Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today's Blind Items

I was going to call this a jackass post, but in reality it is just typical celebrity behavior and so although jackass-ish, probably not full on qualifying for it. You decide. This movie actress is B list for sure. All of you know who she is. Mainstream popcorn movie leads and art house leads as well. I would say our married mother has A list name recognition. Anyway, our actress bought a hat. Not some cheap Avril Lavigne looking trucker hat, but a hat which actually costs money. Serious money. I think we should all be shocked that she actually paid for the hat in the first place. Well, for three months straight she wore that hat everywhere she went. Then after three months she went to the store and told them she didn't like it and wanted a full refund of her money. This was even though it had makeup on it, had her hair plastered in it and was obviously well worn. Even though the designer of the hats would have loved her endorsement he told her to take a hike. Nice.


  1. Jennifer Connelly? Although she might be A-list.

  2. Anonymous2:00 PM

    who is someone who wears hats? Only ones I can think of are Katie Holmes and Jennifer Garner, neither of which I can see doing this.

  3. Angelina Jolie is probably A-list, isn't she?

    I'm trying to think of people I've seen in hats and I'm only coming up with her (rarely) and Megan Fox for some reason.

  4. Jessica Alba or Kate Hudson.

  5. Hmmm I would say Gwyneth but once you recieve an Oscar it makes you A-list. Let me think.....

  6. married mother...he does not include oscar winner so kate and jennifer are prob out ....i was thinking jennifer jason lee but she has no kids...

    rachel weiss....but she has an oscar too... humm...

    oh maybe

    Maggie Gyllenhaal???

  7. i like the alba guess too

  8. Celebrity or not, I'd say she's a bitch.

  9. SJP wears lots of kooky designer hats...I'm going with her FTW.

  10. i'm going Eva Mendes or Lilo.

    or Sienna Miller? she wears hats of the hippy dippy variety.

    who wore a dumb ass hat for 3 months and was photographed over and over again?

  11. "I would say our married mother has A list name recognition."

    wtf? you JUST said she was B list.

  12. My first thought was Kate Beckinsdale.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. @ jax - You can be D list, like Lindsay Lohan, but have A list name recognition.

    Enty defines A list and such by how many bucks the actor or actress can bring in. Everyone might know this actress (A-list recognition), but she can't get as much money as other actresses. Therefore, she's B list. There's a blog where he defines it, but I dunno where it is right now.

    Definitely not Demi. She hasn't done anything to be considered B list.

  15. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I was thinking Maggie Gyllenhal as well :)

  16. It also states, MARRIED MOTHER, which several of this single women are not.

  17. I'm going with Kate Hudson - she's a hat person, a mother, and a douche.
    If the list is how Karmen defines it, I still think Jennifer Connelly is a viable option.

  18. Jennifer and KH are both single albeit mother's, so they don't fit.

  19. Sigh - missed the "married part" - that excludes my Hudson guess!

  20. Not how I define it, how Enty defines it.

    Kate Hudson isn't married.

  21. Isn't Jennifer still married to Paul Bettany?

  22. so it's someone who's married, has kid(s), does only movies, is B list with A name recognition and is cheap.

    well that narrows it down.

  23. I like the Kate Beckinsale guess.

    popcorn- Underworld

    art-Laurel Canyon

  24. Catherine Zeta Jones maybe?

  25. Oops, Kate Hudson is divorced. I'm sticking with Alba.

  26. That's a shit thing to do.I have no idea about A-b-c list these days.
    Katie wears hats,she is mnarried and is b list...well d list in my book..LOL

  27. i like the kate hudson guess, bummer it doesn't fit into the married clue...hmm...omg pls don't be isla fisher.

  28. Google Kate Beckinsale wearing a hat and you will see her wearing the same hat w/ 3 diff. outfits.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Thanks jw12 for saving me the effort. I'll jump on the Beckinsale bandwagon.

  31. i think i'm jumping to the Alba train cuz i think she's bitchy and stupid enough to do something like this

    beckinsale seems a good guess too, but unless that beanie ski hat she's been wearing everywhere is encrusted with diamonds i don't see how it would be uber-expensive...

  32. Does Underworld qualify as "popcorn" and "mainstream"? CZJ does popcorn movies (No Reservations). I like that guess, better.

  33. I'm thinking Jennifer Lopez might be a good guess - she fits the criteria.

  34. The part where Alba seems not to work is the art house leads. She has one - on a movie that hasn't come out yet. Everything else is pretty popcorn. Maybe not Sin City, but she was hardly a lead on that one. Saying "art house leads" sounds like someone with a more varied resume.

  35. paltrow. She's does just as many art house flicks as she does popcorn. Maybe even more. I would put her at B-list since she never opens movies by herself anymore. She's become more of a costar than the actual star of a movie, and she's married, and she's a jackass.

  36. I hate, hate, hate to return anything. I don't know how anybody, no matter how hot they think they are, could imagine getting away with his. I hope she's banned from the store.

  37. I'm just glad the store owner told her to kiss off instead of groveling..

  38. I thought Kate Beckinsale and her husband split up? Oh, well, I'll jump on the wagon, too.

  39. Has Jennifer Lopez done art house?

  40. Sadly, from working in fancy-schmancy retail, I can tell you that I *WISH* this behavior was only confined to celebrities. You would be absolutely shocked at what people try to return.

  41. I worked at Nordstroms and someone tried to return tire chains.

  42. I'm aware but thanks Karmen. it's a confusing way to write a blind Enty!

    i worked at a dept. store when i was in my teens, some lady tried to return a shitty sleeper and claim it was soiled when she bought it.

    it was still wet. the only thing missing was the baby.

  43. i like the gyllenhaal guess. she seems to fit. but i can only find a couple of times she's wearing a hat (though it is the same one) on google.

    i used to work at best buy customer service and people would pull this shit ALL THE TIME. they would bring back busted ass DVD players (I had one chick return a VCR once... A VCR!) that had been used and were covered in dust and just claim they didn't work anymore. worst part was the managers would actually return them most of the time! i wouldn't be able to sleep at night if i pulled that shit LOL.

  44. haha! if she auctioned it on ebay, that would be a great anti-endorsement payback.

  45. i'm changing to Kate Beckinsale. if you google her wearing a hat shit she has the same hat on in like 6 photos like someone pointed out. def. her.

  46. I'm on the Maggie Gyllenhaal train. She always struck me as kind of a betch.

  47. I worked with a guy who made really good money. We car pooled for lunch and he said he need to stop off at Sam's to take care of a problem with one of his SUV tires.

    We got there and he had management come out and look at his stripped out nut on one tire, really nasty and yelling at them. they tracked down the guy who did the work and then both proceeded to berate him (they had to drill or cut or something to get it off).

    They then gave him all new nuts, that tire free and apologized profusely.

    He bragged all the way back to the office that the nut was stripped out when he took the SUV to get new tires.

    I could not comprehend.

  48. ashlee simpsom was wearing a hat for quite awhile

  49. whole_lotta_love: Beckinsale and hubby were supposed to be on the rocks but I don't think there has been an actual divorce yet.

  50. califblondy -- i hate returning things, too. i never do it, unless i totally have to, and even then, i feel like a total schmuck standing at the counter saying "gimme my money back, i changed my mind or whatevs" --

  51. Jada had a ratty hat.

  52. Don't forget the clue "I think we should all be shocked that she actually paid for the hat." That would imply a fashionista who is used to having designer duds thrown at her, wouldn't it? So SJP or GP would be at the top of my list.

  53. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I REALLY wanted this to be Victoria Beckham. Too bad she hasn't been in movies, because otherwise she fits the bill perfectly.

  54. Rachel Weisz is supposed to be super cheap and totally fits the criteria

  55. A fine clothing store would take the garment back without any questions asked.

  56. Liv Tyler? I don't think she's still married - the divorce is not final.

  57. I thought Maggie Gyllenhaal but this really could be anyone. Damn. I'll be excited when this one is revealed.

  58. Crap. I googled Beckensale. You're right.

  59. It's Beckensdale. Looked up several pics of her in the same ugly ass hat

  60. If it is Beckinsale then how the hell this hat would cost so much money? Its an ugly-ass cap, calling that "designer hat" is insult to designer hats.

    link to ugly-ass cap

  61. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Do you think maybe the Blist actress and the Alist mother could be two different people? It might be Maggie Gyllenhal as the Blist actress and her Mother, Naomi Foner, who is a well-known Hollywood Agent, as the Alist name recognition.

  62. KB's hat... Are we talking about that charcoal colored beanie? She does seem to where it a lot.

  63. It's Maggie Gyllenhaal. She's always been a spoiled brat. The "married" mother gives it away -- she just got married earlier this month.

  64. My mom works at a department store and someone tried to return a pair of bridal pantyhose, obviously worn, with the crotch torn out. Major tacky.

  65. What about Katie Holmes? I seem to remember her wearing some kind of beret for a lot of pictures in New York. She's famously married and famously a mother...and she's been in popcorn and art house (Batman and Pieces of April).

    First timer for posting here, but long time lurker...just a guess :)

  66. Hi Cait! If it is Katie, she probably did it to give herself the illusion she has some control over her own life. :)

  67. Maggie G's mom is not a well-known Hollywood agent. She - Naomi Foner - is a well-known Academy Award-nominated screenwriter (for RUNNING ON EMPTY).

    No matter as this BI equals Kate B. (BTW... Maggie G is a gracious spirit. and Kate B is not.)

  68. jw12 is right -- she's waring the same beanie over and over. And, at there's this:

    Trend alert: Kate Beckinsale shows that beanies are back in!

  69. Anonymous1:40 PM

    no it is DEF megan fox! look:

    she is always wearing that hat AND she seems like a huge b*tch. i really think it is her.

  70. Anonymous1:45 PM

    waittt i just read "married mother" ..crap never mind.


  72. I am guessing...

    Julia Roberts or CZJ, both have the cheap-skate reputation, Julia more than Catherine also I do not think everyone knows who Kate Beckinsale is.

  73. Anonymous10:58 PM

    I second the Katie Holmes guess.
    She wore that ugly ass beanie the entire time she was on Broadway. She was photographed in it every day. I think the reason that we would be shocked that she paid for it is because she is 'Mrs. Tom Cruise', who you would expect to be given anything she wanted. Also, she always looks like she got her clothes from a goodwill store, so the fact she bought something, instead of a homeless man taking pity on her and giving her his plaid shirt is new. Added to the fact her and Tom are "married", plus the prop, er, I mean Suri.
    Mainstream movie leads are things like First Daughter, Mad Money, Batman Begins etc. Arthouse would be Pieces of April. Definitely A List name recognition. We all know who she is. Plus, there are SO many blinds floating around the internet at the moment about her.



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