Monday, June 01, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This A list comic movie actor is looking for a new assistant. The pay is six figures which is extremely high for an assistant. The reason it is so high? Well first of all there is travel 70% of the time and you have to deal with one of the most obnoxious, irritating, pains in the asses in the business. Our actor has tried to offer less money in the past but they all quit after a few days. As it is he can barely hang on to them for long.


Linnea said...


Victoria said...

A list comic movie actor who's an ass? Ben Stiller is the first one that comes to mind...

Anonymous said...

6 figures is awfully tempting.

I'd say Chris Tucker but he is not A-List. That is someone I don't think I could put up with even for 7 figures.

*Miss_P* said...

Will Ferrel?
Ben Stiller?

Cait said...

Mike Myers, per LaineyGossip, is a huge ass. I vote for Mike Myers.

Karmen said...

I'll go with Ben Stiller for this one. Unfortunately A list and definitely obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

Ben Stiller is a dork.

Anonymous said...

Robin Williams?

MissMouse said...

I'd put up w/an asshole for that kind of money. I would. I promise.

cornpuddin said...

Can I get that job! I don't mind travel 70% of the time!

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Stiller? Eddie Murphy? Either Wilson brother? The choices are endless.

busybee said...

How do we sign up?

FrenchGirl said...

Why do i think on Ben Stiller in first?

figgy said...

I vote for Stiller too.

nancer said...

immediately thought of stiller.

selenakyle said...

Ben Stiller. And I see most of us agree.

At least s/he will never have to run for take-out for him.

Ms Cool said...

Robin Williams annoys the heck out of me so I vote for him.

selenakyle said...

And how do these stars get so dickish, anyway? A life of being in the public eye?

Does anyone know if his parents are nice people IRL?

MISCH said...


jax said...

when lainey starts revealing her blinds, we'll start believing her 'sources', otherwise no dice from Jax.

I vote Stiller, he's the only guy who could pay that.

Vin said...

I think it's Will Ferrell - he is a huge pain, and his costar from Land of the Lost is conveniently in the Random Photos.....

SkittleKitty said...

Will Farrell could pay that, too. And he's requisitely busy if 70% travel is necessary. But since he did Bear Grylls' show, I would also be on the Stiller 'train.'

mazshad said...

Jim Carrey ??

nicola said...

Uhm, can you send me that Craig's List posting, I'm getting abused and shat on for practically minimum wage. I'd be willing to take abuse for six digits.

Sinjin said...

Six figures. Are you allowed to talk back w/o getting fired when you feel it must be done? If so, would do it, but I'm not getting ANYONE any hoors or drugs.

.robert said...

He must be insanely bad for HWood PAs to keep quitting.

Is Stiller that bad?

Kathy K said...

My immediate thought was Eddie Murphy. He's totally jumped the shark doing family movies, but he's def A list. There's gotta be a reason he can't get anything else going. Maybe because he's obnoxious, irritating, and a pain in the arse?

I'm just sayin' ......

califblondy said...

No thanks. I can't stand being talked down to. Screw him and his six figures. Please Karma hurry and get him.

Unknown said...

Perhaps it's the spouse of the A list actor that is the pain in the ass. That being said, I have no guess.

Majik said...

Is Dane Cook considered A list yet?

ablake said...

I'll toss my lot in with the Mike Myers guess

Lolita Breckenridge said...

I agree with Mike Myers. I think Stiller is such an ass that he would still think it a privilege to work with him, and therefore not have to pay that much.

sunnyside1213 said...

I have heard that Stiller is awful. He is my guess.

Cheryl said...

This ass is Ben Stiller, but I have no doubt that Williams, Murphy, Myers, etc. are asses too.

shakey said...

Why the hate for Will Ferrell? I hope he isn't an ass, because it would hurt to find that out.

I so wish Majik was right. First person I thought of was Jim Carrey because he seems kind of needy. btw, I thought people who won awards weren't supposed to know until envelope-opening time, unless they can't be there. Am I wrong?

QueenB said...

I'm so torn between Ben and Mike.

procrastination101 said...

i was gonna say jim carey.

Unknown said...

Speaking of Ben Stiller and the anorexic actor blind that is attributed to him, he was on Howard Stern a few weeks ago and Robion asked him why he was so thin -- he said he was still gaining weight from making the Smithsonian movie -- didn't he film that a year ago?

SkittleKitty said...

I'm still with Stiller--Where is Mike Myers (and his crappy career--the Love Guru, anyone?) traveling to?

Maja With a J said...

My first thought was Jack Black. Ben Stiller may be an ass but he is also a producer and director. I get the feeling that would have been mentioned.

Then again, I also get the feeling that Jack Black is alright.

Pookie said...

*jumps on ben stiller train*

Poor Kate said...

Lisa (the original), " but I'm not getting ANYONE any hoors or drugs."

HAHAHAAAA! I love that.

Toss up--Stiller or Ferrell. Stiller's probably the bigger a-hole.

califblondy said...

June 1st, 2009 at 3:18 pm · Reply
You can rule out entertainment lawyer at CDAN because he’s actually a she.

Got this from Blind Gossip...

Blondie said...

what about Alec Baldwin?

Unknown said...

That makes so much sense. But I also liked the guess that Enty is actually Chunk from The Goonies.

Unknown said...

That makes so much sense. But I also liked the guess that Enty is actually Chunk from The Goonies.

ItsJustMe said...

I think it's been made more than clear that Ent. is a man.

PotPourri said...

Jim Carey is an A+ Asshole.

i am a princess, yes i am said...

i haven't read any guesses but i think it's mike meyers

LauraM said...

The first person that came to mind was Stiller, so Stiller it is for me.

Katja said...

I thought there was 1 main writers abnd 3 or 4 part time Enty's. One is def. a woman, you can tell by the stylistic choices. Also in random references that date the different writers. They would have to have complete storyboarded plan going on to keep it all on track. Clueless wadrobe machine anyone?! lol!

Unknown said...

stiller popped in my mind right away

Karmen said...

Ya know, it never did make sense to me how Enty has so much time to write these articles, and then still be a lawyer. Having a few extra Entys makes sense, but it's still weird to me. What first brought about this idea?

Regardless, the original Enty is definitely a man. He's gone through several wives, not husbands.

Rolf said...

for me Eddie Murphy is the most obnoxious one. I wouldn't even work for him, when the pay would be seven figures...

so: TheMurphster is my suspect.

Maja With a J said...

Oooh, I like the Eddie Murphy guess. He can afford it too/

Unknown said...

First time poster so go easy!
what ab Sasha Cohen? He travels everywhere for those movies he does and I can see him being SUPER OBNOXIOUS especially while in character.
That being said my obvious first choice was Stiller

Ayesha said...

My first thought was Jim Carrey, but I'll go with Stiller.

I bet his shrewish social-climbing wife has worked him into an ano franzy. I bet, married to the right woman, he'd be a little more grounded and pleasant.

Queen Beatnik said...

Does anyone still consider Mike Myers an A-list comic after 'The Love Guru'?

I'm putting my money with Stiller.

Unknown said...

I'd still take the job! :)

mooshki said...

Poor Enty, he works so hard, no one believes one person could do it all! Love you, big guy!

Jazz Hands said...

What about Bill Murray? He does a lot of celebrity golf pro-ams and so would travel often...

Unknown said...

I believe it's Stiller and I believe the "most obnoxious, irritating, pain in the ass" is Stiller's wife, Christine Taylor. After all, Enty words the BI in a way that doesn't necessarily mean that the employer is the jerk. Though they are both douchebags.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

Bill Cosby

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

Also, I dont think Enty is a lawyer. If he/she is a lawyer then he/she has lots of assistants/writers to help write the blog.

I am an attorney and I cant fathom the idea of writing a gossip blog on a daily basis AND keeping up with my legal practice. Its just not possible without help.

mooshki said...

Enty, you're literally too good to be true! :)

Maja With a J said...

Some other sites are guessing Christian Bale, taking "comic actor" to mean that he is in movies based on comic books.

Just putting that out there.

GoddessNow said...

Where do I send the resume?

FrenchGirl said...

@Harriet Hellfire: Christian Bale has no assistant(but he has a cellphone LOL)
on another BI site, they said Borat Guy. A reader was at his office for the job and he said her she 'll sleep in a bedroom without door next to him !

B626 said...

Dane Cook is an 'A' list comic, sold out arenas so yes lots of traveling but an 'A' list comic actor?
Best's Friend's girl didn't even crack 20 million.

B626 said...

Dane Cook is an 'A' list comic, sold out arenas so yes lots of traveling but an 'A' list comic actor?
Best's Friend's girl didn't even crack 20 million.


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