help getting through the crowd. SO disgusting.

Miss X said...

So, so sad. My heart and prayers go out to her family.

Ernestine, so true! Not that I wish Paris or anyone else dead, but it does seem the tragic deaths happen too often.

Diana said...

ENT-- thank you for opening this up tonight. There is so much trash out there - your place is so much better and your *people (posters)* are truly good people.

Poor Liam, kids, parents, goes one and on. Hoped so much that all of the media drivel was wrong.

This truly makes one FEEL how fleeting life is - I am 45, w/ a 13 y/old son. I think about how HE would feel if I was in Vanessa's shoes and it makes me hurt even more for him, Liam, parents... there but for the Grace of God am I - would not be newsworthy but still horrible for my family.

The only positive I can come up with is that I KNOW that she can still see her family, hear them, and guide them along. Just she has to use some alternative methods. She will NEVER leave their sides.

God Bless...

farmgirl said...

I am so sad about this. It really proves anyone can go at any time.
Hug your loved ones tonight - and hugs to you all.

SnowCherries said...

Oh my gosh, this is so sad. I love her as an actress. I don't understand how her seemingly minimal fall could have resulted in this???

lanasyogamama said...

I'm so sad for her family, especially the two boys.

I also found out a woman I graduated college died of breast cancer last week. Thirty five years old, husband and seven year old daughter. You really just don't know.


West End Girl said...

Such a tragic shame for everyone involved, especially her sons.

The only thing I can remember seeing her in "The Parent Trap" but this is just making me cry so much.

RIP :(

Momster said...

This just breaks my heart. I'm in my forties with 2 teen sons myself.

I bet she wouldn't have wanted her sons photographed in that way. Let them grieve without all the flashbulbs and clicking and jostling of the paps.

PotPourri said...

This is shocking. By all accounts, it appears the fall was mundane.

shakey said...

It was a very simple fall - no tree involved, nothing big, one stumble. I too was hoping media reports were greatly exaggerated.

Jenny S, this picture is from the Costume Gala. There's a picture of her somewhere climbing up the stairs and she hiked her dress up so she wouldn't trip. She hiked it up so high, you could see the nude thong she was wearing! LOL! I bet she was the type to laugh about that sort of thing rather than freak out on an assistant.


Pookie said...

how absolutely devastating for her boys and husband. may she RIP.

imho, she was a lovely woman and actress, and i hope her family--most especially her mother--will thank god every day from here on out for having been blessed w/ natasha, and for having had her beautiful example of grace and kindness to follow. i hope vanessa can one day live up to her daughter's legacy.

GladysKravitz said...

My condolences to her family and friends. THe world loses a classy, intelligent, talented person today, but her soul is still with us. My heart goes out to all of her family---it is never right when a person is taken from us so young, nor with such swiftness. Rest in peace, Natasha. I can only hope your death brings some gift to the world in the same way you did while you were alive.

Dick Insideu said...
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Kim said...

I'm betting that we'll hear more about the fall, or if an autopsy is performed, we'll hear of some other problem with her that was undiagnosed. This just doesn't happen. No one falls down in the snow on the bunny trail and dies from the head bonk. You hit harder bumping your head on the way out of the car. That was a very serious injury that we see in motorcycle wrecks and stuff like that. When I first read it, and how serious it was, the only thing I could come up with was a carotid artery tear, we see that when someone ganks their neck too hard.
I think we need to stay tuned on this one. Regardless, such a total waste. A wonderful actress, a good person by all accounts, and two young boys have lost their mother. Tragic all the way around.

Jungle007 said...

Dear Christ why are people like Dead Kennedy even posting on here?!

I didn't know much of her career, but just from the news clips shown non-stop today I could see that this is a beautiful, genuine woman. So terribly sad that she has succumbed to her injuries. My heart truly goes out to her family.

I was honestly shocked when I logged on and read this headline. After the confusion yesterday and the fact she was still alive this morning i had become hopeful that maybe she would live. I dearly hope that Liam and her sons were able to say their proper good-byes to her.

Jungle007 said...

I just read the comments from the blinds just below this post. I find it even more sad that the family had to make that choice to remove life support. I would never want to be put into that position, but if it were me on life support I'd wish my family to do the same.

I'm gonna go cry in the shower. this is too depressing.

Again, deepest condolences to the family for their terrible loss.

Robyn said...

of course my deepest condolences to Liam Neeson, their sons, and her family. A horribly tragic accident.

Jenny S said...

I stand corrected. May I amend my previous statement to say that we have never seen her high on cocaine, falling out of a limo, throwing her blackberry at her assistant, running her car into a tree in a drunken haze? There was something regal yet down to earth about her. I am so sorry for her family's loss.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, whatever Dead Kennedy said it must have pushed a button. How often do you see the "deleted by blog administrator"?

RIP Natasha. So fast, so sad.

JJ said...

This story is keeping me up tonight. I have been thinking of her all day and hoping the stories weren't true. Life is so precious.

I can't help but compare her accident to Sonny Bono's. He died instantly and Natasha had a day. I hope she hugged her family or friends or did something special with that extra few hours.

Altho strangely I think it would have been easier to take if she had died instantly.

Sorry to ramble. This one's really got me down.

Ror said...

We can't kill Amy Winehouse or Paris Hilton off, but Natasha falls and dies.

Yup. Life fucking blows.

lmnop123 said...

My condolences to her entire family. It really saddens me when the good die young. At least whenever I see her face I'll remember her as a respectful, talented actress.

And on a separate note this is the first time I've ever seen a comment removed by the administrator. I'm sure it was done out of necessity.

RIP Natasha

For the rest of you have a safe and peaceful evening.

Good Nite.

katie said...

I loved her in Blow Dry. If you haven't seen it, rent it. Has Alan Rickman, Rachel Griffiths, your typical Miramax perfect movie. She was wonderful in it. I'm going to buy a copy.

The last time I felt this sucker punched by a premature death was Princess Diana.

Unknown said...

So so sad, my thoughts to her family:( She seemed like such a genuinely nice person and a talented actress.

B626 said...

My 9 yr old loves Parent Trap. When he saw the news on the tube he ran to his room and slammed the door.
Here I thought he had the crush on pre-pube Lohan.
Natasha(the mom) was the one he liked!
It will be so different now to see her in movies. Sad.

c17 said...

This just kills me. From all I've known of her, she was a wonderful person to everyone & especially her family. My condolences to everyone who is close to her and all others as well.

It makes you realize just how fragile life is & how one should appreciate every moment - you never know when it will be your last.

c17 said...

@Dead Kennedy (by the by, you do the name a disservice)


So, yeah. Meh.

mooshki said...

Dead Kennedy is a pathetic troll who's desperate for attention. It's best to try to ignore him. Enty usually deletes his posts as soon as he becomes aware of them.

newsgrrl said...

I am a health editor of a daily newspaper. When I read what happened early Tuesday - I started to follow the story. I felt this would happen, hoped that it would not. It could not have happened to a classier lady.
I did not follow her as an actress, but I'm a longtime fan of Liam and the way they stayed below the radar as a couple was so gracious - the only time you would really read about them was if they were spied on Gawker Stalker.
He was not an easy catch - but she caught and kept him and now he has lost her. So f'ing sad.

Fabulous! said...

i don't know much about natasha's career other than the parent trap, but i have to say it's frightening that something like this could happen so suddenly and so innocently. taking ski lessons? that's actually the more responsible approach to a fun hobby. what's going on here?

i hoped the media was blowing it out of proportion, and it's tragic that it's a reality. my heart aches for her entire family. i definitely agree with diana's statement above.

i just have to say the comments about 'why can't it be someone like paris' etc... that's so insensitive. yes, these young idiots are taking life for granted, but that doesn't mean we should wish death on them. instead, i hope they gain some perspective from this and take it as a serious life lesson that life is too short and too precious to throw it away like they do. hey, maybe one of those idiots can turn it all around. one can hope.

rip natasha.

Rare Avis said...

Oh man. I was hoping that I was right.

Here are a few things about her. She loved margaritas with salt on the rocks. She had the best throaty deep laugh. She was the kind of woman that men just loved. She could tell a great dirty joke. She was drop dead gorgeous.

Her husband loves her very, very much. My thoughts are with him. He can be fragile, my hope is that he can stay strong enough for those boys.

ItsJustMe said...

This story is so incredibly heartbreaking ... I just loved her as an actress and my heart's best wishes are with her family.

Picasso One said...

Very Sad, Natasha was a first class actor, she will be missed.

Tania said...

Aww, shit.

I really feel for her poor family. This was hellish bad luck.

AMD said...

This is so unfair. First Ron Silver, then her. Somebody keep an eye on Jessica Lange.

I'm definitely hugging my cat extra hard when I get home.

Unknown said...

Life kind of imitates scary.

In the movie, LOVE ACTUALLY, Liam Neeson's portrays a widower who looses his wife to cancer, leaving him with a stepson. And now, sadly in life, with two teenaged sons. Sad.

Dick Insideu said...
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West End Girl said...

ihpguy, that thought hit me when I went to bed last night. So sad :(

Midnight Wizard said...

Enty, thanks for not being one of the pigs who kept posting "Natasha Richardson is dead! oh wait, she's not, she's just dying! MAYBE she's dead, I'm so drunk right now! no she's not dead! or is she?"

Just, thanks. You always handle entertainment news with more grace than the other guys, so I'm not surprised, but even so, thanks.

Dick Insideu said...

c17 - wanna go for a ride?

Anonymous said...

Wanna go for a ride? Oooh you're a real tough guy DK. Hm. DK. Also the initials for a angry, oafish monkey that beats his chest and has childish tantrums. Coincidence? I think not.

Anonymous said...


Maja With a J said...

I, too, was hoping that all those reports were exaggerated...I guess not. This is very sad.

Sporky said...

Oh no, I was hoping the reports of unplugging her life support weren't true. I loved her in "Gothic". She was beautiful, classy & talented. My heart goes out to Liam, her boys, and the rest of the family.

I can't believe the paparazzi couldn't leave them alone during this time of sadness. Anything for a buck.

Ice Angel said...

When my 6 year old heard the news, he completely surprised me by bursting into tears. I held him and consoled him. We have probably watched the Parent Trap a hundred times together. It sounds corny to be touched by someone you have never met, but isn't that what art is supposed to do? To make a connection?

Natasha was such a lovely and classy woman. It is such a tragedy when someone so young and beautiful, with two young children, dies so suddenly and seemingly so senselessly. It is difficult to make sense of it all.

Forget the Paris and Amy talk. I saw the picture of 74 Charles Manson this morning next to Natasha's picture and the irony of it all hit me. This disgusting excuse for a human being that murdered a beautiful young actress is still alive and well in jail, while the lovely Natasha is now gone.

RIP Natasha and my sincerest to condolences to her family and loved ones.

Anonymous said...

RIP Natasha - you will be missed greatly. A great actress and a class, elegant lady. This is just so sad. Thoughts and prayers to Liam, their two boys and the rest of the family.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow. What a truly incredible shock, and a horrifying loss- she was a great actress and a kind person, and I cannot even begin imagine the agony that her husband and their two young sons must be feeling, as well as the rest of her loved ones. Such a seemingly benign incident; I just can't believe it has now ended so tragically.

Rest in peace, Natasha.

Lil said...

Heartfelt thoughts to Liam and their children and all of Natasha's family. Those left behind always have so much to deal with. Such a tragic loss.

mygeorgie said...

B626/Ice Angel: Your stories are beautiful! THAT made me cry. When a respectable adult touches the heart of a child, you just know she was a beautiful gift. I can't imagine the depth of sorrow her own children feel.

pusssykatt said...

I've loved her since "Widow's Peak." She was such a wonderful actress, and so beautiful in the movie, as well as real life.

She'll be missed.

Anonymous said...



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