Friday, May 29, 2009

Ted C Blind Item

No kinky homo lovin' in this week's Blind, either, folks, just some straight-up hetero debauchery! Does that make you happy or sad? Relieved, regardless, I'm sure. Anyways, guess all the gays were too busy protesting this week (or hiding indoors lest they come across as too sympathetic to the cause—we know we didn't see Toothy out and about holding a sign in WeHo!). So, that leaves us with Dominique (Dommy) Do-Rightly, rising star.

See, Dom's a ton more popular on the small screen than on the big one—tho for some silly reason she keeps desperately trying to make the film thing work. But Dommy's still managed to rack up a ridiculous amount of fans, all who think she's just so über-cute and cuddly, like a posh stuffed teddy bear.

But would they still fawn over her so much if they knew their darling 'n' wholesome girl's one freaky wild party animal? We know we'd like her a whole lot more if she just fessed up to it!

Ms. Do-Rightly likes the public to think she's all about goin' organic, living healthy, saving the world and being an all-around sweetie-pie. Make me puke right now. Ugh.

I never bought that faux persona on this stink-eyed star, but I'm used to celebs totally lying about who they are! Those who know Dommy personally can't stand how stuck-up the bitchy babe is. She often refuses to promote her latest flicks as much as she's told, leaving all the legwork to her second billed, bitter costars.

No one can friggin' put up with the diva's demands anymore—that is, of course, except other divas! DDR is spending more and more time with skanky H'wood regulars—privately, at house parties, since public outings together would be oh so disastrous to Dom's clean-cut image.

At one such recent drug-infested fete, DDR boozed-and-bashed till all hours of the morning, blasting party energy up her nose and wrapping her legs, tongues, what have ya around dudes left and right, using the hostess's totally expensive living room couch to show off her moves (not like that sofa hasn't been tarnished enough with party germs already). And this was milliseconds after splitting with her last famous man! Guess that explains who did the dumping in that doomed relaysh.

Hey, got an idea! Maybe Dommy oughta bring her slutty ways out of hiding—look how much press Paris gets! And she gets whole damn perfume lines, too! What does Dommy have? A few politically correct endorsements here and there—and we sure know that ain't enough headline attention for a naughty nose-candy princess like DDR!

And It Ain't: Amber Tamblyn(damn right it ain't Amber), Blake Lively, Miley Cyrus


David D. said...

La Maniston.

Katie said...


Unknown said...

Definitely.. hayden..
Talking about relationship with Milo, sex parties in Cannes.
Other hint are the ages of the STARS who is NOT referring to

Suzanne said...

Yeah I'm jumping on the Hayden train.... not literally though... gross.

Momster said...

On the Hayden train. The "saving the world" gives it away for sure.

Since when did Ted's blinds become so easy??

Katie said...

same amount of syllables in the names as well, isn't that one of ted's things?

Dijea said...

Why does this scream Jennifer A to me?

Ice Angel said...

Is this even "blind?"


Lolita Breckenridge said...

It does seem like we are getting more and more quasi-revealed blinds...lainey, Enty's reveals, and now Ted is being more revealy. It's a new day in America. Transparency, etc etc.

whole lotto luv said...

Ted C just referred to Hayden the other day as boring. And the "dudes left and right" seems weird if HP is, in fact, involved in that weirdass relationship of the blind of earlier this week. But the AIAs put the age between 16 and 26, and I can't think of anyone else that fits the "wholesome" image, recent breakup descriptions.

Dianne P said...

I would say HP, too, but it talks about her refusing to promote her flicks (and earlier refers to her trying to make the jump to movies).

Has HP been in any movies, especially ones that she hasn't bothered to promote?

shanna leigh said...

kristin bell? "stink-eyed"...kristin herself says she has a lazy eye....and everyone loves her on veronica mars and thinks she's so cute.

AndrewBW said...

Dom's a ton more popular on the small screen than on the big one—tho for some silly reason she keeps desperately trying to make the film thing work.I don't think you can really say that Hayden has any kind of film career at all, let alone that she "keeps trying to make it work." I'll go with Aniston. (I wish.)

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I can see why people are guessing Aniston, but the "ain'ts" make me think it's someone much, much younger than 40.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Dominique (Dommy) Do-Rightly does match up syllable-wise with Jennifer (Jenny) Aniston.

I still think it's someone younger. Kristen Bell's not a bad guess. I think Jason Segel did 100 percent of the promo work for Sarah Marshall, don't remember her doing much at all.

strawberrygirl said...
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strawberrygirl said...

It's not Aniston. Because at the end of the it he names girls that it isn't who are between the ages of 16-24. So I think it's someone in that age range....I think Hayden is a good guess.

Anonymous said...

Kristin Bell - hasn't really been in any stinker movies except Fanboys (which didn't have a proper release or advertising). Also she's still with Dax Shepard (ew!)

Aniston fits but seems too old given the nots, but the promotion stuff fits (SmartWater).

Hayden seems to the best fit with the breakup with Milo and her dolphin rescue thing -- but she does show up to Heroes premieres and hasn't been in any released movies.

Another hint for Ted blind items is that they tend to be topical: meaning the person has a movie released this week +/- 2 weeks.

I'm thinking someone like Brittany Snow or Amanda Bynes (which would fit with the hint about Paris -- her ex went to Paris -- was a kiddie star like Miley). Though she ain't topical.

Pope-rah said...

On Ted's Twitter he gives the following hint:

"tomorrow's #BlindVice is not about #Miley or #Selena, picture a bit (not much) older and curvier...let me know what you think!"

childeroland said...

This seems to imply the person in question has done quite a few films, and I don't think HP has, has she? Bell's only just getting started (unless one counts Pulse and the indie stuff she did before), but maybe...?

Ms Cool said...

I initially thought Heigl but she is married.

Paisley said...

Hillary Duff? I think she's had a few forgettable movies this year. Or is she still with that hockey player?

Sue's recipes said...

The "desperately" seems to point to one of those housewives slags.....

Pookie said...

hillary duff...altho, what is she doing lately, work-wise?

Shegundala said...

America Ferrera

Snakeoiler said...

Funny, but my first guess was America Ferrera, although I haven't taken the time to determine whether she fits any other factor.

She is curvy, and she was in a movie or two with Amber Tamblyn and Blake Lively.

cibele said...

America Ferrera did not date anyone famous. If I'm not mistaken she's engaged to a guy that's not famous. And I really believe she's sweet.

Sarah said...

The AIAs don't necessarily point to age - that could be a red herring. All the AIAs are also the children of performers, and all are currently enjoying more fame than their fathers. Same as Jennifer Aniston, whose dad is an actor. I'm not convinced it's Aniston, but I wouldn't write her off yet, either.

mooshki said...

Speaking of the protests, now I hate Emmy Rossum as much as Lainey does. TMZ asked her which woman she'd marry, and she said Christiane Amanpour. Then she said something about her not being attractive, but having a great mind. Well, fuck you very much, Emmy! Poseur.

ms_wonderland said...

Jennifer Aniston is hardly a 'rising star', more a falling one. She's also very good at promoting her films. Not her.

I seem to remember Hayden pulling some divaish stunts on a promo tour and leaving all the work to her co-starts. Enty posted about it. Hayden is the best guess.

mooshki said...

I vote Hayden, and I'm offended that Ted put Amber's name in with her, Blake & Miley, even as an Ain't.

J-Mo said...

Myabe the posts just come up too fast but I wish people would read them before commenting. Thank-you Pope-rah for the twitter hints Ted provided (not Selena or Miley, a bit older). So, Aniston is out. someone curvy and twentyish?

GauchoGirl said...

It's definitely Hayden Panitierre. She has been in movies: The Object of my Affection, Raising Helen, Remeber the Titans, voiceover for Racing Stripes, and a few movies in the works. She was seen all over Cannes with Steve Jones, a British TV Presenter who is always surrounded by many women and the rumors are that he's into coke parties and group sex. She totally has the stink eye too.

yellow said...

America, who I would love that it was the answer to the blind because she rubs me the wrong way, is still with her college boyfriend, and doing the Sandra Oh way to a movie career by getting cast in the boyfriend's movie. So, not her.

It is Hayden,
-Left her famous boyfriend.
-Could be called curvy, if you don't want to tell the truth, and call her a stump.
-Movie coming out in July.
-In to saving the whales, and being green.
-Latest endorsement:Kohl's, That has the mission statement "to be the leading value-oriented, family-focused, specialty department store."

It ain't Amber, although both started as child actors in in day time soaps.

It ain't Blake, although both are in a shows that are no longer big hits.

It ain't Millie, although both are in contetion for the role of Ariel Moore in Footloose remake.

childeroland said...

And Bell isn't particularly curvy. I'd forgotten HP was in all those films (none of which I've seen). Plus, like Cyrus, she started out as a Disney starlet, or was at one point.

JoElla said...

I think this could be Goopy. Prolly way off base but it would be funny as all get out!

Binky Melnik said...

Hold on a sec: Hayden has a perfume line? Since when? What's it called?

Anonymous said...

Alexis Blidel?

LauraM said...

Yup, it's HP. WOW, this girl is in real trouble. All these blinds are pointing to her. Where are her parents? Oh wait, she makes all the $$ so they let her do whatever she wants so they could still get paid. I mean, can you blame her for behaving this way when her parents go out partying with her and show no parental support? WOW, for a second there I thought I was writing about Lindsay. That said, she's on the same trail as Lindsay. Except Lindsay does her business in public for everyone to see her trainwreckness. Poor kids...

Unknown said...

"nose-candy princess" reminds me of H.P.'s endorsement with Candie's shoes. Plus, if the previous Enty blinds are about H.P., the "dommy" nickname sticks out--wasn't there some type of S&M going on on that yacht?

warmislandsun said...

This is a lazy blind item. Probably took twenty minutes to write, if that. I think Ted got the idea from the blinds on this site.

Binky Melnik said...

Hayden's wikipedia page says nothing about her having a perfume line. So why is this so obviously Hayden?

Unknown said...

The blind says PARIS has a perfume line, and that if Dommy would just be more honest about her true persona, that she, too, might be able to score more lucrative endorsements--like a perfume line.

Cosi said...

so hayden

bionic bunny! said...

def. hayden.
oddly, she seems to have been neither a disney NOR a nik kid even though she did voice-overs for two disney movies.

check out her IMDB bio page, she's vegan, involved with natl. center for missing and exploited children, animal liberation front, etc. etc.
even more of a goody-goody than i thought.
damn. i SO wanted to like her.
yup, ted's definitely losing his touch!

gigi said...

I'm randomly watching Raising Helen right now and it made me think about this Blind. Thought about the whole "saving the world" thing...could that be a play on "Save the Cheerleader...Save the World"? Just saying what everyone else has been....definitely HP.

Jaiden_S said...

I like the Amanda Bynes guess. My second guess would be Hillary Duff.

shakey said...

I was so wishing it could be Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Tenley said...

Ha, it's Aniston. A few months ago everyone was howling with laughter at her posing nude on magazine covers, either deluding herself or desperately trying to pretend she's not anywhere near her 40s but a rival to women half her age. Aniston ftw.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the HP guess. I'm not sure about in the states, but her Save The Whales stunt made massive headlines here in Aus.

Anonymous said...

HP. "Like a posh stuffed teddy bear" = 'Claire Bear', her father's nickname for her character in Heroes.


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