Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Summary Of The Chris Brown Mess

Last week this all seemed so simple. Chris Brown beat the crap out of Rihanna and should go to jail. Pretty simple actually. I like simple. When you start messing with simple then people invariably start getting screwed, and it all starts to make less and less sense.

First of all we had Rihanna deciding to take back Chris' sorry ass. She did so in a very public manner and seems to be the only member of her family other than her greedy dad who thinks it is a good idea. They reunited at Diddy's place, but Diddly Piddly swears that he had no idea Chris was going to use his place for that and thought Chris and his mother were going to have a spiritual retreat. This of course is the same Diddy who had no idea that his assistant had a gun. Piddly has certainly learned how to plead ignorance.

From there we have Usher who blasted Chris Brown and then apologized for it. The reason? Apparently Chris threatened Usher and said that in the future those kinds of statements would make it awkward for them to work together. Ummm. Who cares? Why should Usher need Chris? I still don't know who blackmailed Usher but I want to hear that story someday.

Then, Ciara decides that she never wants to work with Chris Brown again and says so. The very next day her manager says Ciara was misunderstood and that she and Chris will have a duet on her next album and that she loves the idea of working with Chris. The kid is f**king 19 years old. You can find another star. Stars are replaceable. So, I'm wondering if there is someone who knows all the secrets who is pulling the strings. The only people not scared to speak out are Oprah and Donald Trump. Hopefully others will also speak out in the weeks to come.

So, today comes the story from TMZ that the texter which set Rihanna off is none other than Tina Davis. Who is Tina Davis? Tina is Chris' manager. She is 40 years old and allegedly they started having sex together when she was 37 and he was 16. They both deny ever having sex, BUT, in Rihanna's statement to detectives she says they did, and do, and that was why she got so upset.

Oh, and this doesn't even include the marriage rumor, the pregnancy rumor or the fact that Chris only spent $50,000 on a ring like he could buy her off for that. Oh, and that they are recording together right now and are going to be at The Kid's Choice Awards together and that when she wins the award is going to thank Chris for being there for her. You watch. If she wins, she will thank him, and then we can all go and get ourselves drunk and give up on her ever having a life.


jagerlilly said...

I think she's going to lose a lot of her fanbase if she doesn't slam his ass in jail. She'll turn into a huge joke.

Bad Momma said...
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Bad Momma said...

The only reason that would make any sense at all for the back peddling would be if Rhianna could not be talked out of going back with Chris & these people are trying to make the situation not look so bad.

It's a shame because now Rhianna looks like a fool and Chris looks much better than he has a right to.

Sounds like the manager should be put in prison if any of this is true.

As a mom, I would hope these two would stay away from Kid's Choice. It sends the wrong message to our youth about domestic violence.

It. Is. Never. O.K.!!!

KellyLynn said...

This pair have already lost a lot of fans, and all of this effort attempting to sweep everything under the rug is only serving to alienate more people.

Unless both parties in this couple get some serious therapy and make some kind of deal to give all of their profits to charities offering assistance to victims of domestic violence, I can't see their careers lasting much longer.

Miranda said...

I just don't understand this whole situation. The guy beat the crap out of her (seriously, who puts a person in a headlock and bites their ear?) and she takes him back? Does she have no self-respect? Doesn't she have anyone in her life to advocate for her, or talk some bloody sense into her? It makes me disgusted because young girls everywhere are going to follow her example. I'm so glad Rihanna has offered herself up as the poster child for domestic abuse.

Goodgrief said...

If she does get the chance to thank Chris, I wonder if anyone would have the heart to boo her. Someone has to be able to get thru to her that going back to him is self destructive. Doesn't seem like she has much support. And Chris seems to have more power than a little twerp should have.

JaxSux said...

Miranda: (seriously, who puts a person in a headlock and bites their ear?)

2 words- Mike Tyson


merrick said...

I would have to agree with you Enty, that someone is pulling the srings to manipulate Rhianna and this situation to Chris Brown's advantage .. and I think that if we follow the $$$ trail, we might have the answer to the question. No doubt people in the industry have been coerced into retracting anti-Chris statements .. something smells fishy in the world of r&b ..

S. said...

I'll tell you what is simple. He's an SOB who deserves jail time but will get nothing because of "who he is." She's a total idiot who knows damn good and well she should punt this guy but takes him back anyway. Anyone who supports their sorry asses, such as P Diddly Sqat, Usher, and any other "celebrities" who jump all over the bandwagon to support each other when one of them commits a freaking CRIME, for God's sake... is a total ass for not standing up for what's right and wussing out.

The only sane people are those who call a spade a spade, and refuse to purchase ANY of thier music or whatever they do, refuse to buy the products they endorse, refuse to spend one penny of thier hard-earned money to allow these ass-wipes to live in the drug and money-flowing, guilt-edged, "I'm above the law" cosseted-world they have surrounded themselves with.

It's bad enough I have to support the Democrats and their outrageous spending. No way in hell will I ever support anything these idiots do.

Pookie said...

Bodie said it best: mike tyson.

phaballa said...

I have said it before: CLIVE DAVIS. He is the one pulling the strings. He's still very involved in Sony/BMG which owns Chris's label, JIVE, and he's been involved in Chris's career from the beginning.

He is also well-respected and greatly feared in the industry. He can make or break even established pop stars with one single statement (see: Kelly Clarkson's "My December" clusterfuck.)

Clive is also a known misogynist. I am convinced he's the one coercing people to retract their statements.

Linnea said...

Wait, is noone upset about the whole Tina Davis thing here ? Cause that is just frecking ridic, and borderline pedophilia. If that was a 16 year old girl, and she was a 37 year old male, we would be calling for her head on a stick... I mean, not literally. Sick, really sick,

But somewhere in the back of my head a blind seemed to stir up... There was one about the pop star doing that much older woman, when he had a hot young girlfriend! Does anyone else remember?

phaballa said...

@linnea: I just thought that was referring to Justin Timberlake and his mom! But I guess CB makes more sense. Heh.

jax said...

Oprah, Trump and Eve...unless she retracted her words too.

what an effin mess.

Kat said...

Yup, the fact that so many of these so-called celebs are seemingly afraid to speak up or at least stick to their original statements is puzzling. Aren't the Chris Browns of the world a dime a dozen? What's so special about this loser that no one wants to be a grown-up and tell it like it is?

What gets me is that the pictures of Rihanna wearing the bejewelled eye patch didn't tip anyone off. It was my first thought when the story broke, 'oh, so that's what the eye patch business was all about'. Which means this goes back a long way. Which means the girl isn't thinking for herself anymore.

Hope said...

When the dust settles, she's going to resent Chris for messing with her public image as a strong independent woman.

lutefisk said...

Kat said:
"Aren't the Chris Browns of the world a dime a dozen? What's so special about this loser that no one wants to be a grown-up and tell it like it is?"
You beat me to it--is there no one else out there that can take this little shit's place???

Anonymous said...

I know we all hate Oprah, but I got to give it up for her on this....advice doesn't get much more "strong black woman" role model than that....

BlahFrickinBlah said...

Resent Chris? Shit, she should look in the mirror and blame the right person for putting her public image in the shitter.

I wonder if she/he will get boo'ed at the KCA. I would love to see that happen. I would even love to see the paps turn their back on them on the red carpet like they did to Clooney after Princess Di's death. (remember he attacked the paps and all sorts of fuckery related to her death) I wonder if kids even know what has happened between CB and Riri enough to boo them. The people at the KCA are total bullshit for letting him show up. Nice message for the kids assholes. They are doing it strictly for ratings.

Now with the news of the manager banging him, this shit just gets sicker by the second. When someone is old enough to be your parent, that's when you just have to say no. Ewwww. Just ewww.

JR10 said...

Today Diddy was on Ellen. He openly, clearly stated that he knew he was giving his house to Rihanna and Chris together as a favor. WTF??

Fabulous! said...

I've been one of the more vocal people in defense of Rihanna since this came out, but I have to say this situation is getting out of hand and it's not going to end well for her. This girl needs to wake up and get some therapy stat. I'm so disappointed that she's not setting a better example for women and children. She doesn't need to be the poster child for domestic violence or anything, but STAND UP for yourself and walk away. Publicly, privately, I don't care- just get away from this pig!

And I am whole-heartedly disappointed and disgusted by Nickelodeon right now. They don't even have to release a statement, or weigh in with their opinions on the situation, no tv specials no nothing... Just taking Chris Brown off the ballot was all they had to do. I hope they lose money, viewership, I hope anyone who hosts or performs at the show loses out for being involved in the circus. It's deplorable the message they're sending to KIDS and the world. I grew up watching Nick, but my future kids sure the hell WONT!

Oops! /end rant

mooshki said...

Sonia, please, for the love of god, don't bring politics up here. It can lead to no good.

nancer said...

thank you, mooshki. this is getting to be a problem. it seems like every day i read here, some asshole has injected a political statement into something that has nothing to do with politics. this is fun gossip---not a platform for people with an axe to grind about politics.
don't they have enough sites where they can vent their spleen? do they have to keep bringing it here?
please stop it.

Linnea said...

Gotta love Jesse McCartneys comment: "From what I’ve seen and from what I know of [Brown], he's always been a gentleman. I've always known him as just a really nice guy. He's always been supportive of me too. Even in the early years when he was on top and I was just building my way up. He's always been really supportive…I think he'll be okay."

penny said...

Chris Brown alleged relationship with his ex manager is not new.

If you read the predominantly black gossip blogs, rumors regarding Chris Brown and Tina have been around awhile. At one time the relationship started getting alot of attention especially because of her age and the fact that he was a minor and all of the sudden you hear about Chris Brown and Rihanna as a couple.
There is also another rumor regarding that relationship.

Anonymous said...

Penny, what is the other rumor?

This whole mess is disgusting. I hope the both just disappear from public life. Has anyone seen anything definitive saying that they're really back together or could it be PR from Chris Brown's people?

AprilinParis said...

Didn't I read somewhere that Rihanna's dad is an ex-crackhead? If so, aren't crackheads notorious for violence? If so, then this might lend some insight into Rihanna's mindset about men and what's acceptable behavior.

It's possible that the reason no one wants to condemn Chris has to do with pressure from Clive, but it could also be that there are a lot more of them than we know who are in "dysfunctional" relationships and don't dare criticize lest they too be outed. Could be the sick protecting their own.

S. said...

I'm sorry, Mooshki - you are right - I typed without thinking. I should not have mentioned anything about politics here - I was just having a bad morning.

And Nancer, I'm not an asshole. I'm just a single mom worrying about paying the bills. It was a slip of my thoughts, that's all. I won't let it happen again. Sorry I offended you.

stiffkittens said...

People had the opportunity to do the right thing, and set an example for their impressionable fans/public. It's nice to see that they considered their money train first...

Mexi said...

Anything Nickelodeon is banned from my house at this point. It's just hard to explain to a 6 year old why they can't watch SpongeBob anymore. I hope their ratings have plummeted and the viewership for KCA is one of the lowest this year. I think it'd be awesome if some of the other celebs nominated would just not show up. Not that I think it would happen, but seriously...Nickelodeon needs to be taught a lesson.

jax said...

ok this is the kind of CDAN we're used to. mature, adult conversations.

thank you Sonia for not freaking out. i wish good things for you and your family.

Wack said...

my friend told me that if chris brown went to jail for 9 years, she'd kill herself because she loved him so much.

i lol'd

Anonymous said...

Maybe Chris said "if I go down, Tina's going down" for statutory rape. And who knows WHAT would come out of that trial!
Whatever pull Clive (or someone) has, it is staggering to see how swift and strong it is. A one-day turnaround each time!

Sporky said...

Clive Davis is a ghoulish asshole. Always was, always will be. There, I said it. Go ahead and fuck up my singing career, Clive. Have at it!

And what the FUCK do Democrats have to do with this?!?! Talk about idiots.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Sporky!

And Sonia already addressed the situation - and very gracefully, I might add, Sonia. : )

Unknown said...


no one watch the kids choice awards if you have a kid take them to the park instead. No more Diddy reality tv shows, clothes, artists, anything for me. List of all Jive records clients

ones I'm going to hate to boycott :
Justin timberlake (ass but good music)
Britney Spears (loved circus) :(
T-Pain (I'm on a boat is hilarious)

Def Jam:
the only one I like is Rhianna herself and Jay-Z

Same goes for anyone his agent represents which her name is Tina Davis heres her website
she used to work for Def Jam got fired and worked for Jive Records. other client is scooter smiff.

start spreading the word of the boycott leave comments on youtube, talk to your friends, your co-workers, everyone let them know that this stance of women being beaten then swept under the rug is over. We are strong and smart women with pocket books and we won't stay silent anymore. Let's bring back the word feminist and make it positive not something to be quite about.

Jungle007 said...

Penny- you beat me to it. I was just gonna say that the rumors of CB and Tina Davis have been circulating since 2007-ish. They squashed it pretty quick once he and Rihanna came out as a couple, but at the time they allegedly started their "relationship he was only 16. Gross. And she is one ugly dude.

I agree, it should be boycotted. But think about it- with so many sites (this one included) raving about the whole CB/Rihanna crap, I almost think that this year's KCA will probably get better ratings simply because they kept Chris on the ballot.

I know i'm a beast for saying so, but it's kinda true. Honestly, I don't wanna watch and never have before, but I'm almost tempted to tune in simply to see if the loser shows, if Rihanna shows up on his arm, and if either win. I HIGHLY doubt I will watch, since i will hear it all on here the next day anyways.....
just sayin'.

stiffkittens said...

They don't deserve the ratings. You can see all the photos, and view the video on youtube etc the next day. That way you watch without supporting the scum.

B626 said...

When this ends up in a murder-suicide,cross your fingers there will be no kids.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Yeah. I'm as yellow-dog liberal as they come, but leave Sonia alone already. She already made amends.

shakey said...

So is this Tina person sleeping with Scooter as well? If I didn't fear getting tracked down, I'd type that in an email to her.

Kelly Clarkson stood up to Clive Davis. He offered her $10mil to redo her album his way, she said forget it. Bet if she did she'd be in some fake-ass relationship, unable to think for herself.

My son is pretty torn up about this. He wants everyone to keep trying to get Chris off the ballot. He needs his Spongebob.

Linnea said...

Just one thing, about ratings . it doesnt actually matter if you watch nick or not . Unless you are one of the 5000 housholds in the US chosen to be a part of the Nielsen ratings, that is. They are not counting other people.

That said, I do agree with a boycott of products and other things. Im just as outraged as Megan seems to be at how they assume we, the consumers, wont care and wont be able to have an impact.

Black Girl Blogger said...

Chris Brown must have one hell of a fixer to be scaring stars like that.

__-__=__ said...

I guess Tamika was still recovering when Diddy called to talk to Usher. I pity them both when she finally comes around and gets her strength back!

__-__=__ said...

Petition to remove CB from Nickelodeon awards:

Linnea said...

Thanks for the petition, its great idea. Did anyone see AC360 last night? They actually talked about it, and I thought it was pretty good, but they didnt mention the fact that so many people have withdrawn their statements... which i thought was pretty odd. But I liked that they took a stance, at least.

Linnea said...

Enough with the racist comments! They are not ok!

mooshki said...

Whatever you do, do NOT click on the link at the end of Wembley's racist rant.

Linnea said...

well now u just have to tell us what it is... otherwise i will get too curious and do it

mooshki said...

It's a white power site.

mooshki said...

Sonia, I echo what Jax said. Being immature can certainly be fun under the right circumstances, but it's nice when we can be grown up about some things. :) Kudos to you.

stiffkittens said...

It's a white power site

OMG how did someone like that get through the cracks?! And Enty can't ban people? Blogger is messed up... How do we report the post?

stiffkittens said...

__-__=__ : Thanks for the link, signed. Hopefully Nick will take notice - there's quite a number of sigs already :)


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