Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Redmond O'Neal Is Still In Jail

Apparently Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett are taking this tough love thing seriously. Despite being arrested over the weekend, Redmond O'Neal is still in jail and has not posted bond. Today he was formally charged with heroin possession which is a nice change from the meth he was arrested for last time. At some point today, Redmond will be arraigned and will presumably plead not guilty. I wonder if the family is just going to let him stay in jail until his trial or if they haven't noticed he was arrested because of all the drama at the hospital. I'm wondering if the family doesn't want Farrah to know. Another possibility is that she and Ryan are smoking meth in the hospital. Hmmm. Probably not. I think the staff would smell it.

My guess though is that Redmond needs to get straight. Hopefully he can do that while sitting in a jail cell and his withdrawal won't be too awful. Who am I kidding. He probably has it really bad right about now.

I think they should leave him in jail. He was already out on bail from his last arrest and that didn't stop him from using. His dad already plead guilty to possession so he isn't getting sobriety from that part of the family. I think he is better off staying in jail, and if he is convicted of anything he has all this time already served.


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    poor kid never had a chance

  2. I feel sorry for Farrah =[
    She needs Redmond right now and he's breaking her heart.

  3. How did they have a child so ugly?

  4. Dad probably doesn't care and mom is still under a morphine drip and doesn't know what's going on. Hope him and Lindsey never hook up and breed.

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    This idiot will never learn. Even if he goes cold turkey he doesn't look the type that he will ever give up drugs.

  6. Goodgrief--I like your match with him & Lindsey--that would keep us busy here.

  7. Goodgrief - don't give Lindsey any ideas, she'll be posting his bail today.

    Hasn't his problem being going on since he was like 13/14? Did they spike his baby bottle with something? Enough already!

  8. Further proof that two great-looking people can have one fugly-looking offspring.

    Let his spoiled ass rot in jail for a while and get a dose of reality.

  9. I think doing drugs is a norm in that household, they just never expect to be caught or prosecuted.

    I don't feel sorry for any of them because they KNOW the dangers of illegal drugs but again their sense of entitlement is clouding their judgment.

  10. whether doing drugs is a norm for most people or not, i hope this kid gets the book thrown at him. not in a 3 strikes way, but something to teach him a lesson. his mother is battling cancer for heaven's sake and he'd rather bring drugs to a jail than straighten up for a couple hours to visit her. this a-hole needs to grow up.

  11. I bet he feels like stir fried sh*t right about now...

    Every junkie gets that day of reckoning, maybe this is it for him

    If your mom's dire situation isn't enough to seek rehab, what is?

  12. Anonymous1:03 PM

    If anyone could determine with any accuracy what each person's "bottom" would be, they'd be the richest person in the world.

    And how sad is it when the best thing for you is to stay in jail for a while? Sad....

  13. I imagine a Pete Doherty with Carrot Top hair as Redmond and Lindsay's child....

  14. His meth habit probably doesn't help his looks.

    And while it's nice to think he'll clean up while he's in jail, every jail I've ever had clients in has had meth readily available. And that's just what the clients admit to!

  15. When my sister was arrested for possession, after years of grief for our family, my parents left my sister in jail. They tried to convince my mom that it was her duty to bail my sister out. My mom stood firm and left her there. After 30 days of forced sobriety, my sister began her road to recovery. She's been clean and sober for 9 years now. Sometimes jail is the best program.

  16. The kid looks like Prince Harry & Lyle Lovett's love child in that photo.

  17. it's looks like ryan and farah are finally making right decisions when it comes to this kid. i guess better late than never...

  18. but the good news is that farrah is currently only suffering from a hematoma, from a treatment she had in germany. yes, her anal cancer has metastisized to her liver, but it was the liver treatment that caused the hematoma that was causing her pain. she's still in the hospital, but is doing well, no coma, all the rumors are untrue.
    her doctor was on the local news clearing that up today.

  19. He's the King of all shmucks to be this selfish while his mom is sick. I realise his parents weren't the Cleavers but get real who has parents like them? I hope he gets clean. I hope it sticks but I seroiusly doubt it will.

  20. Redmond looks much older than his years (thanks to the drug use). Poor kid has such a bad father. Just ask Tatum or Griffin.
    PS. Agree with others, Redmond is one ugly kid.
